Afkomendur Elizabeth Edney 1765-1830

Til 12. kynslóðar

Elizabeth Edney, Scudds 1765-1830
Fæðing ·   1765 · Newnham Murren, Oxfordshire
[marriage event] ·   16 nóvember 1789 · Hinton Waldrist, Berkshire · með Richard Scudds
Látin(n) ·   1830 · 65 ára · Newnham Murren, Oxfordshire
Útför ·   17 september 1830 · Newnham Murren, Oxfordshire - St Mary
E S 65yr.

Heimildir • [marriage event] með Richard Scudds : IGI • látin(n) : National Burial Index (Oxfordshire) • útför : National Burial Index

&1789 Richard Scudds, Scutts/Scuds/Scudds 1769-ca 1841
foreldrar : Richard Scutts ca 1734- og Mary Ball 1738-
Fæðing ·   1769 · Hinton Waldrist, Berkshire
Skírn · í september 1769 · Hinton Waldrist, Berkshire - St. Margaret
[marriage event] ·   16 nóvember 1789 · Hinton Waldrist, Berkshire · með Elizabeth Edney
Látin(n) · um nóvember 1841 · kannski 72 ára · Wallingford district, Berkshire
Richard Scutts > Richard Scudds. (both name types noted here).

Heimildir • fæðing : IGI • skírn : FreeReg [Scutts] / IGI • [marriage event] með Elizabeth Edney : IGI • látin(n) : Wallingford 6 174

  1. Sarah Scudds, Scuds 1790-
    Fæðing · Hinton Waldrist, Berkshire
    Skírn ·   18 apríl 1790 · Hinton Waldrist, Berkshire

    Heimildir • skírn : IGI

  2. William Scudds, Scuds 1792-1792
    Fæðing · Hinton Waldrist, Berkshire
    Skírn ·   11 mars 1792 · Hinton Waldrist, Berkshire
    Látin(n) ·   1792 · kannski fæðing · Hinton Waldrist, Berkshire

    Heimildir • skírn : IGI • látin(n) : IGI (Children)

  3. William Scudds, Scuds 1794-1858
    Fæðing ·   20 apríl 1794 · Crowmarsh Gifford, Oxfordshire
    [marriage event] ·   2 oktober 1818 · Bisham, Berkshire · með Mary Ralf
    Látin(n) ·   4 desember 1858 · 64 ára · Sutton Courtenay, Oxfordshire
    W S 62yr.

    Heimildir • fæðing : IGI • [marriage event] með Mary Ralf : IGI • látin(n) : Abingdon 2c 189

    W Scuds.
    Mary Ralf, Scudds ca 1791-1859
    Fæðing · um 1791 · Sutton Courtenay, Berkshire
    [marriage event] ·   2 oktober 1818 · Bisham, Berkshire · með William Scudds
    Látin(n) ·   2 nóvember 1859 · kannski 68 ára · Sutton Courtenay, Oxfordshire
    M R 68yr.

    Heimildir • fæðing : Census 1851 Oxfordshire • [marriage event] með William Scudds : IGI • látin(n) : Abingdon 2c 173 / National Burial Index (Oxfordshire)

  4. Sophia Scudds, Scod 1796-1831
    Fæðing ·   1796 · Crowmarsh Gifford, Oxfordshire
    Skírn ·   2 oktober 1796 · Crowmarsh Gifford, Oxfordshire
    [marriage event] ·   27 nóvember 1820 · Newnham Murren, Oxfordshire · með William Varney
    Látin(n) ·   15 janúar 1831 · 35 ára · Summerstown, Oxfordshire
    Útför ·   23 janúar 1831 · St. Giles, Oxford
    Lived at Somerstown, Oxford with William, a mason. They had 5 children, the first, Marianne, bap. 04.05.1821. Of the 4 sons only one survived to adulthood, John 1826-1893. S V - 35yr. She was buried 12(or 23)/01/1831 at St. Giles', Oxford whereupon William seems to have returned to Upper Heyford with his son.

    Heimildir • einstaklingur : Frances White • skírn : IGI • [marriage event] með William Varney : Oxfordshire Marriage Index 1538-1837 / IGI • látin(n) :

    &1820 William Varney 1798-1886
    foreldrar : William Varney 1776-1825 og Martha Allen 1777-
    Fæðing ·   22 apríl 1798 · Upper Heyford, Oxfordshire
    [marriage event] ·   27 nóvember 1820 · Newnham Murren, Oxfordshire · með Sophia Scudds
    Látin(n) · í desember 1886 · 88 ára
    Útför ·   3 janúar 1887 · Middleton Stoney, Oxfordshire
    W V - 88yr.

    Heimildir • [marriage event] með Sophia Scudds : Oxfordshire Marriage Index 1538-1837 / IGI

    1. Marianne Varney 1821-
      Fæðing · Somerstown, Oxford, Oxfordshire
      Skírn ·   4 mai 1821 · Oxford, Oxfordshire - St. Giles

      Heimildir • skírn : Frances White

    2. George Varney 1822-1822
      Fæðing ·   1822 · Somerstown, Oxford, Oxfordshire
      Skírn ·   25 ágúst 1822 · Oxford, Oxfordshire - St. Giles
      Látin(n) · í september 1822 · fæðing · Somerstown, Oxford, Oxfordshire
      Útför ·   6 september 1822 · Oxford, Oxfordshire - St. Giles

      Heimildir • skírn : St. Giles Parish Regs • útför : St. Giles Parish Regs

    3. Thomas Varney ca 1824-ca 1825
      Fæðing · um desember 1824 · Somerstown, Oxford, Oxfordshire
      Skírn ·   9 janúar 1825 · Oxford, Oxfordshire - St. Giles
      Látin(n) · um júní 1825 · kannski 6 mánaðar gamall · Somerstown, Oxford, Oxfordshire
      Útför ·   1825 · Oxford, Oxfordshire - St. Giles
      T V - 6m.

      Heimildir • einstaklingur : Frances White • skírn : Parish Records

    4. John Varney 1826-1893
      Fæðing ·   1826 · Somerstown, Oxford, Oxfordshire
      Skírn ·   26 mars 1826 · Oxford, Oxfordshire - St. Giles
      [marriage event] ·   4 ágúst 1861 · Preston, Lancashire - St. John's · með Dinah Aggett
      Látin(n) ·   19 janúar 1893 · 67 ára · St. Helier, Jersey
      Útför · Mont a l'Abbe Cemetery, Jersey
      He was the son of a poor mason/agricultural labourer, the only one of five children to reach adulthood. His mother died when he was five when his father seems to have returned with the boy to his own birthplace, Upper Heyford, Oxon. The boy eventually joined the army, the Duke of Cornwall's 32nd Rgt. of Foot, and must have served for some time abroad because his name appears in the Census for the first time in 1861. He was a Sgt. at the Indian Mutiny at Lucknow in 1857 and his name appears on the Medal Roll of the Indian Mutiny. He returned to England in 1860/61 when his first priority on leaving the Army must have been to find a wife. He was then living at Fulford Barracks, Preston, Lancs. where he met a maid working in the house of a Colonel at the Barracks. They married that summer when he was 35 & she was 22 and the bride took him to her home in Devon. His qualifications doubtless were not a great advantage in an agricultural community and John managed to get a job as a labourer at Dartmoor Prison. He soon became a warder when the "man-management" skills he had gained in the army must have been useful. He worked at the prison for nearly 20 years, had 7 children and retired to St. Helier, Jersey, where he died in 1893. He used to give his occupation on his children's wedding certificates as "Civil Servant".

      Heimildir • fæðing : Frances White • látin(n) : Frances White

      8 children were born here
      Dinah Aggett 1839-
      Fæðing ·   1839 · Chagford, Devon
      [marriage event] ·   4 ágúst 1861 · Preston, Lancashire - St. John's · með John Varney

      Heimildir • einstaklingur : Frances White

    5. James Varney 1830-1830
      Fæðing ·   1830 · Somerstown, Oxford, Oxfordshire
      Skírn ·   17 janúar 1830 · Oxford, Oxfordshire - St. Giles
      Látin(n) ·   27 júlí 1830 · fæðing · Somerstown, Oxford, Oxfordshire
      Útför ·   31 júlí 1830 · Oxford, Oxfordshire - St. Giles
      Christened on 14 Feb 1830 also noted.

      Heimildir • einstaklingur : Frances White

  5. Mary Scudds 1798-ca 1799
    Fæðing ·   13 september 1798 · Wallingford, Berkshire
    Skírn ·   4 oktober 1798 · Wallingford, Berkshire
    Látin(n) · um 1799 · kannski ársgamalt · Wallingford, Berkshire

    Heimildir • skírn : Non-Conformists Records • látin(n) : IGI (sister)

  6. Richard Scudds 1800-ca 1876
    Fæðing ·   19 mars 1800 · Wallingford, Berkshire
    Skírn ·   13 apríl 1800 · Wallingford, Berkshire - The Market Place, Independent-Chapel
    [marriage event] ·   10 oktober 1822 · Newnham Murren, Oxfordshire · með Mary White
    Látin(n) · um nóvember 1876 · kannski 76 ára · Wallingford, Berkshire
    [IGI also states R S b:1790 Apr 18] [Oxford Journal, Saturday 22 January 1825. Robert Francis, Charles Bissett, Caleb Wheeler, Richard Scudds jun., and Gabriel Seymour, for a riot and assault, were ordered to be imprisoned in the county gaol and kept to hard labour, viz. Francis, 6 months, Wheeler, Scudds, and Blissett, 3 months each, and Seymour two months. The prisoner Crook, who is not more than 16 years of age, is a hardened and most determined thief, and has been several times before convicted and imprisoned for serious offences against the laws, and the five persons for a riot are all bad characters. The riot committed by them was of a most dangerous nature: they, and least 100 others, assembled on the night of the 5th in company with at Wallingford, to take away his haulin, when he and three of his servants, endeavouring to save the property, were violently assaulted with fold-stakes,stones, &c. and greatly injured, as well as a constable and tithingman, in endeavouring to suppress the riot, and the mob, after setting fire to nearly all the haulin in the field, had the audacity to go to the farmer's house and demolish two of his windows; and it is well for the prisoners that the wounds received by one of the servants did not prove mortal, as they would then have had to answer for the offence with their lives.] [ Reading Mercury, Berkshire, Saturday 22 December 1860. Inquest before John Henry Cooke, Esq. - On Wednesday, the 19th inst., at Crowmarsh Gifford, on the body of John Wilder aged 57, who died very suddenly on the evening of Saturday last, the 15th inst. It appeared in evidence before the coroner and jury, that the deceased, on Saturday last, when he came home to his dinner complained of palpitation of the heart, and could not get on with his work but after he had dined, he returned to his work as usual and when he came home for the day, a quarter past five, seemed in his usual health, and had some coffee and a rasher of bacon about half past six. At seven o'clock he left home for the purpose of going to a shop at Wallingford, but within ten minutes he was found by Richard Scudds lying near the Bell Inn front door in the agonies of death; and before Mr. Charles Barrett, surgeon of Wallingford, could reach him he had expired. Mr. Barrett stated that the deceased came to his surgery about six months ago, complaining palpitation of the heart, for which he gave him a box of pills; he never saw him again until last Saturday night, the 15th inst., when he found him placed in a chair outside the front-door of the Bell Inn, and on examination, saw he was quite dead. He was decidedly of opinion that death arose from disease of the heart, induced by rheumatism, and the jury immediately returned a verdict in accordance with such opinion.] [R S - 76yr.]

    Heimildir • fæðing : Non-Conformists Records / IGI / Oxford Journal [1825 Jan 22] • skírn : Non-Conformists Records / IGI • [marriage event] með Mary White : IGI • látin(n) : Wallingford 2c 208

    &1822 Mary White, Scudds ca 1801-ca 1865
    Fæðing · um 1801 · Oxfordshire
    [marriage event] ·   10 oktober 1822 · Newnham Murren, Oxfordshire · með Richard Scudds
    Látin(n) · um febrúar 1865 · kannski 64 ára · Wallingford, Berkshire
    M S 64yr.

    Heimildir • fæðing : Census 1851 Oxfordshire • [marriage event] með Richard Scudds : IGI • látin(n) : Wallingford 2c 241

    1. Elizabeth Scudds, Eliza ca 1823-ca 1838
      Fæðing · um 1823 · Newnham Murren, Oxfordshire
      Látin(n) · um mai 1838 · kannski 15 ára · Wallingford district, Berkshire
      IGI has Eliza Scudds. Eliza Scudds 15yr.

      Heimildir • fæðing : Newham Murren Registers / IGI • látin(n) : Wallingford 6 190

    2. Hannah Scudds ca 1825-
      Fæðing · um 1825 · Crowmarsh Gifford, Oxfordshire
      [marriage event] · um mai 1847 · Wallingford district, Berkshire · með Richard Wetherell

      Heimildir • fæðing : Census 1841-81 Oxfordshire • [marriage event] með Richard Wetherell : Wallingford 6 337

      &ca 1847 Richard Wetherell, Witherall ca 1826-
      Fæðing · um 1826 · Crowmarsh Gifford, Oxfordshire
      [marriage event] · um mai 1847 · Wallingford district, Berkshire · með Hannah Scudds

      Heimildir • fæðing : Census 1881 Oxfordshire • [marriage event] með Hannah Scudds : Wallingford 6 337

      1. William Wetherell 1849-
        Fæðing · Crowmarsh Gifford, Oxfordshire
        Skírn ·   4 febrúar 1849 · Crowmarsh Gifford, Oxfordshire

        Heimildir • skírn : IGI

      2. Eliza Wetherell 1849-
        Fæðing · Crowmarsh Gifford, Oxfordshire
        Skírn ·   4 febrúar 1849 · Crowmarsh Gifford, Oxfordshire

        Heimildir • skírn : IGI

      3. Charles Wetherell 1855-
        Fæðing · Crowmarsh Gifford, Oxfordshire
        Skírn ·   4 febrúar 1855 · Crowmarsh Gifford, Oxfordshire

        Heimildir • skírn : IGI

      4. Emily Wetherell 1855-
        Fæðing · Crowmarsh Gifford, Oxfordshire
        Skírn ·   4 febrúar 1855 · Crowmarsh Gifford, Oxfordshire

        Heimildir • skírn : IGI

      5. Jane Wetherell 1857-
        Fæðing · Crowmarsh Gifford, Oxfordshire
        Skírn ·   5 febrúar 1857 · Crowmarsh Gifford, Oxfordshire

        Heimildir • skírn : IGI

      6. Alfred Wetherell 1860-
        Fæðing · Crowmarsh Gifford, Oxfordshire
        Skírn ·   27 oktober 1860 · Crowmarsh Gifford, Oxfordshire

        Heimildir • skírn : IGI

      7. Edward Wetherell ca 1861-
        Fæðing · um 1861 · Crowmarsh Gifford, Oxfordshire
        Skírn ·   27 september 1868 · Crowmarsh Gifford, Oxfordshire

        Heimildir • fæðing : Census 1841 Oxfordshire • skírn : IGI

      8. George Wetherell ca 1863-
        Fæðing · um 1863 · Crowmarsh Gifford, Oxfordshire
        Skírn ·   27 september 1868 · Crowmarsh Gifford, Oxfordshire

        Heimildir • fæðing : Census 1881 Oxfordshire • skírn : IGI

      9. Harriett Wetherell ca 1868-
        Fæðing · um mai 1868 · Crowmarsh Gifford, Oxfordshire
        Skírn ·   27 september 1868 · Crowmarsh Gifford, Oxfordshire

        Heimildir • fæðing : Wallingford 2c 321 • skírn : IGI

      10. James Wetherell 1868-
        Fæðing · Crowmarsh Gifford, Oxfordshire
        Skírn ·   27 september 1868 · Crowmarsh Gifford, Oxfordshire

        Heimildir • skírn : IGI

    3. Mary Scudds 1831-
      Fæðing ·   1831 · Newnham Murren, Oxfordshire

      Heimildir • fæðing : Newham Murren Registers / IGI

    4. Benjamin Scudds ca 1832-ca 1869
      Fæðing · um 1832 · Crowmarsh Gifford, Oxfordshire
      [marriage event] · um nóvember 1856 · Wallingford district, Berkshire · með Sarah Hunt
      Látin(n) · um ágúst 1869 · kannski 37 ára · Wallingford district, Berkshire
      B S - 37yr.

      Heimildir • fæðing : Census 1841-51 Oxfordshire-61 Middlesex (London) / BMD (Deaths) • [marriage event] með Sarah Hunt : Wallingford 2c 721 • látin(n) : Wallingford 2c 199

      &ca 1856 Sarah Hunt, Scudds/Wheeler
      foreldrar : James Hunt og Elizabeth ------
      [marriage event] · um nóvember 1856 · Wallingford district, Berkshire · með Benjamin Scudds
      [marriage event] · um ágúst 1870 · Henley, Oxfordshire · með Michael Wheeler

      Heimildir • [marriage event] með Benjamin Scudds : Wallingford 2c 721 • [marriage event] með Michael Wheeler : Henley 3a 790 / Census 1871 Oxfordshire

      1. Eliza Scudds ca 1857-
        Fæðing · um febrúar 1857 · Crowmarsh Gifford, Oxfordshire
        Skírn ·   29 mars 1857 · Crowmarsh Gifford, Oxfordshire
        [marriage event] ·   26 júní 1875 · Sarsden/Ipsden, Oxfordshire - St. Mary's · með Thomas Cook

        Heimildir • fæðing : Wallingford 2c 304 • skírn : IGI • [marriage event] með Thomas Cook : Henley 3a 809

        E S(19) - father:Benjamin Scudds, labourer. T C(23) - father:Joseph Cook, labourer
        Thomas Cook, (1881) farm labourer ca 1851-
        Fæðing · um 1851 · Wroughton, Wiltshire
        [marriage event] ·   26 júní 1875 · Sarsden/Ipsden, Oxfordshire - St. Mary's · með Eliza Scudds

        Heimildir • fæðing : Marriage Certificate • [marriage event] með Eliza Scudds : Henley 3a 809

        1. Annie Cook ca 1875-
          Fæðing · um 1875 · Ipsden, Oxfordshire

          Heimildir • fæðing : Census 1881 Oxfordshire

        2. George Cook ca 1879-
          Fæðing · um 1879 · Ipsden, Oxfordshire

          Heimildir • fæðing : Census 1881 Oxfordshire

      2. Emma Scudds 1859-ca 1938
        Fæðing ·   9 júlí 1859 · Crowmarsh Gifford, Oxfordshire
        [marriage event] ·   21 desember 1878 · Henley, Oxfordshire · með Thomas Sherwood
        [witnesses] : Alfred Sherwood
        Látin(n) · um mai 1938 · kannski 78 ára · Uxbridge district, Oxfordshire
        [Father:Benjamin Scudds - farm labourer. cert.registered 1859 Aug 19.] [E S - 78yr.]

        Heimildir • fæðing : Wallingford 2c 297 • [marriage event] með Thomas Sherwood : Henley 3a 1047 • látin(n) : Uxbridge 3a 92

        E S(19) spinster - living Ipsden. Father:Benjamin Scudds. Thomas Sherwood(23) batchelor - labourer, residing at North Stoke. Father:Frederick Sherwood - labourer
        Thomas Sherwood ca 1855-ca 1913
        foreldrar : Frederick Sherwood 1821- og Jane Barnshaw 1824-
        Fæðing · um 1855 · North Stoke, Oxfordshire
        [marriage event] ·   21 desember 1878 · Henley, Oxfordshire · með Emma Scudds
        [witnesses] : Alfred Sherwood
        Látin(n) · um ágúst 1913 · kannski 58 ára · Hayes, Middlesex
        T S - 59yr.

        Heimildir • fæðing : Census 1901 Buckinghamshire • [marriage event] með Emma Scudds : Henley 3a 1047 • látin(n) : Uxbridge 3a 58

        1. Bertha Elizabeth Sherwood, Bertha/Elizabeth ca 1879-
          Fæðing · um 1879 · North Stoke, Oxfordshire

          Heimildir • fæðing : Census 1881 Oxfordshire-1891 Berkshire

        2. Charles William Sherwood, Charles, (1901) carter on farm - horse ca 1880-
          Fæðing · um oktober 1880 · Bix, Oxfordshire

          Heimildir • fæðing : Census 1881 Oxfordshire-1891 Berkshire-1901 Buckinghamshire

        3. Beatrice Jane Sherwood, Beatrice, (1901) general servant domestic ca 1882-
          Fæðing · um 1882 · Henley, Oxfordshire
          1901 address 43 Barrow Road, Streatham, London (at the home of Edward Iremonger).

          Heimildir • fæðing : Census 1891 Berkshire-1901 London

        4. Edith Sherwood ca 1885-
          Fæðing · um 1885 · North Stoke, Oxfordshire

          Heimildir • fæðing : Census 1891 Berkshire

        5. Alice Sherwood ca 1887-
          Fæðing · um 1887 · North Stoke, Oxfordshire

          Heimildir • fæðing : Census 1891 Berkshire-1901 Buckinghamshire

        6. Thomas Sherwood ca 1891-1965
          Fæðing · um 24 júlí 1891 · North Stoke, Berkshire
          [marriage event] · með Florence Evelyn Soley
          Látin(n) ·   12 júní 1965 · kannski 73 ára · Salisbury, Wiltshire

          Heimildir • fæðing : Census 1891 Berkshire-1901 Buckinghamshire

          & Florence Evelyn Soley, Florence
          [marriage event] · með Thomas Sherwood
        7. Frederick Sherwood ca 1893-
          Fæðing · um 1893

          Heimildir • fæðing : Census 1901 Buckinghamshire

      3. Charles Scudds ca 1862-ca 1863
        Fæðing · um mai 1862 · Kensington, Middlesex (London)
        Skírn ·   10 ágúst 1863 · Walham Green, London - St John
        Látin(n) · um ágúst 1863 · kannski 15 mánaðar gamall · Kensington, Middlesex (London)
        C S 1yr.

        Heimildir • fæðing : Kensington 1a 145 • látin(n) : Kensington 1a 105

      4. Mary Elizabeth Scudds, Mary ca 1864-ca 1867
        Fæðing · um nóvember 1864 · Kensington, Middlesex (London)
        Látin(n) · um mai 1867 · kannski 2 ára · Wallingford, Berkshire
        M E S - 2yr.

        Heimildir • fæðing : Kensington 1a 167 • látin(n) : Wallingford 2c 194

    5. Charles Scudds ca 1840-ca 1905
      Fæðing · um febrúar 1840 · Crowmarsh Gifford, Oxfordshire
      [marriage event] · um nóvember 1862 · Wallingford, Berkshire · með Mary Hunt
      Látin(n) · um mai 1905 · kannski 65 ára · Wallingford, Berkshire
      C S - 64yr.

      Heimildir • fæðing : Wallingford 6 266 / Census 1841-51-61-71-81-91-1901 Oxfordshire • [marriage event] með Mary Hunt : Wallingford 2c 691 • látin(n) : Wallingford 2c 188

      &ca 1862 Mary Hunt, Scudds 1841-ca 1912
      Fæðing ·   1841 · Crowmarsh, Oxfordshire
      [marriage event] · um nóvember 1862 · Wallingford, Berkshire · með Charles Scudds
      Látin(n) · um nóvember 1912 · kannski 71 ára · Wallingford, Berkshire
      M S - 70yr.

      Heimildir • [marriage event] með Charles Scudds : Wallingford 2c 691 • látin(n) : Wallingford 2c 376

      1. Louisa Mary Scudds, Louisa, Newin ca 1863-ca 1938
        Fæðing · um ágúst 1863 · Wallingford, Berkshire
        [marriage event] · um mai 1884 · Wallingford, Berkshire · með Henry James Newin
        Látin(n) · um mai 1938 · kannski 74 ára · Wallingford, Berkshire
        L M N - 74yr.

        Heimildir • fæðing : Wallingford 2c 295 / Census 1871-81 Berkshire-1891 London-1901 Oxfordshire • [marriage event] með Henry James Newin : Wallingford 2c 607 • látin(n) : Coventry 6d 784

        &ca 1884 Henry James Newin, Henry ca 1864-
        Fæðing · um nóvember 1864 · Wallingford district, Berkshire
        [marriage event] · um mai 1884 · Wallingford, Berkshire · með Louisa Mary Scudds
        [marriage event] · um febrúar 1939 · Warwick district, Warwickshire · með Bertha Whiteman

        Heimildir • fæðing : Wallingford 2c 299 • [marriage event] með Louisa Mary Scudds : Wallingford 2c 607 • [marriage event] með Bertha Whiteman : Warwick 6d 1179

        1. Henry James Newin, Henry ca 1885-ca 1885
          Fæðing · um mai 1885 · Wallingford district, Berkshire
          Látin(n) · um mai 1885 · Wallingford district, Berkshire
          H J N - 0yr.

          Heimildir • fæðing : Wallingford 2c 318 • látin(n) : Wallingford 2c 209

        2. Emily Annie Newin ca 1886-
          Fæðing · um mai 1886 · Crowmarsh, Oxfordshire

          Heimildir • fæðing : Wallingford 2c 326

        3. Alice Ethel Newin, Alice ca 1888-ca 1893
          Fæðing · um ágúst 1888 · Wallingford, Berkshire
          Látin(n) · um febrúar 1893 · kannski 4 ára · Cutteslowe, Oxfordshire
          A E N - 4yr.

          Heimildir • fæðing : Wallingford 2c 310 • látin(n) : Woodstock 3a 542

        4. Mildred May Newin, Mildred ca 1892-
          Fæðing · um mai 1892 · Cutteslowe, Oxfordshire

          Heimildir • fæðing : Woodstock 3a 880

        5. Henry James Newin, Henry ca 1894-
          Fæðing · um nóvember 1894 · Cutteslowe, Oxfordshire

          Heimildir • fæðing : Woodstock 3a 857

        6. Louisa Mary Newin, Louisa ca 1896-
          Fæðing · um mai 1896 · Cutteslowe, Oxfordshire

          Heimildir • fæðing : Woodstock 3a 902

        7. Daisy Rosina Newin, Daisy 1898-
          Fæðing · í febrúar 1898 · Cutteslowe, Oxfordshire
          [marriage event] · um ágúst 1922 · Warwick district, Warwickshire · með Ernest P. Cox

          Heimildir • fæðing : Woodstock 3a 913 • [marriage event] með Ernest P. Cox : Warwick 6d 1815

          &ca 1922 Ernest P. Cox, Ernest
          [marriage event] · um ágúst 1922 · Warwick district, Warwickshire · með Daisy Rosina Newin

          Heimildir • [marriage event] með Daisy Rosina Newin : Warwick 6d 1815

        8. Charles William Newin, Charles 1899-
          Fæðing · í nóvember 1899 · Cutteslowe, Oxfordshire
          [marriage event] · um ágúst 1924 · Warwick district, Warwickshire · með Constance Emma Bass

          Heimildir • fæðing : Woodstock 3a 930 • [marriage event] með Constance Emma Bass : Warwick 6d 1915

          &ca 1924 Constance Emma Bass, Constance 1898-
          Fæðing ·   1898 · Warwickshire
          [marriage event] · um ágúst 1924 · Warwick district, Warwickshire · með Charles William Newin

          Heimildir • [marriage event] með Charles William Newin : Warwick 6d 1915

        9. Katherine Mary Newin, Katherine ca 1901-
          Fæðing · um nóvember 1901 · Cutteslowe district, Oxfordshire
          [marriage event] · um mai 1926 · Warwick district, Warwickshire · með Walter D. Wilkes

          Heimildir • fæðing : Woodstock 3a 978 • [marriage event] með Walter D. Wilkes : Warwick 6d 1821

          &ca 1926 Walter D. Wilkes, Walter
          [marriage event] · um mai 1926 · Warwick district, Warwickshire · með Katherine Mary Newin

          Heimildir • [marriage event] með Katherine Mary Newin : Warwick 6d 1821

      2. Emily Sarah Scudds, Emily ca 1866-ca 1933
        Fæðing · um febrúar 1866 · Newnham Murren, Oxfordshire
        [marriage event] · um febrúar 1892 · Wallingford district, Berkshire · með John Coles
        Látin(n) · um mai 1933 · kannski 67 ára · Henley district, Oxfordshire
        E S C - 67yr.

        Heimildir • fæðing : Wallingford 2c 340 / IGI • [marriage event] með John Coles : Wallingford 2c 473 • látin(n) : Henley 3a 1127

        &ca 1892 John Coles
        [marriage event] · um febrúar 1892 · Wallingford district, Berkshire · með Emily Sarah Scudds

        Heimildir • [marriage event] með Emily Sarah Scudds : Wallingford 2c 473

        1. Ethel Mary Coles, Ethel 1896-1896
          Fæðing ·   1896 · Goring, Oxfordshire
          Látin(n) ·   1896 · Goring, Oxfordshire
        2. John Charles Coles, John 1897-
          Fæðing ·   1897 · Goring, Oxfordshire

          Heimildir • fæðing : Bradfield 2c 313

        3. Reginald Joseph Coles, Reginald 1899-
          Fæðing ·   1899 · Goring, Oxfordshire

          Heimildir • fæðing : Bradfield 2c 331

        4. Alfred James Coles, Alfred 1900-
          Fæðing ·   1900 · Goring, Oxfordshire

          Heimildir • fæðing : Bradfield 2c 325

        5. Ernest Victor George Coles, Ernest 1901-
          Fæðing ·   1901 · Goring, Oxfordshire
          [marriage event] ·   1931 · Bradfield district, Berkshire/Oxfordshire · með Ada M. Lamden

          Heimildir • fæðing : Bradfield 2c 334 • [marriage event] með Ada M. Lamden : Bradfield 2c 563

          &1931 Ada M. Lamden, Ada
          [marriage event] ·   1931 · Bradfield district, Berkshire/Oxfordshire · með Ernest Victor George Coles

          Heimildir • [marriage event] með Ernest Victor George Coles : Bradfield 2c 563

        6. Sidney Albert Frederick Coles, Sidney 1906-
          Fæðing ·   1906 · Goring, Oxfordshire
          [marriage event] · um nóvember 1929 · Newbury district, Berkshire · með Daisy B. M. Lazell

          Heimildir • fæðing : Bradfield 2c 344 • [marriage event] með Daisy B. M. Lazell : Newbury 2c 757

          &ca 1929 Daisy B. M. Lazell, daisy
          [marriage event] · um nóvember 1929 · Newbury district, Berkshire · með Sidney Albert Frederick Coles

          Heimildir • [marriage event] með Sidney Albert Frederick Coles : Newbury 2c 757

      3. Frederick Charles Scudds, Frederick 1868-1939
        Fæðing ·   15 apríl 1868 · Wallingford district, Berkshire
        [marriage event] ·   26 janúar 1889 · Wallingford, Berkshire · með Jane Eliza Osment
        Látin(n) ·   18 júní 1939 · 71 ára · Kingsclere district, Hampshire
        F C S - 71yr.

        Heimildir • fæðing : Wallingford 2c 321 / Census 1891 Berkshire-1901 Middlesex • [marriage event] með Jane Eliza Osment : Wallingford 2c 427 • látin(n) : Kingsclere 2c 314

        &1889 Jane Eliza Osment, Jane 1860-ca 1932
        Fæðing ·   1860 · Exeter, Devon
        [marriage event] ·   26 janúar 1889 · Wallingford, Berkshire · með Frederick Charles Scudds
        Látin(n) · um febrúar 1932 · kannski 72 ára · Kingsclere district, Hampshire
        J E S - 71yr.

        Heimildir • [marriage event] með Frederick Charles Scudds : Wallingford 2c 427 • látin(n) : Kingsclere 2c 391

        1. Frederick Charles Scudds, Frederick ca 1889-1902
          Fæðing · um nóvember 1889 · Wallingford, Berkshire
          Látin(n) · í ágúst 1902 · kannski 12 ára · Wallingford, Berkshire
          F C S - 12yr.

          Heimildir • fæðing : Wallingford 2c 320 • látin(n) : Wallingford 2c 183

        2. William Edward Scudds, William ca 1891-
          Fæðing · um mai 1891 · Wallingford, Berkshire
          (is this the W S - Catalogue reference WO 372/17 Royal Berkshire Regiment, 2506, Private?)

          Heimildir • fæðing : Wallingford 2c 321

        3. Ernest Scudds 1895-ca 1966
          Fæðing · í mai 1895 · Sunbury, Middlesex
          [marriage event] · um mai 1926 · Wycombe, Buckinghamshire · með Mary Victoria Hunt
          Látin(n) · um febrúar 1966 · kannski 70 ára · Reading district, Berkshire
          E S - 70yr.

          Heimildir • fæðing : Staines 3a 1 / Royal Berkshire Regiment WO 364 • [marriage event] með Mary Victoria Hunt : Wycombe 3a 2218 • látin(n) : Reading 6a 164

          &ca 1926 Mary Victoria Hunt, Mary 1897-1984
          Fæðing ·   19 febrúar 1897 · Wallingford district, Berkshire
          [marriage event] · um mai 1926 · Wycombe, Buckinghamshire · með Ernest Scudds
          Látin(n) · í apríl 1984 · 87 ára · Reading/Wokingham district, Berkshire

          Heimildir • fæðing : Wallingford 2c 307 (2nd.Q.) • [marriage event] með Ernest Scudds : Wycombe 3a 2218 • látin(n) : Reading/Wokingham 0484 190317

          1. Peter Osment Scudds, Peter 1927-2003
            Fæðing ·   24 febrúar 1927 · Newbury district, Berkshire
            [marriage event] · um ágúst 1953 · Reading district, Berkshire · með Linda D. Cannings
            Látin(n) ·   2 september 2003 · 76 ára · West Berkshire
            P O S previously of Woodroffe Scudds & Company.

            Heimildir • fæðing : Newbury 2c 424 • [marriage event] með Linda D. Cannings : Reading 6a 280 / Electoral Roll 2002 • látin(n) : W Berks 3191 57E 068 0403 / Newbury W-N 2003-9-4

            &ca 1953 Linda D. Cannings, Linda
            [marriage event] · um ágúst 1953 · Reading district, Berkshire · með Peter Osment Scudds

            Heimildir • fæðing : Electoral Roll 2002 • [marriage event] með Peter Osment Scudds : Reading 6a 280 / Electoral Roll 2002

            1. Alison Jane Scudds, Alison ca 1966
              Fæðing · um febrúar 1966 · 58 ára · Reading, Berkshire

              Heimildir • fæðing : Reading 6a 129

            2. Christopher John Scudds, Christopher ca 1967
              Fæðing · um mai 1967 · 57 ára · Reading, Berkshire
              [marriage event] · í oktober 1998 · Stow-on-the-Wold, Gloucestershire · með Philippa Julie Mary Young
              Army Air Corps ~ Short Serv. Commns., Christopher John Scudds (533953). Engagement:1998 Apr 11. Father's residence:Peter Scudds of Bucklebury, Berkshire. Spouse/Fiancee's Father's residence:John Young of Castletown, Isle of Man. Christopher Scudds recently completed his executive MBA at the University of Southampton School of Management.

              Heimildir • fæðing : Reading 6a 141 / The London Gazette [1990] • [marriage event] með Philippa Julie Mary Young : North Cotswold 485 Oct 0013 / Electoral Roll 2002 /

              &1998 Philippa Julie Mary Young, Philippa
              [marriage event] · í oktober 1998 · Stow-on-the-Wold, Gloucestershire · með Christopher John Scudds
              Engagement:1998 Apr 11. Father's residence:Peter Scudds of Bucklebury, Berkshire. Spouse/Fiancee's Father's residence:John Young of Castletown, Isle of Man.

              Heimildir • [marriage event] með Christopher John Scudds : North Cotswold 485 Oct 0013 / Electoral Roll 2002 /

              1. Barnaby Charles E. Scudds, Barnaby 2000
                Fæðing · í desember 2000 · 23 ára · Hammersmith, London

                Heimildir • fæðing : Hammersmith 2311C 53C

              2. Oliver James W. Scudds, Oliver 2002
                Fæðing · í mars 2002 · 22 ára · Southampton, Hampshire

                Heimildir • fæðing : Southampton 5001A A108A

        4. Lilian Rose Scudds, LIlian ca 1896-
          Fæðing · um desember 1896 · Sunbury, Middlesex
          Skírn ·   3 janúar 1897 · Sunbury on Thames, Middlesex - St Mary
          [marriage event] · um febrúar 1930 · Kingsclere district, Hampshire · með Frederick Swaite

          Heimildir • fæðing : Staines 3a 4 • [marriage event] með Frederick Swaite : Kingsclere 2c 471 [2x]

          &ca 1930 Frederick Swaite, Swaith
          [marriage event] · um febrúar 1930 · Kingsclere district, Hampshire · með Lilian Rose Scudds
          F Swaith also noted but Swaite is more likely.

          Heimildir • [marriage event] með Lilian Rose Scudds : Kingsclere 2c 471 [2x]

        5. Dorothy Mary Osment Scudds, Dorothy ca 1898-1901
          Fæðing · um júlí 1898 · Staines, Middlesex
          Skírn ·   14 ágúst 1898 · Sunbury on Thames, Middlesex - St Mary
          Látin(n) · í janúar 1901 · kannski 2 ára · Staines, Middlesex
          Útför ·   29 janúar 1901
          D M O S 2yr.

          Heimildir • fæðing : Staines 3a 6 • látin(n) : Staines 3a 2

        6. Edgar Osment Scudds, Edgar ca 1900-1900
          Fæðing · um febrúar 1900 · Staines, Middlesex
          Skírn ·   25 febrúar 1900 · Sunbury on Thames, Middlesex - St Mary
          Látin(n) · í júní 1900 · kannski 4 mánaðar gamall · Staines, Middlesex
          Útför ·   28 júní 1900
          E O S 0yr.

          Heimildir • fæðing : Staines 3a 4 • látin(n) : Staines 3a 6

        7. Walter John Scudds, Walter 1902-1971
          Fæðing ·   19 júlí 1902 · Sunbury on Thames, Middlesex
          Skírn ·   24 ágúst 1902 · Sunbury on Thames, Middlesex - St Mary
          [marriage event] ·   27 janúar 1935 · Newbury district, Berkshire · með Winifred May Hamblin
          [marriage event] · um febrúar 1947 · Reading district, Berkshire · með Winifred Mary Wiggins
          Látin(n) ·   4 mars 1971 · 68 ára · Reading district, Berkshire

          Heimildir • fæðing : Staines 3a 8 • [marriage event] með Winifred May Hamblin : Newbury 2c 513 • [marriage event] með Winifred Mary Wiggins : Reading 6a 166 • látin(n) : Reading 6a 454

          &1935 Winifred May Hamblin, Winifred ca 1904-1943
          Fæðing · um nóvember 1904 · Newbury district, Berkshire
          [marriage event] ·   27 janúar 1935 · Newbury district, Berkshire · með Walter John Scudds
          Látin(n) ·   10 júlí 1943 · kannski 38 ára · Brimpton, Berkshire
          W M S - 38yr.

          Heimildir • fæðing : Newbury 2c 242 • [marriage event] með Walter John Scudds : Newbury 2c 513 • látin(n) : Reading 2c 364

          1. Janet Mary Scudds, Janet 1943
            Fæðing ·   9 júlí 1943 · 80 ára · Reading, Berkshire
            [marriage event] · um ágúst 1964 · Newbury district, Berkshire · með Michael J. Smith

            Heimildir • fæðing : Reading 2c 679 • [marriage event] með Michael J. Smith : Newbury 6a 179

            &ca 1964 Michael J. Smith, Michael
            [marriage event] · um ágúst 1964 · Newbury district, Berkshire · með Janet Mary Scudds

            Heimildir • [marriage event] með Janet Mary Scudds : Newbury 6a 179

          &ca 1947 Winifred Mary Wiggins, Winifred ca 1905-ca 1985
          Fæðing · um 1905
          [marriage event] · um febrúar 1947 · Reading district, Berkshire · með Walter John Scudds
          Látin(n) · um júní 1985 · kannski 80 ára · Reading/Wokingham district, Berkshire
          W M S b:circa 1905(1908).

          Heimildir • fæðing : BMD (Deaths) • [marriage event] með Walter John Scudds : Reading 6a 166 • látin(n) : Reading/Wokingham 0685 190210

      4. John Thomas Scudds, John ca 1869-ca 1869
        Fæðing · um mai 1869 · Wallingford 2c 291
        Látin(n) · um ágúst 1869 · kannski 3 mánaðar gamall · Wallingford district, Berkshire
        J T S 3m.

        Heimildir • fæðing : Wallingford 2c 291 • látin(n) : Wallingford 2c 199

      5. Alfred James Scudds, Alfred, (1909) coachman ca 1870-1944
        Fæðing · um ágúst 1870 · Newnham Murren, Oxfordshire
        [marriage event] · um mai 1899 · Wokingham, Berkshire · með Phoebe Kate Adsett
        Látin(n) ·   15 janúar 1944 · kannski 73 ára · Staines, Middlesex
        A J S & P K S departed in 1906 & 1911 from Southampton to Buenos Aires, Argentina and in 1920 & 1923 from Liverpool. A J S 73yr.

        Heimildir • fæðing : Wallingford 2c 318 / Census 1881 Oxfordshire • [marriage event] með Phoebe Kate Adsett : Wokingham 2c 905 / Passenger lists leaving UK 1890-1960 • látin(n) : Staines 3a 28

        &ca 1899 Phoebe Kate Adsett, Phoebe, Scudds ca 1875-1960
        Fæðing · um febrúar 1875 · Henley on Thames, Oxfordshire
        [marriage event] · um mai 1899 · Wokingham, Berkshire · með Alfred James Scudds
        Látin(n) · í mai 1960 · kannski 85 ára · Middlesex (South)
        A J S & P K S departed in 1906 & 1911 from Southampton to Buenos Aires, Argentina and in 1920 & 1923 from Liverpool. P K S - 85yr.

        Heimildir • fæðing : Henley 3a 607 • [marriage event] með Alfred James Scudds : Wokingham 2c 905 / Passenger lists leaving UK 1890-1960 • látin(n) : Middlesex S 5f 72 / Passenger lists leaving UK 1890-1960

        1. Gladys Muriel Scudds, Gladys ca 1900-ca 1901
          Fæðing · um ágúst 1900 · Paddington, London
          Látin(n) · um mai 1901 · kannski 9 mánaðar gamall · Paddington, London

          Heimildir • fæðing : Paddington 1a 72 • látin(n) : Paddington 1a 42

        2. Alfred Leslie Scudds, Alfred 1902-ca 1982
          Fæðing ·   16 mai 1902 · Paddington, London
          Skírn · Paddington, London - St James
          [marriage event] · um ágúst 1927 · Marylebone district, London · með Elsie Maryaretha Young
          [divorce event] · um 1950 · með Elsie Maryaretha Young
          [marriage event] · um febrúar 1952 · Chippenham district, Wiltshire · með Mary Riding Crozier
          Látin(n) · um mai 1982 · kannski 80 ára · Chippenham district, Wiltshire

          Heimildir • fæðing : Paddington 1a 65 • [marriage event] með Elsie Maryaretha Young : Marylebone 1a 1686 • [marriage event] með Mary Riding Crozier : Chippenham 7c 916 • látin(n) : Chippenham 23 1698

          &ca 1927 Elsie Maryaretha Young, Elsie 1905-1990
          Fæðing ·   2 febrúar 1905 · Poplar district, London
          [marriage event] · um ágúst 1927 · Marylebone district, London · með Alfred Leslie Scudds
          [divorce event] · um 1950 · með Alfred Leslie Scudds
          Látin(n) ·   21 september 1990 · 85 ára · Hatfield, Hertfordshire
          A L S remarried, d:1982. SCUDDS, Elsie Margaretha otherwise known as Elsie Margaret. E M S of Oak Cottage, 4 Wilkins Green Lane, Hatfield, Hertfordshire and formerly of 13 Roseacre Gardens, Panshanger, Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire 21st September 1990.

          Heimildir • fæðing : Poplar 1c 516 • [marriage event] með Alfred Leslie Scudds : Marylebone 1a 1686 • látin(n) : Hatfield 0990 10 0343 / The London Gazette [1991]

          1. Elvina G. E. Scudds, Elvina/Elvena ca 1929
            Fæðing · um mai 1929 · 95 ára · Willesden district, London
            [marriage event] · um mai 1948 · Chippenham district, Wiltshire · með Donald Bowker

            Heimildir • fæðing : Willesden 3a 474 • [marriage event] með Donald Bowker : Chippenham 7c 1026

            &ca 1948 Donald Bowker
            [marriage event] · um mai 1948 · Chippenham district, Wiltshire · með Elvina G. E. Scudds

            Heimildir • [marriage event] með Elvina G. E. Scudds : Chippenham 7c 1026

            1. Carol A. Bowker, Carol ca 1948
              Fæðing · um nóvember 1948 · 75 ára · Chippenham district, Wiltshire.

              Heimildir • fæðing : Chippenham 7c 435

            2. Stephen K. Bowker, Stephen ca 1951
              Fæðing · um mai 1951 · 73 ára · Manchester, Lancashire

              Heimildir • fæðing : Manchester 10e 273

            3. Kim Bowker ca 1956
              Fæðing · um febrúar 1956 · 68 ára · Manchester, Lancashire

              Heimildir • fæðing : Manchester 10e 321

          2. Margaret Scudds ca 1931-ca 1931
            Fæðing · um febrúar 1931 · Willesden district, London
            Látin(n) · um febrúar 1931 · Willesden district, London
            M S - 0yr.

