Afkomendur Samuel Scudds

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Samuel Scudds, fædd(ur)   23 ágúst 1856, Stirling, SA, AUSTRALIA, dó   12 desember 1929, Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA (dánaraldur 73 ára). [Athugasemd 1]
Giftist   5 janúar 1881, Mitcham, Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA - Baptist Manse Mitcham, Charlotte Bailey, fædd(ur)   1854, Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA, dó   3 júlí 1896, Mount Lofty, SA, AUSTRALIA (dánaraldur 42 ára) [Athugasemd 1-1].

Giftist   25 mars 1899, North Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA, Martha Priest, fædd(ur)   1881, Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA, dó   1957, Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA (dánaraldur 76 ára) [Athugasemd 1-2].

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1 (Samuel Scudds 1856-1929)
[POLICE COURTS. ADELAIDE: THURSDAY, JUNE 1. Before Mr. S. Beddome. P.M. South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA :1839-1900) Friday 2 June 1871 p3 Article - Samuel Scudd, aged 15, was charged, by Henry Udey, of Stirling East, carpenter, with attempting to set fire to a dwelling house, the property of Richard James Bennett, on May 22. Mr. Whitington for the prisoner. Henry Udey said that on May 24, between 6 and 7 o'clock pm, while he was in the shop, he smelt something like a fuse burning, and on looking found one under the door. The short piece produced was the one. There were boys outside, and they ran away. The front of the shop was of stone, and the rest of slabs. It contained, doors, windows, carpenters tools, &c, and there were shavings just inside. There was a stone house within six inches. By Mr. Whitington The building was used as a dwelling-house as well as a shop. The fuse was not cold when he picked it up, and he could not smell it if it had been burning outside. Adelaide Milford deposed to seeing prisoner and another boy (Alex. Ross) about 10 minutes walk from informant's house, at about 5.30 or 5.45 pm, with something burning in his hand. George Jackson, of Mount Barker, stated that he saw the prisoner put a lighted fuse in Mr. Udey's shop through the keyhole. By Mr. Whitington Was about 20 chains from prisoner, and a boy named Alex. Ross was about five chains from him. Alexander Ross, aged 13, son of Catherine Ross, stated that he was with prisoner on May 22, after 6 o'clock in the evening. Saw him apply a lucifer match to a fuse, and after swinging the latter about in his hand put it in the keyhole of Mr. Udey's door. When he lit it witness asked him what he was going to do with it, and he said 'nothing.' He then ran away. By Mr. Whitington - Could not say whether the fuse was alight when he put it in the keyhole. Police-trooper William Campbell arrested prisoner, who made no statement. Committed for trial Bail refused.] [LAW COURTS. SUPREME COURT-CIVIL SITTINGS. FRIDAY, August 13. The South Australian Advertiser Saturday 14 August 1880 p8 Article. Mr. Pater for the petitioner; the respondent and co-respondent were not represented. This was a petition by William Schocroft, of Peyneham, gardener, for the dissolution of his marriage with his wife Charlotte Schocroft, on account of her adultery with the co-respondent, Samuel Scudds, of Narridy, laborer. The parties were married at Crystal Brook by the Rev. Mr. Dale, on February 4, 1869, and lived together at various places up to May, 1879. The respondent's maiden name was Charlotte Bailey. While resident at Stirling East the respondent left her home without her husband's consent, but subsequently returned to cohabitation. Three weeks later she again left her home and did not return. On December 15, 1879, the petitioner received a letter from the respondent, who was then leaving at Redhill, stating that she had committed adultery and intended living with another man. She also advised him to get a divorce, which would leave them both free. Subsequently the respondent admitted that she had committed adultery, and was living with the co-respondent, who had previously been in the service of the petitioner, and had caused a great deal of domestic misery on account of the evidently familiar relations existing between him and the petitioner's wife. The respondent and co-respondent in the earlier part of this year lived together in the Metropolitan Hotel, Grate Street, as a married couple." There had been no issue to the marriage. His Honor said he would report the allegations proved to the Full Court, and find �100 damages against the co-respondent. Before His Honor and a special jury ....] [The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA :1889-1931) Friday 13 December 1929 - SCUDDS, On the 12th December at Stirling East, Samuel, beloved husband of Martha Scudds and brother of Jack and William, of Western Australia, and M. Lambert, A. Heffron, R. Logg, and E. Zachariah, aged 73 years.]

- fæðing: South Australian Births 1842-1906 Book:7 Page:363 / IGI / South Australian Register [1871 Jun 02]
- gifting 1: South Australian Marriages, Registrations 1842-1916 Book/Page:126/26
- gifting 2: SA # 198/1069 / IGI
- látin(n): SA # 517/197 / IGI / The Advertiser [1929 Dec 13]

1-1 (Charlotte Bailey 1854-1896)
[LAW COURTS. SUPREME COURT-CIVIL SITTINGS. Friday, August 13. The South Australian Advertiser Saturday 14 August 1880 p8 Article. Mr. Pater for the petitioner; the respondent and co-respondent were not represented. This was a petition by William Schocroft, of Peyneham, gardener, for the dissolution of his marriage with his wife Charlotte Schocroft, on account of her adultery with the co-respondent, Samuel Scudds, of Narridy, laborer. The parties were married at Crystal Brook by the Rev. Mr. Dale, on February 4, 1869, and lived together at various places up to May, 1879. The respondent's maiden name was Charlotte Bailey. While resident at Stirling East the respondent left her home without her husband's consent, but subsequently returned to cohabitation. Three weeks later she again left her home and did not return. On December 15, 1879, the petitioner received a letter from the respondent, who was then leaving at Redhill, stating that she had committed adultery and intended living with another man. She also advised him to get a divorce, which would leave them both free. Subsequently the respondent admitted that she had committed adultery, and was living with the co-respondent, who had previously been in the service of the petitioner, and had caused a great deal of domestic misery on account of the evidently familiar relations existing between him and the petitioner's wife. The respondent and co-respondent in the earlier part of this year lived together in the Metropolitan Hotel, Grate Street, as a married couple." There had been no issue to the marriage. His Honor said he would report the allegations proved to the Full Court, and find �100 damages against the co-respondent. Before His Honor and a special jury ....] [Family Notices The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA :1889-1931) Saturday 4 July 1896 p4 SCUDDS - On the 3rd July at Mount Lofty, Charlotte, the beloved wife of Samuel Scudds, in her 42nd year.] [C S - 41yr.]

- gifting 1: The South Australian Advertiser [1880 Aug 14]
- gifting 2: South Australian Marriages, Registrations 1842-1916 Book/Page:126/26
- látin(n): SA # 236/129 [Mount Barker]

1-2 (Martha Priest 1881-1957)
- gifting: SA # 198/1069 / IGI
- látin(n): SA # 859/3321

- [connections] 1, vinur 1