Potomkovia Stephen Scudds

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Stephen Scudds, narodený v 1814, Greenwich, Kent (London), pokrstený dňa 31. júl 1814, Greenwich, Kent (London) - St. Alphage, zomrel dňa 2. jún 1894, Lewisham, London (vek v dobe úmrtia 80 rokov). [Poznámka 1]
dňa 11. júl 1837, Westminster, London, si vzal Jane Clark, narodená okolo 1815, London, zomrela dňa 15. august 1867, Burnt Ash, Lee, London, pochovaná dňa 19. august 1867, Lee, London (vek v dobe úmrtia možno 52 rokov) [Poznámka 1-1].

okolo november 1870, Strand, London, si vzal Charlotte Wright Zurhurst, narodená okolo 1829, Hackney, Middlesex, zomrela okolo máj 1912, Lewisham dist, London (vek v dobe úmrtia možno 83 rokov) [Poznámka 1-2].

Spolu: 0 osoby (manželia/manželky nie sú zahrnuté).


1 (Stephen Scudds 1814-1894)
[Coach proprietor (Pigot's Dictionary 1840) and fly proprietor of Eltham who initiated a coach service from the new Greenwich Railway Station to St. Mary Cray via Eltham and Foots Cray in 1838, eventually the business failed.] [Police Intelligence Saturday: The Morning Chronicle (London), Monday, November 23 1846; Issue 24050 James Hodges was brought before Mr.Jeremy, charged with the clipping the manes and tails of 3 horses, the proproty of Mr.Stephen Scudds Stagecoach Propietor, Castle Inn, Eltham.] [Castle (Inn) - Livery Stables (Eltham Directory 1847) - Steven Scudds.] [Transfer of Licenses: The Era (London), Sunday, November 21 1847; Issue 478, Category: News, Transfer of licence Greenwich Nov 13th Eltham Castle, Stephen Scudds >>>James Poore.] [Aldershot Military Gazette, Sat 26 May 1866. The following list of shareholders is taken from the Investors Guardian of Saturday last: Scudds, S, Eltham, Kent, coach proprietor.] [For Licensed Virtuallers: The Era (London, England), Sunday, October 2 1870; Issue 1669 - Blackheath Sept 28, Application for new licences were withdrawn, Stephen Scudds, Duke of Edinbrugh, High Road, Lee.] [S S - 78yr., gentleman - Eltham, Kent. To Charlotte Wright Zurhurst (widow), effects: unknown.]

- [baptism]: Thames & Medway Baptisms / IGI
- manželstvo 1: St. Martin in the Fields 1 142 / IGI
- manželstvo 2: Strand 1b 842
- úmrtie: Lewisham 1d 602 / Wills 1894 / Aldershot Military Gazette [1866 May 26]

1-1 (Jane Clark ca 1815-1867)
Births, Deaths, Marriages & Obituaries: The Pall Mall Gazette (London), Friday, August 16 1867; Issue 785. Death:Scudds, Mrs. S at Burnt Ash, Lee aged 52, 15th/ult. J S 52yr.,(there is a slight chance that Jane Maria Stoner is meant here instead).

- narodenie: BMD (Deaths)
- manželstvo: St. Martin in the Fields 1 142 / IGI
- úmrtie: Lewisham 1d 488

1-2 (Charlotte Wright Zurhurst ca 1829-ca 1912)
C W S - 82yr.

- narodenie: BMD (Deaths)
- manželstvo: Strand 1b 842
- úmrtie: Lewisham 1d 995

- spojenia 3, friends 3