            Heimildir • fæðing : Willesden 3a 494 • látin(n) : Willesden 3a 445

          3. Christine A. Scudds, Christine ca 1935
            Fæðing · um nóvember 1935 · 88 ára · Chippenham district, Wiltshire
            [marriage event] · um ágúst 1955 · Surrey (North) · með Geoffrey J. Goode

            Heimildir • fæðing : Chippenham 5a 92 • [marriage event] með Geoffrey J. Goode : Surrey N 5g 721

            &ca 1955 Geoffrey J. Goode, Geoffrey
            [marriage event] · um ágúst 1955 · Surrey (North) · með Christine A. Scudds

            Heimildir • [marriage event] með Christine A. Scudds : Surrey N 5g 721

            1. Wayne A. Goode, Wayne ca 1958
              Fæðing · um febrúar 1958 · 66 ára · Hatfield district, Hertfordshire

              Heimildir • fæðing : Hatfield 4b 92

            2. Jason F. Goode, Jason ca 1964
              Fæðing · um febrúar 1964 · 60 ára · Hatfield district, Hertfordshire

              Heimildir • fæðing : Hatfield 4b 146

            3. Alexandra J. Goode, Alexander ca 1965
              Fæðing · um mai 1965 · 59 ára · Hatfield district, Hertfordshire

              Heimildir • fæðing : Hatfield 4b 146

          &ca 1952 Mary Riding Crozier, Mary, Scudds 1914-1988
          Fæðing ·   10 mai 1914
          [marriage event] · um febrúar 1952 · Chippenham district, Wiltshire · með Alfred Leslie Scudds
          Látin(n) · í nóvember 1988 · 74 ára · Chippenham district, Wiltshire
          Was she previously married?

          Heimildir • [marriage event] með Alfred Leslie Scudds : Chippenham 7c 916 • látin(n) : Chippenham 1188 23 1870

      6. Mary Jane Scudds, Mary ca 1873-ca 1947
        Fæðing · um febrúar 1873 · Newnham Murren, Oxfordshire
        [marriage event] ·   7 desember 1904 · Reading, Berkshire · með Tom Frederick Fry
        Látin(n) · um mai 1947 · kannski 74 ára · Reading, Berkshire
        Census 1881 Oxfordshire-1891 Berkshire-1901 Hampshire. M J F - 74yrs.

        Heimildir • fæðing : Wallingford 2c 339 / IGI • [marriage event] með Tom Frederick Fry : Reading 2c 846 • látin(n) : Reading 6a 73

        &1904 Tom Frederick Fry, Tom †ca 1927
        [marriage event] ·   7 desember 1904 · Reading, Berkshire · með Mary Jane Scudds
        Látin(n) · um 1927 · Reading, Berkshire

        Heimildir • [marriage event] með Mary Jane Scudds : Reading 2c 846

      7. Ernest Richard Scudds, Ernest ca 1877-1925
        Fæðing · um apríl 1877 · Newnham Murren, Oxfordshire
        [marriage event] · um nóvember 1897 · Wallingford, Berkshire · með Bertha Whiteman
        Látin(n) ·   27 febrúar 1925 · kannski 47 ára · Wallingford, Berkshire
        Re Ernest Richard Scudds, deceased, late of 44 St.Mary's Street, Wallingford, Berkshire, who died 27 Feb 1925. Notice is hereby given, that creditors and others having claims against the estate of the above deceased should give notice thereof, in writing, to me, the undersigned, Solicitor for the executors of the will of the said Ernest Richard Scudds, within two months from the date hereof, after which time the executors intend to distribute the estate of the said Ernest Richard Scudds, deceased, among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice has been received - Dated this 13th day of December 1927. Cecil Hatt, Wallingford, Berkshire, Solicitor. E R S - 48yr.

        Heimildir • fæðing : Wallingford 2c 328 • [marriage event] með Bertha Whiteman : Wallingford 2c 709 • látin(n) : Wallingford 2c 409 / The London Gazette [1927]

        &ca 1897 Bertha Whiteman ca 1876-ca 1957
        Fæðing · um febrúar 1876 · Wokingham district. Berkshire
        [marriage event] · um nóvember 1897 · Wallingford, Berkshire · með Ernest Richard Scudds
        [marriage event] · um febrúar 1939 · Warwick district, Warwickshire · með Henry James Newin
        Látin(n) · um janúar 1957 · kannski 80 ára · Wallingford district, Berkshire
        B N - 80yr.

        Heimildir • fæðing : Wokingham 2c 403 • [marriage event] með Ernest Richard Scudds : Wallingford 2c 709 • [marriage event] með Henry James Newin : Warwick 6d 1179 • látin(n) : Wallingford 6a 157

        1. Mildred Bertha Scudds, Mildred ca 1900-
          Fæðing · um september 1900 · Wallingford, Berkshire
          [marriage event] · um nóvember 1919 · Wallingford, Berkshire · með Robert C. Norrie

          Heimildir • fæðing : Wallingford 2c 281 (4th.Q.) • [marriage event] með Robert C. Norrie : Wallingford 2c 987

          &ca 1919 Robert C. Norrie, Robert, Norris
          [marriage event] · um nóvember 1919 · Wallingford, Berkshire · með Mildred Bertha Scudds

          Heimildir • [marriage event] með Mildred Bertha Scudds : Wallingford 2c 987

          1. Vera W. Colquhoun-Norris, Vera, Norris/Colquhoun ca 1920
            Fæðing · um mai 1920 · Wallingford district, Berkshire

            Heimildir • fæðing : Wallingford 2c 710

        2. Winifred Mary Scudds, Winifred ca 1908-
          Fæðing · um febrúar 1908 · Wallingford, Berkshire
          [marriage event] · um mai 1929 · Wallingford district, Berkshire · með Lancelot Henry Edwards

          Heimildir • fæðing : Wallingford 2c 320 • [marriage event] með Lancelot Henry Edwards : Wallingford 2c 818

          &ca 1929 Lancelot Henry Edwards, Lancelot 1902-
          Fæðing ·   1902 · Dursley district, Gloucestershire
          [marriage event] · um mai 1929 · Wallingford district, Berkshire · með Winifred Mary Scudds

          Heimildir • fæðing : Dursley 6a 277 • [marriage event] með Winifred Mary Scudds : Wallingford 2c 818

          1. Daphne M. Edwards, Daphne ca 1934
            Fæðing · um ágúst 1934 · 89 ára · Wallingford district, Berkshire

            Heimildir • fæðing : Wallingford 2c 513

      8. Katherine Elizabeth Scudds, Katherine/Catherine, Wiggins ca 1879-ca 1953
        Fæðing · um nóvember 1879 · Newnham Murren, Oxfordshire
        [marriage event] · um ágúst 1902 · Reading, Berkshire · með Albert Joseph A. Wiggins
        Látin(n) · um febrúar 1953 · kannski 73 ára · Reading district, Berkshire
        [IGI states Catherine Elizabeth Scudds b:1880 and BMD Katharine Elizabeth Scudds.] [K E W 73yr.]

        Heimildir • fæðing : Wallingford 2c 328 • [marriage event] með Albert Joseph A. Wiggins : Reading 2c 773 • látin(n) : Reading 2c 773

        &ca 1902 Albert Joseph A. Wiggins, Albert ca 1878-ca 1946
        Fæðing · um mai 1878 · Easthampstead district, Berkshire
        [marriage event] · um ágúst 1902 · Reading, Berkshire · með Katherine Elizabeth Scudds
        Látin(n) · um nóvember 1946 · kannski 68 ára · Portsmouth district, Hampshire

        Heimildir • fæðing : Easthampstead 2c 417 • [marriage event] með Katherine Elizabeth Scudds : Reading 2c 773 • látin(n) : Portsmouth 6b 344

      9. Charles Henry Scudds, Charles ca 1882-ca 1882
        Fæðing · um nóvember 1882 · Wallingford, Berkshire
        Látin(n) · um nóvember 1882 · Wallingford, Berkshire
        C H S 0yr.

        Heimildir • fæðing : Wallingford 2c 330 • látin(n) : Wallingford 2c 330

  7. Thomas Scudds 1802-ca 1853
    Fæðing ·   30 júlí 1802 · Wallingford, Berkshire
    Skírn ·   22 ágúst 1802 · Wallingford, Berkshire - The Market Place, Independent-Chapel
    [marriage event] · um 1827 · England · með Sophia Looker
    Látin(n) · um ágúst 1853 · kannski 51 ára · Wallingford district, Berkshire
    T S 53yr.

    Heimildir • fæðing : IGI / Census 1841 Oxfordshire • skírn : Non-Conformists Records / IGI • [marriage event] með Sophia Looker : IGI PRF / Census 1851 Oxfordshire [Skudd] • látin(n) : Wallingford 2c 182

    &ca 1827 Sophia Looker, Sarah, Scudds ca 1801-1853
    Fæðing · um desember 1801
    [marriage event] · um 1827 · England · með Thomas Scudds
    Látin(n) · í nóvember 1853 · kannski 51 ára · Wallingford district, Berkshire
    Anglican. A S C 31yr.(this is a problem, it should read 51yr.) Sarah Scudds is also noted. S C born circa 1807 is also noted.

    Heimildir • fæðing : Census 1841 Oxfordshire • [marriage event] með Thomas Scudds : IGI PRF / Census 1851 Oxfordshire [Skudd] • látin(n) : Wallingford 2c 193

    1. Israel Scudds ca 1829-ca 1909
      Fæðing · um 1829 · Newnham Murren, Oxfordshire
      [marriage event] · um mai 1850 · Wallingford, Berkshire · með Elizabeth Gregory
      Látin(n) · um febrúar 1909 · kannski 80 ára · Wallingford, Berkshire
      [Reading Mercury Sat 19 Jul 1902. Caversham Petty Sessions. Saturday, July 12 (Before Lord Saye and Sele, Gen. Radcliffe, and I. E. Witherington. D. Vanaerstegen, T. Neighbour, A. T. Simpson, R. F. Duff, and F. W. Dormer, Esq.). A Crowmarsh Publican Summoned. Phillip Henry Allnatt, landlord of "The Bell" Inn, Crowmarsh, was summoned for permitting drunkenness on his licensed premises, on June 27th. Mr. J. St. Laurence Stallwood defended. P.c. Lambonrne stated that on the day in question he found a man named Tuffrey sitting in the tap-room of 'The Bell," with a pot of beer in front of him. He was drunk. Tuffrey informed witness that he had been in the house, where he was supplied with beer. Kate Allnatt, wife of the defendant, said that Tuffrey appeared to be perfectly sober. Witness only served him with one pint of beer. Defendant gave similar evidence. Israel Scutts, aged 73, spoke to being in the house at the same time as Tuffrey. The latter did not appear to be drunk. The Bench dismissed the case, but cautioned defendant.] [I S - 82yr.]

      Heimildir • fæðing : Newham Murren Registers / Census 1841-61-71-81-91-1901 Oxfordshire • [marriage event] með Elizabeth Gregory : Wallingford 6 395 • látin(n) : Wallingford 2c 240

      &ca 1850 Elizabeth Gregory ca 1827-ca 1905
      Fæðing · um 1827 · Crowmarsh Gifford, Oxfordshire
      [marriage event] · um mai 1850 · Wallingford, Berkshire · með Israel Scudds
      Látin(n) · um nóvember 1905 · kannski 78 ára · Wallingford, Berkshire
      E S - 78yr.

      Heimildir • fæðing : Census 1861-71-81-91-1901 Oxfordshire • [marriage event] með Israel Scudds : Wallingford 6 395 • látin(n) : Wallingford 2c 19(6)

      1. Charles Scudds ca 1850-ca 1905
        Fæðing · um ágúst 1850 · Crowmarsh Gifford, Oxfordshire
        Skírn ·   1 september 1850 · Crowmarsh Gifford, Oxfordshire
        [marriage event] · um nóvember 1872 · Wallingford, Berkshire · með Susan Watts
        Látin(n) · um mai 1905 · kannski 54 ára · Wallingford, Berkshire
        [[Oxford Journal, Saturday 18 September 1880. Royal Berks Horticultural Society for Cottagers. The last exhibition for this season was held in the Corn Exchange, Wallingford, on Wednesday night, and included a quantity of very excellent garden productions, but not so numerous as in former years ....... the following being the list of money prizes given: Newnham -Richard Woodley, 6s.6d.; Issaa Godwin, 7s.6d.; William Cotteril, 6s.; Charles Scudds, 5s., Henry Edwards, 5s.; James Scudds, 3s.6d.] [C S - 54yr.]

        Heimildir • fæðing : Wallingford 6 267 / Census 1861-71-81-91-1901 Oxfordshire • [marriage event] með Susan Watts : Wallingford 2c 721 • látin(n) : Wallingford 2c 190

        &ca 1872 Susan Watts ca 1852-ca 1906
        Fæðing · um 1852 · Blewbury, Berkshire
        [marriage event] · um nóvember 1872 · Wallingford, Berkshire · með Charles Scudds
        Látin(n) · um ágúst 1906 · kannski 54 ára · Wallingford, Berkshire
        S S - 53yr.

        Heimildir • fæðing : Census 1881-91-1901 Oxfordshire • [marriage event] með Charles Scudds : Wallingford 2c 721 • látin(n) : Wallingford 2c 176

      2. James William Scudds, James/William, (1871-81) agricultural labourer , (1891-1901) under gardener domestic ca 1852-ca 1919
        Fæðing · um febrúar 1852 · Crowmarsh Gifford, Oxfordshire
        Skírn ·   14 mars 1852 · Crowmarsh Gifford, Oxfordshire
        [marriage event] · í nóvember 1872 · Crowmarsh Gifford, Oxfordshire · með Lucy Hunt
        Látin(n) · um nóvember 1919 · kannski 67 ára · Bradfield district, Berkshire
        [Berkshire Chronicle, Berkshire, Saturday 30 July 1870. Borough Petty Sessions, July22. (Before W.Wright and R. Payne, Esqrs.) — Joseph Scudds, of Crowmarsh, labourer, appeared in answer to a summons for assaulting Eli Argyle, ferryman, Benson, on the 16th instant, in the parish of St. Peter. From the evidence of the complainant it appeared that Saturday evening, the 16th instant, he was in the Town Arms, and was smoking a cigar. He was getting a light, when Scudds pushed against him and challenged him to fight, and afterwards hit him on the head. Complainant did not strike the defendant. A labourer named Walter Church, living at Benson, said he was in the Town Arms when the assault took place, and saw the defendant push the complainant away from the gas, and afterwards strike him on the head. James Scudds was called by the defendant to prove that he was in the Town Arms the evening in question, and complainant had fish to sell. Complainant offered to fight the defendant for the defendant pushed complainant, but did not strike him. James Cottrell, who was there as well as the last witness, said that defendant only pushed complainant. It was the complainant who offered to fight. Fined 1s. and costs.] [Saturday 18 September 1875, Oxford Journal, Oxfordshire. Wallingford Horticultural Society. The second show for the season was held in the Corn Exchange on Wednesday last, and was in every way a success. Upwards of 300 specimens of fruit, flowers, and vegetables were shown, and ........ The following is a list of the prizes: Crowmarsh - Charles Wheeler, 7s. 6d.; Jas. Hunt, 5s.; James Scudds, 5s.; William Bitmead, 3s. 6d.; Wm. Simmonds, 2s. 6d.] [Oxford Journal, Saturday 18 September 1880. Royal Berks Horticultural Society for Cottagers. The last exhibition for this season was held in the Corn Exchange, Wallingford, on Wednesday night, and included a quantity of very excellent garden productions, but not so numerous as in former years ....... the following being the list of money prizes given: Newnham -Richard Woodley, 6s.6d.; Issaa Godwin, 7s.6d.; William Cotteril, 6s.; Charles Scudds, 5s., Henry Edwards, 5s.; James Scudds, 3s.6d.] [Reading Mercury, Saturday 03 September 1887. Royal Berks Horticultural Society for Cottagers. The Wallingford Brass Band was in attendance and performed during the afternoon. The following was the Prize list. James Scudds - Cabbage, small, lst prize celery, white, 2nd ; celery, red, 2nd.] [J S - 67yr.]

        Heimildir • fæðing : Wallingford 2c 303 • skírn : IGI • [marriage event] með Lucy Hunt : Wallingford 2c 702 • látin(n) : Bradfield 2c 353

        &1872 Lucy Hunt, Scudds ca 1854-ca 1941
        Fæðing · um 1854 · Crowmarsh Gifford, Oxfordshire
        [marriage event] · í nóvember 1872 · Crowmarsh Gifford, Oxfordshire · með James William Scudds
        Látin(n) · um febrúar 1941 · kannski 87 ára · Henley district, Oxfordshire
        L S - 86yr.

        Heimildir • fæðing : Census 1881-91-1901 Oxfordshire • [marriage event] með James William Scudds : Wallingford 2c 702 • látin(n) : Henley 3a 3260

        1. Florence Kate Scudds, Florence, Hutchings ca 1873-ca 1931
          Fæðing · um mai 1873 · Crowmarsh Gifford, Oxfordshire
          Skírn ·   22 júní 1873 · Crowmarsh Gifford, Oxfordshire
          [marriage event] · um ágúst 1897 · Wallingford, Berkshire · með Edward George Hutchings
          Látin(n) · um mai 1931 · kannski 58 ára · Risbridge district, Suffolk
          F K H 57yr.

          Heimildir • fæðing : Wallingford 2c 309 • skírn : IGI • [marriage event] með Edward George Hutchings : Wallingford 2c 673 / Census 1901 Essex • látin(n) : Risbridge 4a 873

          &ca 1897
          no children born here
          Edward George Hutchings, Edward
          [marriage event] · um ágúst 1897 · Wallingford, Berkshire · með Florence Kate Scudds

          Heimildir • [marriage event] með Florence Kate Scudds : Wallingford 2c 673 / Census 1901 Essex

        2. Henry James Scudds, Henry/Harry/Harry James ca 1876-ca 1935
          Fæðing · um febrúar 1876 · Crowmarsh Gifford, Oxfordshire
          [no marriage event] · um 1904 · England · með Daisy Leonard Winterbourne
          Látin(n) · um nóvember 1935 · kannski 59 ára · Hampstead district, Middlesex (London)
          Harry J S - 59yr.

          Heimildir • fæðing : Wallingford 2c 340 • [no marriage event] með Daisy Leonard Winterbourne : BMD (Children) / Census 1911 London • látin(n) : Hampstead 1a 671

          &ca 1904
          no marriage certificate has yet been found
          Daisy Leonard Winterbourne, Daisy, Scudds ca 1885-1915
          Fæðing · um febrúar 1885 · Hampstead district, Middlesex (London)
          [no marriage event] · um 1904 · England · með Henry James Scudds
          Látin(n) · í apríl 1915 · kannski 30 ára · Hampstead district, Middlesex (London)
          Útför ·   21 apríl 1915 · Hampstead Cemetery (Camden)
          D S - 30yr.

          Heimildir • fæðing : Hampstead 1a 702 • [no marriage event] með Henry James Scudds : BMD (Children) / Census 1911 London • látin(n) : Hampstead 1a 790

          1. Edith May Scudds, Edith 1905-1991
            Fæðing ·   21 september 1905 · Marylebone, London
            Látin(n) · í mai 1991 · 85 ára · Henley district, Oxfordshire
            E M S - unmarried.

            Heimildir • fæðing : Marylebone 1a 552 (4th.Q.) • látin(n) : Henley 0591 20 2256

          2. Charles Edward James Scudds, Charles 1907-1977
            Fæðing ·   16 mai 1907 · Hampstead district, London
            Látin(n) ·   25 september 1977 · 70 ára · Bexley district, Kent
            [cremation] ·   29 september 1977 · Eltham Crematorium (Greenwich)

            Heimildir • fæðing : Hampstead 1a 619 • látin(n) : Bexley 11 0424

          3. Florence Irene Scudds, Florence 1909-1988
            Fæðing ·   1 janúar 1909 · Hampstead, London
            Látin(n) · í mai 1988 · 79 ára · Bishop's Stortford, Hertfordshire
            Florence Scudds 38 travelled in 1947 from Southampton to New York, USA. F I S - unmarried.

            Heimildir • fæðing : Hampstead 1a 579 • látin(n) : Bishop's Stortford 0588 10 0019

          4. Rosie Lilian Scudds, Rosie/Rosina/Rosina Lilian., Loader ca 1911-
            Fæðing · um ágúst 1911 · Hampstead, London
            [marriage event] · um apríl 1933 · Bromley, Kent · með Sydney E. Loader

            Heimildir • fæðing : Hampstead 1a 1039 • [marriage event] með Sydney E. Loader : Bromley 2a 1638

            &ca 1933 Sydney E. Loader, Sydney
            [marriage event] · um apríl 1933 · Bromley, Kent · með Rosie Lilian Scudds

            Heimildir • [marriage event] með Rosie Lilian Scudds : Bromley 2a 1638

            1. John A. Loader, John ca 1933
              Fæðing · um júní 1933 · 91 ára · Bromley, Kent

              Heimildir • fæðing : Bromley 2a 1039

          5. Daisy Scudds 1913-1992
            Fæðing · í september 1913 · Hampstead district, Middlesex (London)
            Látin(n) · í júní 1992 · 78 ára · Portsmouth district, Hampshire
            D S, unmarried.

            Heimildir • fæðing : Hampstead 1a 1022 • látin(n) : Portsmouth 0692 20 0893

        3. Charles William Scudds, Charles ca 1878-ca 1949
          Fæðing · um ágúst 1878 · Crowmarsh Gifford, Oxfordshire
          [marriage event] ·   25 desember 1902 · Halifax, Nova Scotia, CANADA · með Florence Katherine Mowbray
          Látin(n) · um mai 1949 · kannski 70 ára · Reading, Berkshire
          Royal Garrison Artillery, 12590, Serjeant & Royal Garrison Artillery, 12590, Warrant Officer Class 2. C W S - 70yr.

          Heimildir • fæðing : Wallingford 2c 343 / Census 1881-91 Oxfordshire / Catalogue reference WO 372/24 & WO 372/17 • [marriage event] með Florence Katherine Mowbray : Army Returns 1796-1955 Halifax N. S. 1903 374 & 1903 253 / IGI M58644-8 • látin(n) : Reading 6a 84 / United Grand Lodge of England Freemason Membership Registers 1751-1921

          C S (24) - parents:James & Lucy Scudds. F M (25) b:Halifax, Canada - parents:Edward & Phoebe Mowbray
          Florence Katherine Mowbray, Florence Kathleen/Florence, Scudds ca 1877-ca 1957
          foreldrar : Edward Mowbray og Phoebe ------
          Fæðing · um 1877 · Halifax, Nova Scotia, CANADA
          [marriage event] ·   25 desember 1902 · Halifax, Nova Scotia, CANADA · með Charles William Scudds
          Látin(n) · um mai 1957 · kannski 80 ára · Wokingham district, Berkshire
          Útför · Reading, Berkshire
          Florence Kathleen Scudds 80yr.

          Heimildir • [marriage event] með Charles William Scudds : Army Returns 1796-1955 Halifax N. S. 1903 374 & 1903 253 / IGI M58644-8 • látin(n) : Wokingham 6a 220

          1. Florence May Scudds, Florence 1915
            Fæðing ·   31 oktober 1915 · MALTA
            Skírn ·   4 nóvember 1915 · MALTA
            [marriage event] · um febrúar 1940 · Reading district, Berkshire · með Lincoln John Charlton King
            Florence May Scudds, the daughter of Florence Katherine & Charles William Scudds, Colour Sergeant Major.

            Heimildir • fæðing : British Forces Church Baptisms to 1925 / Lincoln John Charlton King • [marriage event] með Lincoln John Charlton King : Reading 2c 1388

            &ca 1940 Lincoln John Charlton King 1917-1979
            Fæðing ·   18 ágúst 1917
            [marriage event] · um febrúar 1940 · Reading district, Berkshire · með Florence May Scudds
            Látin(n) ·   12 ágúst 1979 · 61 ára

            Heimildir • [marriage event] með Florence May Scudds : Reading 2c 1388

            1. Margaret S. King, Margaret ca 1942
              Fæðing · um nóvember 1942 · 81 ára · Reading district, Berkshire

              Heimildir • fæðing : Reading 2c 627

        4. William Thomas Scudds, William ca 1883-1916
          Fæðing · um mars 1883 · Newnham Murren, Oxfordshire
          [marriage event] · í mai 1909 · Henley, Oxfordshire · með Lily Hancock
          [marriage event] · um mai 1912 · Reading district, Berkshire · með Annie Eliza Grundy
          Látin(n) ·   21 janúar 1916 · kannski 32 ára · Goring, Oxfordshire
          Útför · Goring, Oxfordshire - St Thomas of Canterbury Churchyard
          [Private 2506 Scudds, 4th Btn Royal Berkshire Regiment was the son of James and Lucy Scudds, Elmcroft Cottage, Goring-on-Thames. He died at home on 21st January 1916, age 33.] [W T S - 30yr.]

          Heimildir • fæðing : Wallingford 2c 333 • [marriage event] með Lily Hancock : Henley 3a 1849 • [marriage event] með Annie Eliza Grundy : Reading 2c 862 • látin(n) : Reading 2c 515

          &1909 Lily Hancock, Scudds ca 1888-ca 1910
          Fæðing · um 1888
          [marriage event] · í mai 1909 · Henley, Oxfordshire · með William Thomas Scudds
          Látin(n) · um ágúst 1910 · kannski 22 ára · Henley, Oxfordshire
          L S - 24yr.

          Heimildir • fæðing : BMD (Deaths) • [marriage event] með William Thomas Scudds : Henley 3a 1849 • látin(n) : Henley 3a 410

          &ca 1912 Annie Eliza Grundy, Annie, Scudds ca 1884-1913
          Fæðing · um ágúst 1884
          [marriage event] · um mai 1912 · Reading district, Berkshire · með William Thomas Scudds
          Látin(n) · í febrúar 1913 · kannski 28 ára · Tilehurst, Berkshire
          Útför ·   8 febrúar 1913 · Tilehurst, Berkshire - St. George
          A E S - 28yr.

          Heimildir • fæðing : BMD (Deaths) • [marriage event] með William Thomas Scudds : Reading 2c 862 • látin(n) : Reading 2c 444 • útför : Berkshire Burial Index

        5. Edith Marion Scudds, Edith ca 1886-1949
          Fæðing · um febrúar 1886 · Newnham Murren, Oxfordshire
          Látin(n) ·   28 febrúar 1949 · kannski 63 ára · Reading district, Berkshire
          E M S - 63yr., unmarried.

          Heimildir • fæðing : Wallingford 2c 347 • látin(n) : Reading 6a 110

        6. Walter John Scudds, Walter ca 1888-1918
          Fæðing · um mai 1888 · Newnham Murren, Oxfordshire
          [marriage event] ·   1908 · Monifieth, SCOTLAND · með Mary Taylor Martin
          Látin(n) ·   22 janúar 1918 · kannski 29 ára · France - WWI.
          Útför · H. A. C. Cemetery, Ecoust-St. Mein
          Inscription:Royal Garrison Artillery, Note:23007. Ecoust-Saint-Mein, Departement du Pas-de-Calais, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France, Plot:III. F.14.

          Heimildir • fæðing : Wallingford 2c 309 / Catalogue reference WO 372/17 • [marriage event] með Mary Taylor Martin : Monifieth 310/15 • látin(n) : Indexes to War Deaths 1914-1921 1918 A. 6 23

          (this still needs to be verified)
          Mary Taylor Martin, Mary, Scudds/Earley †1929
          foreldrar : John Martin og Margaret Allan
          [marriage event] ·   1908 · Monifieth, SCOTLAND · með Walter John Scudds
          [marriage event] ·   1923 · Blythswood, SCOTLAND · með William Stephen Earley
          Látin(n) ·   1929 · Plantation, SCOTLAND
          M T M 39yr. [1889 Row or Rhu 503/125], - parents:John Martin & Margaret Allan, both died at Lamlash, Isle of Arran, Scotland.

          Heimildir • [marriage event] með Walter John Scudds : Monifieth 310/15 • [marriage event] með William Stephen Earley : Blythswood 644/10 1121 • látin(n) : Plantation 644/20 312 / Peter Dempsey

          1. Walter James Scudds, Walter ca 1915-1996
            Fæðing · um mai 1915 · Queenstown, IRELAND
            [marriage event] ·   1939 · Pollok, SCOTLAND · með Florence Nightingale MacGregor
            [divorce event] ·   8 júní 1963 · með Florence Nightingale MacGregor
            [marriage event] ·   1963 · Cathcart, Glasgow, SCOTLAND · með Helen Veale Armstrong
            Látin(n) ·   1996 · kannski 81 ára · Glasgow Martha Street, SCOTLAND.
            [Parents:Walter John Scudds, Corporal R G A & Mary Taylor Scudds nee Martin, 8 King's Street.] [Divorce: National Archives of Scotland CS46/1963/681 & CS258/1963/2924. Florence N MacGregor or Scudds (pursuer) v Walter J Scudds (defender): Divorce, 8 Jun 1963 retained.] [W J S 80yr.]

            Heimildir • fæðing : Cork 5 151 / BMD Ireland film nr:101076 Vol:5 p:151 • [marriage event] með Florence Nightingale MacGregor : Pollk, 644/18 660 / National Archives of Scotland (Divorce) • [marriage event] með Helen Veale Armstrong : Cathcart 644/12 375 • látin(n) : Glasgow Martha Street 601/190

            Florence Nightingale MacGregor or Scudds (pursuer) v Walter J Scudds (defender): Divorce - 8 Jun 1963 retained.
            Florence Nightingale MacGregor, Florence, Scudds/Montgomery/White 1917-2000
            Fæðing ·   1917 · Eastwood, SCOTLAND
            [marriage event] ·   1939 · Pollok, SCOTLAND · með Walter James Scudds
            [divorce event] ·   8 júní 1963 · með Walter James Scudds
            [marriage event] ·   1969 · Glasgow, SCOTLAND · með William Edward White
            Látin(n) ·   2000 · 83 ára · Dunoon, SCOTLAND
            [Divorce:National Archives of Scotland CS46/1963/681 & CS258/1963/2924. Florence N MacGregor or Scudds (pursuer) v Walter J Scudds (defender): Divorce 8 Jun 1963 retained.] [F N S 83yr., b:1917 (Macgregor)].

            Heimildir • fæðing : Eastwood 562/30 • [marriage event] með Walter James Scudds : Pollk, 644/18 660 / National Archives of Scotland (Divorce) • [marriage event] með William Edward White : Glasgow 644/9 721 • látin(n) : Dunoon 532/150

            1. Patricia Florence Scudds, Patricia, Gow 1940
              Fæðing ·   1940 · 84 ára · Johnstone & Elderslie, SCOTLAND
              [marriage event] · UNITED STATES of AMERICA · með ------ Gow
              Emigrated in 1962 and living in 2006 in Seattle, U.S.A.

              Heimildir • fæðing : Johnstone and Elderslie 573/2 559 • [marriage event] með ------ Gow :

              & ------ Gow
              [marriage event] · UNITED STATES of AMERICA · með Patricia Florence Scudds

              Heimildir • [marriage event] með Patricia Florence Scudds :

            2. Marjorie Macgregor Scudds, Marjorie, McCaw 1944
              Fæðing ·   1944 · 80 ára · Methlick, SCOTLAND
              [marriage event] ·   1967 · Glasgow, SCOTLAND · með Alistair William McCaw

              Heimildir • fæðing : Methlick 221/197 • [marriage event] með Alistair William McCaw : Glasgow 644/8 211

              &1967 Alistair William McCaw, Alistair
              [marriage event] ·   1967 · Glasgow, SCOTLAND · með Marjorie Macgregor Scudds

              Heimildir • [marriage event] með Marjorie Macgregor Scudds : Glasgow 644/8 211

            3. Colin Walter Scudds, Colin 1945-2010
              Fæðing ·   5 oktober 1945 · Pollok, Glasgow, Scotland
              [marriage event] ·   1968 · Glasgow, SCOTLAND · með Aileen Blair Penman
              Látin(n) ·   17 desember 2010 · 65 ára · Eastwood and Mearns, SCOTLAND
              [cremation] ·   24 desember 2010 · Linn Crematorium, Lainshaw Drive, Glasgow, Scotland
              SCUDDS Colin Walter, Peacefully, at The Beatson West of Scotland Cancer Centre, on Friday, 17th December, 2010, after a long brave battle faced with great courage and stoicism, Colin Scudds, aged 65 years, dearly adored husband of Aileen and proud father of Chris and Claire, fun-loving grandpa of Mia, Leo, Lucy and Ben and much loved and admired father-in-law of Annie and Chris. Will be sadly missed by his wide circle of family and friends.

              Heimildir • fæðing : Pollok 644/18 1100 / The Herald [2010 Dec 21] • [marriage event] með Aileen Blair Penman : Glasgow 645/3 327 / Electoral Roll 2002 • látin(n) : The Herald [2010 Dec 21] • [cremation] : Eastwood & Mearns 650/991 / The Herald [2010 Dec 21]

              &1968 Aileen Blair Penman, Aileen, Scudds, teacher
              [marriage event] ·   1968 · Glasgow, SCOTLAND · með Colin Walter Scudds

              Heimildir • [marriage event] með Colin Walter Scudds : Glasgow 645/3 327 / Electoral Roll 2002

              1. Christopher David Scudds, Christopher 1969
                Fæðing ·   1969 · 55 ára · Glasgow, SCOTLAND
                [marriage event] ·   2001 · Glasgow Park Circus, SCOTLAND · með Marie Jeanne Annie Archambault

                Heimildir • fæðing : Glasgow 644/3 982 / Electoral Roll 2002 • [marriage event] með Marie Jeanne Annie Archambault : Glasgow Park Circus 619/843 / Electoral Roll 2002-06

                &2001 Marie Jeanne Annie Archambault, Annie/Marie, Scudds/Bouchard
                [marriage event] ·   2001 · Glasgow Park Circus, SCOTLAND · með Christopher David Scudds
                Annie Scudds - Research Director, Paravizion. She was Psychologist at Unilever. Education: Liverpool John Moores University, The University of Glasgow, Universit de Montreal, Universit de Provence (Aix-Marseille I), Universit de Mont...

                Heimildir • [marriage event] með Christopher David Scudds : Glasgow Park Circus 619/843 / Electoral Roll 2002-06

                1. Mia Florence Scudds, Mia 2003
                  Fæðing · í mai 2003 · 21 ára · Chester district, Cheshire.

                  Heimildir • fæðing : Chester E P 3401C C81 092 0503

                2. Leo Nicolas Scudds, Leo 2005
                  Fæðing · í júlí 2005 · 19 ára · Chester district, Cheshire.

                  Heimildir • fæðing : Chester E P 3401D D105 050 0705

              2. Claire Joan Scudds, Claire 1973
                Fæðing ·   1973 · 51 ára · Glasgow Martha Street, SCOTLAND
                [marriage event] ·   1999 · Eastwood and Mearns, SCOTLAND · með Christopher Thomas Webber

                Heimildir • fæðing : Glasgow Martha Street 601/8 / The Herald [2010 Dec 21] • [marriage event] með Christopher Thomas Webber : Eastwood & Mearns 650 226 / The Herald [2010 Dec 21]

                &1999 Christopher Thomas Webber, Christopher
                [marriage event] ·   1999 · Eastwood and Mearns, SCOTLAND · með Claire Joan Scudds

                Heimildir • [marriage event] með Claire Joan Scudds : Eastwood & Mearns 650 226 / The Herald [2010 Dec 21]

                1. Lucy Webber
                2. Ben Webber
            &1963 Helen Veale Armstrong, Helen, Scudds ca 1918-2009
            Fæðing · um 1918 · SCOTLAND
            [marriage event] ·   1963 · Cathcart, Glasgow, SCOTLAND · með Walter James Scudds
            Látin(n) ·   11 apríl 2009 · kannski 91 ára · Victoria Infirmary, Glasgow, SCOTLAND
            [cremation] · Glasgow, SCOTLAND - Linn Crematorium, Lainshaw Drive
            H V S 91yr. Maiden name given as Wilson. Scudds, Helen - Peacefully, at the Mansionhouse Unit, Victoria Infirmary, Glasgow, on 11th April, 2009, Helen. Funeral service at Linn Crematorium, Lainshaw Drive, Glasgow, on Friday, 17th April at 1.30pm. H V S living in 2001 at 294 Croftpark Avenue, Glasgow, Scotland.

            Heimildir • [marriage event] með Walter James Scudds : Cathcart 644/12 375 • látin(n) : Eastwood & Mearns 650/305 / Herald [2009 Apr 15] / Electoral Roll 2002

      3. Sarah Ann Scudds, Sarah, Scuds ca 1854-
        Fæðing · um ágúst 1854 · Crowmarsh Gifford, Oxfordshire
        Skírn ·   10 september 1854 · Crowmarsh Gifford, Oxfordshire
        [marriage event] · um ágúst 1872 · Wallingford, Berkshire · með Josiah Goode
        BMD states Sarahna Scutt whilst IGI gives Hannah Scutt bapt:1854 Sep 10.

        Heimildir • fæðing : Wallingford 2c 282 • skírn : IGI • [marriage event] með Josiah Goode : Wallingford 2c 543

        &ca 1872
        S A Scuds. They emigrated to Australia.
        Josiah Goode
        [marriage event] · um ágúst 1872 · Wallingford, Berkshire · með Sarah Ann Scudds

        Heimildir • [marriage event] með Sarah Ann Scudds : Wallingford 2c 543

        1. Rhoda Lavinia Goode, Rhoda 1881-
          Fæðing ·   4 mai 1881 · Palmerston, NT, Australia

          Heimildir • fæðing : South Australian Births 1842-1906 [Digger] Book:268 Page:308

      4. Edward Scudds ca 1858-ca 1928
        Fæðing · um ágúst 1858 · Crowmarsh Gifford, Oxfordshire
        [marriage event] · í mai 1879 · Wallingford, Berkshire · með Lucy Allum
        Látin(n) · um febrúar 1928 · kannski 69 ára · Wallingford district, Berkshire
        E S - 69yr.

        Heimildir • fæðing : Wallingford 2c 287 • [marriage event] með Lucy Allum : Wallingford 2c 591 • látin(n) : Wallingford 2c 434

        &1879 Lucy Allum, Scudds ca 1857-ca 1911
        Fæðing · um desember 1857 · Crowmarsh Gifford, Oxfordshire
        [marriage event] · í mai 1879 · Wallingford, Berkshire · með Edward Scudds
        Látin(n) · um janúar 1911 · kannski 53 ára · Wallingford, Berkshire
        L S - 52yr.

        Heimildir • fæðing : Wallingford 2c 288 • [marriage event] með Edward Scudds : Wallingford 2c 591 • látin(n) : Wallingford 2c 216

        1. Alfred Israel Scudds, Alfred, (1909) coachman ca 1879-ca 1911
          Fæðing · um ágúst 1879 · Crowmarsh Gifford, Oxfordshire
          [marriage event] · um ágúst 1905 · Reading district, Berkshire · með Agnes Jane Mason
          Látin(n) · um nóvember 1911 · kannski 32 ára · Reading, Berkshire
          A I S - 30yr.

          Heimildir • fæðing : Wallingford 2c 332 • [marriage event] með Agnes Jane Mason : Reading 2c 806 • látin(n) : Reading 2c 432

          &ca 1905 Agnes Jane Mason, Agnes ca 1883-ca 1957
          Fæðing · um ágúst 1883 · Reading district, Berkshire
          [marriage event] · um ágúst 1905 · Reading district, Berkshire · með Alfred Israel Scudds
          [marriage event] · um ágúst 1916 · Reading district, Berkshire · með Arthur John Scudds
          Látin(n) · um mai 1957 · kannski 73 ára · Wokingham district, Berkshire
          A J S - 73yr.

          Heimildir • fæðing : Reading 2c 339 • [marriage event] með Alfred Israel Scudds : Reading 2c 806 • [marriage event] með Arthur John Scudds : Reading 2c 759 • látin(n) : Wokingham 6a 224

          1. Eric Alfred Scudds, Eric 1909-1978
            Fæðing ·   5 nóvember 1909 · Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire - Southwick Park
            Skírn ·   5 desember 1909 · Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire - St Mary
            [marriage event] · um nóvember 1939 · Wokingham district, Berkshire · með Phoebe Letitia Clara Cox
            Látin(n) ·   13 apríl 1978 · 68 ára · Sonning, Berkshire
            They lived at 1 Glebe Lane, Sonning until his retirement, afterwards at 13 Little Glebe, Sonning.

            Heimildir • fæðing : Tewkesbury 6a 419 • [marriage event] með Phoebe Letitia Clara Cox : Wokingham 2c 2629 • látin(n) : Reading/Wokingham 19 0457

            &ca 1939 Phoebe Letitia Clara Cox, Phoebe, Scudds 1913-1997
            foreldrar : Caleb Cox 1879-1970 og Florence Waite 1885-1955
            Fæðing ·   24 febrúar 1913 · Shinfield, Berkshire
            [marriage event] · um nóvember 1939 · Wokingham district, Berkshire · með Eric Alfred Scudds
            Látin(n) · í september 1997 · 84 ára · Sonning, Berkshire
            Útför ·   1997 · Sonning, Berkshire - St. Andrew's
            They lived at 1 Glebe Lane, Sonning until his retirement, afterwards at 13 Little Glebe, Sonning.

            Heimildir • fæðing : Wokingham 2c 766 (2nd.Q.) • [marriage event] með Eric Alfred Scudds : Wokingham 2c 2629 • látin(n) : Reading 3202 WOK3C

            1. Valerie Anne Scudds, Valerie ca 1944
              Fæðing · um mai 1944 · 80 ára · Wokingham, Berkshire
              [marriage event] ·   12 desember 1964 · Reading, Berkshire · með Clive P. M Smith
              [marriage event] ·   1987 · Basingstoke, Hampshire · með Terrence J. Hart

              Heimildir • fæðing : Wokingham 2c 833 • [marriage event] með Clive P. M Smith : Reading, Berkshire • [marriage event] með Terrence J. Hart : Barbara Spiller

              &1964 Clive P. M Smith, Olive
              [marriage event] ·   12 desember 1964 · Reading, Berkshire · með Valerie Anne Scudds

              Heimildir • [marriage event] með Valerie Anne Scudds : Reading, Berkshire

              1. Sharen C. Smith, Sharen, Cook/Berkeley 1965
                Fæðing ·   2 júlí 1965 · 59 ára · Reading, Berkshire
                [marriage event] ·   1991 · Devizes, Wiltshire · með Trevor Cook
                [divorce event] · um 1994 · með Trevor Cook
                [marriage event] ·   1996 · Devizes, Wiltshire · með Alan R. Berkeley

                Heimildir • fæðing : Reading 6a 137

                &1991 Trevor Cook
                [marriage event] ·   1991 · Devizes, Wiltshire · með Sharen C. Smith
                [divorce event] · um 1994 · með Sharen C. Smith
                &1996 Alan R. Berkeley
                [marriage event] ·   1996 · Devizes, Wiltshire · með Sharen C. Smith
              2. Richard Charles Smith, Richard ca 1967
                Fæðing · um 20 júlí 1967 · 56 ára · Reading, Berkshire
                [marriage event] · um 1998 · með ------ ------
                possible error as regards date of birth.

                Heimildir • fæðing : Reading 6a 304

                &ca 1998 ------ ------
                [marriage event] · um 1998 · með Richard Charles Smith
              &1987 Terrence J. Hart, Terrence
              [marriage event] ·   1987 · Basingstoke, Hampshire · með Valerie Anne Scudds

              Heimildir • [marriage event] með Valerie Anne Scudds : Barbara Spiller

        2. George Scudds ca 1881-1961
          Fæðing · um febrúar 1881 · Crowmarsh Gifford, Oxfordshire
          [marriage event] · um febrúar 1905 · Thame district, Oxfordshire · með Caroline Elizabeth Sawyer
          Látin(n) ·   26 mai 1961 · kannski 80 ára · Wallingford district, Berkshire
          Army Service Corps, M2/181274, Private. G S - 80yr.

