Descendenti pentru Florence Nightingale MacGregor

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Specifica generatie.  

Florence Nightingale MacGregor, născută in anul 1917, Eastwood, SCOTLAND, a decedat in anul 2000, Dunoon, SCOTLAND (etate la deces 83 ani). [Nota 1]
Casatorit in anul 1939, Pollok, SCOTLAND, cu Walter James Scudds, născut circa mai 1915, Queenstown, IRELAND, a decedat in anul 1996, Glasgow Martha Street, SCOTLAND. (etate la deces poate 81 ani) [Nota 1-1], divortati.

Casatorit in anul 1969, Glasgow, SCOTLAND, cu William Edward White [Nota 1-2].

In total: 0 persoane (conjugati exclusi).


1 (Florence Nightingale MacGregor 1917-2000)
[Divorce:National Archives of Scotland CS46/1963/681 & CS258/1963/2924. Florence N MacGregor or Scudds (pursuer) v Walter J Scudds (defender): Divorce 8 Jun 1963 retained.] [F N S 83yr., b:1917 (Macgregor)].

- nastere: Eastwood 562/30
- casatorie 1: Pollk, 644/18 660 / National Archives of Scotland (Divorce)
- casatorie 2: Glasgow 644/9 721
- deces: Dunoon 532/150

1-1 (Walter James Scudds ca 1915-1996)
[Parents:Walter John Scudds, Corporal R G A & Mary Taylor Scudds nee Martin, 8 King's Street.] [Divorce: National Archives of Scotland CS46/1963/681 & CS258/1963/2924. Florence N MacGregor or Scudds (pursuer) v Walter J Scudds (defender): Divorce, 8 Jun 1963 retained.] [W J S 80yr.]

- nastere: Cork 5 151 / BMD Ireland film nr:101076 Vol:5 p:151
- casatorie 1: Pollk, 644/18 660 / National Archives of Scotland (Divorce)
- casatorie 2: Cathcart 644/12 375
- deces: Glasgow Martha Street 601/190

1-2 (William Edward White )
- casatorie: Glasgow 644/9 721

- conexiuni 1, amic 1