Discendenti d'Ernest Richard Scudds

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Ernest Richard Scudds, nato circa aprile 1877, Newnham Murren, Oxfordshire, deceduto il 27 febbraio 1925, Wallingford, Berkshire (all'età di forse 47 anni). [Nota 1]
Sposato circa novembre 1897, Wallingford, Berkshire, con Bertha Whiteman, nata circa febbraio 1876, Wokingham district. Berkshire, deceduta circa gennaio 1957, Wallingford district, Berkshire (all'età di forse 80 anni) [Nota 1-1].

Totale: 0 persone (coniugi esclusi).


1 (Ernest Richard Scudds ca 1877-1925)
Re Ernest Richard Scudds, deceased, late of 44 St.Mary's Street, Wallingford, Berkshire, who died 27 Feb 1925. Notice is hereby given, that creditors and others having claims against the estate of the above deceased should give notice thereof, in writing, to me, the undersigned, Solicitor for the executors of the will of the said Ernest Richard Scudds, within two months from the date hereof, after which time the executors intend to distribute the estate of the said Ernest Richard Scudds, deceased, among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice has been received - Dated this 13th day of December 1927. Cecil Hatt, Wallingford, Berkshire, Solicitor. E R S - 48yr.

- nascita: Wallingford 2c 328
- matrimonio: Wallingford 2c 709
- morte: Wallingford 2c 409 / The London Gazette [1927]

1-1 (Bertha Whiteman ca 1876-ca 1957)
B N - 80yr.

- nascita: Wokingham 2c 403
- matrimonio 1: Wallingford 2c 709
- matrimonio 2: Warwick 6d 1179
- morte: Wallingford 6a 157

- connessioni 4, amico 4