          Heimildir • fæðing : Wallingford 2c 339 • [marriage event] með Caroline Elizabeth Sawyer : Thame 3a 1167 / Catalogue reference WO 372/17 • látin(n) : Wallingford 6a 157

          &ca 1905 Caroline Elizabeth Sawyer, Caroline 1882-ca 1978
          Fæðing ·   5 febrúar 1882
          [marriage event] · um febrúar 1905 · Thame district, Oxfordshire · með George Scudds
          Látin(n) · um nóvember 1978 · kannski 96 ára · Wallingford district, Berkshire

          Heimildir • fæðing : BMD (Deaths) • [marriage event] með George Scudds : Thame 3a 1167 / Catalogue reference WO 372/17 • látin(n) : Wallingford 20 2620

          1. Edward George Scudds, Edward/Ted 1905-1989
            Fæðing · í júní 1905 · Wallingford, Berkshire
            [marriage event] · um ágúst 1927 · Wallingford district, Berkshire · með Edith Annie Mabel Cleghorn
            Látin(n) · í mars 1989 · 83 ára · Henley district, Oxfordshire

            Heimildir • fæðing : Wallingford 2c 330 (3rd.Q.) • [marriage event] með Edith Annie Mabel Cleghorn : Wallingford 2c 871 • látin(n) : Henley 0389 20 2494

            &ca 1927 Edith Annie Mabel Cleghorn, Edith/May/Edie, Scudds 1907-ca 1992
            Fæðing ·   23 apríl 1907 · Thame district, Oxfordshire
            [marriage event] · um ágúst 1927 · Wallingford district, Berkshire · með Edward George Scudds
            Látin(n) · um ágúst 1992 · kannski 85 ára · Henley district, Oxfordshire

            Heimildir • fæðing : Thame 3a 107 • [marriage event] með Edward George Scudds : Wallingford 2c 871 • látin(n) : Henley 0892 20 2159

            1. John E. Scudds, John ca 1929
              Fæðing · um ágúst 1929 · Wallingford district, Berkshire
              [marriage event] · um ágúst 1954 · Henley district, Oxfordshire · með Beryl E. Allaway
              The Sydney Morning Herald, Thursday 3 June 1948. Seven youths were acquitted in Darlinghurst Quarter Sessions yesterday of charges of having carnally known and indecently assaulted a 15-year-old girl at Mascot on January 31. The youths defence was that what had happened was with the girl's consent, and that they believed she was 16. The accused were Ray Kenneth Williams, 20, labourer; Jack Edward Mills, 19, greengrocer; Maurice Francis Bingle, 20, lorry driver; William Dean, l8, labourer; John Scudds, 19, carpenter; Reginald Arthur Keith Walker, 20, labourer; and Vincent Bernard Murphy, l8, labourer. All the accused made statements to the police admitting the offence, except Dean and Walker. They said they were present, but, did not take part in the offence.

              Heimildir • fæðing : Wallingford 2c 537 • [marriage event] með Beryl E. Allaway : Henley 6b 2102 / Electoral Roll 2002

              &ca 1954 Beryl E. Allaway, Beryl 1931
              Fæðing · í febrúar 1931 · 93 ára · Henley district, Oxfordshire
              [marriage event] · um ágúst 1954 · Henley district, Oxfordshire · með John E. Scudds

              Heimildir • fæðing : Henley 3a 1701 / Electoral Roll 2002 • [marriage event] með John E. Scudds : Henley 6b 2102 / Electoral Roll 2002

          2. Horace William Scudds, Horace 1907-ca 1980
            Fæðing ·   21 desember 1907 · Wallingford, Berkshire
            [marriage event] · um febrúar 1929 · Wallingford district, Berkshire · með Dorothy Clarice Kent
            Látin(n) · um febrúar 1980 · kannski 72 ára · Penrith district, Cumbria

            Heimildir • fæðing : Wallingford 2c 318 (1908 1st.Q.) • [marriage event] með Dorothy Clarice Kent : Wallingford 2c 577 • látin(n) : Penrith 1 0606

            &ca 1929 Dorothy Clarice Kent, Dorothy ca 1908-1988
            Fæðing · um 30 júlí 1908 · Wallingford district, Berkshire
            [marriage event] · um febrúar 1929 · Wallingford district, Berkshire · með Horace William Scudds
            Látin(n) · í desember 1988 · kannski 80 ára · Oxford district, Oxfordshire

            Heimildir • fæðing : Wallingford 2c 330 • [marriage event] með Horace William Scudds : Wallingford 2c 577 • látin(n) : Oxford 1288 20 2497

            1. Jean D. A. Scudds, Jean ca 1930
              Fæðing · um nóvember 1930 · 93 ára · Wallingford district, Berkshire
              [marriage event] · um mai 1952 · Wallingford district, Berkshire · með Leroy H. W. Bailey

              Heimildir • fæðing : Wallingford 2c 508 • [marriage event] með Leroy H. W. Bailey : Wallingford 6a 301

              &ca 1952 Leroy H. W. Bailey, Leroy/Roy
              [marriage event] · um mai 1952 · Wallingford district, Berkshire · með Jean D. A. Scudds

              Heimildir • [marriage event] með Jean D. A. Scudds : Wallingford 6a 301

              1. Kevin N. L. Bailey, Kevin ca 1954
                Fæðing · um febrúar 1954 · 70 ára · Wallingford district, Berkshire

                Heimildir • fæðing : Wallingford 6a 220

          3. Ivy May Scudds, Ivy, Corrall ca 1918-
            Fæðing · um febrúar 1918 · Wallingford, Berkshire
            [marriage event] · um mai 1938 · Wallingford district, Berkshire · með Albert Corrall

            Heimildir • fæðing : Wallingford 2c 497 • [marriage event] með Albert Corrall : Wallingford 2c 1029

            &ca 1938 Albert Corrall 1912-
            Fæðing ·   1912 · Warwickshire
            [marriage event] · um mai 1938 · Wallingford district, Berkshire · með Ivy May Scudds

            Heimildir • [marriage event] með Ivy May Scudds : Wallingford 2c 1029

            1. John W. W. Corrall, John ca 1945
              Fæðing · um mai 1945 · 79 ára · Wallingford district, Berkshire
              [marriage event] · um febrúar 1981 · Wallingford district, Oxfordshire · með Sonia R. Perez Benitez

              Heimildir • fæðing : Wallingford 2c 645 • [marriage event] með Sonia R. Perez Benitez : Wallingford 20 1857

              &ca 1981 Sonia R. Perez Benitez, Sonia, Corrall
              [marriage event] · um febrúar 1981 · Wallingford district, Oxfordshire · með John W. W. Corrall

              Heimildir • [marriage event] með John W. W. Corrall : Wallingford 20 1857

        3. Arthur John Scudds, Arthur/John ca 1883-ca 1948
          Fæðing · um febrúar 1883 · Crowmarsh Gifford, Oxfordshire
          [marriage event] · um ágúst 1916 · Reading district, Berkshire · með Agnes Jane Mason
          Látin(n) · um mai 1948 · kannski 65 ára · Wokingham district, Berkshire
          A J S - 65yr.

          Heimildir • fæðing : Wallingford 2c 336 / Census 1901 Oxfordshire • [marriage event] með Agnes Jane Mason : Reading 2c 759 • látin(n) : Wokingham 6a 189

          &ca 1916
          married as Agnes Jane Scudds
          Agnes Jane Mason, Agnes ca 1883-ca 1957
          Fæðing · um ágúst 1883 · Reading district, Berkshire
          [marriage event] · um ágúst 1905 · Reading district, Berkshire · með Alfred Israel Scudds
          [marriage event] · um ágúst 1916 · Reading district, Berkshire · með Arthur John Scudds
          Látin(n) · um mai 1957 · kannski 73 ára · Wokingham district, Berkshire
          A J S - 73yr.

          Heimildir • fæðing : Reading 2c 339 • [marriage event] með Alfred Israel Scudds : Reading 2c 806 • [marriage event] með Arthur John Scudds : Reading 2c 759 • látin(n) : Wokingham 6a 224

          1. Ellen May Scudds, Ellen 1917-ca 1931
            Fæðing · í nóvember 1917 · Reading, Berkshire
            Látin(n) · um mai 1931 · kannski 13 ára · Reading district, Berkshire
            E M S - 13yr.

            Heimildir • fæðing : Reading 2c 531 • látin(n) : Reading 2c 422

        4. Alice Scudds ca 1885-
          Fæðing · um mai 1885 · Crowmarsh Gifford, Oxfordshire
          [marriage event] · um mai 1907 · Wallingford, Berkshire · með ------ ------

          Heimildir • fæðing : Wallingford 2c 320 • [marriage event] með ------ ------ : Wallingford 2c 681

          &ca 1907
          either to Albert Huggins or Horace Jennings
          ------ ------
          [marriage event] · um mai 1907 · Wallingford, Berkshire · með Alice Scudds

          Heimildir • [marriage event] með Alice Scudds : Wallingford 2c 681

        5. Ada Scudds, Ida ca 1887-
          Fæðing · um mai 1887 · Crowmarsh Gifford, Oxfordshire
          [marriage event] · um febrúar 1917 · Swindon district, Wiltshire · með James Swift

          Heimildir • fæðing : Wallingford 2c 314 • [marriage event] með James Swift : Swindon 5a 6

          &ca 1917 James Swift
          [marriage event] · um febrúar 1917 · Swindon district, Wiltshire · með Ada Scudds

          Heimildir • [marriage event] með Ada Scudds : Swindon 5a 6

          1. Dora Swift ca 1919
            Fæðing · um nóvember 1919 · West Ashford district, Kent

            Heimildir • fæðing : West Ashford 2a 1825

          2. John E. Swift, John ca 1922
            Fæðing · um nóvember 1922 · West Ashford district, Kent

            Heimildir • fæðing : West Ashford 2a 1491

        6. Fanny Scudds ca 1889-ca 1963
          Fæðing · um mai 1889 · Crowmarsh Gifford, Oxfordshire
          Látin(n) · um febrúar 1963 · kannski 73 ára · Reading district, Berkshire
          F S - 73yr., unmarried.

          Heimildir • fæðing : Wallingford 2c 327 • látin(n) : Reading 6a 130

        7. Edward William Scudds, Edward ca 1891-ca 1897
          Fæðing · um febrúar 1891 · Crowmarsh Gifford, Oxfordshire
          Látin(n) · um ágúst 1897 · kannski 6 ára · Newnham Murren, Oxfordshire
          E W S - 6yr.

          Heimildir • fæðing : Wallingford 2c 322 • látin(n) : Wallingford 2c 199

        8. Lucy Ada Scudds, Lucy ca 1893-
          Fæðing · um febrúar 1893 · Newnham Murren, Oxfordshire
          [marriage event] · um mai 1922 · Wallingford, Berkshire · með Henry Brown

          Heimildir • fæðing : Wallingford 2c 322 • [marriage event] með Henry Brown : Wallingford 2c 817

          &ca 1922 Henry Brown
          [marriage event] · um mai 1922 · Wallingford, Berkshire · með Lucy Ada Scudds

          Heimildir • [marriage event] með Lucy Ada Scudds : Wallingford 2c 817

          1. Robert W. Scudds, Robert, Brown ca 1918
            Fæðing · um ágúst 1918 · Wallingford, Berkshire
            R W S - born out of wedlock, later known as Robert W. Brown.

            Heimildir • fæðing : Wallingford 2c 526 [2x, Scudds & Brown]

          2. Phyllis J. B. Brown, Phyllis ca 1922
            Fæðing · um ágúst 1922 · Bicester, Oxfordshire

            Heimildir • fæðing : Bicester 3a 1870

        9. Frederick John Scudds, Frederick ca 1894-ca 1896
          Fæðing · um nóvember 1894 · Newnham Murren, Oxfordshire
          Látin(n) · um febrúar 1896 · kannski 15 mánaðar gamall · Wallingford, Berkshire
          F J S 1yr.

          Heimildir • fæðing : Wallingford 2c 317 • látin(n) : Wallingford 2c 198

        10. Florence Scudds ca 1898-
          Fæðing · um febrúar 1898 · Newnham Murren, Oxfordshire

          Heimildir • fæðing : Wallingford 2c 324

      5. Ada Scudds 1861-ca 1930
        Fæðing ·   1861 · Crowmarsh Gifford, Oxfordshire
        Skírn ·   4 ágúst 1861 · Crowmarsh Gifford, Oxfordshire
        [marriage event] · um febrúar 1878 · Wallingford, Berkshire · með Thomas Rush
        Látin(n) · um mai 1930 · kannski 69 ára · Wallingford, Berkshire
        A R - 69yr.

        Heimildir • skírn : IGI P01679-1 • [marriage event] með Thomas Rush : Wallingford 2c 480 • látin(n) : Wallingford 2c 376

        &ca 1878 Thomas Rush ca 1858-
        Fæðing · um 1858 · Wallingford, Berkshire
        [marriage event] · um febrúar 1878 · Wallingford, Berkshire · með Ada Scudds

        Heimildir • [marriage event] með Ada Scudds : Wallingford 2c 480

        1. Ellen Elizabeth Rush, Ellen 1878-
          Fæðing ·   1878 · Wallingford, Berkshire
          [marriage event] · um janúar 1902 · Fulham district, London · með ------ ------

          Heimildir • fæðing : Wallingford 2c 343

          &ca 1902
          either last quarter 1901 or first quarter 1902
          ------ ------
          [marriage event] · um janúar 1902 · Fulham district, London · með Ellen Elizabeth Rush
        2. Thomas Rush ca 1879-ca 1884
          Fæðing · um ágúst 1879 · Wallingford, Berkshire
          Látin(n) · um febrúar 1884 · kannski 4 ára · Wallingford, Berkshire
          T R - 4yr

          Heimildir • fæðing : Wallingford 2c 333 • látin(n) : Wallingford 2c 213

        3. Amelia Rush ca 1880-
          Fæðing · um september 1880 · Wallingford, Berkshire
          Skírn ·   10 oktober 1880 · Wallingford, Berkshire - St. Mary the More
          [marriage event] · um nóvember 1901 · Wallingford district, Berkshire · með ------ ------

          Heimildir • fæðing : Wallingford 2c 307 • [marriage event] með ------ ------ : Wallingford 2c 789

          &ca 1901
          either to John Cleghorn or Joseph Woods
          ------ ------
          [marriage event] · um nóvember 1901 · Wallingford district, Berkshire · með Amelia Rush

          Heimildir • [marriage event] með Amelia Rush : Wallingford 2c 789

        4. Edith Rush ca 1882-
          Fæðing · um apríl 1882 · Wallingford, Berkshire
          Skírn ·   3 mai 1882 · Wallingford, Berkshire - St. Mary the More

          Heimildir • fæðing : Wallingford 2c 333

        5. Lily Elizabeth Rush, Lily ca 1883-ca 1884
          Fæðing · um ágúst 1883 · Wallingford, Berkshire
          Skírn ·   3 febrúar 1884
          Látin(n) · um mars 1884 · kannski 7 mánaðar gamall · Wallingford district, Berkshire
          L E R - 0yr.

          Heimildir • fæðing : Wallingford 2c 314 • látin(n) : Wallingford 2c 214

        6. Ernest Rush ca 1885-ca 1885
          Fæðing · um ágúst 1885 · Wallingford, Berkshire
          Skírn ·   26 ágúst 1885 · Wallingford, Berkshire - St. Mary the More
          Látin(n) · um ágúst 1885 · Wallingford, Berkshire
          E R - 0yr.

          Heimildir • fæðing : Wallingford 2c 320 • látin(n) : Wallingford 2c 182

        7. Lottie Rush ca 1886-
          Fæðing · um nóvember 1886 · Wallingford, Berkshire
          Skírn ·   6 febrúar 1887 · Wallingford, Berkshire - St. Mary the More
          [marriage event] · um ágúst 1906 · Wallingford district, Berkshire · með ------ ------

          Heimildir • fæðing : Wallingford 2c 308 • [marriage event] með ------ ------ : Wallingford 2c 749

          &ca 1906
          either to Jack Fowler or Charles Richard Sharman
          ------ ------
          [marriage event] · um ágúst 1906 · Wallingford district, Berkshire · með Lottie Rush

          Heimildir • [marriage event] með Lottie Rush : Wallingford 2c 749

        8. Ethel Rush ca 1889-ca 1908
          Fæðing · um febrúar 1889 · Wallingford, Berkshire
          Látin(n) · um ágúst 1908 · kannski 19 ára · Wallingford district, Berkshire
          E R - 19yr.

          Heimildir • fæðing : Wallingford 2c 293 • látin(n) : Wallingford 2c 175

        9. Elsie Rush ca 1890-1919
          Fæðing · um nóvember 1890 · Wallingford, Berkshire
          Skírn ·   28 desember 1890 · Wallingford, Berkshire - St. Mary the More
          [marriage event] · um 1916 · með Richard William Freeborn
          Látin(n) ·   1919 · kannski 29 ára · Wallingford district, Berkshire

          Heimildir • fæðing : Wallingford 2c 298

          &ca 1916 Richard William Freeborn, Richard ca 1879-
          Fæðing · um mai 1879 · Turweston, Northamptonshire?
          [marriage event] · um 1916 · með Elsie Rush
          same birth details 3 months later also noted.

          Heimildir • fæðing : Brackley 3b 6

          1. Joan Freeborn
            Fæðing · Swallowfield, ------
            [marriage event] ·   6 desember 1941 · Wargrave, ------ · með Arthur Robert Heaver
            &1941 Arthur Robert Heaver, Arthur, post master, Wargrave 1919
            Fæðing ·   1919 · Berkshire
            [marriage event] ·   6 desember 1941 · Wargrave, ------ · með Joan Freeborn
        10. Clarence George Rush, Clarence ca 1893-
          Fæðing · um apríl 1893 · Wallingford, Berkshire
          Skírn ·   14 mai 1893 · Wallingford, Berkshire - St. Mary the More
          [marriage event] · um ágúst 1915 · Wallingford, Berkshire · með Harriet G. Ward

          Heimildir • fæðing : Wallingford 2c 327 • [marriage event] með Harriet G. Ward : Wallingford 2c 1013

          &ca 1915 Harriet G. Ward, Harriet
          [marriage event] · um ágúst 1915 · Wallingford, Berkshire · með Clarence George Rush

          Heimildir • [marriage event] með Clarence George Rush : Wallingford 2c 1013

        11. Stanley Horace Rush, Stanley ca 1895-
          Fæðing · um nóvember 1895 · Wallingford, Berkshire
          Skírn ·   5 apríl 1896 · Wallingford, Berkshire - St. Mary the More

          Heimildir • fæðing : Wallingford 2c 297

        12. Bertie Rush, Bert ca 1898-ca 1902
          Fæðing · um febrúar 1898 · Wallingford, Berkshire
          Skírn ·   18 apríl 1898 · Wallingford, Berkshire - St. Mary the More
          Látin(n) · um nóvember 1902 · kannski 4 ára · Wallingford district, Berkshire
          B S - 4yr.

          Heimildir • fæðing : Wallingford 2c 322 • látin(n) : Wallingford 2c 198

        13. Merle Janet Rush, Merle ca 1902-
          Fæðing · um ágúst 1902 · Wallingford, Berkshire
          Skírn ·   15 janúar 1904 · Wallingford, Berkshire - St. Mary the More

          Heimildir • fæðing : Wallingford 2c 330

        14. Norman Bernand Rush, Norman ca 1903-ca 1911
          Fæðing · um desember 1903 · Wallingford, Berkshire
          Skírn ·   14 janúar 1904 · Wallingford, Berkshire - St. Mary the More
          Látin(n) · um febrúar 1911 · kannski 7 ára · West Ham, Essex/London
          N B R - 7yr.

          Heimildir • fæðing : Wallingford 2c 305 • látin(n) : West Ham 4a 128

      6. Amelia Scudds ca 1868-ca 1869
        Fæðing · um september 1868 · Crowmarsh Gifford, Oxfordshire
        Skírn ·   27 september 1868 · Crowmarsh Gifford, Oxfordshire
        Látin(n) · um mai 1869 · kannski 8 mánaðar gamall · Crowmarsh Gifford, Oxfordshire
        A S 8m.

        Heimildir • fæðing : Wallingford 2c 310 • skírn : IGI • látin(n) : Wallingford 2c 205

      7. Josiah Scudds ca 1874-ca 1874
        Fæðing · um mai 1874 · Wallingford, Berkshire
        Skírn ·   25 mai 1874 · Wallingford, Berkshire
        Látin(n) · um júní 1874 · kannski mánaðar gamalt · Wallingford, Berkshire
        J S - 0yr.

        Heimildir • fæðing : Wallingford 2c 323 • skírn : IGI • látin(n) : Wallingford 2c 204

    2. Elizabeth Scudds 1831-
      Fæðing ·   1831 · Newnham Murren, Oxfordshire

      Heimildir • fæðing : Newham Murren Registers / IGI

    3. Stephen Scudds 1832-
      Fæðing ·   1832 · Newnham Murren, Oxfordshire

      Heimildir • fæðing : Newham Murren Registers / IGI / Census 1841-51 Oxfordshire

    4. Richard Scudds 1834-1834
      Fæðing ·   1834 · Newnham Murren, Oxfordshire
      Skírn ·   1834 · Newnham Murren, Oxfordshire - St. Mary
      Látin(n) ·   1834 · Newnham Murren, Oxfordshire
      Útför ·   1834 · Newnham Murren, Oxfordshire - St. Mary
      R S - infant.

      Heimildir • fæðing : Newham Murren Registers / IGI • skírn : IGI • látin(n) : IGI • útför : National Burial Index (Oxfordshire)

    5. Richard Scudds 1835-1917
      Fæðing ·   7 júní 1835 · Newnham Murren, Oxfordshire
      [marriage event] ·   2 júlí 1868 · Mudgee, NSW, AUSTRALIA · með Phoebe Ann Harvey
      Látin(n) ·   6 júlí 1917 · 82 ára · Dubbo, NSW, Australia
      [R S emigrated, "Constitution" ship leaving London 1855 Feb 17 arriving Australia 1855 May 27 as assisted passenger, his surname being spelt with one "D". Neither read nor write, no relations in the colony, good health, no complaints, 1pound passage. R S - 21yr. Farm Labourer. Born: Newnham, parents:Thomas & Sophie, both deceased, Anglican.] [R S - farmer, Racecourse at Mudgee (Greville's 1872 Post Office Directory).] [GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. FRIDAY, JULY 5. CERTIFICATES TO ISSUE. The Dubbo Liberal and Macquarie Advocate Wednesday 10 July 1895 p2 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. FRIDAY JULY 5. CERTIFICATES TO ISSUE, Certificates in respect to the undermentioned conditional purchases will be issued at the expiration of 30 days from date:- The Commercial Banking Company of Sydney, Limited, Richard Scudds, Terramungamine, 100 acres;] [R S - 83yr.]

      Heimildir • einstaklingur : • fæðing : IGI PRF / Boards Immigrant List "Constitution" • [marriage event] með Phoebe Ann Harvey : NSW BDM 2763 • látin(n) : NSW BDM 7767 / IGI PRF

      1868 Jul 21 also noted and married at St. John the Baptist, McDonald Creek, NSW.
      Phoebe Ann Harvey, Phoebe/Pros 1849-1888
      foreldrar : Elijah Harvey ca 1821-1883 og Anne Hutchisson 1832-
      Fæðing ·   9 febrúar 1849 · Guntawang, Mudgee, NSW or McDonald's Creek, Mudgee, NSW, AUSTRALIA
      [marriage event] ·   2 júlí 1868 · Mudgee, NSW, AUSTRALIA · með Richard Scudds
      Látin(n) ·   26 mars 1888 · 39 ára · Dubbo, NSW, AUSTRALIA
      [P A S b:1842 also noted.] [Websites state P A S d:1880 and also 1917 Jul 18.]

      Heimildir • [marriage event] með Richard Scudds : NSW BDM 2763 • látin(n) : Military & Church Record Transcripts 1816-1982

      1. Henry Harvey Scudds, Henry/Harry, Harvey 1866-1932
        Fæðing ·   9 nóvember 1866 · Mudgee, NSW, AUSTRALIA
        [marriage event] ·   1893 · Dubbo, NSW, AUSTRALIA · með Rebecca Rees
        Látin(n) · í september 1932 · 65 ára · Mascot / Redfern, NSW, AUSTRALIA
        Útför ·   7 september 1932 · Eastern Suburbs Memorial Park
        [Harry Scudds also noted.] [Scudds - September 6 1932 at Mascot, Henry dearlv loved husband of Rebecca Scudds and father of Hilton and Basil aged 66 years.] [The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW :(1842-1954) Wednesday 7 September 1932 Scudds - The Relatives and Friends of the late Henry Scudds are invited to attend his Funeral to leave his late residence, 35 Rolfe Street, Mascot This Afternoon, at 3.15, for Church of England Cemetery.] [Friday 16 September 1932 p8 Family Notices ~ Mrs R Scudds and Sons of Rolfe Street Mascot desire to return Thanks to many relatives and friends for kind expressions of sympathy wreaths cards etc in their recent sad bereavement.]

        Heimildir • fæðing : NSW BDM 11551 • [marriage event] með Rebecca Rees : NSW BDM 1893 / Monaro Pioneers • látin(n) : NSW BDM 11282 / The Sydney Morning Herald 1932 Sep 07

        &1893 Rebecca Rees, Scudds 1871-1948
        foreldrar : Thomas James Rees 1843-1929 og Elizabeth Mary Foster 1845-1925
        Fæðing ·   24 desember 1871 · Wellington, NSW, AUSTRALIA
        [marriage event] ·   1893 · Dubbo, NSW, AUSTRALIA · með Henry Harvey Scudds
        Látin(n) ·   27 apríl 1948 · 76 ára · Redfern, NSW, AUSTRALIA - Prince Henry Hospital
        [Friday 16 September 1932 p8 Family Notices - Mrs R Scudds and Sons of Rolfe Street, Mascot desire to return Thanks to many relatives and friends for kind expressions of sympathy wreaths cards etc in their recent sad bereavement. Prince Henry Hospital and late of x5 Rolfe Street, Mascot, loved wife of the late Henry Scudds and dear mother....] [The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW :1842-1954) Wednesday 28 April 1948 p18 Family Notices ... Scudds, Rebecca - April 27 1948 at Prince Henry Hospital and late of d5 Rolfe Street, Mascot, loved wife of the late Henry Scudds and dear mother of Basil Hylton aged 76 years.] [Family Notices The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW :1842-1954) Monday 1 August 1949 p10 - IN the Will of Rebecca Scudds late of Mascot in the State of New South Wales widow deceased. Application will be made after 14 days from the publication hereof that Probate of the last Will, and Testament dated the 29th November 1932 of the abovenamed deceased may be granted to Basil Rupert Scudds and Hylton Leo Scudds the Executors named in the said Will and all notices may be served at the undermentioned address. All creditors in the Estate of the deceased are hereby required to send in particulars of their claims to the undersigned Thomas Green & Son Proctors for the Executors 133 Pitt Street, Sydney.]

        Heimildir • fæðing : Wellington, NSW [BMD NSW 1872 19013] • [marriage event] með Henry Harvey Scudds : NSW BDM 1893 / Monaro Pioneers • látin(n) : NSW BDM 9733 / The Sydney Morning Herald 28 April 1948 & 7 May 1948

        1. Richard Henry Thomas Scudds, Richard/Richard Harry/Ritchie 1895-1917
          Fæðing ·   1895 · Trangie, NSW, Australia
          Látin(n) ·   4 oktober 1917 · 22 ára · W.W.I. - Passchendaele, BELGIUM
          Útför · í oktober 1917 · Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery, Belgium
          [Also Richard Harry Scudds noted.] [Scudds, Richard Harry: Service Number - 6874. Place of Birth:Trangie NSW. Place of Enlistment :Sydney, NSW. Next of Kin:(Father) Scudds, Harry. Contents date range 1914-1920. 3rd. Battalion, killed in action, bur: Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery, Poperinge, West-Vlaanderen, Belgium.] [The First World War Embarkation Role - he left Sydney 1916 Nov 08 aboard SS Port Nicholson.] [SCUDDS - In loving memory of our dear son Pte.R.H. Scudds (Ritchie) No.6874 3rd Batt. Died of wounds in France. October 4 1917 aged 22 years.]

          Heimildir • fæðing : National Archives of Australia • látin(n) : National Archives of Australia / WorldVitalrecords,com / / Mascot War Memorial, NSW

        2. Gladys Phoebus Estelle Scudds, Gladys 1896-1919
          Fæðing ·   1896 · Coonamble, NSW, AUSTRALIA
          Látin(n) ·   28 júlí 1919 · 23 ára · Paddington, NSW, AUSTRALIA
          [G P E S - 23yr.] [The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW :1842-1954) Monday 28 July 1919 p8 Family Notices - SCUDDS July 26 1919 at the Royal Women's Hospital Paddington, of double pnuemonia, Gladys beloved daughter of Mr and Mrs H. Scudds of Mascot and sister of Hilton, Basil, and the late Pte. R Scudds (Killed in Action aged 22 years).] [W.N. Bull, Funeral Director. SCUDDS - the Relatives and Friends of Mr. & Mrs. H SCUDDS are kindly invited to attend the funeral of their beloved daughter and sister Gladys: leave Richthelabah, Tramwny Street, Mascot, this Monday at 2.30 p.m. for Waverley Cemetery.] [Also in memory of our only beloved daughter Gladys, of double pneumonia, August 1919, aged 22 years.] [Jesus while our hearts are breaking. Inserted by their loving parents and two brothers.]

          Heimildir • fæðing : NSW BMD 30664 • látin(n) : NSW BMD 19093 / The Sydney Morning Herald 28 July 1919

        3. Basil Robert Scudds, Robert Basil/Basil/Robert/Basil Rupert 1902-1959
          Fæðing ·   1902 · Narromine, NSW, AUSTRALIA
          [marriage event] ·   1925 · Redfern, NSW, AUSTRALIA · með Juanita Lydia Cheth
          [divorce event] ·   1 desember 1952 · með Juanita Lydia Cheth
          Látin(n) ·   12 september 1959 · 57 ára · Balmain, NSW, AUSTRALIA
          Útför · Eastern Suburbs Memorial Park - Plot: Rose Gardens, Garden H1, Position 148.
          [Two Men Aquitted - Walter Henry Victor Taylor 33, and Basil Scudds 32, were charged that at Mascot on March 11 last they assaulted Albert David Groth and robbed him of £1/10/. There was an alternative charge of common assault. By direction Taylor was acquitted by the Jury and discharged...(robbery). Jury returned a verdict of not guilty with respect to Scudds and he was discharged. Mr. P. N, Roach appeared for Taylor and Scudds. Not Guilty.] [TO-DAY'S LAW COURT NOTICES CONCILIATION & ARBITRATION COURT, 119 PHILLIP STREET. The Sydney Morning Herald, Monday 15 March 1954. Mr Justice Nield - No 7 Court, Queen’s Square - 10. Causes: Livingston co R Scudds v J L Scudds] [Rupert Scudds & Hylton Leo Scudds the Executors.]

          Heimildir • fæðing : NSW BMD 24376 / The Sydney Morning Herald 1934 Apr 13/14 & 7 May 1948 • [marriage event] með Juanita Lydia Cheth : NSW 5278 • látin(n) : NSW BMD 20652

          &1925 Juanita Lydia Cheth, Juanita ca 1905-1976
          foreldrar : Reginald Cheth og Julia Mary ------ †1954
          Fæðing · um 1905
          [marriage event] ·   1925 · Redfern, NSW, AUSTRALIA · með Basil Robert Scudds
          [divorce event] ·   1 desember 1952 · með Basil Robert Scudds
          Látin(n) ·   14 mai 1976 · kannski 71 ára · Lilyfield, NSW, AUSTRALIA
          Útför ·   18 mai 1976 · Eastern Suburbs Memorial Park
          [Wednesday 1 October 1952. Juanita Lydia Cheth in Divorce. Mr Justice Toose - No 1 Divorce Court, Queen's Square - Causes R. Scudds v J L Scudds & Monday 1 December 1952. Mr Justice Rlchardson - No 2 Divorce Court, Elizabeth Street - Registrars Court - 10 15 Scudds v Scudds.] [TO-DAY'S LAW COURT NOTICES CONCILIATION & ARBITRATION COURT, 119 Phillip Street. The Sydney Morning Herald, Monday 15 March 1954. Mr Justice Nield - No 7 Court, Queen’s Square - 10. Causes: Livingston co R Scudds v J L Scudds] [The Sydney Morning Herald (1954 Nov 30). Cheth - The Relatives and Friends of Mrs Wilson and Mrs J Scudds & Families are invited to attend the Funeral of their dearly beloved Mother and Grandmother Julia Mary Cheth late of Botans which will leave Joseph Medcalf's Funeral Chapel, 172 Redfern Street, Redfern this afternoon at 3 o'clock for the Catholic Cemetery, Botans.] [J L S 68yr., interment 1976 May 18 Matraville, Plot: RC28 - Roman Catholic FM 28, Position 281 - late of Lilyfield - parents: Reginald & Julia Mary Cheth.]

          Heimildir • fæðing : BMD (Deaths) • [marriage event] með Basil Robert Scudds : NSW 5278 • látin(n) : NSW 11367/1976 / Sydney Morning Herald

          1. Richard Basil Scudds, Richard, Cheth 1925-1991
            Fæðing ·   17 nóvember 1925 · Sydney, NSW, AUSTRALIA
            [marriage event] ·   11 mars 1947 · Redfern, NSW, AUSTRALIA · með Florence Doris Colls
            Látin(n) ·   24 janúar 1991 · 65 ára · Mandurah, WA, AUSTRALIA
            Útför ·   11 febrúar 1991 · Eastern Suburbs Memorial Park, Matraville, Randwick City - Plot: Rose Gardens, Garden O5, Position 89.
            [Scudds, Richard Basil: Service Number - NX202853 :Date of birth - 17 Nov 1925 :Place of birth - Sydney, NSW : Place of enlistment - Paddington, NSW :Next of Kin - Scudds, Robert. Contents date range 1939-1948. Unit - 3rd Australian Recruit Training Battalion, Cowra, Australian Military Forces: Date of Court Martial - (21 December 1944).] [The Courier Mail (Brisbane, Qld.), Saturday 8 December 1945 p2 Article. 12 Months Goal. Richard Basil Scudds, 20, soldier, was sentenced to 12 months gaol yesterday, when he pleaded guilty to having stolen with violence in the Ulster Hotel City, three tins of tobacco, the property of Alfred Anderson. Mr. Justice E. A Douglas directed that after six months the rest of the sentence be suspended on Scudds giving a £20 bond to be of good behaviour for 12 months.] [The Courier-Mail (Brisbane, Qld), Thursday 22 November 1945 p5 Article. Hotel man hit with hammer. A military slouch hat and a tobacco tin with the name 'Scudds' scratched on the lid were handed to detectives after Alfred Anderson, licensee of the Ulster Hotel, Edward and Elizabeth streets, had been struck on the head with a hammer, said Detective W. Raetz in the Police Court yesterday. Richard Basil Scudds, 19, of the A.I.F., pleaded guilty to having stolen in the dwelling of Anderson three tins of tobacco, a claw hammer, and a bunch of keys, property of Anderson, and a cigarette lighter, property of W. Armstrong, and with having used violence to Anderson. Raetz told Mr. Colin Murphy (for Scudds) that Scudds had been drinking. He was committed to the Supreme Court for sentence.] [The Sunday Herald (Sydney, NSW), Sunday 24 February 1952 p3 Article. Second Case. Richard Basil Scudds, 26, labourer, of Barcom Avenue, Darlinghurst, was remanded without bail by Mr. Bott, S.M., at the Central Court yesterday on a charge of having feloniously and maliciously murdered Richard James Scudds on November 21 1947, at Botany. Police allege that Richard James Scudds was the son of the accused, and that at the time of his death he was three months old. The accused did not apply for bail. He will appear at the Central Court again on March 3. Police have not found the body of the baby.] [The Canberra Times 19 March 1952. Basil Scudds, 26, labourer, Barcom Avenue, Darlinghurst had confessed to his wife that he had murdered their three-months-old son. Scudds appeared before Mr. Doolan, S.M., on a charge of having murdered Richard James Scudds at Botany on November 21 1947. Det.-Sgt. Fagan, C/LB., Basil Scudds lied...] [Barrier Miner (Broken Hill, NSW), Thursday 21 May 1953 p5 Article. Man Ignores Court Order. Sydney: Action for contempt of court is expected to be taken soon against Richard Basil Scudds for failure to produce his son after an Equity Court order. He should have handed over the five years old boy to his wife Mrs. Florence Doris Scudds, by 10a.m. on Monday. Scudds was acquitted on June 3 last year of having murdered his son. Richard James Scudds. He claimed the boy was alive and well, but refused to reveal where he was. Mrs. Scudds, who lives at Mascot, Sydney, discussed further action with her lawyers.] [The Sydney Morning Herald, Friday 3 September 1954 p9 Article. Father Seeks to Purge Contempt. Richard Basil Scudds, 28, will apply this morning to purge his contempt of the Equity Court. He has been in gaol since June 4 last year when Mr. Justice Myers, in the Equity Court, imprisoned him for an indefinite period for contempt. Scudds had failed to comply with an order to deliver his son, Richard James Scudds, then aged three months, to his wife, Mrs. Florence Doris Scudds, of Lyon Street, Mascot. Scudds said he did not know where the child was. Murder Charge. On March 19, 1952, Mr. T. A. Doolan, S.M., in Central Court of Petty Sessions, committed Scudds for trial on a charge of having murdered his baby son at Botany on November 21, 1947. Scudds pleaded not guilty. His wife said in evidence that he had told "her he had murdered their son." In the Central Criminal Court on June 2, 1952, a jury found Scudds not guilty of murder. Mrs. Scudds had told the Court that she and Scudds had had violent arguments about the paternity of the child. She said Scudds took the child away from their home at Botany on November 21, 1947, and that he returned three-quarters of an hour later and said he had left the child with friends. Scudds told the jury that the child was safe with friends. He denied that he had confessed to his wife that he had murdered the child. Scudds's application was listed for hearing by Mr. Justice Myers at 10 a.m. yesterday, but was stood over until this morning because his Honor was half-way through a jury case. Mr. A. J. Goran (for Scudds) said the matter had been listed because of a misunderstanding. Mr. A. J. Goran (by P. N. Roach), for Scudds; Mr. J. B. Kearney (by the Public Solicitor), for Mrs. Scudds.] [The Mail (Adelaide, SA :1912-1954) Saturday 6 June 1953 p5 Article. Sat: Two important clues in the missing Scudds child mystery have been uncovered.? During the trial of Richard Basil Scudds on a charge of having murdered his son, Richard James Scudds, 6, the latter ex changed signals with a man and woman in the gallery. For some months after the disappearance of the child, Scudds sent 30/- or £2 each week to an unknown address. The whereabouts of the child has mystified the authorities for 15 months. The lather has steadfastly refused to disclose the whereabouts of the child, even when on the murder charge. This week Mr. Acting Justice Myers committed Scudds to gaol indefinitely for contempt of court in tailing to comply with a court order to deliver his son to Mrs. Scudds. Scudds mother has changed her name and moved to another suburb, where she is unknown, to escape publicity. She said today: 'Dick refuses to confide in me but what makes me hope the baby is in Sydney is a curious thing that occurred during the murder trial. 'During the two days of the trial. Dick never once looked at me nor at Florrie his wife. He looked up at the gallery, and several times shook his head at two people sitting there.' Redfern friends Scudds mother said she had not seen the two people before, but would be able to identify them. 'They stayed in court the whole time, and as soon as Dick was acquitted they hurried out.' she said. 'I was so certain they knew something about the baby that I hurried to try to talk to them, but they got straight into a car and were off before I could get near.' Mrs. Scudds said that before the baby disappeared, her son had often spoken to her of friends he had at Redfern. He had also said these friends had recently lost their own baby. 'Dick always swore to me he had given the baby to these people' she said. 'He used to say. Don't you worry your head about it, Mum, the kid's all right.' 'For friends' Mrs. Scudds said she had often seen her son in possession of postal notes, and he told her he was sending them off to friends. When Her son was sent to gaol for nonpayment of maintenance, she had offered to pay the amount, which was nearly £100. but her son refused. 'I would give everything I have to know where that child is,' Mrs. Scudds said. To date, Mrs. Scudds has borne all her son's legal expenses, but has no more money for legal help.] [Thursday 2 September 1954 Darlinghurst. Mr Justice Myers - No 7 Court, Queen’s Square -10 R Scudds and IC and S Act. (Only the husband mentioned here.)] [The Canberra Times (ACT), Saturday 4 September 1954 p5 Article & Advocate (Burnie, Tas. :1890-1954). Refuses Release in Contempt Case Sydney, Friday. An application by Richard Basil Scudds, 28, to purge his contempt was dismissed by Mr. Justice Myers in the Equity Court today. Scudds, was sent to gaol in June last year for contempt of court in failing to deliver his son, Richard James Scudds, to his wife, as ordered by the court. Scudds counsel, Mr. A. J. Goran, said afterwards that he would appeal to the Full Supreme Court against Mr. Justice Myers decision; Mr. Justice Myers to-day described Scudds as an "utterly contemptible person.", he added: "I disbelieve every word he says.". His Honour said that Scudds claimed that he could not produce the child and still maintained that it had been placed with some persons or persons. Mr. Justice Myers said that there was no question that Scudds look the child from the mother and she had never seen it since. The Judge said in the evidence to-day that Scudds had said that he was unable lo produce the child while he was on trial for murder, even if he had wanted to. "Nothing he has said to-day has shaken my opinion that he is in a position to comply with my order," Mr. Justice Myers said. The Judge said that a jury had acquitted Scudds of the murder of the child. "Until he cares to give some of truth to his story by saying what happened to the child or to whom it was given, and the address of people to whom he gave the child so that his story can be verified, I should say he has very little hope of satisfying me," His Honour added.] [R S 65yr., interment:1991 Feb 11 Eastern Suburbs Memorial Park, Matraville, Randwick City - Plot: Rose Gardens, Garden O5, Position 89.]

            Heimildir • fæðing : National Archives of Australia • [marriage event] með Florence Doris Colls : NSW 2128 / The Courier-Mail (Brisbane, Qld. 1945 Nov 22) • látin(n) : Metropolitan Cemeteries Board, Western Australia - KC00102192

            &1947 Florence Doris Colls, Florence, Scudds
            [marriage event] ·   11 mars 1947 · Redfern, NSW, AUSTRALIA · með Richard Basil Scudds

            Heimildir • [marriage event] með Richard Basil Scudds : NSW 2128 / The Courier-Mail (Brisbane, Qld. 1945 Nov 22)

            1. Richard James Scudds, Richard ca 1947-1947
              Fæðing · um ágúst 1947 · Botany, NSW, AUSTRALIA
              Látin(n) ·   21 nóvember 1947 · kannski 3 mánaðar gamall · Botany, NSW, AUSTRALIA
              The Canberra Times 19 March 1952. Basil Scudds, 26, labourer, Barcom Avenue, Darlinghurst had confessed to his wife that he had murdered their three-months-old son. Scudds appeared before Mr. Doolan, S.M., on a charge of having murdered Richard James Scudds at Botany on November 21 1947. Det.-Sgt. Fagan, C/LB., Basil Scudds lied...

              Heimildir • fæðing : The Canberra Times 19 March 1952 • látin(n) : The Canberra Times 19 March 1952

            2. Pauline Scudds 1949
              Fæðing ·   1949 · 75 ára · NSW, AUSTRALIA

              Heimildir • fæðing : The Age [1953 May 09]

          2. Betty Juanita Scudds, Betty 1927-2006
            Fæðing ·   1927 · Sydney, NSW, AUSTRALIA
            [marriage event] ·   1947 · Redfern, NSW, AUSTRALIA · með John Ward Meinrath
            [marriage event] ·   1952 · Sydney, NSW, AUSTRALIA · með John Joseph Abdullah
            Látin(n) ·   1 desember 2006 · 79 ára · Sydney, NSW, AUSTRALIA
            [The West Australian (Perth, WA :1879-1954) Wednesday 23 July 1952 p20 Family Notices. MRS. SCUDDS, Bourke Street, Leederville, and stepson Arthur sincerely Thank all relatives and friends for floral tributes, expressions of sympathy in the loss of her dear husband and stepfather; especially thanking Mr. & Mrs. Golding, Mr. & Mrs. Daniels, Mr. & Mrs. Franklin.] [The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW :1842-1954) Wednesday 27 October 1948 p20 Family Notices. MEINRATH - The Relatives and Friends of Mrs Betty Jaunita Meinrath of 35 Rolfe Street, Mascot are kindly invited to attend the Funeral of her dearly beloved Husband JOHN WARD MEINRATH to leave St Bernard's Church, Mascot This Afternoon at 3 o'clock for the Catholic Cemetery, Botany. Requiem Mass will be celebrated This Morning at 7 o'clock, Labor Motor Funerals Limited, 24 Enmore Road, Newtown.] [B J A - 79yrs.]

