Descendants de Percival Carter 1893-1952

Jusqu’à la 12ᵉ génération

Percival Carter 1893-1952
Naissance · en 1893
Mariage · avec Ada Jane Summerton
Décès · en 1952 · 59 ans
& Ada Jane Summerton, Ada
Mariage · avec Percival Carter
  1. Thelma Bertha Carter, Beth/Bertha/Thelma, Scudds 1923-1998
    Naissance · en 1923
    Mariage · le 17 décembre 1949 · North Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA · avec Kelvin Howard Scudds
    Décès · le 23 septembre 1998 · 75 ans · SA, AUSTRALIA
    Inhumation · en septembre 1998 · Enfield Memorial Park, Roberts Memorial Rose Garden
    [The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA :1931-1954) Tuesday 29 March 1949 p12 Family Notices Engagements: Carter-Scudds, The engagement is announced of Beth, second daughter or Mr. & Mrs. P. W. Carter. Roseworthy, to Kelvin, only son of Mr. & Mrs. Howard Scudds, Nailsworth.] [The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA :1931-1954) Friday 16 December 1949 p24 Family Notices - Carter-Scudds: The marriage of Beth second daughter of Mr. & Mrs. P.W. Carter of Roseworthy to Kelvin Howard, only son of Major & Mrs. H. Wilson Scudds, Prospect Gardens, will be solemnised at Archer Street Methodist, North Adelaide, at 6pm on Dec 17th.] [T S 75yr., Known as Beth.] [1998 Sep 25 also noted.]

    Sources • mariage avec Kelvin Howard Scudds : The Advertiser [1949 Mar 29 & Dec 16] / Murray Tonkin • décès : South Australian Genealogy & Heraldry Society Inc.

    &1949 Kelvin Howard Scudds, Kelvin/Howard Kelvin/Howard 1923-2001
    parents : Howard Wilson Scudds 1895-1984 et Lynda Jessie Octavia Collins †1961
    Naissance · le 9 décembre 1923 · Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA
    Mariage · le 17 décembre 1949 · North Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA · avec Thelma Bertha Carter
    Décès · le 23 mars 2001 · 77 ans · SA, AUSTRALIA
    Inhumation · Enfield Memorial Park, Roberts Memorial Rose Garden
    [The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA :1931-1954) Tuesday 8 June 1948 p5 Article. Remanded - Bail was allowed Kelvin Howard Scudds 24, apprentice electrlcal fitter, of Asquith Street, Nailsworth, when he was remanded until Friday on a charge of having, on May 26 received two wheels, valued at $5, the property of the RAAAP.] [The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA :1931-1954) Tuesday 29 March 1949 p12 Family Notices ENGAGEMENTS: CARTER-SCUDDS, The engagement is announced of Beth, second daughter or Mr. & Mrs. P. W. Carter. Roseworthy, to Kelvin, only son of Mr & Mrs Howard Scudds, Nailsworth.] [The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA :1931-1954) Friday 16 December 1949 p24 Family Notices - CARTER-SCUDDS: The marriage of Beth second daughter of Mr. & Mrs. P W Carter of Roseworthy to Kelvin Howard, only son of Major & Mrs. H Wilson Scudds, Prospect Gardens, will be solemnised at Archer Street Methodist, North Adelaide, at 6pm on Dec 17th.] [Scudds, Kelvin Howard: Service Number 48614 : Date of birth:09 Dec 1923 : Place of birth:Adelaide, SA : Place of enlistment:Adelaide: Next of Kin: Scudds, Lynda. (Leading Aircraftman) Unit - No 58 Operational Base Unit Drysdale, Royal Australian Air Force: Date of Court Martial - 5 February 1944]. Contents date range 1939-1948.] [Kelvin was a Sergeant Telegraphist, and his service was known to include a posting to Drysdale, when the airstrip there was part of the early frontline against the Japanese. His service also included the Gawler W.T. From there he was posted as I.C. to 7RS on Wedge Island which was then on a care and maintenance basis. Kelvin was also a TPI man [Morrie Fenton, SA].]

    Sources • naissance : National Archives of Australia • mariage avec Thelma Bertha Carter : The Advertiser [1949 Mar 29 & Dec 16] / Murray Tonkin • décès : The Advertiser [1948 Jun 08] / Morrie Fenton, SA [website]

    1. Benjamin Scudds ca 1951
      Naissance · vers 1951 · Adelaide, SA., AUSTRALIA

      Sources • naissance : (Father's grave inscription)

    2. Robyn Anne Scudds, Robyn 1953
      Naissance · le 3 octobre 1953 · 70 ans · Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA
      Mariage · vers 1975 · AUSTRALIA · avec ------ Thomas
      The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA :1931-1954) Wednesday 7 October 1953 SCUDDS - On October 3 at Northern Community Hospital, to Beth and Kelvin - a daughter Robyn Anne. Thanking Dr. F. R. Wickes and staff.

