Descendenti pentru Delys Edna Chandler

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Specifica generatie.  

Delys Edna Chandler, născută la 2. februarie 1947, Mount Hawthorn, WA, Australia - Mount Hawthorn Hospital. [Nota 1]
Casatorit la 14. januarie 1967, Mount Hawthorn, WA, Australia - Baptist Church, cu Raymond Oscar Malcolm Scudds, născut la 5. noiembrie 1942, Pingelly, WA, Australia - Pingelly District Hospital [Nota 1-1].

In total: 0 persoane (conjugati exclusi).


1 (Delys Edna Chandler 1947)
- nastere, casatorie: kindredkonnections.Com

1-1 (Raymond Oscar Malcolm Scudds 1942)
Scudds, Raymond Oscar Malcolm - Cadet Education Officer - Papua and New Guinea [153 pages]. Contents date range 1963-1970.

- nastere: National Archives of Australia
- casatorie: kindredkonnections.Com

- conexiuni 2, amic 2