            Heimildir • fæðing : James F. Scutt • [marriage event] með John Ward Meinrath : NSW 9091 / The Advertiser [1934 May 31] • [marriage event] með John Joseph Abdullah : NSW 22288 • látin(n) : Sydney Morning Herald [2006 Dec 05]

            &1947 John Ward Meinrath, John ca 1922-1948
            foreldrar : Victor Herbert Meinrath og Eileen Doris Ward
            Fæðing · um 1922
            [marriage event] ·   1947 · Redfern, NSW, AUSTRALIA · með Betty Juanita Scudds
            Látin(n) · í oktober 1948 · kannski 26 ára · Earlwood, Sydney, NSW, AUSTRALIA
            Útför ·   27 oktober 1948 · Catholic Cemetery, Botany, NSW
            Motor Cycle Accidents - John W. Meinrath, 26, of Rolfe Street, Mascot, died from head injuries a few minutes after he crashed into the tail-end of a stationary truck in William Street, Earlwood, Sydney. Canterbury Ambulance attended.

            Heimildir • [marriage event] með Betty Juanita Scudds : NSW 9091 / The Advertiser [1934 May 31] • látin(n) : NSW BMD 27206/1948

            1. Maureen Patricia Meinrath, Maureen ca 1948
              Fæðing · um 1948 · NSW, AUSTRALIA
              [marriage event] ·   2 janúar 1971 · Balmain, NSW, AUSTRALIA - St Augustine's · með Paul Gilfeather
              [marriage event] ·   22 september 1981 · Berowra, NSW, AUSTRALIA - St Bernard's · með David Thompson
              &1971 Paul Gilfeather
              [marriage event] ·   2 janúar 1971 · Balmain, NSW, AUSTRALIA - St Augustine's · með Maureen Patricia Meinrath
              &1981 David Thompson
              [marriage event] ·   22 september 1981 · Berowra, NSW, AUSTRALIA - St Bernard's · með Maureen Patricia Meinrath
            &1952 John Joseph Abdullah, John
            [marriage event] ·   1952 · Sydney, NSW, AUSTRALIA · með Betty Juanita Scudds

            Heimildir • [marriage event] með Betty Juanita Scudds : NSW 22288

        4. Leo Hylton Scudds, Leo/Hylton/Hylton Leo 1905-1978
          Fæðing ·   1905 · Dubbo, NSW, AUSTRALIA
          [marriage event] ·   1949 · Redfern, NSW, AUSTRALIA · með Nancy May ------
          Látin(n) ·   15 oktober 1978 · 73 ára · Camperdown, NSW, AUSTRALIA - Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Sydney
          Útför · Rookwood Catholic M2 E2227
          [Mr Hylton Scudds and Daughter Mrs P A Joyce wish to Thank all relatives and friends for their kind expressions of svmpathy in their recent sad bereavement.] [H L S 74yr.] [H L S 74yr., late of Leichhardt, bur:Rookwood Catholic M2 E2227. Also noted H L S d:1979 Dec 21 - Plot: Sect. M2 Row E Plot 2276.]

          Heimildir • fæðing : NSW BMD 22620 • [marriage event] með Nancy May ------ : NSW BDM 23445 • látin(n) : NSW BMD 23926 / Sydney Morning Herald • útför : Rookwood Catholic Cemeteries & Crematoria

          Nancy May Sibthorpe was previously married and the two children, including Laura who married a Joyce, are by her first marriage
          Nancy May ------, Nancy, Sibthorpe/Scudds ca 1914-1950
          Fæðing · um ágúst 1914
          [marriage event] · með ------ Sibthorpe
          [marriage event] ·   1949 · Redfern, NSW, AUSTRALIA · með Leo Hylton Scudds
          Látin(n) ·   31 janúar 1950 · kannski 35 ára · Leura, Katoomba, NSW, AUSTRALIA
          Útför ·   2 febrúar 1950 · Rookwood Catholic M2 E2276
          [The Sydney Morning Herald Thursday 2 February 1950 p20 Family Notices. Scudds Nance May - January 31 1950 at Leura dearly loved wife of Hylton Scudds and dearly beloved mother of Laura aged 35 years. RIP.] [The Sydney Morning Herald Saturday 30 January 1954 p48 Family Notices - SCUDDS - in loving memory of my dear wife Nance who passed away January 31 1950, "Not today but every day in silence I remember", Sadly missed by her husband Fred SCUDDS - In loving memory of my dear mother who passed away January 31 1950, "Time goes on memories stay, Just as dear as yesterday", Always remembered by Laura, Pat, granddaughters Cheryl and Sharren. Scudds - In loving memory of our dear pal Nance who passed away January 31 1950 "We only have your photo dear, But we know you are always near", Always remembered by your pals Eileen, Alice & Mary. Thursday 2 February 1950 Scudds - The Relatives and Friends of Mr Hylton Scudds are invited to attend the Funeral of his dearly beloved Wife NANCE MAY to leave our Chapel 810 George Street, Svdney This Thursday at 2.15 pm for Catholic Cemetery Rookwood (WOOD COFFILL LIMITED). SCUDDS - The Relatives and Friends of Mr & Mrs P A Joyce are invited to attend the Funeral of their beloved Mother and Mother-in-law NANCE MAY SCUDDS See above notice. SCUDDS - The Relatives and Friends of Mr E Swinson, Mr & Mrs A Forsberg, Mr & Mrs Martin Forsberg, Mr & Mrs R Denihan are invited to attend the Funeral of his dearly beloved Daughter and their Cousin NANCE MAY SCUDDS See above notice (WOOD COFFILL LIMITED). Scudds - The Relatives and Friends of Mr & Mrs Joe O'Toole are Invited to attend the Funeral of their beloved niece NANCE MAY SCUDDER (sic).

          Heimildir • fæðing : BMD (Deaths) • [marriage event] með Leo Hylton Scudds : NSW BDM 23445 • látin(n) : NSW BDM 6923 / The Sydney Morning Herald [1950 Feb 02]

      2. Sophia Ann Scudds, Sophia/Ann Sophia/Ann/Annie 1869-1940
        Fæðing ·   1869 · Mudgee, NSW, AUSTRALIA
        [marriage event] ·   18 apríl 1889 · Dubbo, NSW, AUSTRALIA · með Edward Suart
        Látin(n) ·   28 ágúst 1940 · 71 ára · Condobolin, NSW, AUSTRALIA
        Útför · Condobolin General Cemetery
        [The Sydney Morning Herald... Thursday 18 April 1889, page 1. Family Notices - April 18 at Dubbo, by the Rev. Robert Stewart, Edward Suart, Bundemar, only son of the late Edward Montague Suart, H.E.I.C, to Annie Sophie, eldest daughter of Richard & Phoebe Scudds, of Bundemar.] [Death states Annie Sophia Suart. Suart, Annie Sophia 28 Aug 1940 73yr n�Scudds; w/Edward Ang2 G & Suart, Edward 19 Jul 1919 71yr h/Annie Sophia Ang2 G.]

        Heimildir • fæðing : NSW BDM 14232 • [marriage event] með Edward Suart : NSW BDM 3870 • látin(n) : NSW BDM 18511

        &1889 Edward Suart ca 1848-ca 1919
        Fæðing · um 1848
        [marriage event] ·   18 apríl 1889 · Dubbo, NSW, AUSTRALIA · með Sophia Ann Scudds
        Látin(n) · um 19 júlí 1919 · kannski 71 ára · Parkes, NSW, AUSTRALIA
        Útför · í júlí 1919 · Condobolin General Cemetery
        [The Sydney Morning Herald Thursday 13 April 1889 SUART-SCUDDS - April 18, at Dubbo, by the Rev.Robert Stewart, Edward Suart, Bundemar, only son of the late Edward Montague Suart, H.E.I.C, to Annie Sophie, eldest daughter of Richard & Phoebe Scudds, of Bundemar.] [Suart, Annie Sophia 28 Aug 1940 73yr n�Scudds; w/Edward Ang2 G & Suart, Edward 19 Jul 1919 71yr h/Annie Sophia Ang2 G.]

        Heimildir • fæðing : BMD (Deaths) • [marriage event] með Sophia Ann Scudds : NSW BDM 3870 • látin(n) : NSW BDM 3870

        1. Constance E. Suart, Constance 1891-1891
          Fæðing ·   1891 · Dubbo, NSW, Australia
          Látin(n) ·   1891 · Dubbo, NSW, Australia

          Heimildir • fæðing : NSW BDM 12436 • látin(n) : NSW BDM 5744

        2. Harriet Suart 1893-1893
          Fæðing ·   1893 · Condobolin, NSW, Australia
          Látin(n) ·   1893 · Condobolin, NSW, AUSTRALIA

          Heimildir • fæðing : NSW BDM 11125 • látin(n) : NSW BDM 4996

        3. ------ Suart 1894-1894
          Fæðing ·   1894 · Condobolin, NSW, Australia
          Látin(n) ·   1894 · Condobolin, NSW, AUSTRALIA

          Heimildir • fæðing : NSW BDM 10435

      3. Harriet Anne Scudds, Harriet/Harriett Anne/Harriett 1870-1904
        Fæðing ·   13 nóvember 1870 · Pipeclay Creek, Mudgee, NSW, AUSTRALIA
        [marriage event] ·   4 janúar 1887 · Bundaman Station, Dubbo, NSW, AUSTRALIA · með Francis James Burston
        Látin(n) ·   29 apríl 1904 · 33 ára · Scott Street, Nanango, Qld, AUSTRALIA
        Útför ·   30 apríl 1904 · Nanango Cemetery

        Heimildir • fæðing : NSW BDM 13167/1871 • [marriage event] með Francis James Burston : IGI PRF • látin(n) : IGI PRF • útför : IGI PRF

        Mother of three children to her husband and one other child before or outside the marriage. She has a grand daughter Emily.
        Francis James Burston, Francis, drover and shearer 1859-1938
        foreldrar : James Burston og Margaret Stewart Finlay
        Fæðing ·   11 júní 1859 · Singleton, NSW, AUSTRALIA
        [marriage event] ·   4 janúar 1887 · Bundaman Station, Dubbo, NSW, AUSTRALIA · með Harriet Anne Scudds
        Látin(n) ·   10 febrúar 1938 · 78 ára · Mackay, NSW, AUSTRALIA

        Heimildir • fæðing : IGI PRF • [marriage event] með Harriet Anne Scudds : IGI PRF • látin(n) : IGI PRF

        1. Henry James Burston 1887-/1978
          Fæðing ·   8 nóvember 1887 · Narraweena, AUSTRALIA
          Látin(n) · fyrir 1978 · Maryborough, AUSTRALIA
          His family lost track of him in 1910, but was "found" in 1941 with three children.
        2. Ada Ann Elizabeth Burston, Ada 1889-
          Fæðing ·   5 júní 1889 · Bulgandramine, AUSTRALIA
          [marriage event] · AUSTRALIA · með Jack Hebbard
          & Jack Hebbard
          [marriage event] · AUSTRALIA · með Ada Ann Elizabeth Burston
        3. Herbert Edwin Burston, Herbert 1892-1969
          Fæðing ·   3 mars 1892 · Orange Grove, Parkes, NSW, AUSTRALIA
          [marriage event] ·   30 desember 1911 · Mackay, Qld, AUSTRALIA - Holy Trinity Church · með Elizabeth Hemsworth
          [marriage event] ·   1 desember 1924 · Gracemere, AUSTRALIA · með Evelyn Billman
          Látin(n) ·   24 janúar 1969 · 76 ára · Mackay, Qld, AUSTRALIA
          two children born here
          Elizabeth Hemsworth 1895-1921
          Fæðing ·   1895 · Eton, Mackay, Qld, AUSTRALIA
          [marriage event] ·   30 desember 1911 · Mackay, Qld, AUSTRALIA - Holy Trinity Church · með Herbert Edwin Burston
          Látin(n) ·   18 júní 1921 · 26 ára · Mackay, Qld, AUSTRALIA
          one child born here
          Evelyn Billman 1895-1985
          Fæðing ·   5 mai 1895 · Mount Morgan, AUSTRALIA
          [marriage event] ·   1 desember 1924 · Gracemere, AUSTRALIA · með Herbert Edwin Burston
          Látin(n) ·   1985 · 90 ára · Mackay, Qld, AUSTRALIA
        4. Robert W. Burston, Robert 1896-1975
          Fæðing ·   22 apríl 1896 · Bulgandramine, AUSTRALIA
          [marriage event] · AUSTRALIA · með Emily Effie Jubilee Rule
          Látin(n) ·   1975 · 79 ára
          & Emily Effie Jubilee Rule, Emily 1897-
          Fæðing ·   22 júní 1897
          [marriage event] · AUSTRALIA · með Robert W. Burston
        5. Elsie May Burston 1899-1899
          Fæðing ·   20 janúar 1899 · Peak Hill, AUSTRALIA
          Látin(n) ·   9 desember 1899 · 10 mánaðar gamall · Inverell, AUSTRALIA
        6. Millicent Maud Burston, Millicent 1899-1899
          Fæðing ·   20 janúar 1899 · Peak Hill, AUSTRALIA
          Látin(n) ·   24 nóvember 1899 · 10 mánaðar gamall · Glenn Innes Road, Inverell, AUSTRALIA
        7. ------ Burston 1904-1904
          Fæðing ·   29 apríl 1904 · Nanango, Qld, AUSTRALIA
          Látin(n) · í júní 1904 · 2 mánaðar gamall · Barambah Station, Nanango, Qld, AUSTRALIA
      4. Alice Jane Scudds, Alice 1872-1934
        Fæðing ·   22 ágúst 1872 · Gulgong, NSW, AUSTRALIA
        [marriage event] ·   10 júlí 1895 · Orange Grove, Bulgandramine, NSW, AUSTRALIA · með Hartley Owen Kimball
        [marriage event] ·   1918 · Peak Hill, NSW, AUSTRALIA · með Louis St Clare
        [no marriage event] · Rankins Springs, NSW, AUSTRALIA · með J. J. Kearns
        Látin(n) ·   27 oktober 1934 · 62 ára · Rankins Springs, Griffith, NSW, AUSTRALIA - Griffith District Hospital
        Útför · C.of E.Cemetery, Griffith, NSW, AUSTRALIA
        A J K 62yr.

        Heimildir • fæðing : NSW BDM 13611 • [marriage event] með Hartley Owen Kimball : NSW BDM 5442 • [marriage event] með Louis St Clare : website • látin(n) : NSW BDM 20878

        &1895 Hartley Owen Kimball, Hartley 1861-1913
        foreldrar : Cyrus Kimball og Grace Owen
        Fæðing ·   28 ágúst 1861 · Rutherglen, Vict, AUSTRALIA
        [marriage event] ·   10 júlí 1895 · Orange Grove, Bulgandramine, NSW, AUSTRALIA · með Alice Jane Scudds
        Látin(n) ·   25 september 1913 · 52 ára · Peak Hill, NSW, AUSTRALIA
        Not a lot is known about Hartley at this stage other than he was a farm hand on Orange Grove near Bulgandramine most of his working life. On 27th September 1905 he was tried and sentenced to three years gaol at Dubbo, NSW. The charge being "Unlawfully & Carnally knowing a girl under the age of 14 years". The sentence was served at Goulburn Gaol. It would seem that due to the events above Hartley was shunned by the rest of the family as most of his sister's descendants were unaware of his existence and those that had heard his name mentioned during their upbringing were lead to believe he died at a young age without family. His son Richard Cyrus rarely if ever spoke of him and refused to attend his funeral. Rumors have it that Hartley was very fond of his drink and was once dragged home by one leg (caught in the stirrup) after falling drunk from his horse.

        Heimildir • [marriage event] með Alice Jane Scudds : NSW BDM 5442 • látin(n) : website

        1. Lily Jane Scudds, Watson 1890-
          Fæðing ·   1890 · Dubbo, NSW, AUSTRALIA
          [no marriage event] · með ------ ------
          [no marriage event] · NSW, AUSTRALIA · með Harold Watson

          Heimildir • fæðing : NSW BDM 12245

          & ------ ------
          [no marriage event] · með Lily Jane Scudds
          1. Edith J. Scudds, Edith ca 1905-1905
            Fæðing · um júlí 1905 · Peak Hill, NSW, AUSTRALIA
            Látin(n) ·   8 desember 1905 · kannski 5 mánaðar gamall · Ashfield, NSW, AUSTRALIA
            E S 5yr., plot:Zone C Section MMMM Grave 861. (5m.?)

            Heimildir • fæðing : NSW BMD 26843 • látin(n) : NSW BMD 421 • útför : Rookwood General Cemeteries Reserve Trust

          & Harold Watson
          [no marriage event] · NSW, AUSTRALIA · með Lily Jane Scudds
          Látin(n) · AUSTRALIA
          1. Harold Watson Scudds 1914-1982
            Fæðing ·   25 júlí 1914 · Dubbo, NSW, AUSTRALIA
            [marriage event] ·   1945 · Rockdale, NSW, AUSTRALIA · með Maureen Frances Walsh
            Látin(n) ·   22 mai 1982 · 67 ára · Fairfield West, NSW, AUSTRALIA
            Útför · Sutherland, NSW, Plot: Lawn 6 2119
            [Scudds, Harold Watson: Service Number - NX150207 : Date of birth:25 Jul 1914 : Place of birth - Dubbo NSW : Place of enlistment - Mareeba, QLD : Next of Kin - Scudds, L. Contents date range 1939-1948.]H W S 67yr., late of Fairfield West, bur:Woronora.] [Note:h/Maureen Francis; son/Harold & Lilian; father; gf.]

            Heimildir • fæðing : NSW # 32408 [Woollahra] / National Archives of Australia • [marriage event] með Maureen Frances Walsh : NSW 11566 • látin(n) : NSW 12817 / Sydney Morning Herald • útför : Woronora Memorial Park

            &1945 Maureen Frances Walsh, Maureen, Scudds †1994
            [marriage event] ·   1945 · Rockdale, NSW, AUSTRALIA · með Harold Watson Scudds
            Látin(n) ·   4 september 1994 · Fairfield West, NSW, AUSTRALIA
            Útför · Sutherland, NSW - Lawn 6 2119
            M F S 77yr., late of Fairfield West, bur:Woronora, Lawn 6. Note:nee Walsh; w/Harold Watson; mother; gm; ggm.

            Heimildir • [marriage event] með Harold Watson Scudds : NSW 11566 • látin(n) : Sydney Morning Herald • útför : Woronora Memorial Park

            1. Vincent Terrence Scudds, Vincent/Terry 1946
              Fæðing ·   21 mars 1946 · 78 ára · Sydney, NSW, AUSTRALIA - St George Hospital
              [marriage event] · um 1970 · NSW, AUSTRALIA · með Trish ------
              Margaret Louise Scudds (nee Maureen Walsh) - March 21 St. George Hospital to Mr & Mr H W Scudds, a son (Vincent Terrence).

              Heimildir • fæðing : The Sydney Morning Herald 6 April 1946 • [marriage event] með Trish ------ : (Parent's Memorials - Woronora)

              &ca 1970 Trish ------
              [marriage event] · um 1970 · NSW, AUSTRALIA · með Vincent Terrence Scudds

              Heimildir • [marriage event] með Vincent Terrence Scudds : (Parent's Memorials - Woronora)

              1. Paul Scudds
                Fæðing · AUSTRALIA

                Heimildir • fæðing : (Grandparent's Memorials - Woronora)

              2. Shannon Scudds
                Fæðing · AUSTRALIA

                Heimildir • fæðing : (Grandparent's Memorials - Woronora) /

              3. Lisa Scudds
                Fæðing · AUSTRALIA

                Heimildir • fæðing : (Grandparent's Memorials - Woronora)

            2. Ann Scudds ca 1950
              Fæðing · um 1950 · NSW, AUSTRALIA
              [marriage event] · AUSTRALIA · með Samuel ------

              Heimildir • fæðing : (Parent's Memorials - Woronora) • [marriage event] með Samuel ------ : (Parent's Memorials - Woronora)

              Possibly children Tracy & Craig.
              Samuel ------
              [marriage event] · AUSTRALIA · með Ann Scudds

              Heimildir • [marriage event] með Ann Scudds : (Parent's Memorials - Woronora)

        2. Lloyd Scudds 1892-
          Fæðing ·   1892 · Dubbo, NSW, Australia

          Heimildir • fæðing : NSW BDM 12643

        3. Grace May Kimball, Grace 1896-1990
          Fæðing ·   17 janúar 1896 · Bulgandramine, NSW, AUSTRALIA
          [marriage event] ·   1937 · Manly, Sydney, NSW, Australia · með Francis Cooper Alchin
          Látin(n) ·   1990 · 94 ára · Bateau Bay, NSW, AUSTRALIA

          Heimildir • [marriage event] með Francis Cooper Alchin : website

          &1937 Francis Cooper Alchin, Francis 1904-1977
          Fæðing ·   1904 · Marrickville, Sydney, NSW, Australia
          [marriage event] ·   1937 · Manly, Sydney, NSW, Australia · með Grace May Kimball
          Látin(n) ·   12 janúar 1977 · 73 ára · Pendle Hill, NSW, Australia

          Heimildir • [marriage event] með Grace May Kimball : website

        4. Cyrus Richard Kimball, Cyrus/Richard Cyrus/Dick 1897-1981
          Fæðing ·   17 apríl 1897 · Brocklehurst, NSW, AUSTRALIA
          [marriage event] ·   10 september 1919 · Sydney, NSW, AUSTRALIA · með Hannah Doris Lohman
          Látin(n) ·   20 mai 1981 · 84 ára · Blacktown, NSW, AUSTRALIA - Blacktown District Hospital
          [cremation] ·   25 mai 1981 · Pine Grove Memorial Park Crematorium
          [Military service: A.I.F. 15 January 1916 - 5 September 1919. Occupation: Carpenter / Coach builder] [He worked as a carpenter and later joined the NSW Government Railways as a coach-builder, where he worked until his retirement. He was an active Freemason and a Master of the Blacktown Lodge. They had six children and celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary in 1979.] [Cause of Death: Acute renal failure, large bowel obstruction, renal vascular disease.]
          six children born here.
          Hannah Doris Lohman, Hannah/Doris 1899-1985
          foreldrar : George Frederick Lohman og Hannah Maria Bowler
          Fæðing ·   17 janúar 1899 · Scone, NSW, AUSTRALIA
          [marriage event] ·   10 september 1919 · Sydney, NSW, AUSTRALIA · með Cyrus Richard Kimball
          Látin(n) ·   16 mai 1985 · 86 ára · Toongabie, NSW, AUSTRALIA
          Útför ·   20 mai 1985 · Pine Grove Memorial Park
        5. Bella Elizabeth Kimball, Bella 1899-1990
          Fæðing ·   1899 · Peak Hill, NSW, Australia
          [marriage event] ·   2 desember 1922 · Narrabri, NSW, Australia · með Charles H. Lance
          Látin(n) ·   14 nóvember 1990 · 91 ára · Narrabri, NSW, Australia

          Heimildir • [marriage event] með Charles H. Lance : Graeme Reynolds • látin(n) : Graeme Reynolds

          &1922 Charles H. Lance, Charles 1891-
          Fæðing ·   1891 · Collarenabri, NSW, Australia
          [marriage event] ·   2 desember 1922 · Narrabri, NSW, Australia · með Bella Elizabeth Kimball

          Heimildir • fæðing : Graeme Reynolds • [marriage event] með Bella Elizabeth Kimball : Graeme Reynolds

        6. Vera Gladys Kimball, Vera 1900-1969
          Fæðing ·   1 nóvember 1900 · Bulgandramine, NSW, Australia
          [marriage event] ·   22 mai 1921 · Gilgandra, NSW, Australia · með William Ernest Walker
          Látin(n) ·   7 júní 1969 · 68 ára · Gilgandra, NSW, Australia

          Heimildir • [marriage event] með William Ernest Walker : Graeme Reynolds • látin(n) : Graeme Reynolds

          &1921 William Ernest Walker, William, Breeding & Showing Horses 1890-1969
          Fæðing ·   28 júlí 1890 · Dubbo, NSW Australia
          [marriage event] ·   22 mai 1921 · Gilgandra, NSW, Australia · með Vera Gladys Kimball
          Látin(n) ·   10 janúar 1969 · 78 ára · Dubbo, NSW Australia
          Útför ·   12 janúar 1969 · Gilgandra, Cemetery, NSW

          Heimildir • fæðing : Graeme Reynolds • [marriage event] með Vera Gladys Kimball : Graeme Reynolds • látin(n) : Graeme Reynolds

        7. Harriet Minnie Kimball, Harriet 1902-1985
          Fæðing ·   10 desember 1902 · Bulgandramine, NSW, Australia
          [marriage event] ·   1929 · Peak Hill, NSW, Australia · með Leonard Hunter
          Látin(n) ·   1985 · 83 ára · Parkes, NSW, Australia
          &1929 Leonard Hunter 1903-
          Fæðing ·   1903 · Parkes, NSW, Australia
          [marriage event] ·   1929 · Peak Hill, NSW, Australia · með Harriet Minnie Kimball

          Heimildir • fæðing : Graeme Reynolds

        8. Emily Maude Kimball, Emily 1905-1986
          Fæðing ·   13 ágúst 1905 · Bulgandramine, NSW, Australia
          [marriage event] ·   21 september 1921 · Gilgandra, NSW, Australia · með James John Smith
          Látin(n) ·   8 ágúst 1986 · 80 ára · Narromine, NSW, Australia
          &1921 James John Smith, James 1902-
          Fæðing ·   1 júní 1902
          [marriage event] ·   21 september 1921 · Gilgandra, NSW, Australia · með Emily Maude Kimball
        There were no children from the marriage. A J St.Claire left the area, moved to Rankin Springs, NSW. and is buried under the surname Kearns
        Louis St Clare
        [marriage event] ·   1918 · Peak Hill, NSW, AUSTRALIA · með Alice Jane Scudds

        Heimildir • [marriage event] með Alice Jane Scudds : website

        & J. J. Kearns
        [no marriage event] · Rankins Springs, NSW, AUSTRALIA · með Alice Jane Scudds
      5. Albert William Scudds, Albert/Herbert/Herbert William 1874-1949
        Fæðing ·   1874 · Gulgong, NSW, AUSTRALIA
        [marriage event] ·   23 september 1903 · Dubbo, NSW, AUSTRALIA · með Maud Sophia Scott
        Látin(n) ·   1949 · 75 ára · Wyong, NSW, AUSTRALIA
        [Goal:Bathurst. Date of Photo:18/11/1896.] [The Sydney Morning Herald 1 June 1915]- William James Wade and Herbert William Scudds, who were brought before the Stroud Police Court on a charge of maliciously, and in company, setting fire on April 26 last to a dwelling house at Stroud, with intent to defraud, were committed for trial. Death Certificate states Herbert William Scudds.

        Heimildir • fjölskyldu : • fæðing : NSW BDM 14728 / Index to Gaol Photographs • [marriage event] með Maud Sophia Scott : NSW BMD 1903 • látin(n) : NSW BDM 20203

        Marriage Certificate states Herbert William Scudds
        Maud Sophia Scott, Maud, Scudds ca 1882-1960
        foreldrar : William Thomas Scott 1853-1898 og Fanny Philips 1859-
        Fæðing · um 29 desember 1882
        [marriage event] ·   23 september 1903 · Dubbo, NSW, AUSTRALIA · með Albert William Scudds
        Látin(n) ·   1960 · kannski 78 ára · Hamilton, NSW, AUSTRALIA
        M S S - 80yr.

        Heimildir • fjölskyldu : • [marriage event] með Albert William Scudds : NSW BMD 1903 • látin(n) : NSW BDM 28312

        1. Phoebe E. M. Scudds, Phoebe 1904-1924
          Fæðing ·   1904 · Dubbo, NSW, AUSTRALIA
          Látin(n) ·   1924 · 20 ára · Dungog, NSW, AUSTRALIA
          SYDNEY, Wedmesday In a motoring accident on the Wangat Road, near Dungog (N.S.W) at dusk on Tuesday, a young woman was killed, two women were fatally injured, and two others were injured so severely that they are still unconscious. In the dusk of the evening a bullock team was hauling logs across a road, and was using a wire rope for the work. A motor car carrying seven persons, employees of the Bank Hotel, at Dungog approached, and the bullock-driver signalled the driver of the motorcar in an effort to acquaint him of the rope across the road. The motor driver failed to see the wire and as the last of the bullocks had crossed the road he believed that the way was clear. The wire caught the motorcar, stripped the windscreen, steering wheel and hood, and injured the passengers. Out of control the car ran along the road, then plunged over a bank, broke through a strong fence, and somersaulted down a 40feet slope, throwing the occupants in all directions. The bullock driver hurried away for assistance, and on the road he met Mr C Davidson, of Newcastle and Mr J Ray who were travelling from Wangat to Dungog. They hurried to the spot where the motor car had disappeared into the valley. They found that Miss Peggy Forte was dead. Four others Mrs Lowden, Ellen Gibbs, Phoebe Scudds, and Gertie Wilson, were unconscious. Miss Cissie Smith, who had been thrown against a fence, was only slightly injured, but the driver of the motor car, Leslie Robinson, was severely injured. It was a difficult task to carry the injured persons up the bank to the road but this was accomplished as speedily as possible. The injured were taken to the hospital at Dungog. Ellen Gibbs and Phoebe. Sudds died this morning. Mrs Louden and Gertie Wilson are still unconsious. Leslie Robinton is suffering from a broken pelvis and other injuries. The party had been on a visit to Chichester dam, and were on the way home when the accident happened.

          Heimildir • fæðing : NSW BMD 21722 • látin(n) : NSW BMD 15325 / The Sydney Morning Herald 1842-1954

        2. Francis Scudds ca 1905-1908
          Fæðing · um 1905 · Dubbo, NSW, Australia
          Látin(n) ·   1908 · kannski 3 ára · Dubbo, NSW, Australia

          Heimildir • fæðing : • látin(n) : NSW BMD 5259

        3. Harold John Richard Scudds, Harold 1906-1978
          Fæðing ·   7 mars 1906 · Dubbo, NSW, AUSTRALIA
          [marriage event] ·   20 mars 1933 · Taree, NSW, AUSTRALIA · með Thelma Joyce Gordon
          Látin(n) ·   7 oktober 1978 · 72 ára · Waratah, NSW, AUSTRALIA

          Heimildir • fæðing : NSW BMD 12915/1906 • [marriage event] með Thelma Joyce Gordon : NSW BDM 4447 • látin(n) : NSW BMD 106713

          &1933 Thelma Joyce Gordon, Thelma 1914-1980
          foreldrar : James Murray M. Gordon og Edith Jane Pryor
          Fæðing ·   10 júlí 1914 · Nabiac, NSW, AUSTRALIA
          [marriage event] ·   20 mars 1933 · Taree, NSW, AUSTRALIA · með Harold John Richard Scudds
          Látin(n) ·   29 mai 1980 · 65 ára · Raymond Terrace, NSW, AUSTRALIA

          Heimildir • [marriage event] með Harold John Richard Scudds : NSW BDM 4447 • látin(n) : NSW BMD 103475/1980

          1. Ian Gordon Scudds, Ian 1933-2013
            Fæðing ·   21 júlí 1933 · NSW, AUSTRALIA
            [marriage event] ·   6 nóvember 1954 · East Maitland, NSW, AUSTRALIA - St Peter's · með Dulcie Lillian Keasey
            Látin(n) · í apríl 2013 · 79 ára · NSW, AUSTRALIA
            [cremation] ·   2 mai 2013 · Beresfield, NSW, AUSTRALIA
            [Ian Scudds one of the University's original gardeners, tending to the Bentley campus grounds for over twenty one years. He was employed as a turf operator maintaining the University's sporting facilities.] [I G S 79yr., cremation, late of Tenambit.]

            Heimildir • fæðing : website • [marriage event] með Dulcie Lillian Keasey : NSW BDM 27337 • látin(n) : Maitland Mercury [2013 May 01]

            &1954 Dulcie Lillian Keasey, Lillian/Dulcie 1933-2002
            Fæðing ·   26 mai 1933
            [marriage event] ·   6 nóvember 1954 · East Maitland, NSW, AUSTRALIA - St Peter's · með Ian Gordon Scudds
            Látin(n) ·   25 febrúar 2002 · 68 ára · Tenambit, NSW, AUSTRALIA
            D L K - 68yr.

            Heimildir • [marriage event] með Ian Gordon Scudds : NSW BDM 27337 • látin(n) : Newcastle Herald

            1. Richard Henry Scudds, Richard ca 1955
              Fæðing · um 1955 · Australia
              [marriage event] · um 1981 · Australia · með Tracy Browning Rockett

              Heimildir • fæðing : website • [marriage event] með Tracy Browning Rockett : website

              &ca 1981 Tracy Browning Rockett, Tracy, Scudds 1960-1987
              Fæðing ·   12 mai 1960
              [marriage event] · um 1981 · Australia · með Richard Henry Scudds
              Látin(n) ·   10 febrúar 1987 · 26 ára · Tenambit, NSW., AUSTRALIA
              [cremation] · Newcastle Memorial Park, Beresfield, Newcastle City

              Heimildir • [marriage event] með Richard Henry Scudds : website • látin(n) : website • [cremation] : Find a Grave

              1. Candice Anne Scudds, Candice ca 1983
                Fæðing · um 1983 · Australia

                Heimildir • fæðing : website

              2. Christopher Robert Ian Scudds, Christopher ca 1985
                Fæðing · um 1985 · Australia

                Heimildir • fæðing : website

            2. Stanley Gordon Scudds, Stanley ca 1958
              Fæðing · um 1958 · Australia
              [marriage event] · um 1983 · Australia · með Karyn Michelle Turner

              Heimildir • fæðing : • [marriage event] með Karyn Michelle Turner : James F. Scutt

              &ca 1983 Karyn Michelle Turner, Karyn
              [marriage event] · um 1983 · Australia · með Stanley Gordon Scudds

              Heimildir • [marriage event] með Stanley Gordon Scudds : James F. Scutt

              1. Wayne Gordon Scudds ca 1985
                Fæðing · um 1985 · Australia

                Heimildir • fæðing : James F. Scutt

              2. Kasey Barbara Scudds, Kasey ca 1988
                Fæðing · um 1988 · Australia

                Heimildir • fæðing :

            3. Phillip Andrew Scudds, Phillip 1960
              Fæðing ·   1960 · 64 ára · Australia
              [marriage event] · um 1985 · Australia · með Danelle Mary Gibson

              Heimildir • fæðing : website • [marriage event] með Danelle Mary Gibson : website

              &ca 1985 Danelle Mary Gibson, Danelle
              [marriage event] · um 1985 · Australia · með Phillip Andrew Scudds

              Heimildir • [marriage event] með Phillip Andrew Scudds : website

              1. Corey Benjamin Scudds, Corey ca 1987
                Fæðing · um 1987 · Australia

                Heimildir • fæðing : website

              2. Andrew Phillip Scudds ca 1991
                Fæðing · um 1991 · Australia
            4. Karen Anne Scudds, Karen ca 1963
              Fæðing · um 1963 · Australia
              [no marriage event] · með ------ ------
              [marriage event] · um 1986 · Australia · með Andrew James Leedham

              Heimildir • fæðing : website • [marriage event] með Andrew James Leedham : website

              & ------ ------
              [no marriage event] · með Karen Anne Scudds
              1. Sarah Elizabeth ------, Sarah ca 1984
                Fæðing · um 1984 · Australia

                Heimildir • fæðing : website

              &ca 1986 Andrew James Leedham, Andrew
              [marriage event] · um 1986 · Australia · með Karen Anne Scudds

              Heimildir • [marriage event] með Karen Anne Scudds : website

              1. Luke Michael Leedham, Luke ca 1990
                Fæðing · um 1990 · Australia
            5. Ann-Marie Scudds, Ann Marie/Ann ca 1966
              Fæðing · um 1966 · Australia

              Heimildir • fæðing : website

            6. Raymond J. Scudds, Raymond ca 1969
              Fæðing · um 1969 · Australia

              Heimildir • fæðing : website

            7. Pauline Scudds ca 1972
              Fæðing · um 1972 · AUSTRALIA

              Heimildir • fæðing : website

          2. Roberta Edith Scudds, Roberta 1934
            Fæðing · í desember 1934 · 89 ára · Griffith, NSW, Australia - Griffith District Hospital
            [marriage event] · um 1952 · Raymond Terrance, NSW, Australia · með Thomas Clarence Graus

            Heimildir • fæðing : Steve Wakely • [marriage event] með Thomas Clarence Graus : NSW 19545 [Raymond Terrace]

            &ca 1952 Thomas Clarence Graus, Thomas
            [marriage event] · um 1952 · Raymond Terrance, NSW, Australia · með Roberta Edith Scudds

            Heimildir • [marriage event] með Roberta Edith Scudds : NSW 19545 [Raymond Terrace]

            1. Barbara Grauss ca 1960
              Fæðing · um 1960 · NSW, Australia

              Heimildir • fæðing : website

            2. Michael Grauss ca 1964-1978
              Fæðing · um 1964 · NSW, Australia
              Látin(n) ·   27 febrúar 1978 · kannski 14 ára · Raymond Terrace, NSW, Australia

              Heimildir • fæðing : website • látin(n) : website

          3. Darryl John Scudds, Darryl 1936
            Fæðing ·   25 mai 1936 · 88 ára · Taree, NSW, Australia
            [marriage event] ·   7 júní 1958 · Mayfield, NSW, Australia - St. Andrew's C of E · með Anita Carmen Bulley

            Heimildir • fæðing : Margaret Phillips • [marriage event] með Anita Carmen Bulley : NSW BMD 13029 Hamilton / Margaret Phillips

            &1958 Anita Carmen Bulley, Anita 1937
            foreldrar : Charles Burgoyne Bulley og Kathleen Mary Phillips
            Fæðing ·   1 júní 1937 · 87 ára · Taree, NSW, Australia
            [marriage event] ·   7 júní 1958 · Mayfield, NSW, Australia - St. Andrew's C of E · með Darryl John Scudds

            Heimildir • fæðing : website • [marriage event] með Darryl John Scudds : NSW BMD 13029 Hamilton / Margaret Phillips

            1. Wayne John Scudds, Wayne ca 1959
              Fæðing · um 17 ágúst 1959 · 64 ára · Waratah, NSW, Australia
              [marriage event] · um 26 apríl 1980 · Raymond Terrace, NSW, Australia - St. Brigids · með Therese Jursevics

              Heimildir • fæðing : Margaret Phillips • [marriage event] með Therese Jursevics : Margaret Phillips

              &ca 1980 Therese Jursevics
              [marriage event] · um 26 apríl 1980 · Raymond Terrace, NSW, Australia - St. Brigids · með Wayne John Scudds

              Heimildir • [marriage event] með Wayne John Scudds : Margaret Phillips

              1. Daniel John Scudds, Daniel 1984
                Fæðing ·   24 júní 1984 · 40 ára · AUSTRALIA
                Irrawang High School 2002 Raymond Terrace, NSW.

                Heimildir • fæðing : Margaret Phillips / Vera Ford

              2. Liam Marc Scudds, Liam 1987
                Fæðing ·   19 apríl 1987 · 37 ára · AUSTRALIA

                Heimildir • fæðing : Margaret Phillips / Vera Ford

            2. Toni Jayne Scudds, Toni ca 1961
              Fæðing · um 27 mai 1961 · 63 ára · Waratah, NSW, Australia
              [marriage event] · um 1984 · Australia · með Geoffrey Mark Vial

              Heimildir • fæðing : Margaret Phillips • [marriage event] með Geoffrey Mark Vial : Margaret Phillips

              &ca 1984 Geoffrey Mark Vial, Geoffrey
              [marriage event] · um 1984 · Australia · með Toni Jayne Scudds

              Heimildir • [marriage event] með Toni Jayne Scudds : Margaret Phillips

              1. Alanna Jayne Vial, Alanna 1987
                Fæðing ·   23 mars 1987 · 37 ára

                Heimildir • fæðing : Margaret Phillips

            3. Jenelle Gae Scudds, Jenelle 1962
              Fæðing ·   23 febrúar 1962 · 62 ára · Waratah, NSW, Australia

              Heimildir • fæðing : Margaret Phillips

            4. Jo-Anne Carmen Scudds, Jo-Anne 1965
              Fæðing ·   12 nóvember 1965 · 58 ára · Waratah, NSW, Australia

              Heimildir • fæðing : Margaret Phillips

            5. Bradley Charles Scudds, Bradley/Bradley M. ca 1967
              Fæðing · um 30 mai 1967 · 57 ára · Waratah, NSW, Australia
              [marriage event] · um 1993 · Waratah, NSW, AUSTRALIA · með ------ ------

              Heimildir • fæðing : Margaret Phillips / Vera Ford • [marriage event] með ------ ------ : (Children)

              &ca 1993 ------ ------, Scudds
              [marriage event] · um 1993 · Waratah, NSW, AUSTRALIA · með Bradley Charles Scudds

              Heimildir • [marriage event] með Bradley Charles Scudds : (Children)

          4. Maxwell Herbert Scudds, Maxwell 1938-1974
            Fæðing · í janúar 1938 · Taree, NSW, AUSTRALIA
            [marriage event] ·   1 apríl 1961 · Hamilton, NSW, AUSTRALIA · með Betty Helen Haynes
            Látin(n) ·   2 nóvember 1974 · 36 ára · New Lambton, NSW, AUSTRALIA

            Heimildir • fæðing : • [marriage event] með Betty Helen Haynes : NSW 14716 [Hamilton] / James Haynes • látin(n) : NSW BMD 82351 / Steve Wakely

            &1961 Betty Helen Haynes, Betty 1941
            foreldrar : Ernest Clarence Haynes 1883-1967 og Gladys Williams 1905-1999
            Fæðing ·   4 júlí 1941 · 82 ára
            [marriage event] ·   1 apríl 1961 · Hamilton, NSW, AUSTRALIA · með Maxwell Herbert Scudds
            [marriage event] ·   1980 · NSW?, AUSTRALIA · með Barry Chapman

            Heimildir • [marriage event] með Maxwell Herbert Scudds : NSW 14716 [Hamilton] / James Haynes • [marriage event] með Barry Chapman : James Haynes

            1. Wendy Lee Scudds, Wendy 1961
              Fæðing ·   1961 · 63 ára · Newcastle, NSW, AUSTRALIA
              [marriage event] · um 1983 · AUSTRALIA · með Neil Jarmain

              Heimildir • fæðing : • [marriage event] með Neil Jarmain :

              &ca 1983 Neil Jarmain
              [marriage event] · um 1983 · AUSTRALIA · með Wendy Lee Scudds

              Heimildir • [marriage event] með Wendy Lee Scudds :

              1. Ricky James Jarmain, Ricky
                Fæðing · AUSTRALIA
              2. Corey Nathan Jarmain, Corey
                Fæðing · AUSTRALIA
              3. Krystelle Lee Jarmain, Krystelle
                Fæðing · AUSTRALIA
              4. Jeremy Charles Jarmain, Jeremy
                Fæðing · AUSTRALIA
            2. Donna Maree Scudds, Donna 1963
              Fæðing ·   1963 · 61 ára · NSW, AUSTRALIA
              [marriage event] · um 1985 · NSW, AUSTRALIA · með Gray Wheeler

              Heimildir • fæðing : • [marriage event] með Gray Wheeler :

              &ca 1985 Gray Wheeler
              [marriage event] · um 1985 · NSW, AUSTRALIA · með Donna Maree Scudds

              Heimildir • [marriage event] með Donna Maree Scudds :

              1. Amanda Nicole Wheeler, Amanda
              2. Stacy Maree Wheeler, Stacy
            3. Stephen Maxwell Scudds, Stephen ca 1966
              Fæðing · um 1966 · NSW, AUSTRALIA

              Heimildir • fæðing :

            4. Helen Louise Scudds, Helen ca 1969
              Fæðing · um 1969 · NSW, AUSTRALIA
              [marriage event] · um 1992 · AUSTRALIA · með Glen Higginbottom
              [marriage event] · um 2008 · AUSTRALIA · með ------ Pediton

              Heimildir • fæðing : • [marriage event] með Glen Higginbottom : • [marriage event] með ------ Pediton : MyHeritage Family Trees

              &ca 1992 Glen Higginbottom
              [marriage event] · um 1992 · AUSTRALIA · með Helen Louise Scudds

              Heimildir • [marriage event] með Helen Louise Scudds :

              1. Craig David Higginbottom, Craig
                Fæðing · AUSTRALIA
              2. Sarah Louise Higginbottom, Sarah
                Fæðing · AUSTRALIA
              3. Maxwell Nathan Higginbottom, Maxwell
                Fæðing · AUSTRALIA
              &ca 2008 ------ Pediton
              [marriage event] · um 2008 · AUSTRALIA · með Helen Louise Scudds

              Heimildir • [marriage event] með Helen Louise Scudds : MyHeritage Family Trees

          5. Rhonda Joy Scudds, Rhonda ca 1940
            Fæðing · um 1940 · Australia
            [marriage event] · um 1963 · Australia · með Kerry Warwick Alfred Austin

            Heimildir • fæðing : website • [marriage event] með Kerry Warwick Alfred Austin : website

            &ca 1963 Kerry Warwick Alfred Austin, Kerry
            [marriage event] · um 1963 · Australia · með Rhonda Joy Scudds

            Heimildir • [marriage event] með Rhonda Joy Scudds : website

          6. (female child) Scudds ca 1943-1943
            Fæðing · um 1943 · Taree, NSW, Australia
            Látin(n) ·   1943 · kannski fæðing · Taree, NSW, Australia

            Heimildir • fæðing : James F. Scutt • látin(n) : James F. Scutt

          7. Gail Patricia Scudds, Gail ca 1944
            Fæðing · um 1944 · Australia
            [marriage event] · um 1965 · Australia · með Paul Raymond Foster

            Heimildir • fæðing : website • [marriage event] með Paul Raymond Foster : website

            &ca 1965 Paul Raymond Foster, Paul
            [marriage event] · um 1965 · Australia · með Gail Patricia Scudds

            Heimildir • [marriage event] með Gail Patricia Scudds : website

          8. Sharyn Lee Scudds, Sharyn ca 1947
            Fæðing · um 1947 · Australia
            [marriage event] · um 1967 · Australia · með ------ Graham

            Heimildir • fæðing : website • [marriage event] með ------ Graham : website

            &ca 1967 ------ Graham
            [marriage event] · um 1967 · Australia · með Sharyn Lee Scudds

            Heimildir • [marriage event] með Sharyn Lee Scudds : website

          9. Michael Richard Scudds, Michael ca 1948-1949
            Fæðing · um 1948 · NSW, Australia
            Látin(n) ·   1949 · kannski ársgamalt · Mayfield, NSW, Australia

            Heimildir • fæðing : James F. Scutt • látin(n) : NSW BDM 29165

          10. Vicki Narelle Scudds, Vicki ca 1949
            Fæðing · um 1949 · Australia
            [marriage event] · um 1973 · Australia · með Allan David Norford

            Heimildir • fæðing : website • [marriage event] með Allan David Norford : website

            &ca 1973 Allan David Norford, Allan
            [marriage event] · um 1973 · Australia · með Vicki Narelle Scudds

            Heimildir • [marriage event] með Vicki Narelle Scudds : website

        4. Herbert Arthur Thomas Scudds 1910-1985
          Fæðing ·   25 desember 1910 · Dubbo, NSW, AUSTRALIA
          [marriage event] ·   13 mai 1944 · með Jean Smith
          Látin(n) ·   6 mars 1985 · 74 ára · Bridgeman Downs, Queensland, AUSTRALIA
          Útför · í mars 1985 · Pinnaroo Lawn Cemetery & Crematorium
          Scudds, Herbert Arthur Thomas: Service Number - NX40495: Date of birth - 25 Dec 1910: Place of birth - Dubbo, NSW: Place of enlistment - Tamworth, NSW : Next of Kin - Scudds, Herbert. Contents date range 1939-1948.

