Descendents de Florence Nightingale MacGregor

Veure: Descendents | Notes

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Florence Nightingale MacGregor, nascuda el 1917, Eastwood, SCOTLAND, morta el 2000, Dunoon, SCOTLAND (a l'edat de 83 anys). [Nota 1]
Casada el 1939, Pollok, SCOTLAND, amb Walter James Scudds, nascut al voltant de maig de 1915, Queenstown, IRELAND, mort el 1996, Glasgow Martha Street, SCOTLAND. (a l'edat de possiblement 81 anys) [Nota 1-1], divorciats.

Casada el 1969, Glasgow, SCOTLAND, amb William Edward White [Nota 1-2].

Total: 0 persones (cònjuges no inclosos).


1 (Florence Nightingale MacGregor 1917-2000)
[Divorce:National Archives of Scotland CS46/1963/681 & CS258/1963/2924. Florence N MacGregor or Scudds (pursuer) v Walter J Scudds (defender): Divorce 8 Jun 1963 retained.] [F N S 83yr., b:1917 (Macgregor)].

- naixement: Eastwood 562/30
- casament 1: Pollk, 644/18 660 / National Archives of Scotland (Divorce)
- casament 2: Glasgow 644/9 721
- defunció: Dunoon 532/150

1-1 (Walter James Scudds ca 1915-1996)
[Parents:Walter John Scudds, Corporal R G A & Mary Taylor Scudds nee Martin, 8 King's Street.] [Divorce: National Archives of Scotland CS46/1963/681 & CS258/1963/2924. Florence N MacGregor or Scudds (pursuer) v Walter J Scudds (defender): Divorce, 8 Jun 1963 retained.] [W J S 80yr.]

- naixement: Cork 5 151 / BMD Ireland film nr:101076 Vol:5 p:151
- casament 1: Pollk, 644/18 660 / National Archives of Scotland (Divorce)
- casament 2: Cathcart 644/12 375
- defunció: Glasgow Martha Street 601/190

1-2 (William Edward White )
- casament: Glasgow 644/9 721

- [connections] 4, amic 4