      Sources • naissance : The Advertiser [1953 Oct 07] • mariage avec ------ Thomas : MyHeritage Family Trees

      &ca 1975 ------ Thomas
      Mariage · vers 1975 · AUSTRALIA · avec Robyn Anne Scudds

      Sources • mariage avec Robyn Anne Scudds : MyHeritage Family Trees

    3. Peter Scudds, David Peter/David 1955
      Naissance · en 1955 · 69 ans · AUSTRALIA
      Mariage · vers 1980 · SA, AUSTRALIA · avec Marina Medoro
      Mariage · vers 2003 · NSW?, AUSTRALIA · avec Beverley Roberts
      [D P S awarded Public Service Medal for outstanding public service in assisting homeless men overcome the barriers to participation in training and employment [ 12 June 2006]. [David and Marina moved to the management of the Crafers Tavern in the Adelaide Hills.] [Mr David SCUDDS, 47 Cox Crescent, Dundas Valley NSW. For outstanding public service in assisting homeless men to overcome the barriers to participation in training and employment. Mr Scudds has been the Centrelink Community Officer at Parramatta since November 2003 and, during this time, he has worked in partnership with a range of community sector agencies to develop the ‘Beyond the Link’ project which assists homeless men address the barriers to participation and enhances their ability to take up training and employment opportunities. His work has led to the development of increased confidence in Centrelink service delivery and an understanding of the government’s welfare reform agenda by non-government agencies. The customer group to whom Mr Scudds provides a service is among the most disadvantaged in the Australian community, and he has demonstrated enormous commitment, compassion and innovation in working with them to help them become self sufficient and participate in the broader community. Outcomes have ranged from securing permanent accommodation, to volunteering and enrolling in TAFE courses to employment. Feedback from participants indicates that the program assists with building self esteem, managing feelings of anger, learning about what options are available, and seeing a way forward from their current situation. Mr Scudds personal contribution has ensured the success of the program which is now being delivered for a third time.]

      Sources • naissance : Kerri Werlick • mariage avec Marina Medoro : Kerri Werlick / • mariage avec Beverley Roberts : MyHeritage Family Trees

      &ca 1980 Marina Medoro
      Mariage · vers 1980 · SA, AUSTRALIA · avec Peter Scudds

      Sources • mariage avec Peter Scudds : Kerri Werlick /

      1. Sharna Marie Scudds, Sharna 1985
        Naissance · en 1985 · 39 ans · SA, AUSTRALIA

        Sources • naissance : Advertiser / [2005]

      2. Benjamin James Scudds, Benjamin 1986
        Naissance · en 1986 · 38 ans · SA, AUSTRALIA
        website (cricket 2003).

        Sources • naissance : Advertiser / Kerri Werlick

      &ca 2003 Beverley Roberts
      parents : Richard Roberts 1930-2001 et ------ Newcombe
      Mariage · vers 2003 · NSW?, AUSTRALIA · avec Peter Scudds

      Sources • mariage avec Peter Scudds : MyHeritage Family Trees

    4. Craig Scudds
      Naissance · SA, AUSTRALIA
      Mariage · vers 1987 · AUSTRALIA · avec Kerryn Laube
      2012 Jan 30 they will take over the licence of the Milang Hotel on the shores of Lake Alexandrina. They will run this pub in addition to their existing business, the Mt Compass Tavern, which is 35 km away. (Millicentnow)

      Sources • naissance : Millicentnow • mariage avec Kerryn Laube : Millicentnow

      &ca 1987 Kerryn Laube ca 1972
      Naissance · vers 1972
      Mariage · vers 1987 · AUSTRALIA · avec Craig Scudds
      2012 Jan 30 they will take over the licence of the Milang Hotel on the shores of Lake Alexandrina. They will run this pub in addition to their existing business, the Mt Compass Tavern, which is 35 km away. (Millicentnow)

      Sources • mariage avec Craig Scudds : Millicentnow

      1. James Aaron Scudds, James 1990
        Naissance · en 1990 · 34 ans · SA, AUSTRALIA

        Sources • naissance : Advertiser

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