          Heimildir • fæðing : NSW 3476 / 1910 National Archives of Australia • [marriage event] með Jean Smith : Qld 1944/C/1813 • látin(n) : Qld 51732 / IGI • útför : IGI

          &1944 Jean Smith †2007
          [marriage event] ·   13 mai 1944 · með Herbert Arthur Thomas Scudds
          Látin(n) ·   8 mars 2007 · Laidley, Qld, AUSTRALIA
          Útför · í mars 2007 · Warrill Park Lawn Cemetery
          J S 82yr. Formerly of Dinmore. 2007 Mar 08 Tabeel Nursing Home, Laidley. Dearly loved wife of Arthur (dec'd), much loved mother & mother-in-law to Irene & Des, Noel & Margaret, Arthur & Mary-Anne. Affectionally known to her grandchildren as "Little Nan". Relatives and friends are cordially invited to attend Jean's funeral service to be held as St John's Lutheran Church, Roderick Street.

          Heimildir • [marriage event] með Herbert Arthur Thomas Scudds : Qld 1944/C/1813 • látin(n) : Queensland Times (Ipswich)

          1. Janet Margaret Scudds, Margaret, Janet ca 1948
            Fæðing · um 1948 · AUSTRALIA
            [marriage event] · um 1970 · AUSTRALIA? · með Noel Philip Spooner

            Heimildir • fæðing : website • [marriage event] með Noel Philip Spooner : website

            &ca 1970 Noel Philip Spooner, Noel 1946
            foreldrar : Phillip Greer Spooner og Madelyne Jean Harris
            Fæðing ·   9 september 1946
            [marriage event] · um 1970 · AUSTRALIA? · með Janet Margaret Scudds

            Heimildir • [marriage event] með Janet Margaret Scudds : website

            1. Corrina Jane Spooner, Corrina
        5. Minnie M. Scudds, Minnie 1912-1913
          Fæðing ·   1912 · Stroud, NSW, AUSTRALIA
          Látin(n) ·   1913 · ársgamalt · Stroud, NSW, AUSTRALIA

          Heimildir • fæðing : NSW # 35131 • látin(n) : NSW # 19061

        6. Oliver N. F. Scudds, Oliver 1914-1915
          Fæðing ·   1914 · Salisbury, NSW, AUSTRALIA
          Látin(n) ·   1915 · ársgamalt · Stroud, NSW, AUSTRALIA

          Heimildir • fæðing : NSW # 37420 [Stroud] • látin(n) : NSW BMD 2933

        7. Cecil Ernest William Scudds, Cecil 1918-1941
          Fæðing ·   22 febrúar 1918 · Stroud, NSW, AUSTRALIA
          Látin(n) ·   2 mai 1941 · 23 ára · LIBYA
          Útför · Tobruk War Cemetery, Tobruk, Al Butnan, LIBYA
          [Cecil Ernest William Scudds - Service Number-NX28858, b:1918 Feb 22. Place of birth - Stroud, NSW. Place of enlistment - Paddington, NSW : Next of Kin - Scudds, Herbert.] [C E W S 23yr. Lance Corporal, Australian Infantry, bur:Tobruk War Cemetery, Tobruk, Al Butnan, Libya - plot:5. A4.]

          Heimildir • fæðing : National Archives of Australia • látin(n) : / National Archives of Australia

        8. Reginald Scudds ca 1919-1921
          Fæðing · um 1919 · NSW, AUSTRALIA
          Látin(n) ·   1921 · kannski 2 ára · Stroud, NSW, AUSTRALIA

          Heimildir • fæðing : (Deaths) • látin(n) : NSW BMD 2474

        9. Irene Patricia Scudds, Patricia/Patricia Eileen/Irene 1920-1949
          Fæðing ·   26 desember 1920 · Maitland, NSW, AUSTRALIA
          Látin(n) ·   31 júlí 1949 · 28 ára · North Sydney, NSW, AUSTRALIA
          Útför · í ágúst 1949 · Eastern Suburbs Memorial Park
          [Scudds, Irene Patricia: Service Number - NF447227: Date of birth - 26 Dec 1920: Place of birth - Maitland, NSW : Place of enlistment - Paddington. NSW : Next of Kin - Scudds, Herbert. Contents date range 1939-1948.] [Two women were killed when a car, in which they were travelling in struck a telegraph pole and overturned at Mosman, Sydney early this morning. "They are Mrs. Fnkl Sommerville, 27 of Neutral Bay and Patricia Scudds, 25 of King's Cross. A third passenger in the car, Neville Ross, 27, suffered facial injuries and abrasions,".] [Scudds, Patricia - July 31, 1949 (result of accident) dearly beloved daughter of Mr & Mrs H Scudds of Muswellbrook. See Tuesday's Herald for funeral notice.] [Saturday 3 September 1949 Mrs H W Scudds & Family wish to Thank relatives and kind friends for messages of sympathy and help in their recent sad bereavement in the loss of their Daughter and Sister (Patricia) also Husband and Father. Please accept this as our personal thanks.]

          Heimildir • fæðing : National Archives of Australia • látin(n) : NSW BDM 15638 / The Canberra Times 1 August 1949

        10. (female infant) Scudds 1921-1921
          Fæðing ·   1921 · Stroud, NSW, Aaustralia
          Látin(n) ·   1921 · Stroud, NSW, Australia

          Heimildir • fæðing : James F. Scutt • látin(n) : NSW BMD 2473

        11. Maud Scudds ca 1922-1922
          Fæðing · um 1922 · NSW, AUSTRALIA
          Látin(n) ·   1922 · kannski fæðing · Gloucester, NSW, AUSTRALIA

          Heimildir • fæðing : James F. Scutt • látin(n) : NSW BMD 5552

      6. Edward Richard Scudds, Edward 1876-1878
        Fæðing ·   1876 · Gulgong, NSW, Australia
        Látin(n) ·   1878 · 2 ára · Wellington, NSW, Australia

        Heimildir • fæðing : NSW BDM 15502 • látin(n) : NSW BDM 12046

      7. Esther Mary Scudds, Esther 1877-1956
        Fæðing ·   10 ágúst 1877 · Dubbo, NSW, AUSTRALIA
        [marriage event] ·   27 febrúar 1896 · Dubbo, NSW, AUSTRALIA · með Thomas Bateup
        Látin(n) ·   14 desember 1956 · 79 ára · NSW, AUSTRALIA
        E M S lived as a child in Sandy Creek near Goonoo, NSW. Esther Maud Scudds also noted.

        Heimildir • fæðing : NSW BDM 11226 [Scudd] • [marriage event] með Thomas Bateup : NSW BDM 1021 • látin(n) :

        &1896 Thomas Bateup, farmer 1868-1941
        foreldrar : Edward Watts Bateup og Charity May Latter
        Fæðing ·   9 september 1868 · Fillacawarrana Mole, NSW, Australia
        [marriage event] ·   27 febrúar 1896 · Dubbo, NSW, AUSTRALIA · með Esther Mary Scudds
        Látin(n) ·   2 mars 1941 · 72 ára

        Heimildir • [marriage event] með Esther Mary Scudds : NSW BDM 1021

        1. Mildred Bateup 1896-1897
          Fæðing ·   1896 · Australia
          Skírn ·   1897
          Látin(n) ·   1897 · ársgamalt · Australia

          Heimildir • fæðing : NSW BDM 1896/21199 • látin(n) : NSW BDM 1897/11579

        2. Richard Bateup 1898-1960
          Fæðing ·   1898 · AUSTRALIA
          [marriage event] ·   26 nóvember 1919 · Australia · með Eileen Ethel Reynolds
          Látin(n) ·   1960 · 62 ára

          Heimildir • fæðing : NSW BDM 1898/11785 • látin(n) : Thompson Archive

          &1919 Eileen Ethel Reynolds, Eileen 1901-
          Fæðing ·   1901
          [marriage event] ·   26 nóvember 1919 · Australia · með Richard Bateup
          Látin(n) · AUSTRALIA
        3. Mabel Bateup 1900-
          Fæðing ·   1900 · Australia

          Heimildir • fæðing : NSW BDM 1900/21616

        4. Patrick Bateup 1903-1938
          Fæðing ·   1903 · Australia
          Látin(n) ·   1938 · 35 ára · Dubbo, NSW, Australia
          P B lived in the Rocks in Sydney after WWI & died young and left 3 or 4 children.

          Heimildir • fæðing : NSW BMD 2742/1903 • látin(n) : NSW BDM 1938/2489

        5. Honor Bateup 1905-
          Fæðing ·   1905 · Australia
          Látin(n) · Dubbo, NSW, Australia

          Heimildir • fæðing : NSW BDM 1905/32942

        6. Charity Bateup †1916
          Fæðing · Australia
          Látin(n) ·   1916 · NSW, Australia

          Heimildir • látin(n) : BDM 1298/1916

        7. Mary Bateup
          Fæðing · Australia
          [marriage event] · með ------ Primmer
          [marriage event] · með ------ ------
          M B married name Primmer, husband died in Dubbo during war, and had 5 children, 4 boys and 1 girl, remarried and had 1 boy.
          & ------ Primmer †ca 1941
          [marriage event] · með Mary Bateup
          Látin(n) · um 1941 · Dubbo, NSW, Australia
          & ------ ------
          [marriage event] · með Mary Bateup
          1. ------ ------
            Fæðing · Australia
        8. De Percy Bateup
          Fæðing · AUSTRALIA
          Látin(n) · AUSTRALIA
        9. Edward Bateup 1914-2000
          Fæðing ·   1914 · AUSTRALIA
          [marriage event] · með Caroline Fraser
          Látin(n) ·   2000 · 86 ára
          & Caroline Fraser 1918-1960
          Fæðing ·   1918
          [marriage event] · með Edward Bateup
          Látin(n) ·   1960 · 42 ára
        10. Frederick Charles Bateup, Frederick, storeman 1916-1988
          Fæðing ·   27 mars 1916 · Dubbo, NSW, AUSTRALIA
          [marriage event] ·   4 nóvember 1945 · Brisbane, Qld, AUSTRALIA · með Winifred Lillian Stephenson
          Látin(n) ·   1 janúar 1988 · 71 ára · Concord, NSW, AUSTRALIA
          Útför · í janúar 1988 · Dubbo, NSW, AUSTRALIA

          Heimildir • [marriage event] með Winifred Lillian Stephenson :

          &1945 Winifred Lillian Stephenson 1916-2005
          Fæðing ·   26 janúar 1916 · Brisbane, Qld, Australia
          [marriage event] ·   4 nóvember 1945 · Brisbane, Qld, AUSTRALIA · með Frederick Charles Bateup
          Látin(n) ·   5 júní 2005 · 89 ára · Winston Hills, NSW, Australia

          Heimildir • [marriage event] með Frederick Charles Bateup :

          1. Brian Charles Bateup, Brian 1946
            Fæðing ·   1946 · 78 ára · Dubbo, NSW, AUSTRALIA
            [marriage event] ·   3 desember 1965 · Strathfield, NSW, AUSTRALIA · með Merrilyn Joy Payne
            [marriage event] ·   7 nóvember 1990 · Artarmon, NSW, AUSTRALIA · með Jennifer Coleman
            &1965 Merrilyn Joy Payne, Merrilyn, Bank Officer 1947
            Fæðing ·   1947 · 77 ára · Camperdown, NSW, Australia
            Skírn · St. James
            [marriage event] ·   3 desember 1965 · Strathfield, NSW, AUSTRALIA · með Brian Charles Bateup
            1. Noel John Bateup, Noel 1967-1967
              Fæðing ·   25 desember 1967 · Homebush West, NSW, AUSTRALIA
              Látin(n) ·   26 desember 1967 · dagsgamalt · Auburn, NSW, Australia
            2. Andrew Bateup 1968
              Fæðing ·   19 desember 1968 · 55 ára · Rutherglen, Vict, Australia
              [marriage event] ·   20 mars 1999 · Rutherglen, Vict, Australia · með Jacquelyn Louise Reynolds

              Heimildir • fæðing : Graeme Reynolds • [marriage event] með Jacquelyn Louise Reynolds : Graeme Reynolds

              &1999 Jacquelyn Louise Reynolds, Jacquelyn 1972
              Fæðing ·   15 apríl 1972 · 52 ára · Kew, Victoria, Australia
              [marriage event] ·   20 mars 1999 · Rutherglen, Vict, Australia · með Andrew Bateup

              Heimildir • [marriage event] með Andrew Bateup : Graeme Reynolds

              1. Lachlan Charles Bateup, Lachlan 2002
                Fæðing ·   11 júní 2002 · 22 ára · Baulkham Hills, NSW, Australia
              2. Jemma Jay Bateup, Jemma 2004
                Fæðing ·   1 oktober 2004 · 19 ára · Westmead, NSW, Australia

                Heimildir • fæðing : Graeme Reynolds

            3. Heidi Joy Bateup, Heidi 1972
              Fæðing ·   21 nóvember 1972 · 51 ára · Camperdown, NSW, Australia
              [marriage event] ·   11 mars 1995 · Ryde, NSW, Australia · með Adam Spears

              Heimildir • fæðing : Graeme Reynolds • [marriage event] með Adam Spears : Graeme Reynolds

              &1995 Adam Spears 1970-
              Fæðing ·   10 júlí 1970
              [marriage event] ·   11 mars 1995 · Ryde, NSW, Australia · með Heidi Joy Bateup

              Heimildir • [marriage event] með Heidi Joy Bateup : Graeme Reynolds

              1. Anastasia Joy Spears, Anastasia 2001
                Fæðing ·   23 júní 2001 · 23 ára · Ryde, NSW, Australia

                Heimildir • fæðing : Graeme Reynolds

            &1990 Jennifer Coleman 1961
            Fæðing ·   29 nóvember 1961 · 62 ára · Newcastle, NSW, Australia
            [marriage event] ·   7 nóvember 1990 · Artarmon, NSW, AUSTRALIA · með Brian Charles Bateup
            1. Christopher Bateup 1992
              Fæðing ·   15 mars 1992 · 32 ára · Baulkham Hills, NSW, AUSTRALIA
            2. Katie Bateup 1994
              Fæðing ·   22 júlí 1994 · 29 ára · Baulkam Hills, NSW, AUSTRALIA
            3. Nicholas Alan Bateup, Nicholas 2000
              Fæðing ·   7 janúar 2000 · 24 ára · Baulkham Hills, NSW, AUSTRALIA
          2. Stephen Bateup, technician 1951-1971
            Fæðing ·   25 september 1951 · Dubbo, NSW, AUSTRALIA
            Látin(n) ·   6 júní 1971 · 19 ára · Dubbo, NSW, AUSTRALIA
      8. Elizabeth P. Scudds, Elizabeth 1880-1894
        Fæðing ·   1880 · NSW, AUSTRALIA
        Látin(n) ·   1894 · 14 ára · Peak Hill, NSW, AUSTRALIA

        Heimildir • fæðing : James F. Scutt • látin(n) : NSW BDM 11045

      9. Ada Helen Scudds, Ada 1883-1954
        Fæðing ·   1883 · Dubbo, NSW, AUSTRALIA
        [marriage event] ·   1899 · Condoblin, NSW, AUSTRALIA · með George Edwin Godkin
        [marriage event] ·   1920 · Paddington, NSW, AUSTRALIA · með Theodore Bade
        Látin(n) ·   10 desember 1954 · 71 ára · Burwood, NSW, AUSTRALIA
        After George Godkin's death she remarried to Theodore Bade in Paddington in 1920 but was buried under the name GODKIN. Burial: Dec 1954, Rookwood Cemetery, Catholic Mortuary 2 & 3, Sec N, Row 43, Grave 1312.

        Heimildir • fæðing : NSW BDM 12993 • [marriage event] með George Edwin Godkin : NSW BDM 5674 • [marriage event] með Theodore Bade : James F. Scutt • látin(n) : NSW BMD 27388

        &1899 George Edwin Godkin, George 1874-
        foreldrar : Anthony Leumeco Godkin ca 1850- og Frances Wallett
        Fæðing ·   1874 · Wagga Wagga, NSW, AUSTRALIA
        [marriage event] ·   1899 · Condoblin, NSW, AUSTRALIA · með Ada Helen Scudds

        Heimildir • fæðing : The Family Tree of William and Ann Fairhall • [marriage event] með Ada Helen Scudds : NSW BDM 5674

        1. Katie Frances E. Godkin, Katie/Kathleen 1900-1964
          Fæðing ·   1900 · Condobolin, NSW, AUSTRALIA
          [marriage event] ·   1924 · Petersham, Sydney, NSW, AUSTRALIA · með Frederick F. Wilkins
          Látin(n) ·   1964 · 64 ára · Burwood, NSW, AUSTRALIA

          Heimildir • látin(n) : NSW # 21101

          &1924 Frederick F. Wilkins, Frederick 1900-
          Fæðing ·   1900
          [marriage event] ·   1924 · Petersham, Sydney, NSW, AUSTRALIA · með Katie Frances E. Godkin
        2. Myrtle May Godkin, Myrtle 1901-1965
          Fæðing ·   1901 · Petersham, Sydney, NSW, AUSTRALIA
          [marriage event] ·   1926 · Burwood, NSW, AUSTRALIA · með Eustace H. Cecil
          Látin(n) ·   1965 · 64 ára · Wollongong, NSW, AUSTRALIA
          &1926 Eustace H. Cecil, Eustace 1900-
          Fæðing ·   1900
          [marriage event] ·   1926 · Burwood, NSW, AUSTRALIA · með Myrtle May Godkin
        3. George Edward Godkin, George 1905-1986
          Fæðing ·   1905 · Condobolin, NSW, AUSTRALIA
          [marriage event] ·   1930 · Burwood, NSW, AUSTRALIA · með Phyllis M. Turner
          Látin(n) ·   22 júní 1986 · 81 ára · Byron Bay, NSW, AUSTRALIA
          Útför ·   23 júní 1986
          G E G - 81yr., late of Byron Bay.

          Heimildir • látin(n) : Sydney Morning Herald • útför : Sydney Morning Herald

          &1930 Phyllis M. Turner, Phyllis 1905-
          Fæðing ·   1905
          [marriage event] ·   1930 · Burwood, NSW, AUSTRALIA · með George Edward Godkin
        4. Edward Lawrence Godkin, Edward, (1929) storeman 1908-1990
          Fæðing ·   1908 · Condobolin, NSW, AUSTRALIA
          [marriage event] ·   23 nóvember 1929 · Croydon, NSW, AUSTRALIA · með Lillian Ruby Fairhall
          Látin(n) ·   9 ágúst 1990 · 82 ára · Bangalow, NSW, AUSTRALIA
          Útför ·   11 ágúst 1990 · NSW, AUSTRALIA

          Heimildir • látin(n) : Northern Star (Lismore) • útför : Northern Star (Lismore)

          Lillian Ruby Fairhall, daughter of Thomas Fairhall & Ada Annie Victoria Crawford
          Lillian Ruby Fairhall, Lillian 1910-2002
          Fæðing ·   23 ágúst 1910 · Stanwell Park, NSW, AUSTRALIA
          [marriage event] ·   23 nóvember 1929 · Croydon, NSW, AUSTRALIA · með Edward Lawrence Godkin
          Látin(n) ·   13 oktober 2002 · 92 ára · Sydney, NSW, AUSTRALIA
          Lillian Ruby Fairhall married John Croucher in May 1973 in South Granville, NSW. She died on 13 October 2002 in Sydney, NSW, at the age of 92 late of Hervey Bay (QLD).

          Heimildir • einstaklingur : The Family Tree of William and Ann Fairhall

        5. Norman James Godkin, Norman 1910-1971
          Fæðing ·   1910 · Condoblin, NSW, AUSTRALIA
          [marriage event] ·   1931 · Burwood, NSW, AUSTRALIA · með Ivy May Neaves
          [marriage event] · AUSTRALIA · með Vera Ellen Follan
          Látin(n) ·   28 mai 1971 · 61 ára · Petersham, NSW, AUSTRALIA
          Útför ·   29 mai 1971 · Petersham, NSW, AUSTRALIA
          N J G - 61yr., late of Petersham.

          Heimildir • fæðing : The Family Tree of William and Ann Fairhall • [marriage event] með Ivy May Neaves : Burwood, NSW, Australia • látin(n) : Sydney Morning Herald • útför : Sydney Morning Herald

          &1931 Ivy May Neaves, Ivy 1913-1962
          foreldrar : Charles Allen Ross Neaves 1889-1971 og Emily M. Fairhall 1896-1964
          Fæðing ·   1913 · Wollongong, NSW, AUSTRALIA
          [marriage event] ·   1931 · Burwood, NSW, AUSTRALIA · með Norman James Godkin
          Látin(n) ·   11 mai 1962 · 49 ára · NSW, AUSTRALIA

          Heimildir • fæðing : website • [marriage event] með Norman James Godkin : Burwood, NSW, Australia

          & Vera Ellen Follan, Vera
          [marriage event] · AUSTRALIA · með Norman James Godkin
        6. Gordon Stanley Godkin, Gordon 1913-1976
          Fæðing ·   1913 · Paddington, NSW, AUSTRALIA
          Látin(n) ·   1976 · 63 ára
        &1920 Theodore Bade
        [marriage event] ·   1920 · Paddington, NSW, AUSTRALIA · með Ada Helen Scudds

        Heimildir • [marriage event] með Ada Helen Scudds : James F. Scutt

      10. Clara Maud Scudds, Clara ca 1885-1908
        Fæðing · um 1885 · NSW, AUSTRALIA
        [no marriage event] · um 1901 · NSW, AUSTRALIA · með Edward Stuart
        [marriage event] ·   1905 · Forbes, NSW, AUSTRALIA · með James J. MacCarroll
        Látin(n) ·   1908 · kannski 23 ára · Forbes, NSW, AUSTRALIA

        Heimildir • fæðing : BMD (Marriage & Death) • [marriage event] með James J. MacCarroll : NSW BDM 4062 • látin(n) : NSW BDM 9284

        &ca 1901 Edward Stuart
        [no marriage event] · um 1901 · NSW, AUSTRALIA · með Clara Maud Scudds
        1. Annie May Scudds, Annie/Ann 1902-1985
          Fæðing ·   6 mai 1902 · Condobolin, NSW, AUSTRALIA
          [marriage event] ·   1923 · Condobolin, NSW, AUSTRALIA · með Joseph Haddon
          Látin(n) ·   31 janúar 1985 · 82 ára · Condobolin, NSW, AUSTRALIA
          1902 Nov 06 also noted.

          Heimildir • fæðing : NSW BDM 30863 • [marriage event] með Joseph Haddon : NSW BMD 3312 • látin(n) : Haddon Family Tree

          &1923 Joseph Haddon
          [marriage event] ·   1923 · Condobolin, NSW, AUSTRALIA · með Annie May Scudds

          Heimildir • [marriage event] með Annie May Scudds : NSW BMD 3312

          1. (son) Haddon
            Fæðing · AUSTRALIA
        One son is thought also to have been born here
        James J. MacCarroll, James, McCarroll
        [marriage event] ·   1905 · Forbes, NSW, AUSTRALIA · með Clara Maud Scudds

        Heimildir • [marriage event] með Clara Maud Scudds : NSW BDM 4062

        1. Irene A. MacCarroll, Irene 1905-
          Fæðing ·   1905 · Forbes, NSW, AUSTRALIA

          Heimildir • fæðing : NSW BDM 12931

        2. Maude Florence MacCarroll, Maude, Philpps 1907-1984
          Fæðing ·   20 janúar 1907 · Condobolin, NSW, AUSTRALIA
          [marriage event] · AUSTRALIA · með Jack H. Philpps
          Látin(n) ·   1984 · 77 ára · Sydney, NSW, AUSTRALIA

          Heimildir • fæðing : NSW BDM 12931

          & Jack H. Philpps, Jack 1901-
          Fæðing ·   1901
          [marriage event] · AUSTRALIA · með Maude Florence MacCarroll
      11. Eliza Scudds 1888-1888
        Fæðing ·   1888 · Dubbo, NSW, AUSTRALIA
        Skírn ·   1888
        Látin(n) ·   1888 · Dubbo, NSW, AUSTRALIA

        Heimildir • fæðing : NSW BDM 16298 • látin(n) : NSW BDM 7156

    6. James Scudds ca 1837-ca 1872
      Fæðing · um 1837 · Wallingford, Oxfordshire
      [marriage event] ·   4 nóvember 1862 · Haverstock Hill, (Pancras) London - Holy Trinity · með Rebecca Catherine Jones
      Látin(n) · um ágúst 1872 · kannski 35 ára · Hackney, London
      J S - 37yr.

      Heimildir • fæðing : Census 1841 Oxfordshire-61-71 London • [marriage event] með Rebecca Catherine Jones : Pancras 1b 29 • látin(n) : Hackney 1b 284

      &1862 Rebecca Catherine Jones, Rebecca ca 1833-ca 1925
      Fæðing · um 1833 · Islington, Middlesex (London)
      [marriage event] ·   4 nóvember 1862 · Haverstock Hill, (Pancras) London - Holy Trinity · með James Scudds
      Látin(n) · um ágúst 1925 · kannski 92 ára · Willesden district, London
      R C S - 92yr.

      Heimildir • fæðing : Census 1871-81 London • [marriage event] með James Scudds : Pancras 1b 29 • látin(n) : Willesden 3a 315

      1. James William Scudds, James/William James/William ca 1863-1936
        Fæðing · um ágúst 1863 · Pancras, London
        Skírn ·   27 september 1863 · Haverstock Hill, (Pancras) London - Holy Trinity
        [marriage event] · um nóvember 1890 · Lambeth district, London · með Elizabeth Veasey
        Látin(n) ·   7 mai 1936 · kannski 72 ára · Tendring district, Essex
        [Morning Post, London, Tuesday 08 September 1885. Middlesex Sessions - Monday. A previous conviction was proved against the prisoner in the name of James Scudd. Mr. Fletcher sentenced him to be imprisoned and kept to hard labour for 15 months.] [Census 1881-1901 London.] [W J S - 72yr.]

        Heimildir • fæðing : Pancras 1b 181 • [marriage event] með Elizabeth Veasey : Lambeth 1d 663 • látin(n) : Tendring 4a 809

        &ca 1890
        known later as William James Scudds
        Elizabeth Veasey ca 1865-1945
        foreldrar : Thomas James Veasey 1826-1876 og Sarah Brown 1829-1896
        Fæðing · um janúar 1865 · Camberwell, London
        [marriage event] · um nóvember 1890 · Lambeth district, London · með James William Scudds
        Látin(n) ·   4 júní 1945 · kannski 80 ára · Exeter district, Devon
        E S - 80yr.

        Heimildir • fæðing : Census 1891-1901 London • [marriage event] með James William Scudds : Lambeth 1d 663 • látin(n) : Exeter 5b 113

        1. Lilian Scudds 1891-ca 1981
          Fæðing ·   4 oktober 1891 · Pancras, London
          Látin(n) · um nóvember 1981 · kannski 90 ára · Exeter district, Devon
          L S - unmarried.

          Heimildir • fæðing : Pancras 1b 137 • látin(n) : Exeter 21 1157

        2. Ernest James Scudds, Ernest 1893-1972
          Fæðing ·   29 mars 1893 · Pancras, London
          Skírn ·   28 mai 1893 · Pancras, London - St Pancras Old
          [marriage event] · um ágúst 1924 · Lewisham district, London · með Florence Clarisse Horsman
          Látin(n) ·   20 júní 1972 · 79 ára · Bexley district, Kent
          [cremation] ·   27 júní 1972 · Eltham Crematorium (Greenwich)

          Heimildir • fæðing : Pancras 1b 95 (2nd.Q.) • [marriage event] með Florence Clarisse Horsman : Lewisham 1d 2426 • látin(n) : Bexley 5a 444

          &ca 1924 Florence Clarisse Horsman, Florence 1897-ca 1983
          Fæðing ·   9 desember 1897 · Greenwich district, London
          [marriage event] · um ágúst 1924 · Lewisham district, London · með Ernest James Scudds
          Látin(n) · um ágúst 1983 · kannski 85 ára · Shepway district, Kent

          Heimildir • fæðing : Greenwich 1d 1084 • [marriage event] með Ernest James Scudds : Lewisham 1d 2426 • látin(n) : Shepway 16 1388

          1. Molly I. Scudds, Molly 1927
            Fæðing ·   30 ágúst 1927 · 96 ára · Lee Green, London
            [marriage event] · um febrúar 1954 · Greenwich, Kent (London) · með Charles John Batt

            Heimildir • fæðing : Lewisham 1d 1399 (3rd.Q.) • [marriage event] með Charles John Batt : Greenwich 5c 1374

            &ca 1954 Charles John Batt, Charles
            [marriage event] · um febrúar 1954 · Greenwich, Kent (London) · með Molly I. Scudds

            Heimildir • [marriage event] með Molly I. Scudds : Greenwich 5c 1374

            1. Alan C. Batt, Alan ca 1958
              Fæðing · um febrúar 1958 · 66 ára · Canterbury district, Kent

              Heimildir • fæðing : Canterbury 5b 342

            2. Janet I. Batt, Janet ca 1960
              Fæðing · um mai 1960 · 64 ára · Folkestone district, Kent

              Heimildir • fæðing : Folkestone 5b 991

            3. Derek John Batt, Derek 1966
              Fæðing · í mai 1966 · 58 ára · Cuckfield district, West Sussex

              Heimildir • fæðing : Cuckfield 5h 240

          2. Ernest John Scudds, Ernset 1931-1989
            Fæðing ·   18 apríl 1931 · Lewisham, London
            [marriage event] · um ágúst 1970 · Bexley district, Kent · með Valerie L. Smee
            Látin(n) ·   3 apríl 1989 · 57 ára · Dartford, Kent -Joyce Green Hospital
            Útför ·   12 apríl 1989 · East Hill & Watling Street Cemetery
            E J S 57yr., abode:48 Little Queen Street, Dartford, Kent - died 3 Apr 1989 at Joyce Green Hospital. Watling Street, Burial Ground. Grave no: 3554, 6'.

            Heimildir • fæðing : Lewisham 1d 1338 • [marriage event] með Valerie L. Smee : Bexley 5a 588 • látin(n) : Gravesend 0489 16 0857

            &ca 1970 Valerie L. Smee, Valerie
            [marriage event] · um ágúst 1970 · Bexley district, Kent · með Ernest John Scudds

            Heimildir • [marriage event] með Ernest John Scudds : Bexley 5a 588

            1. Julie Anne Scudds, Julie ca 1971
              Fæðing · um ágúst 1971 · 52 ára · Bexley district, Kent
              [marriage event] · í júlí 1992 · Gravesend district, Kent · með Peter A. Turner

              Heimildir • fæðing : Bexley 5a 1085 • [marriage event] með Peter A. Turner : Gravesend 0792 16 1174

              &1992 Peter A. Turner, Peter
              [marriage event] · í júlí 1992 · Gravesend district, Kent · með Julie Anne Scudds

              Heimildir • [marriage event] með Julie Anne Scudds : Gravesend 0792 16 1174

            2. Steven John Scudds, Steven, (2002) youthworker 1973
              Fæðing ·   19 mai 1973 · 51 ára · Erith or Dartford, Kent
              [marriage event] ·   10 ágúst 2002 · Aldridge, Staffordshire - St Thomas · með Belinda Clare Hawkins

              Heimildir • fæðing : Bexley 5a 1038 • [marriage event] með Belinda Clare Hawkins : Walsall 075 Aug 0093 017 C131

              &2002 Belinda Clare Hawkins, Belinda/Clare, (2002) youthworker 1981
              foreldrar : Robert George Hawkins 1940 og Brenda Mary Rollason 1944
              Fæðing ·   30 desember 1981 · 42 ára · Sutton Coldfield, Warwickshire
              [marriage event] ·   10 ágúst 2002 · Aldridge, Staffordshire - St Thomas · með Steven John Scudds

              Heimildir • [marriage event] með Steven John Scudds : Walsall 075 Aug 0093 017 C131

              1. Jayden Samuel Scudds, Jayden 2007
                Fæðing ·   7 apríl 2007 · 17 ára · Tunbridge Wells, Kent

                Heimildir • fæðing : Belinda Clare Hawkins

              2. Emily Tirzah Scudds, Emily 2010
                Fæðing ·   10 febrúar 2010 · 14 ára · Pembury, Tunbridge Wells, Kent

                Heimildir • fæðing : Belinda Clare Hawkins

              3. Alyssa Hope Scudds, Alyssa 2014
                Fæðing ·   2 apríl 2014 · 10 ára · Pembury, Tunbridge Wells, Kent

                Heimildir • fæðing : Belinda Clare Hawkins

        3. Frank Scudds 1896-1924
          Fæðing ·   11 febrúar 1896 · Pancras, London
          Skírn ·   10 mai 1896 · Camberwell, London - St Giles
          [marriage event] · um ágúst 1922 · Kensington district, London · með Sarah Ethel Knight
          Látin(n) ·   11 desember 1924 · 28 ára · Hammersmith, London
          F S - 28yr. Royal Fusiliers 54613 Private - Labour Corps 345992 Private.

          Heimildir • fæðing : Pancras 1b 21 / Catalogue reference WO 372/17 • [marriage event] með Sarah Ethel Knight : Kensington 1a 287 • látin(n) : Hammersmith 1a 278

          &ca 1922 Sarah Ethel Knight, Sarah 1902-ca 1969
          Fæðing ·   26 mars 1902 · Fulham district, London
          [marriage event] · um ágúst 1922 · Kensington district, London · með Frank Scudds
          Látin(n) · um ágúst 1969 · kannski 67 ára · Kensington district, London
          Father:John Benjamin Knight (1869- ?).

          Heimildir • fæðing : Fulham 1a 182 (2nd.Q.) • [marriage event] með Frank Scudds : Kensington 1a 287 • látin(n) : Kensington 5c 1538

          1. Ethel L. A. Scudds, Ethel ca 1923
            Fæðing · um nóvember 1923 · Kensington district, London
            [marriage event] · um nóvember 1947 · Kensington district, London · með Leslie H. Hall

            Heimildir • fæðing : Kensington 1a 187 • [marriage event] með Leslie H. Hall : Kensington 5c 2597

            &ca 1947 Leslie H. Hall, Leslie
            [marriage event] · um nóvember 1947 · Kensington district, London · með Ethel L. A. Scudds

            Heimildir • [marriage event] með Ethel L. A. Scudds : Kensington 5c 2597

            1. Linda A. Hall, Linda 1949
              Fæðing · í mai 1949 · 75 ára · Hammersmith district, London

              Heimildir • fæðing : Hammersmith 5c 1182

        4. Harold John Scudds, Harold ca 1900-1964
          Fæðing · um desember 1900 · Pancras, London
          [marriage event] · um ágúst 1926 · Willesden district, London · með Christiana Lizzie Eames
          Látin(n) ·   15 desember 1964 · kannski 64 ára · Exeter district, Devon
          Harold I. Scutt stated here - 64yr.

          Heimildir • fæðing : St Pancras 1b 136 (1901 1st.Q.) • [marriage event] með Christiana Lizzie Eames : Willesden 3a 749 • látin(n) : Exeter 7a 405

          &ca 1926 Christiana Lizzie Eames, Christiana, Scudds 1901-1996
          Fæðing ·   1 apríl 1901 · Hendon, Middlesex (London)
          [marriage event] · um ágúst 1926 · Willesden district, London · með Harold John Scudds
          Látin(n) ·   18 ágúst 1996 · 95 ára · Devon (Mid)

          Heimildir • fæðing : Hendon 3a 248 • [marriage event] með Harold John Scudds : Willesden 3a 749 • látin(n) : Mid Devon 4211 22D 194

          1. Valerie Scudds, Plumer ca 1932
            Fæðing · um febrúar 1932 · 92 ára · Willesden district, London
            [marriage event] · um mai 1955 · Exeter district, Devon · með Reginald C. Plumer

            Heimildir • fæðing : Willesden 3a 432 • [marriage event] með Reginald C. Plumer : Exeter 7a 767

            &ca 1955 Reginald C. Plumer, Reginald
            [marriage event] · um mai 1955 · Exeter district, Devon · með Valerie Scudds

            Heimildir • [marriage event] með Valerie Scudds : Exeter 7a 767

            1. Sara J. Plumer, Sara ca 1963
              Fæðing · um mai 1963 · 61 ára · Exeter district, Devon

              Heimildir • fæðing : Exeter 7a 462

            2. Mary Jennifer Plumer, Mary ca 1967
              Fæðing · um febrúar 1967 · 57 ára · Exeter district, Devon

              Heimildir • fæðing : Exeter 7a 398

      2. Rebecca Sophia Scudds, Rebecca ca 1866-1872
        Fæðing · um mai 1866 · Pancras, London
        Látin(n) · í júlí 1872 · kannski 6 ára · Pancras, London
        Útför ·   30 júlí 1872 · St. Pancras Cemetery (Camden)
        R S S - 6yr.

        Heimildir • fæðing : Pancras 1b 151 • látin(n) : Pancras 1b 101

      3. Thomas George Scudds, Thomas, Scudd ca 1869-1944
        Fæðing · um júlí 1869 · Pancras, London
        Skírn ·   15 ágúst 1869 · Haverstock Hill, Pancras, London - Holy Trinity
        [marriage event] ·   2 nóvember 1890 · Camden Town, London - All Saints · með Bertha Ellen Head
        Látin(n) · í september 1944 · kannski 75 ára · Islington, London
        Útför ·   15 september 1944 · St. Pancras Cemetery (Camden)
        Census 1871-81-91-1901 London. T G S travelled in 1899 from Liverpool, England to Boston, USA. T G S - 75yr.

        Heimildir • fæðing : Pancras 1b 175 • [marriage event] með Bertha Ellen Head : Pancras 1b 26 • látin(n) : Islington 1b 138

        T Scudd stated here - father:James Scudd.
        Bertha Ellen Head, Bertha ca 1871-ca 1955
        Fæðing · um 1871
        [marriage event] ·   2 nóvember 1890 · Camden Town, London - All Saints · með Thomas George Scudds
        Látin(n) · um oktober 1955 · kannski 84 ára · Pancras district, London
        Útför ·   7 oktober 1955 · St. Pancras Cemetery (Camden)
        B E S - 84yr.

        Heimildir • fæðing : BMD (Deaths) • [marriage event] með Thomas George Scudds : Pancras 1b 26 • látin(n) : Pancras 5d 395

        1. Alice Ann Scudds, Alice, Scudd/Stanborough ca 1891-ca 1963
          Fæðing · um mai 1891 · Kentish Town, London
          [marriage event] ·   1 ágúst 1920 · Gospel Oak, Kentish Town, London - St. Martin · með Daniel Sidney Stanborough
          [witnesses] : Charles Daniel Stanborough , Florence Ellen Fipkin
          Látin(n) · um febrúar 1963 · kannski 71 ára · St Pancras district, London
          A A S 71yr.

          Heimildir • fæðing : Pancras 1b 157 / Census 1901 London • [marriage event] með Daniel Sidney Stanborough : Pancras 1b 107 • látin(n) : St Pancras 5d 644

          (by Banns). A A S (29) spinster, 48 Carlton Street - father:Thomas George Scudds, naturalist. D S S (29) bachelor, labourer, 90 Alleroft Road - father:George William Stanborough, labourer. Both signed
          Daniel Sidney Stanborough, Daniel/Daniel Sydney ca 1891-ca 1950
          Fæðing · um mai 1891 · Pancras district, London
          [marriage event] ·   1 ágúst 1920 · Gospel Oak, Kentish Town, London - St. Martin · með Alice Ann Scudds
          [witnesses] : Charles Daniel Stanborough , Florence Ellen Fipkin
          Látin(n) · um ágúst 1950 · kannski 59 ára · Hackney district, London
          D S S 59yr.

          Heimildir • fæðing : Pancras 1b 131 • [marriage event] með Alice Ann Scudds : Pancras 1b 107 • látin(n) : Hackney 5c 458

          1. Joan Stanborough, Beavington ca 1921
            Fæðing · um ágúst 1921 · Pancras district, London
            [marriage event] · um ágúst 1946 · Pancras district, London · með Ernest F. W. Beavington

            Heimildir • fæðing : Pancras 1b 243 • [marriage event] með Ernest F. W. Beavington : Pancras 5d 1029

            &ca 1946 Ernest F. W. Beavington, Ernest
            [marriage event] · um ágúst 1946 · Pancras district, London · með Joan Stanborough

            Heimildir • [marriage event] með Joan Stanborough : Pancras 5d 1029

        2. Thomas Henry Scudds, Thomas ca 1894-1917
          Fæðing · um nóvember 1894 · Kentish Town, London
          [marriage event] · um nóvember 1914 · Pancras district, London · með Susan Mary Ann Baker
          Látin(n) ·   26 oktober 1917 · kannski 22 ára · W.W.I. - Ypres, BELGIUM
          London Regiment, 8984, Private & London Regiment, 204501, Private (residence St.Pancras). T H S Royal Fusiliers, bur:Duhallow ADS Cemetery, Ieper (Ypres), Belgium - plot:III. A1.

