Diskennidi eus John Scudds

Gwelout : Diskennidi | Notennoù

Resisait rummad-tud.  

John Scudds, bet ganet d'an 27 gwengolo 1812, Wallingford, Berkshire, badezet d'an 6 kerzu 1812, Wallingford, Berkshire - The Market Place, Independent-Chapel, marvet war-dro mae 1878, Whitechapel district, London (p'edo marteze 65 bloaz). [Notenn 1]
Euredet e 1836, Newnham Murren, Oxfordshire, gant Eliza Absolom, bet ganet e 1806, South Stow, Oxfordshire, marvet war-dro mae 1901, Bethnal Green, London (p'edo marteze 95 bloaz) [Notenn 1-1].

En holl : 0 tud (ar priedoù n'int ket enklozet).


1 (John Scudds 1812-ca 1878)
Census 1851 London. J S - 64yr.

Mammennoù :
- ganedigezh, eured : IGI
- badeziant : Non-Conformists Records / IGI
- marv : Whitechapel 1c 251

1-1 (Eliza Absolom 1806-ca 1901)
Police Intelligence, Tuesday: The Morning Chronicle (London), Wednesday, October 6 1847; Issue 24322, Category: News, Greenwich, Lizzy Scudds mentioned in trial of Stabbing of John Hobbs, a ships carpenter, whose wife is the keeper of house of ill fame in Roan Street, Greenwich. She marked with a x at the wedding of her son (1862). E Scudd - 94yr.

Mammennoù :
- ganedigezh : BMD (Deaths) / Census 1841 Oxfordshire-51-71-81-91 London
- eured : IGI
- marv : Bethnal Green 1c 130

- [connections] 3, mignon 3