          Heimildir • fæðing : Indexes to War Deaths 1914-1921 1917 I. 83 49 / Catalogue reference WO 372/17 • [marriage event] með Susan Mary Ann Baker : Pancras 1b 249 • látin(n) : Indexes to War Deaths 1914-1921 1917 I. 83 49 / Catalogue reference WO 372/17 /

          &ca 1914 Susan Mary Ann Baker, Susan, Scudds 1895-1976
          foreldrar : William J. Baker 1861-1914 og Susan Brice 1863-1934
          Fæðing ·   18 desember 1895 · St Pancras, London
          [marriage event] · um nóvember 1914 · Pancras district, London · með Thomas Henry Scudds
          Látin(n) · í janúar 1976 · 80 ára · Hampstead district, London
          Útför ·   30 janúar 1976 · Hampstead Cemetery (Camden)

          Heimildir • fæðing : Pancras 1b 129 (1896 1st.Q.) • [marriage event] með Thomas Henry Scudds : Pancras 1b 249 • látin(n) : Hampstead 12 2361

          1. Ivy Alice Scudds, Ivy, Hardy ca 1915
            Fæðing · um febrúar 1915 · Pancras district, London
            [marriage event] · um mai 1937 · Pancras district, London · með Edwin Arthur Hardy

            Heimildir • fæðing : Pancras 1b 224 • [marriage event] með Edwin Arthur Hardy : Pancras 1b 217

            &ca 1937 Edwin Arthur Hardy, Edwin 1914
            Fæðing ·   22 mars 1914 · Loughborough district, Leicestershire
            [marriage event] · um mai 1937 · Pancras district, London · með Ivy Alice Scudds

            Heimildir • fæðing : Loughborough 7a 238 (2nd.Q.) • [marriage event] með Ivy Alice Scudds : Pancras 1b 217

          2. Lilian Bertha Scudds, Lilian, Hardy 1916-ca 2005
            Fæðing ·   30 júní 1916 · Pancras district, London
            [marriage event] · um nóvember 1940 · Pancras district, London · með Leonard C. Hardy
            Látin(n) · um oktober 2005 · kannski 89 ára · Colchester, Essex

            Heimildir • fæðing : Pancras 1b 190 (3rd.Q.) • [marriage event] með Leonard C. Hardy : Pancras 1b 64 • látin(n) : Georgina Kentish

            &ca 1940 Leonard C. Hardy, Leonard
            [marriage event] · um nóvember 1940 · Pancras district, London · með Lilian Bertha Scudds

            Heimildir • [marriage event] með Lilian Bertha Scudds : Pancras 1b 64

            1. Carol Denise Hardy, Carol 1944-2002
              Fæðing ·   1944
              Látin(n) ·   2002 · 58 ára
      4. Alice Louisa Scudds, Alice ca 1872-
        Fæðing · um nóvember 1872 · Pancras, London
        Skírn ·   16 mai 1875 · Haverstock Hill, London - St Andrew
        [marriage event] ·   24 apríl 1897 · Pancras, London - Registry St Pancras · með Alfred Roberts

        Heimildir • fæðing : Pancras 1b 188 • [marriage event] með Alfred Roberts : Pancras 1b 258 / British Army WWI Pension Records 1914-1920

        &1897 Alfred Roberts
        [marriage event] ·   24 apríl 1897 · Pancras, London - Registry St Pancras · með Alice Louisa Scudds

        Heimildir • [marriage event] með Alice Louisa Scudds : Pancras 1b 258 / British Army WWI Pension Records 1914-1920

        1. Alice Lilian Roberts, Alice 1905-
          Fæðing ·   28 september 1905 · Pancras district, London

          Heimildir • fæðing : Pancras 1b 125 (4th.Q.)

    7. Eliza Scudds 1839-ca 1911
      Fæðing ·   14 júlí 1839 · Newnham Murren, Oxfordshire
      [marriage event] · um mai 1863 · Wallingford, Berkshire · með Henry Bench
      Látin(n) · um ágúst 1911 · kannski 72 ára · Wallingford district, Berkshire
      E B - 72yr.

      Heimildir • fæðing : Wallingford 6 241 / Newham Murren Registers / IGI • [marriage event] með Henry Bench : Wallingford 2c 544 • látin(n) : Wallingford 2c 387

      &ca 1863 Henry Bench †ca 1914
      [marriage event] · um mai 1863 · Wallingford, Berkshire · með Eliza Scudds
      Látin(n) · um febrúar 1914 · Wallingford district, Berkshire
      H B - 79yr.

      Heimildir • [marriage event] með Eliza Scudds : Wallingford 2c 544 • látin(n) : Wallingford 2c 444

      1. Sarah Bench ca 1864-
        Fæðing · um febrúar 1864 · Wallingford district, Oxfordshire
        [marriage event] · um ágúst 1883 · Wallingford district, Berkshire · með ------ ------

        Heimildir • fæðing : Wallingford 2c 334/5 • [marriage event] með ------ ------ : Wallingford 2c 562

        &ca 1883
        possibly Aaron Augustus Allnott
        ------ ------
        [marriage event] · um ágúst 1883 · Wallingford district, Berkshire · með Sarah Bench

        Heimildir • [marriage event] með Sarah Bench : Wallingford 2c 562

      2. Caroline Alice Bench, Caroline ca 1865-
        Fæðing · um ágúst 1865 · Bensington, Oxfordshire
        [marriage event] · um ágúst 1898 · Wallingford district, Berkshire · með Charles Grigg

        Heimildir • fæðing : Wallingford 2c 283 / Census 1881 Oxfordshire • [marriage event] með Charles Grigg : Wandsworth 1d 1279

        &ca 1898 Charles Grigg
        [marriage event] · um ágúst 1898 · Wallingford district, Berkshire · með Caroline Alice Bench

        Heimildir • [marriage event] með Caroline Alice Bench : Wandsworth 1d 1279

      3. Fanny Bench ca 1866-
        Fæðing · um nóvember 1866 · Bensington, Oxfordshire

        Heimildir • fæðing : Wallingford 2c 308

      4. Frank Bench ca 1868-
        Fæðing · um mai 1868 · Bensington, Oxfordshire
        [marriage event] · um nóvember 1889 · Wandsworth district, London · með Lydia Javes

        Heimildir • fæðing : Wallingford 2c 323 / Census 1881 Oxfordshire • [marriage event] með Lydia Javes : Wandsworth 1d 1059

        &ca 1889 Lydia Javes 1870-
        Fæðing ·   1870 · Battersea district, London
        [marriage event] · um nóvember 1889 · Wandsworth district, London · með Frank Bench

        Heimildir • fæðing : Census 1901 London • [marriage event] með Frank Bench : Wandsworth 1d 1059

      5. Edith Emma Bench, Edith ca 1872-ca 1875
        Fæðing · um nóvember 1872 · Bensington, Oxfordshire
        Látin(n) · um febrúar 1875 · kannski 2 ára · Bensington, Oxfordshire
        E E B - 2yr.

        Heimildir • fæðing : Wallingford 2c 336 • látin(n) : Wallingford 2c 266

    8. Elizabeth Scudds ca 1841-
      Fæðing · um mai 1841 · Newnham Murren, Oxfordshire

      Heimildir • fæðing : Wallingford 6 240

    9. Thomas Scudds ca 1843-ca 1922
      Fæðing · um júlí 1843 · Newnham Murren, Oxfordshire
      Látin(n) · um september 1922 · kannski 79 ára · Aylesbury district, Buckinghamshire
      [Census 1901 Berkshire states T S b:Crowmarsh Gifford, Oxfordshire.] [T S 80yr., unmarried]

      Heimildir • fæðing : Wallingford 6 247 / Census 1851-61 Oxfordshire-71-81 Berkshire-1901 (2x) Oxfordshire/Berkshire-1911 Berkshire • látin(n) : Aylesbury 3a 801

  8. Mary Ann Scudds, Mary 1804-
    Fæðing ·   3 desember 1804 · Wallingford, Berkshire
    Skírn ·   24 mars 1805 · Wallingford, Berkshire

    Heimildir • fæðing : Non-Conformists Non-Parochial Registers 1567-1970 • skírn : Non-Conformists Non-Parochial Registers 1567-1970

  9. James Scudds, Scuds 1807-1867
    Fæðing ·   23 janúar 1807 · Wallingford, Berkshire
    Skírn ·   22 febrúar 1807 · Wallingford, Berkshire - The Market Place, Independent-Chapel
    [marriage event] ·   21 nóvember 1827 · Newnham Murren, Oxfordshire · með Mary ------
    Látin(n) · í desember 1867 · 60 ára · Lambeth district, London
    Útför ·   23 desember 1867 · Hackney, London
    J S - 62yr.

    Heimildir • fæðing : IGI • skírn : Non-Conformists Records / IGI • [marriage event] með Mary ------ : IGI • látin(n) : Lambeth 1d 254

    &1827 Mary ------ ca 1803-ca 1867
    Fæðing · um 1803 · Wallingford, Berkshire
    [marriage event] ·   21 nóvember 1827 · Newnham Murren, Oxfordshire · með James Scudds
    Látin(n) · um febrúar 1867 · kannski 64 ára · Wallingford district, Berkshire
    M S - 63yr., b:1803/06 Wallingford, Berkshire.

    Heimildir • fæðing : BMD (Deaths) • [marriage event] með James Scudds : IGI • látin(n) : Wallingford 2c 229

    1. William Scudds ca 1827-1906
      Fæðing · um 1827 · Oxfordshire
      Skírn ·   1827 · Oxfordshire
      [marriage event] ·   5 febrúar 1847 · Woburn, Wycombe, Buckinghamshire · með Emma Carter
      Látin(n) ·   8 júní 1906 · kannski 79 ára · Stirling East, Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA
      Útför ·   10 júní 1906 · Stirling, SA, AUSTRALIA
      [IGI states W S b:1827.] [Census 1841 Oxfordshire.] [W S b:Oxford 21yr., sawyer, 1850 immigrant, barque Lysander 487 tons, Captain Lalham, from London / Gravesend 3rd June 1850 / Plymouth 15th June 1850, arrived at Port Adelaide, South Australia 23rd September 1850. ( (November 2nd sailed for Melbourne). 1906 Jun 09 and 10 also noted.] ["William Scudds & Emma Carter: Pioneers of Australia, 1850-1987", M.A.Ivas (descended from the Scudds Family of Newnam Murren Oxfordshire).] [Scudds - On the 8th June 1906, at the Adelaide Hospital, William, relict of the late Emma Scudds, of .... Stirling East, aged 79 years, leaving six sons, six daughters, 31 grandchildren, and two great-grand-children to mourn their loss.] [Family Notices The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA :1889-1931) Saturday 22 June 1907 p8 Family Notices - SCUDDS - In fond and loving memory of my dear old dad, William Scudds, who died June 8, 1906,aged 79 years. Sweetly sleeping, but not forgotten. Inserted by his loving daughter Eve.]

      Heimildir • fæðing : South Australian Deaths Registrations 1842-1915 Book:318 Page:193 / IGI • [marriage event] með Emma Carter : Wycombe 6 529 / IGI • látin(n) : IGI • útför : IGI

      1848 Oxfordshire also stated.
      Emma Carter, Scudds 1827-1881
      Fæðing ·   1827 · Woodburn, Northumberland
      [marriage event] ·   5 febrúar 1847 · Woburn, Wycombe, Buckinghamshire · með William Scudds
      Látin(n) ·   22 nóvember 1881 · 54 ára · Stirling East, Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA
      Útför ·   23 nóvember 1881 · Stirling East, Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA
      E S 21yr., immigrant on barque Lysander 487 tons, Captain Lalham, from London / Gravesend 3rd June 1850 / Plymouth 15th June 1850, arrived at Port Adelaide, South Australia 23rd September 1850. (November 2nd sailed for Melbourne). E S - 53yr.

      Heimildir • [marriage event] með William Scudds : Wycombe 6 529 / IGI • látin(n) : South Australian Deaths Registrations 1842-1915 [Digger] Book:114 Page:375 / IGI • útför : IGI

      1. James William Scudds, James ca 1847-1915
        Fæðing · um ágúst 1847 · Wycombe district, Buckinghamshire
        Látin(n) ·   29 janúar 1915 · kannski 67 ára · Port Lincoln, SA, AUSTRALIA
        Útför ·   31 janúar 1915 · Port Lincoln, SA, AUSTRALIA - Happy Valley Cemetery
        [(Wycombe district is mainly in Buckinghamshire, but included parts of Gloucestershire and Oxfordshire). As regards his death IGI PRF states differently.] [J W S 2yr., immigrant on barque Lysander 487 tons, Captain Lalham, from London / Gravesend 3rd June 1850 / Plymouth 15th June 1850, arrived at Port Adelaide, South Australia 23rd September 1850. (November 2nd sailed for Melbourne).] [J W S 67yr., single - bur:1915 Jan 31.] [SCUDDS - On the 29th January, at the residence of his niece (Mrs. W. P. Allan, nee Beatrice Logg), Port Lincoln, James, eldest beloved son of the late William & Emma Scudds, of Stirling East, aged 67 years and 7 months, of heart failing. At rest. Family Notices - The West Australian (Perth, WA :1879-1954) Saturday 6 February 1915 p1 - SCUDDS - On January 19, at Port Lincoln, Adelaide, late of Nedlands, Perth, Western Australia. James, eldest brother of Mrs. J Myers, Fremantle, Mrs. A. E. Hood, Perth, H. & J. Scudds, Pingelly; and uncle of J. W. & W. H. Myers, Mrs. A. Hewitt, Mrs. M. Dawkins, and Mrs. F. J Clegg. At rest.]

        Heimildir • fæðing : Wycombe 6 360 / IGI • látin(n) : SA # 390/564 [Flinders] / IGI

      2. Anne Scudds, Ann 1849-1850
        Fæðing ·   4 nóvember 1849 · Newnham Murren, Oxfordshire
        Látin(n) ·   12 oktober 1850 · 11 mánaðar gamall · Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA - Grote Street
        Útför · Adelaide West Terrace Cemetery
        [A S infant, immigrant on barque Lysander 487 tons, Captain Lalham, from London/Gravesend 3rd June 1850 / Plymouth 15th June 1850, arrived at Port Adelaide, South Australia 23rd September 1850. (November 2nd sailed for Melbourne).] [Scudds/Scudd Anne, died 1850-10-22 aged 11 m at Grote Street, Adelaide; relative William (F); buried Adelaide West Terrace Cemetery.]

        Heimildir • fæðing : Wallingford 6 266 / IGI • látin(n) : South Australian Deaths Registrations 1842-1915 [Digger] Book:2 Page:39

      3. John Henry Scudds, John 1851-1945
        Fæðing ·   21 september 1851 · Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA
        [marriage event] · um 1875 · SA, AUSTRALIA · með Harriett Jordan
        [marriage event] ·   31 janúar 1881 · Melbourne, Vict, AUSTRALIA · með Margaret Maria Moffitt
        [marriage event] ·   16 júlí 1886 · Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA · með Lavinia How
        Látin(n) ·   15 febrúar 1945 · 93 ára · Bayswater, Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA
        Útför ·   18 febrúar 1945 · Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA
        [J H S - 93yr., Anglican.] [Mirror (Perth, WA : 1921 - 1956) Saturday 22 October 1927 p16 Article ... PINGELLY Mr. Pros. Scudds, a son of Mr. John Scudds, for long supervisor of the Pingelly Road Boards which position is now held by his son, Mr. Walter Scudds, has been appointed supervisor of the Brookjton Roads Board. Mr. Scudds grandfather was a noted road builder in South ...] [The West Australian (Perth, WA :1879-1954) Friday 16 February 1945 > SCUDDS - On February 15 1945, John Henry, beloved husband of the late Mrs Lavinia Scudds and loved father of Hugh, Edgar, Robert, Ernest, Pross, Walter, Ethel (Mrs J. Imm, South Australia), Hazel (Mrs J. Plumb), Lorna (Mrs R. Dilon) and Jack Scudds: aged 93 years. At rest.]

        Heimildir • fæðing : South Australian Births 1842-1906 Book:3 Page:282 / IGI - batch 0970122 • [marriage event] með Harriett Jordan : James F. Scutt • [marriage event] með Margaret Maria Moffitt : Victoria - Pioneer Index 1836-1888 [Digger] Reg Number:200 / IGI - batch 0970112 • [marriage event] með Lavinia How : SA # 156/177 / IGI • látin(n) : IGI / The West Australian [1945 Feb 16] • útför : Metropolitan Cemeteries Board, Western Australia - KB00076615

        &ca 1875 Harriett Jordan 1856-1879
        Fæðing ·   27 janúar 1856 · Hurtle Vale, SA, AUSTRALIA
        [marriage event] · um 1875 · SA, AUSTRALIA · með John Henry Scudds
        Látin(n) ·   1879 · 23 ára · SA, AUSTRALIA

        Heimildir • [marriage event] með John Henry Scudds : James F. Scutt • látin(n) : James F. Scutt

        1. John Henry Jordan Scudds 1877-1877
          Fæðing ·   28 mars 1877 · Crafers, SA, Australia
          Látin(n) ·   25 apríl 1877 · 28 daga gamall · Crafers, SA, Australia
          also known as John Henry Jordan (birth). J H J S - 28dy.

          Heimildir • fæðing : South Australian Births 1842-1906 [Digger] / IGI • látin(n) : South Australian Deaths Registrations 1842-1915 Book:80 Page:241 / IGI

        &1881 Margaret Maria Moffitt, Margaret, Moffet 1860-ca 1884
        foreldrar : Robert Moffit og ------ ------
        Fæðing ·   1860 · Murray Creek, Vict, AUSTRALIA
        [marriage event] ·   31 janúar 1881 · Melbourne, Vict, AUSTRALIA · með John Henry Scudds
        Látin(n) · um 27 mars 1884 · kannski 24 ára · Stirling East, Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA
        M M M - 22yr. Family Notices - South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA :1839-1900) Monday 31 March 1884 p4 DEATHS - SCUDDS - On the 27th March, at her residence, Stirling East, the dearly beloved wife of John Scudds, aged 21 years, leaving a husband and three young children to mourn their loss. Melbourne papers please copy. * Born in 1860 - Murray Creek, Vict, Australia, * Died about 27 March 1884 - Stirling East, Adelaide, SA, Australia, * Age at death: possibly 24 years old.

        Heimildir • [marriage event] með John Henry Scudds : Victoria - Pioneer Index 1836-1888 [Digger] Reg Number:200 / IGI - batch 0970112 • látin(n) : South Australian Deaths Registrations 1842-1915 Book:136 Page:160

        1. Hugh John Scudds, Hugh/Bun ca 1881-1952
          Fæðing · um 19 júní 1881 · Melbourne, Victoria, AUSTRALIA
          [marriage event] ·   15 september 1945 · Highgate, WA, AUSTRALIA · með Gwendoline Emily Ruth Brown
          Látin(n) ·   8 júlí 1952 · kannski 71 ára · Leederville, Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA
          [IGI states H J S b:1881 (seems to be correct) whilst National Archives of Australia gives b:1886 Jun 19.] [Hugh John Scudds, indecent assault. The Advertiser (Adelaide Friday 4 December 1903) - Hugh John Scudds, a youth, admitted having assaulted Matilda Chapman at Woodbury on September. The prosecutrix had been roughly handled, but she did not appear to have sustained permanent injuries. The conduct of the prisoner had been cowardly, and he must be punished. The sentence was eight months in the Adelaide Penitentary.] [Scudds Hugh John :Service Number - W36709. Date of birth - 19 Jun 1886. Place of birth - Melbourne. Place of enlistment - Claremont, WA. Next of Kin - Scudds, Alice. Contents date range 1939-1948.] [The West Australian (Perth, WA :[1879-1954) Thursday 10 July 1952 p20 Family Notices - SCUDDS On July 8 1952, at Perth, Hugh John (Bun), the dearly loved husband of Gwendoline Scudds, stepfather of Arthur and Ivy Hardie and grandfather of Robert: aged 71 years. A patient sufferer at rest. SCUDDS, Hugh John (Bun): At Perth on July 8, loving brother and brother-in-law of Bob and Alice, fond uncle of Hilda (deceased ) and is Ever remembered. SCUDDS (H. J.): On July 8 at Perth, dear uncle of Bena and Percy Thompson, grand-uncle of Brian and Rex. So long, Bun. SCUDDS (H. J.) On July 8, fond uncle of Irene and Sam McMurray. So long dear Bun. SCUDDS (H. J.): On July 8, fond uncle and grand-uncle of Alf, Lill and family. SCUDDS, Hugh John (Bun): Passed away peacefully, July 8, dear stepfather of Arthur, father-in-law of Ivy, loving grandpop of little Robert. At rest. SCUDDS (Hugh): On July 8, at Perth, dearly loved uncle of Daphne, Shorty, Rhonda, Joy. Not goodbye, Bun, Just au revoir. SCUDDS: In loving memory of our dear friend Bun, passed away July 8. Sadly missed by Mal. Margaret and children.] [The West Australian Wednesday 19 September 1945 p1 Family Notices SCUDDS-HARDIE - On September 15 at Highgate, by Captain Beasy (Salvation Army), Hugh John, of Victoria Park to Gwendoline Emily Ruth of Leederville.] [H J S - 71yr., Salvation Army.] [The West Australian (Perth, WA :1879-1954) Thursday 10 July 1952 p20 Family Notices July 8 1952 H.J.SCUDDS known by everyone as "Bun".] [Wednesday 8 July 1953 - SCUDDS: In loving memory of my dear husband Bun passed away July 8 1952, stepfather of Arthur, daughter-in-law Ivy, grandpop of Robert. "Peacefully sleeping in Gods care". Inserted by his loving wife, Ruth.] [The West Australian (Perth, WA :1879-1954) Wednesday 23 July 1952 p20 Family Notices - Address here - MRS SCUDDS, Bourke Street, Leederville, and stepson Arthur sincerely THANK all relatives and friends for floral tributes, expressions of sympathy in the loss of her dear husband and stepfather; especially thanking Mr. & Mrs. Golding, Mr. & Mrs. Daniels, Mr. & Mrs. Franklin.]

          Heimildir • fæðing : National Archives of Australia / IGI / The Advertiser (Adelaide 27 November 1903) • [marriage event] með Gwendoline Emily Ruth Brown : The West Australian [1945 Sep 19] / Jack A. Imms • látin(n) : Metropolitan Cemeteries Board, Western Australia - KB00095149 / IGI

          Gwendoline Emily Ruth Brown was previously married and at least one child born here - Arthur
          Gwendoline Emily Ruth Brown, Gwendoline, Hardie/Scudds 1896-1968
          Fæðing ·   1896 · Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA
          [marriage event] ·   15 september 1945 · Highgate, WA, AUSTRALIA · með Hugh John Scudds
          Látin(n) ·   16 nóvember 1968 · 72 ára · North Fremantle, WA, AUSTRALIA
          [The West Australian Wednesday 19 September 1945 p1 Family Notices SCUDDS-HARDIE - On September 15 at Highgate, by Captain Beasy (Salvation Army), Hugh John, of Victoria Park to Gwendoline Emily Ruth of Leederville.] [Wednesday 23 July 1952 MRS. SCUDDS, Bourke Street, Leederville, and stepson Arthur sincerely THANK all relatives and friends for floral tributes, expressions of sympathy in the loss of her dear husband and stepfather; especially thanking Mr. & Mrs. Golding, Mr. & Mrs. Daniels, Mr. & Mrs. Franklin.] [G E R S - 72yr., Salvation Army.]

          Heimildir • [marriage event] með Hugh John Scudds : The West Australian [1945 Sep 19] / Jack A. Imms • látin(n) : WA 731 [Fremantle] • útför : Metropolitan Cemeteries Board, Western Australia - KB00135753

        2. Edgar Robert Scudds, Edgar 1883-1964
          Fæðing ·   10 mai 1883 · Stirling East, Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA
          [marriage event] ·   7 febrúar 1914 · Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA · með Susannah Burke
          Látin(n) ·   19 oktober 1964 · 81 ára · Myrtle Bank, Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA
          Útför ·   20 oktober 1964 · West Terrace, Kendrew Oval
          [Scudds, Edgar Robert: Service Numbers - S2830/1984. Date of birth:10 May 1883. Place of birth:Adelaide, SA. Place of enlistment:Adelaide, SA. Next of Kin:(wife) Scudds, Susannah. Contents date range 1939-1948.] [E R S 33yr. Service Numbers:1984, Last Unit:48th Infantry Battalion, 13 Jul 1916:Embarked HMAT Seang Bee, Adelaide.] [Australian Imperial Forces. 48th Btn AIF died at Springbank, age 81, "Ever Remembered by his Loving Family".]

          Heimildir • fæðing : National Archives of Australia / IGI • [marriage event] með Susannah Burke : SA # 258/348 / IGI • látin(n) : SA 981/7387 / IGI /

          E R S (29) single. Father:John Henry Scudds. S B (27) single. Father:George Burke. Place:Methodist Manse, Morphett Street
          Susannah Burke, Scudds 1885-1955
          foreldrar : George Burke 1841-1912 og Elizabeth Frances Campbell 1860-1893
          Fæðing ·   9 nóvember 1885 · Streaky Bay, SA, AUSTRALIA
          [marriage event] ·   7 febrúar 1914 · Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA · með Edgar Robert Scudds
          Látin(n) ·   13 apríl 1955 · 69 ára · Balaklava, SA, AUSTRALIA
          Útför · Balaklava Cemetery

          Heimildir • [marriage event] með Edgar Robert Scudds : SA # 258/348 / IGI • látin(n) : SA # 824 [Gilbert] / IGI

          1. Raymond George Scudds, Raymond 1914-2003
            Fæðing ·   24 júlí 1914 · Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA
            [marriage event] ·   29 júní 1940 · Port Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA - St. Mary's · með Veronica Kathleen McCarthy
            Látin(n) ·   2003 · 89 ára · SA, AUSTRALIA
            Útför · Australian Cemeteries Index
            [The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA: 1931-1954) Wednesday 19 June 1940 p10 Family Notices :McCarthy-Scudds. The marriage of Veronica Kathleen, eldest daughter of Mr J P McCarthy, of Bordertown to Raymond George Scudds (2nd A.I.F) eldest son of Mr & Mrs E R Scudds of Kilburn will be celebrated at St. Mary's Church, Dale Street, Port Adelaide, on the 29th of June, at 6.40 pm. All relatives and friends cordially invited to ceremony.] [Scudds, Raymond George: Service Number-SX5281. Date of birth:24 Jul 1914. Place of birth:Adelaide, SA. Place of enlistment: Adelaide, SA. Next of Kin:Scudds, Veronica. Contents date range 1939-1948.] [R G S 88yr., from Hawthorn.]

            Heimildir • fæðing : SA # 941/139 / National Archives of Australia • [marriage event] með Veronica Kathleen McCarthy : The Advertiser [1940 Jun 19] / National Archives of Australia • látin(n) : Carolyn Southall

            &1940 Veronica Kathleen McCarthy, Veronica/Kath, Scudds ca 1916-2012
            foreldrar : Jeremiah Patrick McCarthy og Jessie Maud James
            Fæðing · um 15 mars 1916 · Tarlee, SA., AUSTRALIA
            [marriage event] ·   29 júní 1940 · Port Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA - St. Mary's · með Raymond George Scudds
            Látin(n) ·   8 september 2012 · kannski 96 ára · SA, AUSTRALIA
            [The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA: 1931-1954) Wednesday 19 June 1940 p10 Family Notices :McCARTHY-SCUDDS. The marriage of Veronica Kathleen, eldest daughter of Mr J P McCarthy, of Bordertown to Raymond George Scudds (2nd A.I.F) eldest son of Mr & Mrs E R Scudds of Kilburn will be celebrated at St. Mary's Church, Dale Street, Port Adelaide, on the 29th of June, at 6.40 pm. All relatives and friends cordially invited to ceremony.] [7 sep 2013 - Sadly passed away September 8, 2012, nearly 12 months has passed. United with Ray forever. Love Murray, Joan and families.] [V K S 96yr., b:c1912, from Kingswood.]

            Heimildir • [marriage event] með Raymond George Scudds : The Advertiser [1940 Jun 19] / National Archives of Australia • látin(n) : The Age (Melbourne) [2013 Aug 23] • útför : Australian Cemeteries Index

            1. Robert Scudds 1941
              Fæðing ·   1941 · 83 ára · SA, AUSTRALIA
              [marriage event] ·   1964 · SA, AUSTRALIA · með Barbara Lowe

              Heimildir • fæðing : Jack A. Imms • [marriage event] með Barbara Lowe : Jack A. Imms

              &1964 Barbara Lowe
              [marriage event] ·   1964 · SA, AUSTRALIA · með Robert Scudds

              Heimildir • [marriage event] með Robert Scudds : Jack A. Imms

            2. Murray Scudds 1942
              Fæðing ·   1942 · 82 ára · SA, AUSTRALIA
              [marriage event] ·   1964 · SA, AUSTRALIA · með Yvonne Bevan

              Heimildir • fæðing : Jack A. Imms • [marriage event] með Yvonne Bevan : Jack A. Imms

              &1964 Yvonne Bevan
              [marriage event] ·   1964 · SA, AUSTRALIA · með Murray Scudds

              Heimildir • [marriage event] með Murray Scudds : Jack A. Imms

            3. John Raymond Scudds, John 1947
              Fæðing ·   29 oktober 1947 · 76 ára · Bordertown, SA, AUSTRALIA
              [marriage event] ·   23 september 1969 · Fullerton, NSW, AUSTRALIA · með Nadene Crouch

              Heimildir • fæðing : Kaye Heffernan • [marriage event] með Nadene Crouch :

              &1969 Nadene Crouch 1949
              foreldrar : Maxwell Sibery Crouch 1920 og Adeane Hilda Parsons 1922
              Fæðing ·   24 nóvember 1949 · 74 ára · Curramulka, SA, AUSTRALIA
              [marriage event] ·   23 september 1969 · Fullerton, NSW, AUSTRALIA · með John Raymond Scudds
              is Nadine Crouch meant here?

              Heimildir • [marriage event] með John Raymond Scudds :

              1. Sean James Scudds, Sean 1972
                Fæðing ·   14 ágúst 1972 · 51 ára · Reynella, North Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA
                [marriage event] · um 2000 · AUSTRALIA · með Kristie Eckert

                Heimildir • fæðing : Kaye Heffernan • [marriage event] með Kristie Eckert : (Children)

                &ca 2000 Kristie Eckert
                [marriage event] · um 2000 · AUSTRALIA · með Sean James Scudds

                Heimildir • [marriage event] með Sean James Scudds : (Children)

                1. Madeline Mae Scudds, Madeline 2004-
                  Fæðing ·   2004 · Darwin, NT, AUSTRALIA

                  Heimildir • fæðing : Advertiser

                2. Jack James Scudds, Jack 2006
                  Fæðing ·   2006 · 18 ára · AUSTRALIA

                  Heimildir • fæðing : Advertiser

              2. Benjamin John Scudds, Benjamin 1977
                Fæðing ·   1977 · 47 ára · SA, AUSTRALIA

                Heimildir • fæðing : Advertiser

          2. Olive Marguerite Scudds, Olive, Southall 1915-2005
            Fæðing ·   20 oktober 1915 · Salisbury, SA, AUSTRALIA
            [marriage event] ·   8 mars 1939 · Blackwood, WA, AUSTRALIA · með Alfred Southall
            Látin(n) ·   11 september 2005 · 89 ára · AUSTRALIA
            The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA :1931-1954) Saturday 13 April 1940 p12 Family Notices ~ SOUTHALL (nee Olive Scudds) - On the 9th of April to Mr. & Mrs. A. E. Southall, Manjimup, Western Australia - a daughter.

            Heimildir • fæðing : SA # 967/386 • [marriage event] með Alfred Southall : WA # 22 • látin(n) :

            they met at Perth Railway Station.
            Alfred Southall †1996
            [marriage event] ·   8 mars 1939 · Blackwood, WA, AUSTRALIA · með Olive Marguerite Scudds
            Látin(n) ·   13 oktober 1996 · Australia
            The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA :1931-1954) Saturday 13 April 1940 p12 Family Notices ~ SOUTHALL (nee Olive Scudds) - On the 9th of April to Mr. & Mrs. A. E. Southall, Manjimup, Western Australia - a daughter.

            Heimildir • [marriage event] með Olive Marguerite Scudds : WA # 22

            1. ------ Southall 1940
              Fæðing ·   13 apríl 1940 · 84 ára · Manjimup, WA, AUSTRALIA
              The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA :1931-1954) Saturday 13 April 1940 p12 Family Notices ~ SOUTHALL (nee Olive Scudds) - On the 9th of April to Mr. & Mrs. A. E. Southall, Manjimup, Western Australia - a daughter.

              Heimildir • fæðing : The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA :1931-1954) Saturday 13 April 1940

          3. Dulcie Lorraine Scudds, Dulcie 1917-2008
            Fæðing ·   26 janúar 1917 · Mount Lofty, Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA
            [marriage event] ·   26 júlí 1941 · SA, AUSTRALIA - College Park Congregational Church · með Eric W. Ivey
            Látin(n) ·   2 júlí 2008 · 91 ára · Canning Vale, Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA
            [cremation] · Karrakatta Cemetery
            [The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA :1931-1954) Wednesday 23 July 1941 SCUDDS-IVEY, The marriage of Dulcie L., second daughter of Pte. & Mrs. Scudds of Kilburn to Eric W., only son of Mr. & Mrs. Ivey of Norwood, will be solemnised at the College Park Congregational Church on July 26 at 6.30 pm.] [SCUDDS - On the 26th January, at the Private hospital, Mount Lofty, to the wife of Private E.R. Scudds, A.I.F., France a daughter (Dulcie Lorraine).] [D L I - 91yr.]

            Heimildir • fæðing : SA # 992/574 [Mount Barker] / National Archives of Australia (father) • [marriage event] með Eric W. Ivey : The Advertiser [1941 Jul 23] • látin(n) : Metropolitan Cemeteries Board

            &1941 Eric W. Ivey, Eric
            [marriage event] ·   26 júlí 1941 · SA, AUSTRALIA - College Park Congregational Church · með Dulcie Lorraine Scudds
            The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA :1931-1954) Wednesday 23 July 1941 SCUDDS-IVEY The marriage of Dulcie L., second daughter of Pte. & Mrs. Scudds of Kilburn to Eric W., only son of Mr. & Mrs. Ivey of Norwood, will be solemnised at the College Park Congregational Church on July 26 at 6.30 pm.

            Heimildir • [marriage event] með Dulcie Lorraine Scudds : The Advertiser [1941 Jul 23]

          4. Murray John Scudds, Murray 1919-1982
            Fæðing ·   18 mars 1919 · Rose Park, Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA
            [marriage event] · um 1943 · AUSTRALIA? · með Corinne Alice Moore
            Látin(n) ·   19 mai 1982 · 63 ára · Clearview, Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA
            Útför · Enfield Memorial Park
            [The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA :1931-1954) Monday 7 October 1940 p12 Article - Taxicab Overturns, Colin Atkinson, 23, driver of Stephenson street, Nailsworth, was admitted to the Royal Adelaide Hospital early yesterday suffering from concussion received when the taxicab he was driving overturned on Lower North Road, Kilburn. John Scudds, 21, soldier, of Woodside, who was a passenger in the cab was treated for lacerations to his hands.] [The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA :1931-1954) Thursday 26 June 1941 p10 Article Illustrated - Private & Mrs. E. R. Scudds of Kilburn (formerly of Salisbury) have been informed that tbeir son Private M. J. Scudds, was wounded on June 11. His age is 22, and he was educated at the Salisbury school. He was employed at the Imperial Chemical Industries, and enlisted in May 1940. He sailed in November, 1940] [Scudds, Murray John: Service Number - SX2880. Date of birth:18 Mar 1919. Place of birth:Rose park, SA. Place of enlistment: Wayville, SA. Next of Kin: Scudds E. Contents date range 1939-1948.] [M J S - 63yr.]

            Heimildir • fæðing : SA # 33A/445 [Norwood] / The Advertiser [1940 Oct 07] / National Archives of Australia • [marriage event] með Corinne Alice Moore : James F. Scutt • látin(n) : South Australian Genealogy & Heraldry Society Inc.

            &ca 1943 Corinne Alice Moore, Corinne, Scudds 1927-2011
            Fæðing ·   1927
            [marriage event] · um 1943 · AUSTRALIA? · með Murray John Scudds
            [marriage event] · um 1985 · SA, AUSTRALIA · með ------ Wendland
            Látin(n) ·   25 febrúar 2011 · 84 ára · SA, AUSTRALIA
            C A W 83yr.

            Heimildir • [marriage event] með Murray John Scudds : James F. Scutt • [marriage event] með ------ Wendland : • látin(n) : Adelaide Advertiser [2011 Feb 28]

            1. Janet Susan Scudds, Janet ca 1948-1949
              Fæðing · um apríl 1948 · SA, AUSTRALIA
              Látin(n) ·   13 janúar 1949 · kannski 9 mánaðar gamall · Northfield, SA, AUSTRALIA
              [The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA :1931-1954) Friday 14 January 1949 p16 Family Notices - (1) SCUDDS - At Northfield, Janet Susan, dearly beloved daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Murray Scudds, Salisbury. Aged nine months. (2) SCUDDS Janet Susan - Loving granddaughter of Mr. & Mrs. E. R. Scudds of Kilburn. Aged 9 months.] [Friday 13 January 1950 SCUDDS In loving memory of our dear daughter Janet, who passed away January 13 1949, aged nine months. Along the path so bright, a future big in sight. We bless the days we had with you, so we will leave the rest with God. Always remembered by mummy and daddy and Barry.]

              Heimildir • fæðing : James F. Scutt • látin(n) : SA # 736/182 [Port Adelaide] / The Advertiser [1949 Jan 14]

            2. Julie Scudds 1950-2004
              Fæðing ·   1950 · Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA
              [marriage event] · um 1973 · með Francesco Addabbo
              Látin(n) ·   31 desember 2004 · 54 ára · Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA
              Útför ·   6 janúar 2005
              [Julie Dawn] J A A 54yr.

              Heimildir • fæðing : • látin(n) : Adelaide Advertiser [2005 Jan 04-05-06]

              &ca 1973 Francesco Addabbo 1943-1999
              Fæðing ·   1943 · Italy
              [marriage event] · um 1973 · með Julie Scudds
              Látin(n) ·   1999 · 56 ára · SA, AUSTRALIA
            3. Dianne Ellen Scudds, Dianne ca 1952-1953
              Fæðing · um oktober 1952 · Adelaida, SA, AUSTRALIA
              Látin(n) ·   26 desember 1953 · kannski 14 mánaðar gamall · SA, AUSTRALIA
              [The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA :1931-1954) Monday 28 December 1953 SCUDDS - On December 26 at hospital, Dianne Ellen, dearly loved baby daughter of Corinne & Murray Scudds of 11 Redlynch Road, North Salisbury. Aged 14 months.] [Diane also noted.]

              Heimildir • fæðing : SA # 806/223 / The Advertiser [1953 Dec 28] • látin(n) : The Advertiser [1953 Dec 28]

            4. Peter Scudds ca 1955-2017
              Fæðing · um 1955 · SA?, AUSTRALIA
              Látin(n) ·   2017 · kannski 62 ára

              Heimildir • fæðing :

          5. Donald Francis Scudds, Donald/Francis Donald/Francis 1921-1998
            Fæðing ·   29 mars 1921 · Stirling, SA, AUSTRALIA
            [no marriage event] ·   1958 · Broken Hill, NSW, AUSTRALIA · með Annie Eileen Rivett
            Látin(n) ·   4 mars 1998 · 76 ára · Norseman, WA, AUSTRALIA
            Scudds, Francis Donald: Service Number - SX38207. Date of birth:29 Mar 1921. Place of birth: Stirling, SA. Place of enlistment:Camp Pell, Vict. Next of kin:Scudds Edgar. D F S & A C split up before he moved to WA. Contents date range 1939-1948. D F S - 76yr., Anglican.

            Heimildir • fæðing : SA # 73A/23 [Mount Barker] / National Archives of Australia • [no marriage event] með Annie Eileen Rivett : NSW # 18515 • látin(n) :

            &1958 Annie Eileen Rivett, Anne, Cox, She was previously married - Cox
            [no marriage event] ·   1958 · Broken Hill, NSW, AUSTRALIA · með Donald Francis Scudds
            D F S & A E C split up before he moved to WA.

            Heimildir • [no marriage event] með Donald Francis Scudds : NSW # 18515

            1. Christine Scudds ca 1959
              Fæðing · um 1959 · SA?, AUSTRALIA

              Heimildir • fæðing : Carolyn Southall

            2. Brenton Scudds 1960
              Fæðing ·   1960 · 64 ára · SA?, AUSTRALIA
              [marriage event] · um 1985 · SA?, AUSTRALIA · með Yvonne Underdown

              Heimildir • fæðing : Carolyn Southall • [marriage event] með Yvonne Underdown : Carolyn Southall

              &ca 1985 Yvonne Underdown
              [marriage event] · um 1985 · SA?, AUSTRALIA · með Brenton Scudds

              Heimildir • [marriage event] með Brenton Scudds : Carolyn Southall

              1. Caroline Anne Scudds, Caroline 1990
                Fæðing ·   1990 · 34 ára · SA, AUSTRALIA

                Heimildir • fæðing : Advertiser

          6. Eric Conway Scudds, Eric 1922
            Fæðing ·   22 júní 1922 · Rose Park, Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA
            [marriage event] · í mai 1946 · WA., AUSTRALIA · með Betty Rose Standing
            [Eric Conroy Scudds also noted.] [Scudds, Eric Conway: Service Number-PA2377. Date of birth:22 Jun 1922. Place of birth :Rose Park, SA. Place of enlistment:Port Adelaide. Next of Kin :Scudds, Edgar. Contents date range 1939-1948. The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA: 1931-1954) Wednesday 29 May 1946 p14 Family Notices. MacIntosh-Scudds, Betty (A.W.A.S.) youngest daughter of Mr. & Mrs. O. Standing, North Fremantle, W.A., to Eric (ex R.A.N.), fourth son of Mr. & Mrs. E. R. Scudds. Kilburn, S.A.]

            Heimildir • fæðing : SA # 97A/471 / National Archives of Australia • [marriage event] með Betty Rose Standing : The Advertiser [1946 May 29] / Jack A. Imms

            &1946 Betty Rose Standing, Betty, MacIntosh
            [marriage event] · í mai 1946 · WA., AUSTRALIA · með Eric Conway Scudds
            [marriage event] ·   1958 · Sydney, NSW, AUSTRALIA · með Keith Henry Boyd
            [The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA :1931-1954) Wednesday 29 May 1946 p14 Family Notices. MacIntosh - Scudds, Betty (A.W.A.S.) youngest daughter of Mr. & Mrs. O. Standing, North Fremantle, W.A., to Eric (ex R.A.N.), fourth son of Mr. & Mrs. E. R. Scudds. Kilburn, S.A.] [Betty Rose Scudds, Electoral Year:1949. State:Western Australia, District:Fremantle.] [The West Australian (Perth, WA :1879-1954) Thursday 15 March 1951 p4 Article. Woman Injured. Jean Rose Standing (46), of South Terrace, South Perth, received severe shock yesterday afternoon when a car in which she was a passenger collided with another car at the corner of McMillan and Berwick streets, Victoria Park. She was in a vehicle which was being driven south in McMillan Street by Betty Rose Scudds, of South Terrace, and the driver of the other car was Jesse Vernon Powell, of Cunderdin. Constable J. D. Baker, of the Victoria Park police, made inquiries. The Injured woman was taken in a St. John ambulance to the Royal Perth Hospital.] [Electoral Year:1954. State:Western Australia, District:Swan.] [T S - 75yr.]

            Heimildir • [marriage event] með Eric Conway Scudds : The Advertiser [1946 May 29] / Jack A. Imms • [marriage event] með Keith Henry Boyd : NSW 7714 / The West Australian (Perth, WA :1879-1954) [1951 Mar 15] / Ancestry Electoral Records

            1. Leonie Rosalie Scudds, Leonie 1950
              Fæðing ·   11 janúar 1950 · 74 ára · Subiaco, WA, AUSTRALIA
              On January 11, at King Edward Memorial Hospital, to Betty and Eric, a daughter (Leonie Rosalie). Both well.

              Heimildir • fæðing : The West Australian [Monday 16 January 1950]

          7. Robert Howard Scudds, Robert 1924-1997
            Fæðing ·   24 apríl 1924 · Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA
            Látin(n) ·   21 desember 1997 · 73 ára · Christies Beach, Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA
            Útför · Centennial Park, SA
            [Scudds, Robert Howard: Service Number - S111728. Date of birth: 04 Apr 1924. Place of birth:Adelaide, SA. Place of enlistment:Prospect, SA. Next of Kin:Scudds, Edgar. Contents date range 1939-1948.] [R H S 73yr.]

            Heimildir • fæðing : SA # 132A/534 [Norwood] / National Archives of Australia • látin(n) : Australian Cemeteries Index

          8. Wallace Clinton Scudds, Wallace/Wally 1925-2003
            Fæðing ·   1925 · Rose Park, Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA
            [marriage event] ·   3 desember 1952 · Plympton, SA, AUSTRALIA - Methodist Church · með Myrtle Irene Watson
            Látin(n) · í september 2003 · 78 ára · Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA
            [The Register (Adelaide, SA :1901-1929) Saturday 19 September 1925 p8 Family Notices - SCUDDS. On the 16th September, at the Queen's Home, Rose Park, to Mr. & Mrs. E R Scudds - a son.] [The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA: 1931-1954) Friday 28 November 1952 p20 Family Notices. WATSON-SCUDDS, The marriage of Irene, twin daughter of Mr. & Mrs. F. Watson, of Renmark, to Wally, youngest son of Mr. & Mrs. E. R. Scudds of Port Wakefield, will be solemnised at Plympton Methodist Church on December 3 at 2.30 pm.]

            Heimildir • fæðing : SA # 160A/231 [Norwood] / The Register [1925 Sep 19] • [marriage event] með Myrtle Irene Watson : The Advertiser [1952 Nov 28] • látin(n) : WA Newspapers Death & Funeral Notices - September 15-20, 2003

            &1952 Myrtle Irene Watson, Irene/Myrtle 1927-1982
            foreldrar : Frederick George Edward Watson 1900-1973 og Olive Agnes Mary Clothier 1904-1987
            Fæðing ·   1 janúar 1927
            [marriage event] ·   3 desember 1952 · Plympton, SA, AUSTRALIA - Methodist Church · með Wallace Clinton Scudds
            Látin(n) ·   2 febrúar 1982 · 55 ára · Norseman, WA, AUSTRALIA
            [The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA: 1931-1954) Friday 28 November 1952 p20 Family Notices. WATSON-SCUDDS - The marriage of Irene, twin daughter of Mr. & Mrs. F. Watson, of Renmark, to Wally, youngest son of Mr. & Mrs. E. R. Scudds of Port Wakefield, will be solemnised at Plympton Methodist Church on December 3 at 2.30 pm.] [M I S 55yr., Anglican.]

            Heimildir • fæðing : Wallis/Clothier Family Tree • [marriage event] með Wallace Clinton Scudds : The Advertiser [1952 Nov 28] • látin(n) :

            1. Egan James Scudds, Egan ca 1954
              Fæðing · um 1954 · AUSTRALIA
              [marriage event] · um 1978 · AUSTRALIA · með Susan Anne Smith
              [marriage event] · AUSTRALIA · með Wendy Rosebeth Wilson
              Edgar James Scudds also noted.

              Heimildir • fæðing : June & Ray Wallis • [marriage event] með Susan Anne Smith : Wallis/Clothier Family Tree • [marriage event] með Wendy Rosebeth Wilson : Wallis/Clothier Family Tree / "Beyer" Family Home Page

              &ca 1978 Susan Anne Smith, Susan
              [marriage event] · um 1978 · AUSTRALIA · með Egan James Scudds

              Heimildir • [marriage event] með Egan James Scudds : Wallis/Clothier Family Tree

              & Wendy Rosebeth Wilson, Wendy
              foreldrar : Herbert Frederick Wilson og Ivy English
              [marriage event] · með Dieter Karl Spieler
              [marriage event] · með Brent Anthony Thame
              [marriage event] · AUSTRALIA · með Egan James Scudds

              Heimildir • [marriage event] með Egan James Scudds : Wallis/Clothier Family Tree / "Beyer" Family Home Page

            2. Susan Margaret Scudds, Susan ca 1956
              Fæðing · um 1956 · AUSTRALIA
              [marriage event] · um 1978 · AUSTRALIA · með Edward Thomas Law
              [marriage event] · um 1999 · AUSTRALIA · með Denny Carlile

              Heimildir • fæðing : June & Ray Wallis • [marriage event] með Edward Thomas Law : Wallis/Clothier Family Tree • [marriage event] með Denny Carlile : Wallis/Clothier Family Tree

              &ca 1978 Edward Thomas Law, Edward
              [marriage event] · um 1978 · AUSTRALIA · með Susan Margaret Scudds

              Heimildir • [marriage event] með Susan Margaret Scudds : Wallis/Clothier Family Tree

              1. Natalie Jane Law, Natalie
                Fæðing · AUSTRALIA

                Heimildir • fæðing : Wallis/Clothier Family Tree

              2. Maralyn Kim Law, Maralyn
                Fæðing · AUSTRALIA

                Heimildir • fæðing : Wallis/Clothier Family Tree

              &ca 1999 Denny Carlile
              [marriage event] · um 1999 · AUSTRALIA · með Susan Margaret Scudds

              Heimildir • [marriage event] með Susan Margaret Scudds : Wallis/Clothier Family Tree

            3. Heather Jane Scudds, Heather 1958
              Fæðing ·   1958 · 66 ára · AUSTRALIA
              [marriage event] · um 1980 · AUSTRALIA · með John David Outram
              [marriage event] · um 1992 · AUSTRALIA · með Peter Weigard

              Heimildir • fæðing : June & Ray Wallis • [marriage event] með John David Outram : Wallis/Clothier Family Tree • [marriage event] með Peter Weigard : Wallis/Clothier Family Tree

              &ca 1980 John David Outram, John
              [marriage event] · um 1980 · AUSTRALIA · með Heather Jane Scudds

              Heimildir • fæðing : Wallis/Clothier Family Tree • [marriage event] með Heather Jane Scudds : Wallis/Clothier Family Tree

              1. Murray Walter John Outram, Murray
                Fæðing · AUSTRALIA

                Heimildir • fæðing : Wallis/Clothier Family Tree

              2. Katie Ann Outram, Katie
                Fæðing · AUSTRALIA

                Heimildir • fæðing : Wallis/Clothier Family Tree

              &ca 1992 Peter Weigard
              [marriage event] · um 1992 · AUSTRALIA · með Heather Jane Scudds

              Heimildir • [marriage event] með Heather Jane Scudds : Wallis/Clothier Family Tree

              1. Steve Weigard
                Fæðing · AUSTRALIA

                Heimildir • fæðing : Wallis/Clothier Family Tree

              2. Jenny Weigard
                Fæðing · AUSTRALIA

                Heimildir • fæðing : Wallis/Clothier Family Tree

            4. Debra Doreen Scudds, Debra ca 1960
              Fæðing · um 1960 · AUSTRALIA
              [marriage event] · um 1982 · AUSTRALIA · með Peter John Curtis

              Heimildir • fæðing : June & Ray Wallis • [marriage event] með Peter John Curtis : Wallis/Clothier Family Tree

              &ca 1982 Peter John Curtis, Peter
              [marriage event] · um 1982 · AUSTRALIA · með Debra Doreen Scudds

              Heimildir • [marriage event] með Debra Doreen Scudds : Wallis/Clothier Family Tree

              1. Kye John Curtis, Kye
                Fæðing · AUSTRALIA

                Heimildir • fæðing : Wallis/Clothier Family Tree

              2. Rodie Clinton Curtis, Rodie
                Fæðing · AUSTRALIA

                Heimildir • fæðing : Wallis/Clothier Family Tree

              3. Paris June Irene Curtis, Paris
                Fæðing · AUSTRALIA

                Heimildir • fæðing : Wallis/Clothier Family Tree

            5. Angela Olive Scudds, Angela ca 1962
              Fæðing · um 1962 · AUSTRALIA
              [marriage event] · um 1984 · AUSTRALIA · með Peter Graham Biggers

              Heimildir • fæðing : June & Ray Wallis • [marriage event] með Peter Graham Biggers : Wallis/Clothier Family Tree

              &ca 1984 Peter Graham Biggers, Peter
              [marriage event] · um 1984 · AUSTRALIA · með Angela Olive Scudds

              Heimildir • [marriage event] með Angela Olive Scudds : Wallis/Clothier Family Tree

              1. ------ Biggers
                [marriage event] · með ------ Stokeld
                & ------ Stokeld
                [marriage event] · með ------ Biggers
              2. ------ Biggers
              3. ------ Biggers
            6. Kerri Lorraine Scudds, Kerri, Schmidt 1963
              Fæðing ·   1963 · 61 ára · Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA
              [marriage event] · um 1986 · AUSTRALIA · með Russell A. Schmidt
              (did she later remarry a Mader?)

              Heimildir • fæðing : June & Ray Wallis • [marriage event] með Russell A. Schmidt : June & Ray Wallis

              &ca 1986 Russell A. Schmidt, Russell
              [marriage event] · um 1986 · AUSTRALIA · með Kerri Lorraine Scudds

              Heimildir • [marriage event] með Kerri Lorraine Scudds : June & Ray Wallis

          9. Ethel Maud Scudds, Ethel 1927-1928
            Fæðing ·   13 nóvember 1927 · Salisbury, Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA
            Látin(n) ·   11 september 1928 · 9 mánaðar gamall · Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA
            The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA :1889-1931) - Wednesday 12 September 1928 p16 Family Notices SCUDDS - On the 11th September, at the Children's Hospital, Ethel Maud the youngest beloved daughter of E. and S. Scudds, of Parafield. Aged 10 months.

            Heimildir • fæðing : SA # 202A/33 / The Advertiser [1928 Sep 12] • látin(n) : SA # 506/293 / The Advertiser [1928 Sep 12]

        3. Robert Moffet Scudds, Robert/Robert Moffitt/Robert Moffat/Robert Moffatt 1884-1954
          Fæðing ·   19 mars 1884 · Stirling East, SA, AUSTRALIA
          [marriage event] ·   1910 · Beverley district, WA, AUSTRALIA · með Alice Ruby Pinkney
          Látin(n) ·   3 apríl 1954 · 70 ára · Victoria Park, Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA
          Útför · í apríl 1954 · WA, AUSTRALIA
          [POLICE COURTS. PERTH. (Tuesday. Before Messrs. McKenna and Barr, J's.P.) The West Australian (Perth, WA :1879-1954) Wednesday 24 September 1924 p9 Article - PERTH (Tuesday Before Messrs McKenna and Barr, J's.P.) Neglectful Parents Robert Scudds, Frederick Woodcock, and Ivy D'Alton were each fined &2 for having failed, to keep their children clean and free from vermin, after having been warned to do so by the authorities.] [Sunday Times (Perth, WA :1902-1954) Sunday 4 April 1954 p1 Article - Pedestrian is Killed - An elderly man died 4 hours after being struck by a car in Albany Highway, Victoria Park, last night. He was Robert Moffatt Scudds 70, of Mackie Street, Victoria Park. Scudds was admitted to RPH where his name was placed on the dangerlist. Accident occurred outside the Broken Hill Hotel. Scudds was crossing the highway and had reached the tramlines when a car being driven toward Perth struck him and threw him to the road unconscious. Ambulance rushed him unconscious to RPH where he was admitted with a compound fractured leg, fractured left arm and ribs, lacerations and severe shock. He died 4 hours later. PC J. Cassidy of Perth Traffic Police is making inquiries.] [SCUDDS, Robert M.: On April 3 1954 at R.P.H. as the result of an accident, loved husband of Alice of 25 Mackie Street, Victoria Park, loving father of Hilda (deceased), Alf, Daphne, Irene, Bena and Iris.] [West Australian (Perth, WA :1879-1954) Tuesday 6 April 1954 p28 Family Notices > SCUDDS (Robert Moffitt): in April 3, at R.P.H., dearly loved father of Daphne (Mrs. O. Miller) esteemed father-in-law of Shorty loving grandpop of Rhonda. Good night, Pop.] [The West Australian (Perth, WA: 1879-1954) Saturday 5 June 1954 p18 Article. A Woman Tells of Fatal Walk into A Car "He seemed to walk straight into the headlight of the car, was thrown into the air and then he seemed to turn over and go under the front wheels," Mrs. Lily Andrews, of St. Kilda Road, Rivervale, said in the Perth Courthouse yesterday. She was describing an accident in which Robert Moffat Scudds (70), labourer of Mackie Street, Victoria Park, received multiple injuries on April 4. He died five hours later. Witnesses said the deceased had walked out from behind a parked car into the path of an other car moving slowly west in Albany Highway, Victoria Park, about 7.45 p.m. The driver of the car, Albert John Currein, of Mill Point Road, South Perth, said in a statement to the police that he had had no time to avoid hitting the deceased. The City Coroner (Mr. R P Rodriguez, S.M.) found that death was accidental and that no blame was attachable to Currein.] [Robert Moffitt Scudds also noted.] [DAWKINS: Loving cousin of Bob and Alice Scudds & family, of 25 Mackle Street, Victoria Park. Sleeping where no shadows fall. DAWKINS: On October 8 1949 suddenly, at South Perth, Argyle, loved cousin of Ern, Mary and Melva Scudds, and Vena, Eric and Ron Nicoll. Always remembered.] [SCUDDS (Robert): In memory of our dear pal and Father of Alf and Li, loved Pop of Alice, Bob, Glenys, Ian, Estella, Fred, Lorraine.] [SCUDDS Robert M., In loving memory of my dear father, accidentally killed April 3. Always remembered, by Irene.] [SCUDDS (Pop): Result of accident on April 3, lovlng father of Iris, father-in-law of Noel dear Pop of Wayne. We will never forget you, Pop.] [SCUDDS (Robert): On April 3, result of accident, loving father of Bena, father-in-law of Percy, loved Pop of Brian and Rex. Sadly missed.] [SCUDDS (Pop): A tribute to the memory of an old pal. Sadly missed by Bert Dawson.] [SCUDDS (Robert): Suddenly, on April 3. Loved father-in-law of A. Abbott. Farewell. Pop.] [SCUDDS (Robert): Dear friend of Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, Maylands. Always remembered.] [SCUDDS: A Church of England service for the late Mr. Robert Moffitt Scudds, of 25 Mackie Street. Victoria Park, dearly loved hsband of Alice, will be held in the Crematorium Chapel. Karrakatta, at 4.15 o'c'lock THIS Tuesday AFTERNOON. The Cortege will leave our Parlour, 190 Alban highway, Victoria, Park, at 3.45 o'clock. MEAD SON & CO.] [R M S - 70yr., Salvation Army.]

          Heimildir • fæðing : South Australian Births 1842-1906 Book:323 Page:474 / IGI • [marriage event] með Alice Ruby Pinkney : WA # [Beverley 19] • látin(n) : Metropolitan Cemeteries Board, Western Australia - KC00008439 • útför : Metropolitan Cemeteries Board, Western Australia - KC00008439

          &1910 Alice Ruby Pinkney, Alice ca 1892-1974
          Fæðing · um 1892
          [marriage event] ·   1910 · Beverley district, WA, AUSTRALIA · með Robert Moffet Scudds
          Látin(n) ·   1 ágúst 1974 · kannski 82 ára · East Fremantle, WA, AUSTRALIA
          A R S - 82yr., Salvation Army.

          Heimildir • fæðing : (Deaths) • [marriage event] með Robert Moffet Scudds : WA # [Beverley 19] • látin(n) : Metropolitan Cemeteries Board, Western Australia - KC00045825

          1. Hilda Margaret Scudds, Hilda 1910-1925
            Fæðing ·   1910 · Katanning district, WA, AUSTRALIA
            Látin(n) ·   12 oktober 1925 · 15 ára · Victoria Park, Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA
            [NEWS AND NOTES.The West Australian (Perth, WA :1879-1954) Wednesday 3 April 1918 p6 Article, A child eight years of age, named Hilda Scudds, was knocked down by a motor car in Barrack Street on Monday evening, but fortunately, was not injured very seriously. It is stated that the girl ran out in front of the car, which was driven by George Hawker, and owned by H. Simms. She sustained shock and injuries to the shoulder and ribs. The accident occurred opposite the entrance to the Grand Theatre.] [H M S - 15yr., Salvation Army.] [The West Australian (Perth, WA :1879-1954) Tuesday 13 October 1925 p1 Family Notices, SCUDDS The Friends of Mr. & Mrs.R?. Scudds, of 58 Leonard Street, Victoria Park, are respectfully invited to follow the remains of of their late dearly beloved daughter, Hilda Margaret, to the place of interment, the Salvation Army Cemetery. Karrakatta. The Funeral is appointed to leave the residence of her parents, 36? Leonard Street, Victoria Park, at 2.15 o'clock THIS (Tuesday) AFTERNOON per road. Friends - wishing to attend the funeral may proceed by the 3.30 pm train leaving Perth. C H SMITH and CO., Undertaker, 281 Newcastle Street, Perth; Tel.A1231.]

            Heimildir • fæðing : WA # Katanning 183 • látin(n) : WA # Perth 1395 / Metropolitan Cemeteries Board, Western Australia - KB00032186

          2. Alfred Moffet Scudds, Alfred Moffat 1913-1991
            Fæðing ·   17 apríl 1913 · Pingelly, WA, AUSTRALIA
            [marriage event] ·   1939 · Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA · með Lillian Rose Abbott
            Látin(n) ·   3 febrúar 1991 · 77 ára · Balga, Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA
            Útför · í febrúar 1991 · WA, AUSTRALIA
            Scudds, Alfred Moffet: Service Number - W82234. Date of birth:17 Apr 1913. Place of birth: Pingelly, Wa. Place of enlistment:Claremont, WA. Next of Kin - Scudds, Lillian. Contents date range 1939-1948. A M S - 78yr., memorialised at Pinnaroo Valley Memorial Park. Western Australian Archives states A M S b:1912.

            Heimildir • fæðing : WA # Beverley 84 [1912] / National Archives of Australia • [marriage event] með Lillian Rose Abbott : WA # 1649 / National Archives of Australia • látin(n) : Metropolitan Cemeteries Board, Western Australia - KC00102276 • útför : Metropolitan Cemeteries Board, Western Australia - KC00102276

            &1939 Lillian Rose Abbott, Lillian, Scudds
            [marriage event] ·   1939 · Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA · með Alfred Moffet Scudds

            Heimildir • [marriage event] með Alfred Moffet Scudds : WA # 1649 / National Archives of Australia

            1. Alice Louise Scudds, Alice/Alice Louisa 1940
              Fæðing ·   1940 · 84 ára · WA, AUSTRALIA
              [marriage event] ·   1964 · Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA · með Ronald Strowger

              Heimildir • fæðing : Carolyn Southall • [marriage event] með Ronald Strowger : WA # 2609

              &1964 Ronald Strowger
              [marriage event] ·   1964 · Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA · með Alice Louise Scudds

              Heimildir • [marriage event] með Alice Louise Scudds : WA # 2609

            2. Robert Moffat Scudds, Robert 1941
              Fæðing ·   1941 · 83 ára · WA, AUSTRALIA

              Heimildir • fæðing : Carolyn Southall

            3. Glenice Ellen Scudds, Glenys/Glenice 1944
              Fæðing ·   1944 · 80 ára · WA, AUSTRALIA
              [marriage event] ·   1963 · Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA · með Dennis Charles Worthington

              Heimildir • fæðing : Carolyn Southall • [marriage event] með Dennis Charles Worthington : WA # 1527

              &1963 Dennis Charles Worthington
              [marriage event] ·   1963 · Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA · með Glenice Ellen Scudds

              Heimildir • [marriage event] með Glenice Ellen Scudds : WA # 1527

            4. Ian Alfred Scudds, Ian 1947
              Fæðing ·   1947 · 77 ára · WA, AUSTRALIA

              Heimildir • fæðing : Carolyn Southall

            5. Estelle Deeley Scudds, Estelle/Elvie 1949
              Fæðing ·   26 mars 1949 · 75 ára · Subiaco, WA, AUSTRALIA
              The West Australian (Perth, WA :1879-1954) Tuesday 29 March 1949 p1 Family Notices - SCUDDS: On March 26 at King Edward Memorial Hospital to Lil and Alf - a daughter (Estelle Deeley). Both well.

              Heimildir • fæðing : The West Australian [1949 Mar 29]

            6. Frederick Scudds, Jeremy James/Jeremy, Barrister and Solicitor 1951
              Fæðing ·   1951 · 73 ára · WA, AUSTRALIA
              [no marriage event] · um 1995 · WA, AUSTRALIA · með Linda Porter
              name changed by Deed Poll.

              Heimildir • fæðing : Carolyn Southall • [no marriage event] með Linda Porter :

              &ca 1995 Linda Porter, Scudds
              [no marriage event] · um 1995 · WA, AUSTRALIA · með Frederick Scudds

              Heimildir • [no marriage event] með Frederick Scudds :

            7. Louvaine Scudds 1954
              Fæðing ·   1954 · 70 ára · WA, AUSTRALIA

              Heimildir • fæðing : Carolyn Southall

            8. Terry Raymond Scudds, Terry 1955
              Fæðing ·   1955 · 69 ára · WA, AUSTRALIA

              Heimildir • fæðing : Carolyn Southall

          3. Daphne V. Scudds, Daphne, Miller 1914
            Fæðing ·   13 mai 1914 · Pingelly, WA, AUSTRALIA
            [marriage event] ·   1937 · Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA · með Otto H. Miller

            Heimildir • fæðing : WA # Beverley 86 • [marriage event] með Otto H. Miller : WA # 1660 / Jack A Imms

            &1937 Otto H. Miller, Otto
            [marriage event] ·   1937 · Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA · með Daphne V. Scudds

            Heimildir • [marriage event] með Daphne V. Scudds : WA # 1660 / Jack A Imms

          4. Irene Pertilda Agnes Maria Scudds, Irene, Dawson/McMurray 1916
            Fæðing ·   1916 · Katanning district, WA, AUSTRALIA
            [marriage event] ·   1934 · Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA · með Herbert Edgar Dawson
            [marriage event] · um 1950 · AUSTRALIA · með Samuel McMurray

            Heimildir • fæðing : WA # Katanning 149 • [marriage event] með Herbert Edgar Dawson : WA # 1301 • [marriage event] með Samuel McMurray : Jack A. Imms

            Irine P A M Scudds stated here
            Herbert Edgar Dawson, Herbert 1884-1957
            Fæðing ·   1884
            [marriage event] ·   1934 · Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA · með Irene Pertilda Agnes Maria Scudds
            Látin(n) ·   1957 · 73 ára

            Heimildir • [marriage event] með Irene Pertilda Agnes Maria Scudds : WA # 1301

            &ca 1950 Samuel McMurray
            [marriage event] · um 1950 · AUSTRALIA · með Irene Pertilda Agnes Maria Scudds
            The West Australian (Perth, WA :1879-1954) Monday 16 November 1953 p35 Family Notices, McMurray (Samuel): On Nov 13, peacefully, at Hollywood Hospital, loved father of John and father-in-law of Joan. Always in our hearts. McMurray (Samuel): Loved son-in-law of Mr. & Mrs. Scudds. Sweet rest. McMurray (Samuel): On Nov 13, peacefully, at Hollywood Hospital, loved father of John and father-in-law of Joan. Always in our hearts. McMurray (Samuel): Loved son-in-law of Mr. & Mrs. Scudds. Sweet rest. McMrray (Sam): Brother in-law and Dal, Bena and Percy, loved uncle of Brian & Ret. Peacefully sleeping. McMurray: In fond memory of 8am, loved brother-in-law of Iris & Noel. Resting peacefully. McMurray (Samuel): In loving memory of Sam, passed away Nov. 13, at Hollywood Hospital. Mary, Robert and Robert Samuel.

            Heimildir • [marriage event] með Irene Pertilda Agnes Maria Scudds : Jack A. Imms

          5. Bena Rubina Alice Scudds, Bena, Thompson 1920
            Fæðing ·   1920 · Katanning district, WA, AUSTRALIA
            [marriage event] ·   1941 · Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA · með Percy William Thompson

            Heimildir • fæðing : WA # Katanning 122 • [marriage event] með Percy William Thompson : WA # 648 / Jack A. Imms

            &1941 Percy William Thompson, Percy
            [marriage event] ·   1941 · Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA · með Bena Rubina Alice Scudds

            Heimildir • [marriage event] með Bena Rubina Alice Scudds : WA # 648 / Jack A. Imms

          6. Iris C. Scudds, Hill 1934
            Fæðing ·   1934 · 90 ára · Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA
            [marriage event] ·   1953 · Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA · með Noel H. Hill
            They Are Engaged - The West Australian (Perth, WA :1879-1954) Saturday 23 August 1952 p12 Article - SCUDDS-HILL: Mr. & Mrs. R. Scudds of Victoria Park wish to announce the engagement of their youngest daughter, Iris, to Noel, only son of Mr. H. Hill, Victoria Park.

            Heimildir • fæðing : Jack A. Imms • [marriage event] með Noel H. Hill : WA # 971 / The West Australian [1952 Aug 23]

            3 children born here.
            Noel H. Hill, Noel 1931-2012
            Fæðing ·   1931
            [marriage event] ·   1953 · Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA · með Iris C. Scudds
            Látin(n) ·   2012 · 81 ára · AUSTRALIA
            They Are Engaged - The West Australian (Perth, WA :1879-1954) Saturday 23 August 1952 p12 Article - SCUDDS-HILL: Mr. & Mrs. R. Scudds of Victoria Park wish to announce the engagement of their youngest daughter, Iris, to Noel, only son of Mr. H. Hill, Victoria Park.

            Heimildir • [marriage event] með Iris C. Scudds : WA # 971 / The West Australian [1952 Aug 23]

        J H 36yr., widow - Father:William Scudds. L H 23yr., single - Father:W Cussler How. Place:residence of Joseph Hayward, Adelaide.
        Lavinia How, Lena 1865-1920
        foreldrar : William Crossby How og Jane Buy Gregg
        Fæðing ·   1865 · Aldinga, SA, AUSTRALIA
        [marriage event] ·   16 júlí 1886 · Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA · með John Henry Scudds
        Látin(n) ·   13 mai 1920 · 55 ára · Beverly, WA, AUSTRALIA - Beverley Hospital
        Útför ·   15 mai 1920 · Pingelly Cemetery, Narrogin, WA, AUSTRALIA
        [Saturday 5 July 1919 Stirling East, South Australia, 10th April, TS05. Mr. *. E. Kugelman; Herbal Practitioner, Dear Sir, "About 14 years ago I began to lose my health. I felt too weak and ill to get about my house hold duties. I consulted a doctor at Adelaide, who stated that I suffered from weakness and general debility; also that my lungs were in a very weak state, and that 1 was liable to go off into Consumption. This doctor prescribed for me, and I took the medicine faithfully. I was under this doctor for six months, but I was gradually getting weaker and weaker. I then tried a doctor at Stirling West, whose treatment I carried out for two years. Unfortunately, however, I kept on getting worse and worse, although I was treated by four doctors during six years. I suffered too, from Internal troubles ulceration. I nearly died from loss of blood; indeed, it is wonderful that I am alive, and I would have been dead long ago had I not been fortunate enough to consult you, which I did about six years ago, when your diagnosis astonished me. It was so different from what I had been told by doctors that I gladly began your herbal treatment, and am so thankful to be able to state that I so soon began to improve and get stronger, and that the ulceration and all the internal troubles disappeared without an operation of any kind, and that strength rapidly came back to me, so that I became as strong and as healthy as ever I could wish to be. I remain, ever thankful, (Signed) (Mrs.) L. SCUDDS. Sworn before me at Uraldia, this 10th day of April, 1905. Issued) THOS. OLIVER, J.P. NAIRNE (S.A.)] [The West Australian. SCUDDS - On May 13 1920, Lavinia Scudds, the beloved wife of John Henry Scudds, of Pingelly and mother of Ernest, Pros, Walter, Ethel, Hazel, Lorna, and Jack, aged 34 years.] [Western Mail (Perth, WA: 1885-1954) Thursday 3 June 1920 SCUDDS - On May 13 1920, at Beverley Hospital, Lavina (Lena) beloved wife of J. H. Scudds, Pingelly; dear sister-in-law of Mr & Mrs. J. Myers, loved aunt; Mrs. A. Hewitt. Mrs. H.J.Dawkins, Mrs. T.Clegg and W. H and J Myers.]

        Heimildir • [marriage event] með John Henry Scudds : SA # 156/177 / IGI • látin(n) : WA # Beverley 23 • útför : Pingelly Cemetery

        1. Ernest Henry Scudds, Ernest 1889-1962
          Fæðing ·   13 apríl 1889 · Mt. Lofty, SA, AUSTRALIA
          [marriage event] ·   1924 · Beverley district, WA, AUSTRALIA · með Mary Boyle
          Látin(n) ·   26 desember 1962 · 73 ára · Bassendean, Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA
          National Archives of Australia - Ernest Henry Scudds :Service Number - 1259. Place of Birth, Stirling SA. Place of Enlistment, Blackboy Hill WA. Next of Kin:(Mother) Scudds Larinda. Contents date range 1914-1920. E H S - 73yr.

          Heimildir • fæðing : South Australian Births 1842-1906 Book:437 Page:34 / IGI • [marriage event] með Mary Boyle : WA # [Beverley 13] / IGI • látin(n) : IGI / Metropolitan Cemeteries Board, Western Australia - KC00019850

          &1924 Mary Boyle 1900-1990
          Fæðing ·   1900 · Mount Lofty, SA, AUSTRALIA
          [marriage event] ·   1924 · Beverley district, WA, AUSTRALIA · með Ernest Henry Scudds
          Látin(n) ·   13 ágúst 1990 · 90 ára · Mount Lawley, Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA
          [TATE - On December 11, at Perth Hospital, Louiza Maria, late of Pingelly dearly beloved Mother of Rose Boyle (deceased) Walter Senteaeller; mother-in-law of Jack and (Kara; grandmother of Mary (Mrs. Scudds), Maude (Mrs. Blok), Fred, Annie (deceased), Swart, Irwin, Alma, Patricia, Bill, Shiela, Corley, Alan Boyle, Lens, and Myrtle Senteaeller.] [M S - 90yr.]

          Heimildir • [marriage event] með Ernest Henry Scudds : WA # [Beverley 13] / IGI • látin(n) : Metropolitan Cemeteries Board, Western Australia - KC00100426

          1. Lavenia Rose Scudds, Lavinia/Levenia/Rose, Nichols 1925-1983
            Fæðing ·   27 apríl 1925 · Pingelly, WA, AUSTRALIA
            [marriage event] ·   4 desember 1945 · Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA - St. George's Cathedral · með Eric T. Nichols
            Látin(n) ·   1983 · 58 ára · Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA
            Útför ·   7 oktober 1983 · Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA
            [Lavinia Scudds also noted.] [Scudds, Levenia Rose: Service Number - 103938. Date of birth:27 Apr 1925. Place of birth:Pingelly, WA. Place of enlistment:Perth, WA. Next of Kin:Scudds, Ernest. Contents date range 1939-1948.] [The West Australian Tuesday 11 December 1945 p1 Family Notices. NICOLL-SCUDDS - On December 4 (by special licence), at St George's Cathedral, Eric Thomas, only son of Mr C D Nicoll of Perth to Larinia Rose, eldest daughter of Mr & Mrs E H Scudds, of Pingelly. The Rev Dean Moore officiating ........]

            Heimildir • fæðing : WA # Beverley 113 / National Archives of Australia • [marriage event] með Eric T. Nichols : WA # 2272 / The West Australian [1945 Dec 11] • látin(n) : IGI / Jack A. Imms

            The West Australian [1945 Dec 11]
            Eric T. Nichols, Eric 1925
            Fæðing ·   1925 · Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA
            [marriage event] ·   4 desember 1945 · Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA - St. George's Cathedral · með Lavenia Rose Scudds
            The West Australian Tuesday 11 December 1945 p1 Family Notices. NICOLL-SCUDDS - On December 4 (by special licence), at St George's Cathedral, Eric Thomas, only son of Mr C D Nicoll of Perth to Larinia Rose, eldest daughter of Mr & Mrs E H Scudds, of Pingelly. The Rev Dean Moore officiating ........

            Heimildir • [marriage event] með Lavenia Rose Scudds : WA # 2272 / The West Australian [1945 Dec 11]

            1. Ronald Eric Nichols, Ronald 1946
              Fæðing ·   1946 · 78 ára · Australia
              [marriage event] ·   1968 · Australia · með Joy Parkinson
              &1968 Joy Parkinson, Nichols
              [marriage event] ·   1968 · Australia · með Ronald Eric Nichols
            2. Joan Nichols, Roads 1950
              Fæðing ·   1950 · 74 ára · AUSTRALIA
              [marriage event] ·   1970 · Australia · með Kenneth George Roads

              Heimildir • [marriage event] með Kenneth George Roads : Jack A. Imms

              &1970 Kenneth George Roads, Kenneth 1949-1978
              Fæðing ·   1949 · Perth, WA, Australia
              [marriage event] ·   1970 · Australia · með Joan Nichols
              Látin(n) ·   1978 · 29 ára · Australia?

              Heimildir • [marriage event] með Joan Nichols : Jack A. Imms

          2. Melva Mary Scudds, Melva ca 1930-1956
            Fæðing · um júlí 1930 · Pingelly, WA, AUSTRALIA
            Látin(n) ·   26 janúar 1956 · kannski 25 ára · Bassendean, Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA
            M M S - 25yr.

            Heimildir • fæðing : WA # Beverley 159 • látin(n) : Metropolitan Cemeteries Board, Western Australia - KC00010450

        2. Prosperous Scudds, Pros 1891-1964
          Fæðing ·   17 febrúar 1891 · Stirling East, SA, AUSTRALIA
          [marriage event] ·   5 mai 1921 · Pingelly, WA, AUSTRALIA · með Priscilla Jane Robbins
          Látin(n) ·   18 júlí 1964 · 73 ára · Bayswater, Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA
          Útför · í júlí 1964 · Karrakatta Cemetery, Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA
          [P S b:Mount Lofty, SA, also noted.] [Mirror (Perth, WA : 1921 - 1956) Saturday 22 October 1927 p16 Article ... PINGELLY Mr. Pros. Scudds, a son of Mr. John Scudds, for long supervisor of the Pingelly Road Boards which position is now held by his son, Mr. Walter Scudds, has been appointed supervisor of the Brookjton Roads Board. Mr. Scudds grandfather was a noted road builder in South ...] [P S - 73yr., Wesleyan.]

          Heimildir • fæðing : South Australian Births 1842-1906 Book:473 Page:469 / IGI • [marriage event] með Priscilla Jane Robbins : WA # [Beverley 27] / IGI • látin(n) : WA Perth 2176 / Metropolitan Cemeteries Board, Western Australia - KB00124555 • útför : IGI

          &1921 Priscilla Jane Robbins, Priscilla/Jane, Scudds 1899-2001
          foreldrar : Thomas Henry Jane og Felecia Robbins
          Fæðing ·   22 febrúar 1899 · King Street, Boulder, WA, AUSTRALIA
          [marriage event] ·   5 mai 1921 · Pingelly, WA, AUSTRALIA · með Prosperous Scudds
          Látin(n) ·   8 júní 2001 · 102 ára · Victoria Park, Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA
          P J S - 102yr. Jane also noted as surname.

          Heimildir • fæðing : IGI • [marriage event] með Prosperous Scudds : WA # [Beverley 27] / IGI • látin(n) : Metropolitan Cemeteries Board, Western Australia - KC00147258

          1. Jim Stafford Scudds, Jim 1921-2007
            Fæðing ·   6 nóvember 1921 · Pingelly, WA, AUSTRALIA
            [marriage event] ·   1954 · Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA · með Sylvia Margaret Ellis
            Látin(n) ·   17 mai 2007 · 85 ára · Joondalup, WA, AUSTRALIA
            [cremation] ·   24 mai 2007 · Pinnaroo Valley Memorial Park Whitfords Ave, Padbury
            [IGI states J S S - b:1921 Nov 17. Scudds, Jim Stafford: Service Number - WX31805. Date of birth: 06 Nov 1921. Place of birth: Pingelly, WA. Place of enlistment: in field, WA. Next of Kin: Scudds, Pross. Contents date range 1939-1948.] [The West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879-1954) Friday 26 September 1947 p16 Article, NEGLIGENT DRIVERS Three men were convicted of negligent driving and one of dangerous driving by Messrs. H. McLean & A. Parrick, J's.P., in the Perth Traffic Court yesterday. Those fined for negligent driving were:..... Jim S Scudds of King William Street, Bayswater, was fined �5 with 3/ costs for dangerous driving. Sgt. A T Hulin prosecuted.] [MOTOR CYCLIST INJURED Jim Stafford Scudds (28), of King William Street, Bayswater, was taken to the Royal Perth Hospital yesterday evening suffering from concussion and abrasions to the face. He was hurt when a motor cycle which he was riding skidded at the corner of King William Sstreet and Guildford Road and threw him off. Traffic-constable K. G. Parnell made inquiries.] [ELLIS-SCUDDS: Mr. & Mrs. H.V. Ellis of 51 Herdsman Parade, Leederville have pleasure in announcing the engagement of their third daughter Sylvia Margaret to Jim Stafford, only son of Mr. & Mrs. P. Scudds, 122 King William Street, Bayswater.] [Jim Stafford Scudds, The Funeral Cortege for Mr Jim Stafford Scudds of Joondalup formerly of Bayswater will arrive at Pinnaroo Valley Memorial Park, Whitfords Avenue, Padbury at 2.30 pm on THURSDAY (24.5.07) for a Cremation Service.]

            Heimildir • fæðing : WA # Beverley 170 / National Archives of Australia / IGI • [marriage event] með Sylvia Margaret Ellis : WA # 802 / The West Australian [Perth 1953 Nov 10] • látin(n) : Metropolitan Cemeteries Board, Western Australia /

            &1954 Sylvia Margaret Ellis, Sylvia, Scudds ca 1937-2008
            Fæðing · um 1937
            [marriage event] ·   1954 · Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA · með Jim Stafford Scudds
            Látin(n) ·   2 febrúar 2008 · kannski 71 ára · Girrawheen, Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA
            [cremation] · Karrakatta Cemetery
            [ELLIS-SCUDDS: Mr. & Mrs. H.V. Ellis 51 Herdsman Parade, Leederville have pleasure in announcing the engagement of their third daughter Sylvia Margaret to Jim Stafford, only son of Mr. & Mrs. P. Scudds, 122 King William Street, Bayswater.] [S C - 71yr.] [Bowra & O'Dea Chapel] The Funeral Service for Mrs Sylvia Margaret Scudds formerly of Swan View will be held in Bowra & O'Dea's Chapel cnr Great Eastern Highway & Robinson Road, Bellevue commencing at 10:30am on Wednesday morning (4.11.2020). A Private Cremation will take place at a later time.]

            Heimildir • fæðing : BMD (Deaths) • [marriage event] með Jim Stafford Scudds : WA # 802 / The West Australian [Perth 1953 Nov 10] • látin(n) : Metropolitan Cemeteries Board, Western Australia - KC00170307

            1. Neil Stafford Scudds, Neil 1954
              Fæðing ·   20 desember 1954 · 69 ára · Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA
              [marriage event] ·   1980 · Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA · með Kathleen Eleanor Cruden
              Thursday 23 December 1954 The West Australian (Perth, WA :1879-1954) - SCUDDS: Monday, Dec 20, at St Anne's, to Sylvia & Jim - a son (Neil Stafford).

              Heimildir • fæðing : The West Australian 1879-1954 • [marriage event] með Kathleen Eleanor Cruden : Jack A. Imms

              &1980 Kathleen Eleanor Cruden, Kathleen 1952
              Fæðing ·   1952 · 72 ára · Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA
              [marriage event] ·   1980 · Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA · með Neil Stafford Scudds

              Heimildir • fæðing : Jack A. Imms • [marriage event] með Neil Stafford Scudds : Jack A. Imms

              1. Natasha Anne Scudds, Natasha 1981
                Fæðing ·   1981 · 43 ára · Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA
                John Forrest Senior High School 1998 Morley, Perth, Western Australia.

                Heimildir • fæðing : Jack A. Imms

              2. Simone Rochelle Scudds, Simone 1983
                Fæðing ·   1983 · 41 ára · Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA

                Heimildir • fæðing : Jack A. Imms

              3. Kristal Maree Cruden Scudds, Kristal ca 1985
                Fæðing · um 1985 · WA, AUSTRALIA

                Heimildir • fæðing :

            2. Keith James Scudds, Keith, actor ( 1955-2021
              Fæðing ·   1955 · Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA
              [marriage event] ·   1978 · Perth, WA, Australia · með Patricia Gainey
              Látin(n) ·   30 ágúst 2021 · 66 ára · WA., AUSTRALIA
              Útför · Pinnaroo Valley Memorial Park
              Scudds, Keith; Our dear husband, dad & Granddad sadly passed away on Monday 30th August. We miss you. You'll forever be in our hearts. Love from Pat, Shaun, Juanita, Brendon, Jodie, Kevin & your beloved grandchildren. The Funeral Service for the late Mr Keith James Scudds of Morley will be held at Pinnaroo Valley Memorial Park in the West Chapel on Friday (10.09.2021) at 3.00pm. Private cremation.

              Heimildir • fæðing : Jack A. Imms • [marriage event] með Patricia Gainey : Jack A. Imms • látin(n) : The West Annoucenments

              &1978 Patricia Gainey 1954
              Fæðing ·   1954 · 70 ára · Perth, WA, Australia
              [marriage event] ·   1978 · Perth, WA, Australia · með Keith James Scudds

              Heimildir • [marriage event] með Keith James Scudds : Jack A. Imms

              1. Shaun James Scudds, Shaun 1982
                Fæðing ·   1982 · 42 ára · Perth, WA, Australia

                Heimildir • fæðing : Jack A. Imms

              2. Brendan Scudds 1984
                Fæðing ·   1984 · 40 ára · Perth, WA, Australia

                Heimildir • fæðing : Jack A. Imms

              3. ------ Scudds ca 1987
                Fæðing · um 1987 · WA, Australia

                Heimildir • fæðing : Jack A. Imms

            3. Julie Scudds, Hart 1957
              Fæðing ·   1957 · 67 ára · Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA
              [marriage event] ·   1977 · Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA · með Michael William Hart

              Heimildir • fæðing : Jack A. Imms • [marriage event] með Michael William Hart : Jack A. Imms

              &1977 Michael William Hart, Michael 1955-2004
              foreldrar : William Arthur Hart 1922-1992 og Doreen Daphne Heinrich 1924
              Fæðing ·   1955 · Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA
              [marriage event] ·   1977 · Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA · með Julie Scudds
              Látin(n) ·   2004 · 49 ára · AUSTRALIA

              Heimildir • [marriage event] með Julie Scudds : Jack A. Imms

            4. Denise Margaret Scudds, Denise/Vale Denise 1960-2009
              Fæðing ·   22 desember 1960 · Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA
              Látin(n) ·   8 júní 2009 · 48 ára · Seabrook, Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA
              [cremation] ·   15 júní 2009 · Pinnaroo Cemetery
              [D M S - 49yr.] [On Mon the eight of June 2009 we lost a well known and talented Sheep dog Trialer with the passing of Denise Scudds. Denise bravely battled her disease for over a year, but always remained positive and never complained. Denise trialed her Kelpie Badgingarra Angie to state level. She also had success with her other dogs. Her Border Collie Badgingarra Cody won the improver at Wagin trials earlier this year and she also had placings with her young dog Badgingarra Pete.] [The Funeral Cortege for Denise Scudds of Northam, formerly of Wundowie, will arrive at Pinnaroo Vally Memorial Park, Whitfords Avenue, Padbury at 3.00pm on Monday (15.06.2009) for a cremation service. You are all welcome to say goodbye to Denise in Leanne O'Dea's Chapel, corner Wanneroo and Victoria Roads, Westminster from 2.00pm-2.30pm before the funeral. "Until one has loved an animal, part of their soul remains unawakened."]

              Heimildir • fæðing : • látin(n) : Metropolitan Cemeteries Board, Western Australia - PC00010052

          2. Vida Gwen Scudds, Vida/Vidor 1925
            Fæðing ·   20 desember 1925 · 98 ára · Pingelly, WA, AUSTRALIA
            [marriage event] ·   28 desember 1946 · Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA - Wesley Church · með Owen Douglas Marks
            [Social Gossip - Sunday Times (Perth, WA :1902-1954) Sunday 4 July 1943 p9 Article Illustrated - Miss V. Scudds, of Pingelly, has answered her call-up with the WAAAF.] [The West Australian Tuesday 17 April 1945 p1 Advertising. ... LOST. Black Handbag containing ration book, identity card, bank book and �1, name and address. Vida Scudds, 102 Stone Street, West Perth. previously Brookton.] [The West Australian Thursday 4 July 1946 - Mr. & Mrs. P. Scudds of 122 Ring William Street, Bayswater wish to announce the engagement of their eldest daughter Vida to Owen, eldest son of Mr. & Mrs. O. D. Marks of 4 Manning Street, South Fremantle.] [The West Australian (Perth, WA :1879-1954) Friday 20 December 1946 p16 Article - The marriage of Vida Gwen Scudds, to Owen Douglas Marks will take place at Wesley Church, Perth, on December 28 at 4.15 p.m]

            Heimildir • fæðing : WA # Beverley 1 [1926] / IGI • [marriage event] með Owen Douglas Marks : The West Australian [1946 Dec 20 & 1951 Dec 28] / IGI

            &1946 Owen Douglas Marks, Owen 1924
            foreldrar : Owen Douglas Marks og Nora Yarick
            Fæðing ·   28 nóvember 1924 · 99 ára · Fremantle, WA, AUSTRALIA
            [marriage event] ·   28 desember 1946 · Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA - Wesley Church · með Vida Gwen Scudds
            [The West Australian Thursday 4 July 1946 - Mr. & Mrs. P. Scudds of 122 Ring William Street, Bayswater wish to announce the engagement of their eldest daughter Vida to Owen, eldest son of Mr. & Mrs. O. D. Marks of 4 Manning Street, South Fremantle.] [The West Australian (Perth, WA :1879-1954) Friday 20 December 1946 p16 Article - The marriage of Vida Gwen Scudds, to Owen Douglas Marks will take place at Wesley Church, Perth, on December 28 at 4.15 p.m]

            Heimildir • fæðing : IGI • [marriage event] með Vida Gwen Scudds : The West Australian [1946 Dec 20 & 1951 Dec 28] / IGI

            1. Marilyn Adelle Marks, Marilyn 1948
              Fæðing ·   1948 · 76 ára · Fremantle, WA, AUSTRALIA
              [marriage event] ·   1967 · WA, AUSTRALIA · með Brian Edson Ivas

              Heimildir • fæðing : IGI • [marriage event] með Brian Edson Ivas : Jack A. Imms

              &1967 Brian Edson Ivas, Brian 1947
              Fæðing ·   1947 · 77 ára · Perth, WA, Australia
              [marriage event] ·   1967 · WA, AUSTRALIA · með Marilyn Adelle Marks

              Heimildir • [marriage event] með Marilyn Adelle Marks : Jack A. Imms

            2. Robyn Priscilla Marks, Robyn 1951
              Fæðing ·   26 desember 1951 · 72 ára · Bundi Kudja, WA, AUSTRALIA
              [marriage event] ·   1973 · WA, AUSTRALIA · með Martin Patrick O'Loughlin
              The West Australian (Perth, WA :1879-1954) Friday 28 December 1951 p12 Family Notices - MARKS (nee Scudds): At Bundi Kudja, on Dec 26 to Owen and Vida - a daughter. Both well.

              Heimildir • fæðing : The West Australian [1951 Dec 28] / IGI • [marriage event] með Martin Patrick O'Loughlin : Jack A. Imms

              &1973 Martin Patrick O'Loughlin, Martin 1952
              Fæðing ·   1952 · 72 ára · Fremantle, WA, Australia
              [marriage event] ·   1973 · WA, AUSTRALIA · með Robyn Priscilla Marks

              Heimildir • [marriage event] með Robyn Priscilla Marks : Jack A. Imms

          3. Pamela Winifred Scudds, Pamela/Pam, McGougan 1929
            Fæðing ·   7 oktober 1929 · 94 ára · Brookton, WA, AUSTRALIA
            [marriage event] ·   1955 · Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA · með Duncan Bradley McGougan
            (date of baptism?) [Western Australia Records states Pamelia W. Scudds.] [The West Australian (Perth, WA :1879-1954) Tuesday 15 December 1953 p20 Article Illustrated, Cricket Club: Misses Avis Christiansen (above left) of Sydney, Marjorie ....., were among the 120 guests at the Christmas dance given by the North Perth Cricket Club at the Hume Steel Ltd. hall in Subiaco last night. Other dancers, were Misses Pam Scudds (below, left), of Bayswater, and Sandra McNab, of Nedlands.] [The West Australian (Perth, WA :1879-1954) Friday 15 October 1954 p22 Article - SCUDDS-McGOUGAN: Mr. & Mrs P. Scudds, of Bayswater, have much pleasure in announcing the engagement of their daughter Pamela Winifred to Duncan Bradley, son of Mr. & Mrs J. McGougan, of Perth.]

            Heimildir • fæðing : WA # Beverley 252 / IGI • [marriage event] með Duncan Bradley McGougan : WA # 1113 / The West Australian [1954 Oct 15] / IGI

            &1955 Duncan Bradley McGougan, Duncan 1930
            Fæðing ·   1930 · 94 ára · Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA
            [marriage event] ·   1955 · Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA · með Pamela Winifred Scudds
            The West Australian (Perth, WA :1879-1954) Friday 15 October 1954 p22 Article - SCUDDS-McGOUGAN: Mr. & Mrs P. Scudds, of Bayswater, have much pleasure in announcing the engagement of their daughter Pamela Winifred to Duncan Bradley, son of Mr. & Mrs J. McGougan, of Perth.

            Heimildir • fæðing : Jack A. Imms • [marriage event] með Pamela Winifred Scudds : WA # 1113 / The West Australian [1954 Oct 15] / IGI

            1. Bradley McGougan 1955
              Fæðing ·   1955 · 69 ára · Perth, WA, Australia
              [marriage event] · Australia · með ------ ------
              & ------ ------
              [marriage event] · Australia · með Bradley McGougan
            2. Janna McGougan 1957
              Fæðing ·   1957 · 67 ára · Perth, WA, Australia
              [marriage event] · Australia · með ------ Claes
              & ------ Claes
              [marriage event] · Australia · með Janna McGougan
            3. Carolyn McGougan 1959
              Fæðing ·   1959 · 65 ára · Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA
        3. Walter Oscar Scudds, Walter/Wallis 1893-1953
          Fæðing ·   4 janúar 1893 · Stirling East, Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA
          [marriage event] ·   31 mai 1916 · Pingelly, WA, AUSTRALIA · með Dayl Emily Jane Jenkins
          [marriage event] ·   1941 · Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA · með Faith Sadie Milne
          Látin(n) ·   10 janúar 1953 · 60 ára · Mandurah, WA, AUSTRALIA
          Útför · í janúar 1953 · Pingelly Cemetery, Narrogin, WA, AUSTRALIA
          [W O S b:1892 Stirling also noted.] [The West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879-1954) Saturday 17 November 1923 p16 Article Pingelly - Cattle and Pigs. In the cattle section, Jerseys, Ayrshires, Shorthorns and Friesians were represented, and with the little Channel Islanders, Mr. W. O. Scudds secured all the principal positions.] [Mirror (Perth, WA : 1921 - 1956) Saturday 22 October 1927 p16 Article ... Pingelly Mr. Pros. Scudds, a son of Mr. John Scudds, for long supervisor of the Pingelly Road Boards which position is now held by his son, Mr. Walter Scudds, has been appointed supervisor of the Brookjton Roads Board. Mr. Scudds grandfather was a noted road builder in South ...] [Application for Letters Patent for an invention Walter Oscar Scudds, titled: Rabbit, poison distributor. Contents date range 1933.] [Scudds, Waller Oscar, d:1953, b:1892, Baptist 48.] [The West Australian (Perth, WA :1879-1954) Monday 12 January 1953 p20 Family Notices - Scudds: On Jan 10 1953 suddenly, at his residence Walter Oscar, beloved husband of Faith and loving father of Phyllis (Mrs. S. Gillesple), Daisy (Mrs. H. Appleby. Queensland), Iris (Mrs. D. Archibald. Victoria), Vera (Mrs. A. Sullivan), Elvie (Mrs. N. Crawford, N.S. Wales), Norma, Graham, Raymond and Billie; aged 60 years. I shall see God.] [W O S - 61yr., Baptist. Methodist Section Line 1, Grave 15.] [Bereavements, Mrs Faith Scudds & sons and daughters of late W D Scudds wish to Thank all relatives, friends and neighbours for their personal expressions of sympathy for beautiful floral tributes, also letters, cards, telegrams, especially thanking neighbours and Mrs H Gilbertson, Mr & Mrs Readhead, for their practical help and sympathy and all others who helped with their love and kindness in their sad loss of their dearly beloved husband and father. Will all please accept this as a personal expression of deep gratitude.] [The West Australian (Perth, WA :1879-1954) Saturday 31 January 1953 p28 Family Notices, Scudds (W. O.): Jan 10, suddenly, Mandurah, dearly loved father and father-in-law of Daisy, Harry Appleby 405 Lutwyche Road, Lutwyche, Queensland. Some day we'll meet again.] [Scudds (W. O.): Jan 10, late of Pingelly, loving father, father-in-law of Iris, David, Archibald, grandpa little Suzanne, 11 Raleigh Grove, Essendon, Vict. Good night dad.

          Heimildir • fæðing : SA # 514/198 / IGI • [marriage event] með Dayl Emily Jane Jenkins : WA # [Beverley 22] / IGI • [marriage event] með Faith Sadie Milne : WA # 852 / National Archives of Australia • látin(n) : WA # [Murray 4] / IGI • útför : Pingelly Cemetery, Narrogin / IGI / The West Australian [1953 Jan 12]

          &1916 Dayl Emily Jane Jenkins, Dayl/Emily Jane/Emily, Scudds 1893-1940
          Fæðing ·   1893 · Galiquil, Victoria, AUSTRALIA
          [marriage event] ·   31 mai 1916 · Pingelly, WA, AUSTRALIA · með Walter Oscar Scudds
          Látin(n) ·   5 mars 1940 · 47 ára · Pingelly, WA, AUSTRALIA
          Útför · í mars 1940 · Pingelly Cemetery, Narrogin, WA, AUSTRALIA
          [D E J S - 45yr.] [Emily Jane Scudds also stated.] [The West Australian (Perth, WA :1879-1954) Wednesday 6 March 1940 p1 Family Notices, ScuddsS - The Friends of the late Emily Jane Scudds, dearly loved wife of W O Scudds, are respectfully informed that her remains will be interred in the Baptist portion of the Pingelly Cemetery This (Wednesday) Afternoon at 4 o'clock.] [The West Australian Thursday 7 March 1940 p1 Family Notices, Scudds - On March 5 at Pingelly, Emily Jane, dearly loved wife of W O Scudds, and fond mother of Phil, Daisy, Iris, Vera, Elvie, Norma and Graham; aged 45 years. ScuddsS - On March 5 at Pingelly, Emily Jane, dear friend of Sam Gillespie.] [Scudds, Dayl Emily Jane, d:5 Mar 1940, 45 years, Wife of W O Scudds, Mother of Phyllis, Daisy, Iris, Vera, Elvie, Norma and Walter, Baptist 48.] [The West Australian Wednesday 5 March 1941 p1 Family Notices - inserted by W. 0. Scudds and family. Scudds - In loving memory of our dear Mother who passed away at Pingelly on March 5 1940. Inserted by her loving daughter and son-in-law Daisy & Jack Jeffsies. Scudds - In fond remembrance of my dear Mother, who passed away March 5 1940. A beautiful memory left behind - Of a wonderful mother true and kind. Inserted by her loving daughter Zick Scudds - In loving memory of our dear Mother, who passed away March 5 1940. Ever remembered. Inserted by her loving daughter Phyl and son-in-law Sam.] [The West Australian Thursday 5 March 1942 p1 Family Notices - Scudds, In loving memory of my dear Mother who passed away March 5 1940. Ever remembered by Zick Scudds - In loving memory of our dear Mother who passed away March 5 1940. Ever remembered by her loving daughter and son-in-law Phy & Sam Gillespie (Pingelly). Scudds - In loving memory of our dear Mother who passed away at Pingelly on March 5 1940. Ever remembered by her loving daughter Daisy and son-in-law Jack.] [Western Mail Thursday 11 March 1948 p75 Family Notices - Scudds, In loving memory of our dear mother, who passed away March 5, 1940. Ever remembered by her loving daughter Zick and son-in-law David.] [The West Australian Friday 5 March 1943 p1 Family Notices. ScuddsS - In loving memory of my dear Mother, who passed always March 5 1940, at Plngelly. Always remembered by her loving daughter and son-in-law, Zick & David Archibald.]

          Heimildir • fæðing : IGI • [marriage event] með Walter Oscar Scudds : WA # [Beverley 22] / IGI • látin(n) : WA # [Beverley 14] • útför : Pingelly Cemetery, Narrogin

          1. Phyllis May Scudds, Phyllis/Phil, Gillespie 1916-1982
            Fæðing ·   23 september 1916 · Pingelly, WA, AUSTRALIA
            [marriage event] ·   1940 · Pingelly, WA, AUSTRALIA · með Samuel Gillespie
            Látin(n) ·   15 mars 1982 · 65 ára · WA, AUSTRALIA
            [Sunday Times (Perth, WA :1902-1954) Sunday 23 June 1940 Section: Sunday Times Women's Section p3 - The engagement is announced of Phyllis May, eldest daughter of Mr. & Mrs.W. O. Scudds, of Pingelly, to Samuel, third son of Mr. & Mrs. R. J. Gillespie, Aughnacloy, Co. Tyrone, N. Ireland.] [The marriage took place at Pingelly Baptist Church of Phyllis, eldest daughter of Mr. W. O. & the late Mrs. Scudds, of Pingelly, and Mr. Samuel Gillespie, third son of Mr. & Mrs. R. J. Gillespie, of Auchnacloy, North Ireland. Rev. H. Law-Davis, of Narrogin, and Pastor Prior, of Pingelly, officiated, and Mrs. Roberts, of Brookton, was at the organ. The bride, who was given away by her father, wore a frock of white satin, the bodice, sleeves and train being effectively finished with quilting. Her embroidered veil was held with a neat coronet of orange blossom, and she carried a bouquet of roses and carnations. Miss Iris Scudds, sister of the bride, wore an old-world gown of white taffeta, with Medici neckline and bustle skirt. Her muff, bonnet and frock were adorned with violets. A reception was held at the Lesser Town Hall, where the guests were received by Mrs. Chidzey, who wore a grey frock with toning accessories and Mrs. R. H. Hunter, who wore a model frock of aeagoldwith black accessories. The usual toasts were honored, and following the breakfast, dancing was enjoyed. The young couple afterwards left for a short honeymoon, the bride wearing a crushed rose frock with high neckline, sun-ray tucked bodice and golden skirt,finished with a gold necklet, furcoat, and brown accessories.]

            Heimildir • fæðing : WA # Beverley 165 / IGI • [marriage event] með Samuel Gillespie : WA # 21 / Sunday Times (Perth) [1940 Jun 22] • látin(n) : IGI

            &1940 Samuel Gillespie 1914-
            Fæðing ·   1914 · Pingelly, WA, AUSTRALIA
            [marriage event] ·   1940 · Pingelly, WA, AUSTRALIA · með Phyllis May Scudds
            Látin(n) · AUSTRALIA
            Sunday Times (Perth, WA :1902-1954) Sunday 23 June 1940 Section: Sunday Times Women's Section p3 - The engagement is announced of Phyllis May, eldest daughter of Mr. & Mrs.W. O. Scudds, of Pingelly, to Samuel, third son of Mr. & Mrs. R. J. Gillespie, Aughnacloy, Co. Tyrone, N. Ireland.

            Heimildir • [marriage event] með Phyllis May Scudds : WA # 21 / Sunday Times (Perth) [1940 Jun 22]

            1. Bevan Gillespie 1941
              Fæðing ·   1941 · 83 ára · Pingelly, WA, Australia
              [marriage event] · Australia · með Shirley Eadie
              & Shirley Eadie, Gillespie
              [marriage event] · Australia · með Bevan Gillespie
            2. Noel Gillespie 1943
              Fæðing ·   1943 · 81 ára · Pingelly, WA, Australia
              [marriage event] ·   1968 · Australia · með Roslyn Kitchingman

              Heimildir • [marriage event] með Roslyn Kitchingman : Jack A. Imms

              &1968 Roslyn Kitchingman, Gillespie
              [marriage event] ·   1968 · Australia · með Noel Gillespie

              Heimildir • [marriage event] með Noel Gillespie : Jack A. Imms

          2. Daisy E. Scudds, Daisy, Jefford/Appleby 1917
            Fæðing ·   1917 · Pingelly, WA, AUSTRALIA
            [marriage event] ·   18 mars 1940 · Pingelly, WA, AUSTRALIA - Baptist Church · með Jack E. Jefford
            [marriage event] ·   1947 · Pingelly, WA, AUSTRALIA · með Harry Appleby
            [The West Australian-Perth Thursday 7 December 1939 p6 Article. The engagement is announced of Daisy, second daughter of Mr. & Mrs. W. O. Scudds, of Pingelly, to Jack, only son of Mr. & Mrs. E. Jefford, of Narrogin, and Beverley.] [(1954) they were living in Queensland.]

            Heimildir • fæðing : WA # Beverley 172 • [marriage event] með Jack E. Jefford : WA # 15 / Sunday Times (Perth, WA :1902-1954) [1939 Dec 07 & March 1940 Mar 17] • [marriage event] með Harry Appleby : Jack A. Imms

            THE JOTTINGS OF LADY ABOUT TOWN Sunday Times (Perth, WA : 1902 - 1954) Sunday 17 March 1940 p 21 Article The marriage of Miss Daisy Scudds, of Pingelly, to Mr. Jade Jefford, of Beverley and Narrogin
            Jack E. Jefford, Jade/Jack 1916
            Fæðing ·   1916 · Pingelly, WA, AUSTRALIA
            [marriage event] ·   18 mars 1940 · Pingelly, WA, AUSTRALIA - Baptist Church · með Daisy E. Scudds

            Heimildir • [marriage event] með Daisy E. Scudds : WA # 15 / Sunday Times (Perth, WA :1902-1954) [1939 Dec 07 & March 1940 Mar 17]

            &1947 Harry Appleby 1921
            Fæðing ·   1921 · Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA
            [marriage event] ·   1947 · Pingelly, WA, AUSTRALIA · með Daisy E. Scudds

            Heimildir • [marriage event] með Daisy E. Scudds : Jack A. Imms

          3. Iris Maud Scudds, Iris/Zick 1919
            Fæðing ·   1919 · 105 ára · Pingelly, WA, AUSTRALIA
            [marriage event] ·   1942 · Victoria, AUSTRALIA · með David Thomas Archibald
            (1954) they were living in Victoria.

            Heimildir • fæðing : WA # Beverley 32 • [marriage event] með David Thomas Archibald : Vict 18718/1942

            &1942 David Thomas Archibald, David 1918
            Fæðing ·   1918 · Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA
            [marriage event] ·   1942 · Victoria, AUSTRALIA · með Iris Maud Scudds

            Heimildir • [marriage event] með Iris Maud Scudds : Vict 18718/1942

            1. Susanne Archibald 1947
              Fæðing ·   1947 · 77 ára · Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA
              [marriage event] ·   1968 · AUSTRALIA · með Harold Patullo

              Heimildir • [marriage event] með Harold Patullo : Jack A. Imms

              &1968 Harold Patullo
              [marriage event] ·   1968 · AUSTRALIA · með Susanne Archibald

              Heimildir • [marriage event] með Susanne Archibald : Jack A. Imms

          4. Vera J. Scudds, Vera 1926
            Fæðing ·   1926 · 98 ára · Pingelly, WA, AUSTRALIA
            [marriage event] ·   1945 · WA, AUSTRALIA · með Allan Sullivan
            COUNTRY NEWS. The West Australian (Perth, WA :1879-1954) Friday 19 July 1935 p8 Article - A community concert, held in the Pingelly Town Hall on Wednesday July 3, attracted an audience of between 200 and 300. A most popular item competition for children resulted in the first prize being awarded for a piano forte duet by Vera and Elvey Scudds whilst Audrey Barrow, who contributed a pianoforte; solo, received the second prize. In response to numerous requests, the Musical Society will hold another community concert in the near future.

            Heimildir • fæðing : WA # [Beverley 52] / The West Australian [1935 Jul 19] • [marriage event] með Allan Sullivan : Jack A. Imms

            &1945 Allan Sullivan
            [marriage event] ·   1945 · WA, AUSTRALIA · með Vera J. Scudds

            Heimildir • [marriage event] með Vera J. Scudds : Jack A. Imms

            1. Carole Sullivan 1945
              Fæðing ·   1945 · 79 ára · Perth, WA, Australia
              [marriage event] ·   1965 · Australia · með Barry Colton
              &1965 Barry Colton
              [marriage event] ·   1965 · Australia · með Carole Sullivan
            2. Beverly Sullivan 1947
              Fæðing ·   1947 · 77 ára · Pingelly, WA, Australia
              [marriage event] ·   1967 · Australia · með Cedric Styants

              Heimildir • [marriage event] með Cedric Styants : Jack A. Imms

              &1967 Cedric Styants
              [marriage event] ·   1967 · Australia · með Beverly Sullivan

              Heimildir • [marriage event] með Beverly Sullivan : Jack A. Imms

            3. Michael Sullivan 1952
              Fæðing ·   1952 · 72 ára · Perth, WA, Australia
              [marriage event] ·   1975 · Australia · með Leslie Webster

              Heimildir • [marriage event] með Leslie Webster : Jack A. Imms

              &1975 Leslie Webster
              [marriage event] ·   1975 · Australia · með Michael Sullivan

              Heimildir • [marriage event] með Michael Sullivan : Jack A. Imms

            4. Barrie Sullivan 1954
              Fæðing ·   1954 · 70 ára · Perth, WA, Australia
              [marriage event] ·   1977 · WA, Australia · með Judy Carsons

              Heimildir • [marriage event] með Judy Carsons : Jack A. Imms

              &1977 Judy Carsons 1955
              Fæðing ·   1955 · 69 ára · Perth, WA, Australia
              [marriage event] ·   1977 · WA, Australia · með Barrie Sullivan

              Heimildir • [marriage event] með Barrie Sullivan : Jack A. Imms

          5. Elvie Doreen Scudds, Elvie, Crawford 1927
            Fæðing ·   1927 · 97 ára · Pingelly, WA, AUSTRALIA
            [marriage event] ·   1949 · Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA · með Norman Page Crawford
            [divorce event] ·   1963 · með Norman Page Crawford
            [COUNTRY NEWS. The West Australian (Perth, WA :1879-1954) Friday 19 July 1935 p8 Article - A community concert, held in the Pingelly Town Hall on Wednesday July 3, attracted an audience of between 200 and 300. A most popular item competition for children resulted in the first prize being awarded for a piano forte duet by Vera and Elvey Scudds whilst Audrey Barrow, who contributed a pianoforte; solo, received the second prize. In response to numerous requests, the Musical Society will hold another community concert in the near future.] [The engagement is announced of Elvie Doreen, daughter of W.O. Scudds of Pingelly to Norman Page, younger son of the late Mr & Mrs. J.C. Crawford of Johannesburg, South Africa. National Archives of South Africa - Ref:3566/1963 Part1 Description : Illiquity Case, Divorce. Norman Page Crawford versus Elvie Doreen Crawford (nee Scudds).]

            Heimildir • fæðing : WA # [Beverley 104] / The West Australian [1935 Jul 19] • [marriage event] með Norman Page Crawford : WA # 619 / The West Australian [1949 Jan 12 p21] / Jack A. Imms

            National Archives of South Africa - All Archives Repositories & National Registers of non-public records
            Norman Page Crawford, Norman 1926
            Fæðing ·   1926 · 98 ára · Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA
            [marriage event] ·   1949 · Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA · með Elvie Doreen Scudds
            [divorce event] ·   1963 · með Elvie Doreen Scudds
            The engagement is announced of Elvie Doreen, daughter of W.O. Scudds of Pingelly to Norman Page, younger son of the late Mr & Mrs. J.C. Crawford of Johannesburg, South Africa.

            Heimildir • [marriage event] með Elvie Doreen Scudds : WA # 619 / The West Australian [1949 Jan 12 p21] / Jack A. Imms

            1. Dean Crawford 1949
              Fæðing ·   1949 · 75 ára · Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA
            2. Judith Crawford 1954
              Fæðing ·   1954 · 70 ára · Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA

              Heimildir • fæðing : Jack A. Imms

          6. Norma Clara Scudds, Norma, Buckland 1933
            Fæðing ·   11 janúar 1933 · 91 ára · Pingelly, WA, AUSTRALIA
            [marriage event] ·   1954 · Beverley, WA, AUSTRALIA · með Leon George Buckland
            The West Australian (Perth, WA :1879-1954) Thursday 19 January 1933 p1 Family Notices ~ SCUDDS - On January 11, at the District Hospital, Pingelly, to Mr. & Mrs. W. O. Scudds a daughter.] [Engagements, The West Australian (Perth, WA: 1879-1954) Wednesday 2 September 1953 p15 Article SCUDDS-BUCKLAND: Mrs. F.T. Scudds, 38 Leslie Street, Mandurah, formerly of Pingelly, has much pleasure in announcing the engagement of Norma, the youngest daughter of the late Mr. & Mrs. W.O. Scudds, to Leon George, elder son of Mr. & Mrs. J. Buckland, Hampton, Melbourne.]

            Heimildir • fæðing : The West Australian [1933 Jan 19] • [marriage event] með Leon George Buckland : WA # 20 / Jack A Imms

            &1954 Leon George Buckland, Leon 1932
            Fæðing ·   1932 · 92 ára · Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA
            [marriage event] ·   1954 · Beverley, WA, AUSTRALIA · með Norma Clara Scudds
            Engagements, The West Australian (Perth, WA: 1879-1954) Wednesday 2 September 1953 p15 Article SCUDDS-BUCKLAND: Mrs. F.T. Scudds, 38 Leslie Street, Mandurah, formerly of Pingelly, has much pleasure in announcing the engagement of Norma, the youngest daughter of the late Mr. & Mrs. W.O. Scudds, to Leon George, elder son of Mr. & Mrs. J. Buckland, Hampton, Melbourne.

            Heimildir • [marriage event] með Norma Clara Scudds : WA # 20 / Jack A Imms

            1. Bruce Buckland 1961
              Fæðing ·   1961 · 63 ára · Perth, WA, Australia
            2. Noel Buckland 1963
              Fæðing ·   1963 · 61 ára · Perth, WA, Australia
          7. Graham Scudds, Walter 1938
            Fæðing ·   1938 · 86 ára · Pingelly, WA, AUSTRALIA
            [marriage event] · um 1963 · Australia · með ------ ------

            Heimildir • fæðing : Jack A. Imms • [marriage event] með ------ ------ : James F. Scutt

            &ca 1963 ------ ------
            [marriage event] · um 1963 · Australia · með Graham Scudds

            Heimildir • [marriage event] með Graham Scudds : James F. Scutt

          &1941 Faith Sadie Milne, Faith, Scudds ca 1912-2002
          Fæðing · um 1912 · Mount Lofty, SA, AUSTRALIA
          [marriage event] ·   1941 · Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA · með Walter Oscar Scudds
          Látin(n) ·   28 apríl 2002 · kannski 90 ára · Midland, WA, AUSTRALIA
          [The Age - Dec 7, 1971] $3513 for Slip on Curler, Perth. A hair curler pin that dropped on the floor cost a Perth hairdresser $3513 yesterday. This was the amount of damages awarded in the Supreme Court to Mrs. Faith Sadie Scudds 59, a customer who slipped on the curler. Mr.Justice Lavan said that the hairdresser Joseph Faliti did not use reasonable care for Mrs. Scudds protection when she went to his Mt Hawthorn salon in June, 1965, to have her hair done. Mr Justice Lavan said Mrs Scudds account of the accident appeared to be straightforward and without exaggeration. Mrs Scudds, of Perth, a deaconess in the Baptist church, told the court she had to give up church work after the fall.] [F S S - 90yr., Baptist.]

          Heimildir • fæðing : (Deaths) / The Age [1971 Dec 07] • [marriage event] með Walter Oscar Scudds : WA # 852 / National Archives of Australia • látin(n) : Metropolitan Cemeteries Board, Western Australia - MB00012585

          1. Raymond Oscar Malcolm Scudds, Raymond 1942
            Fæðing ·   5 nóvember 1942 · 81 ára · Pingelly, WA, Australia - Pingelly District Hospital
            [marriage event] ·   14 janúar 1967 · Mount Hawthorn, WA, Australia - Baptist Church · með Delys Edna Chandler
            Scudds, Raymond Oscar Malcolm - Cadet Education Officer - Papua and New Guinea [153 pages]. Contents date range 1963-1970.

            Heimildir • fæðing : National Archives of Australia • [marriage event] með Delys Edna Chandler : kindredkonnections.Com

            &1967 Delys Edna Chandler, Delys 1947
            foreldrar : Noel Austin Chandler og Ida Marjory Savage
            Fæðing ·   2 febrúar 1947 · 77 ára · Mount Hawthorn, WA, Australia - Mount Hawthorn Hospital
            [marriage event] ·   14 janúar 1967 · Mount Hawthorn, WA, Australia - Baptist Church · með Raymond Oscar Malcolm Scudds

            Heimildir • fæðing : kindredkonnections.Com • [marriage event] með Raymond Oscar Malcolm Scudds : kindredkonnections.Com

            1. Michelle Faye Scudds, Michelle 1968
              Fæðing ·   9 júlí 1968 · 55 ára · Goroka, Eastern Highlands, PAPUA NEW GUINEA.
              [marriage event] ·   12 nóvember 1988 · Nedlands, WA, Australia - Uniting Church, Princess Road · með Ian John Voss

              Heimildir • fæðing : Papua New Guinea, Vital Records 1867-2000 • [marriage event] með Ian John Voss : kindredkonnections.Com

              &1988 Ian John Voss, ian 1966
              foreldrar : Peter Vos og Nicky Numeyer
              Fæðing ·   18 september 1966 · 57 ára · Kelmscott, WA, Australia
              [marriage event] ·   12 nóvember 1988 · Nedlands, WA, Australia - Uniting Church, Princess Road · með Michelle Faye Scudds

              Heimildir • [marriage event] með Michelle Faye Scudds : kindredkonnections.Com

              1. Matthew Ray Vos, Matthew 1992
                Fæðing ·   25 nóvember 1992 · 31 ára · Sydney, NSW, Australia

                Heimildir • fæðing : kindredkonnections.Com

              2. Isaac Peter Vos, Isaac 1997
                Fæðing ·   3 ágúst 1997 · 26 ára · Perth, WA, Australia

                Heimildir • fæðing : kindredkonnections.Com

            2. Andrew Noel Scudds, Andrew 1972
              Fæðing ·   27 apríl 1972 · 52 ára · Subiaco, WA, Australia - King Edward Memorial Hospital

              Heimildir • fæðing : kindredkonnections.Com

          2. Leonard William Ross Scudds, Leonard/Billie 1947-2011
            Fæðing ·   1947 · WA, AUSTRALIA
            [marriage event] · um 1973 · AUSTRALIA · með ------ ------
            Látin(n) ·   5 júlí 2011 · 64 ára · Melbourne?, Vict., or Midland, Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA
            Útför ·   14 júlí 2011 · Bellevue, WA, AUSTRALIA
            L W R S - 63yr. Funeral Date and Time: 11:00am Thursday 14th July 2011. Funeral Location: Bellevue Baptist Church, 35 Great Eastern Highway, Bellevue, WA.

            Heimildir • fæðing : Jack A. Imms • [marriage event] með ------ ------ : Jack A. Imms • látin(n) : Metropolitan Cemeteries Board, Western Australia - MB00013561 • útför :

            &ca 1973 ------ ------, Scudds
            [marriage event] · um 1973 · AUSTRALIA · með Leonard William Ross Scudds

            Heimildir • [marriage event] með Leonard William Ross Scudds : Jack A. Imms

        4. Ethel Jane Emma Scudds, Ethel 1895-1968
          Fæðing ·   9 mai 1895 · Stirling East, SA, AUSTRALIA
          [marriage event] ·   10 júní 1920 · Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA · með John Robert Imms
          Látin(n) ·   18 janúar 1968 · 72 ára · Blythe Heads, Tasmania, AUSTRALIA
          Útför ·   20 janúar 1968 · Hobart, Tasmania, AUSTRALIA
          [Ethel Emma Jane Scudds b:Mt. Lofty, SA, also noted.] [Western Mail (Perth, WA :1885-1954) Thursday 17 June 1920 > IMMS-SCUDDS - On June 10 at St. Hilda's Church, North Perth, by the Rev. C. L. Riley M.A., John Herbert (late 10th A.L.M.B.) only son of Mr. & Mrs. A. J. IMMS, of North Perth to Ethel, eldest daughter of Mr. J. H. & the late Mrs Scudds of Pingelly. South Australian papers please copy.

          Heimildir • fæðing : SSA # 564/94 / IGI • [marriage event] með John Robert Imms : WA # [Perth 652A] / IGI • látin(n) : IGI • útför : IGI

          J R I 23yr. & E E J S 25yr.
          John Robert Imms, John 1896-1962
          foreldrar : Albert James Imms og Lucy Coulsens Verrills
          Fæðing ·   5 nóvember 1896 · Brighton, East Sussex, ENGLAND
          [marriage event] ·   10 júní 1920 · Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA · með Ethel Jane Emma Scudds
          Látin(n) ·   19 janúar 1962 · 65 ára · Hobart, Tasmania, AUSTRALIA
          [Regimental number 422. Religion Church of England. Occupation Baker. Marital status Single. Age at embarkation 18. Next of kin Father A J Imms, Bridgetown, Western Australia. Enlistment date 1 October 1914. Date of enlistment from Nominal Roll 13 October 1914. Rank on enlistment Private. Unit name 10th Light Horse Regiment, C Squadron AWM Embarkation Roll number 10/15/1. Embarkation details Unit embarked from Freemantle, Western Australia, on board Transport A52 Surada on 17 February 1915. Rank from Nominal Roll Sergeant. Unit from Nominal Roll 10th Light Horse Regiment. Fate Returned to Australia 7 April 1919.] [Western Mail (Perth, WA :1885-1954) Thursday 17 June 1920 > IMMS-SCUDDS - On June 10 at St. Hilda's Church, North Perth, by the Rev. C. L. Riley M.A., John Herbert (late 10th A.L.M.B.) only son of Mr. & Mrs. A. J. IMMS, of North Perth to Ethel, eldest daughter of Mr. J. H. & the late Mrs Scudds of Pingelly. South Australian papers please copy.]

          Heimildir • fæðing : IGI • [marriage event] með Ethel Jane Emma Scudds : WA # [Perth 652A] / IGI • látin(n) : IGI

          1. Jack Albert Imms, Jack 1924
            Fæðing ·   12 mars 1924 · Manjimup, WA, AUSTRALIA
            [marriage event] ·   1946 · AUSTRALIA · með Nellie Beatrice Saward
            Western Mail (Perth, WA :1885-1954) Thursday 10 April 1924 p.27 Family Notices - IMMS (nee Ethel Scudds)- On March 12, at their residence Manjimup, to Mr. & Mr. J.R. Imms - a son (Jack Albert).

            Heimildir • fæðing : Western Mail (Perth, WA : 1885-1954) Thursday 10 April 1924 p.27 Family Notices • [marriage event] með Nellie Beatrice Saward : Jack A. Imms

            &1946 Nellie Beatrice Saward, Nellie 1924
            Fæðing ·   1924 · Wynyard, Tas, Australia
            [marriage event] ·   1946 · AUSTRALIA · með Jack Albert Imms

            Heimildir • fæðing : Jack A. Imms • [marriage event] með Jack Albert Imms : Jack A. Imms

          2. William Verrills Imms, William 1925
            Fæðing ·   1925 · Jardinup, WA, AUSTRALIA
            [marriage event] · Australia · með Corrie Murfett

            Heimildir • fæðing : Jack A. Imms

            & Corrie Murfett
            [marriage event] · Australia · með William Verrills Imms
          3. Robert Joseph Imms, Robert 1927
            Fæðing ·   1927 · 97 ára · WA, Australia
            [marriage event] ·   1952 · Australia · með Miriam James

            Heimildir • fæðing : Jack A. Imms • [marriage event] með Miriam James : Jack A. Imms

            &1952 Miriam James
            [marriage event] ·   1952 · Australia · með Robert Joseph Imms

            Heimildir • [marriage event] með Robert Joseph Imms : Jack A. Imms

          4. Fay Dorothy Imms, Fay 1929
            Fæðing ·   1929 · 95 ára · Port Augusta, SA, Australia
            [marriage event] · Australia · með Maxwell Hoare

            Heimildir • fæðing : Jack A. Imms • [marriage event] með Maxwell Hoare : Jack A. Imms

            & Maxwell Hoare
            [marriage event] · Australia · með Fay Dorothy Imms

            Heimildir • [marriage event] með Fay Dorothy Imms : Jack A. Imms

          5. Henry James Imms 1930-1930
            Fæðing ·   14 júlí 1930 · Port Augusta, SA, AUSTRALIA
            Látin(n) ·   30 september 1930 · 2 mánaðar gamall · Port Augusta, SA, AUSTRALIA
          6. Shirley Imms 1932
            Fæðing ·   1932 · 92 ára · Port Augusta, SA, Australia
            [marriage event] · Australia · með Allan Renton

            Heimildir • fæðing : Jack A. Imms • [marriage event] með Allan Renton : Jack A. Imms

            & Allan Renton
            [marriage event] · Australia · með Shirley Imms

            Heimildir • [marriage event] með Shirley Imms : Jack A. Imms

        5. Ada Cecilia Scudds, Ada/Ida/Ida Cecilia 1896-1897
          Fæðing ·   12 oktober 1896 · Stirling East, Adelaide, SA, Australia
          Látin(n) ·   4 september 1897 · 10 mánaðar gamall · Stirling East, Adelaide, SA, Australia
          A C S b:Mount Lofty, SA, also noted. Ida Ciscilia Scudds - 10m.

          Heimildir • fæðing : South Australian Births 1842-1906 Book:592 Page:403 / IGI • látin(n) : South Australian Deaths Registrations 1842-1915 [Digger] Book:245 Page:287 / IGI

        6. Hazel Erica Scudds, Hazel, Plumb 1901-2000
          Fæðing ·   12 desember 1901 · Stirling East, SA, AUSTRALIA
          [marriage event] · um 1 ágúst 1927 · Beverley district, WA, AUSTRALIA · með James Plumb
          Látin(n) ·   13 júlí 2000 · 98 ára · Katanning, WA, AUSTRALIA
          date of Baptism?

          Heimildir • fæðing : SA # 687/479 / IGI • [marriage event] með James Plumb : WA # 3 [Beverley 30] • látin(n) : Applin Family Tree

          &ca 1927 James Plumb 1899-1987
          Fæðing ·   1899
          [marriage event] · um 1 ágúst 1927 · Beverley district, WA, AUSTRALIA · með Hazel Erica Scudds
          Látin(n) ·   1987 · 88 ára · AUSTRALIA
          [Mother of James Plumb - Saturday 11 July 1936 > PLUMB - On July 7, at the Narrogin Hospital, Mary Alice, dearly beloved wife, of James Plumb, loving mother of Nellie (Mrs. Wylde, Baytwater), Jim (Bunbury), Fanny (Mrs.Scudds, Brookton), Jack (Morgans), Dorothy (Mrs. Milner, Merredin), Bill (Narrogin), mother-in-law of Vernon, Hazel, Jack, Colin and grandchildren; aged 54 years.] [The West Australian (Perth, WA :1879-1954) Wednesday 12 December 1945 p1 Family Notices, PLUMB - In loving memory of Bill (W/O. R.A.A.F.) killed in action over Germany 1944. Loving sister, Mrs J. Scudds (Bayswater). The West Australian (Perth, WA :1879-1954) Monday 17 December 1945 p1 Family Notices, PLUMB - In loving memory of Bill (W/O. R.A.A.F.), missing over Germany. November 1944, now presumed dead; loved brother of Fanny, brother-in-law of Jack Scudds and loved uncle of Dorothy. Jack, Beryl and Hazel (Bayswater).

          Heimildir • [marriage event] með Hazel Erica Scudds : WA # 3 [Beverley 30] • látin(n) : Applin Family Tree

          1. James Henry Plumb, James 1928
            Fæðing ·   1928 · 96 ára · Narrogin, WA, Australia
            [marriage event] ·   1951 · Australia · með Ivy Amelia Wells

            Heimildir • fæðing : Jack A. Imms • [marriage event] með Ivy Amelia Wells : Jack A. Imms

            &1951 Ivy Amelia Wells, Ivy
            [marriage event] ·   1951 · Australia · með James Henry Plumb

            Heimildir • [marriage event] með James Henry Plumb : Jack A. Imms

          2. William Allan Plumb, William 1930-
            Fæðing ·   1930 · Narrogin, WA, AUSTRALIA
            [marriage event] · AUSTRALIA · með Shirley Louise Kleeman

            Heimildir • fæðing : Jack A. Imms • [marriage event] með Shirley Louise Kleeman : Jack A. Imms

            & Shirley Louise Kleeman, Shirley
            [marriage event] · AUSTRALIA · með William Allan Plumb

            Heimildir • [marriage event] með William Allan Plumb : Jack A. Imms

          3. Glenda Plumb 1934
            Fæðing ·   1934 · 90 ára · Narrogin, WA, Australia
            [marriage event] ·   1955 · Australia · með Norman Crane

            Heimildir • fæðing : Jack A. Imms • [marriage event] með Norman Crane : Jack A. Imms

            &1955 Norman Crane 1933
            Fæðing ·   1933 · 91 ára · Kattaning, WA, Australia
            [marriage event] ·   1955 · Australia · með Glenda Plumb

            Heimildir • [marriage event] með Glenda Plumb : Jack A. Imms

          4. Lorna Ruth Plumb, Lorna
            Fæðing · WA, Australia
            [marriage event] · með Kevin Crane

            Heimildir • fæðing : Jack A. Imms

            & Kevin Crane 1933
            Fæðing ·   1933 · 91 ára · Kattaning, WA, Australia
            [marriage event] · með Lorna Ruth Plumb
        7. Lorna Joan Scudds, Lorna 1904-1978
          Fæðing ·   6 mai 1904 · Stirling East, Adelaide, SA, Australia
          [marriage event] ·   1923 · Beverley district, WA, AUSTRALIA · með Roland Arthur Dixon
          [marriage event] · um 1939 · AUSTRALIA · með Edward Summerton
          Látin(n) ·   2 mars 1978 · 73 ára · Perth, WA, Australia

          Heimildir • fæðing : South Australian Births 1842-1906 Book:729 Page:414 / IGI • [marriage event] með Roland Arthur Dixon : WA # [Beverley 34] / IGI • [marriage event] með Edward Summerton : IGI • látin(n) : IGI /

          &1923 Roland Arthur Dixon, Roland 1899-1956
          Fæðing ·   1899 · Pingelly, WA, AUSTRALIA
          [marriage event] ·   1923 · Beverley district, WA, AUSTRALIA · með Lorna Joan Scudds
          Látin(n) ·   15 nóvember 1956 · 57 ára · Bayswater, Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA
          Roland A. Nixon?

          Heimildir • [marriage event] með Lorna Joan Scudds : WA # [Beverley 34] / IGI

          1. Roland Dixon 1924
            Fæðing ·   1924 · Perth, WA, Australia
            [marriage event] ·   1952 · Australia · með Agnes Pinker

            Heimildir • [marriage event] með Agnes Pinker : Jack A. Imms

            &1952 Agnes Pinker
            [marriage event] ·   1952 · Australia · með Roland Dixon

            Heimildir • [marriage event] með Roland Dixon : Jack A. Imms

          &ca 1939 Edward Summerton
          [marriage event] · um 1939 · AUSTRALIA · með Lorna Joan Scudds

          Heimildir • [marriage event] með Lorna Joan Scudds : IGI

        8. Jack Crosby Scudds, Jack 1905-1968
          Fæðing ·   6 júlí 1905 · Pingelly, WA, AUSTRALIA
          [marriage event] · um 1927 · Williams district, WA, AUSTRALIA · með Fanny Plumb
          Látin(n) ·   25 mai 1968 · 62 ára · Morley, Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA
          [Western Australian Archives states J C S b:1906.] [The LAW COURTS The West Australian (Perth, WA: 1879-1954) Monday 12 July 1954 p9 Article - Poultry-Farmer Drives Under the Influence, An Osborne Park poultry farmer was fined £45 and his driving licence was suspended for three months by Mr. A G Smith, S.M., in the Perth Police Court on Saturday. He is Jack Crosby Scudds (45). He was arrested on a charge of drunken driving after he had been seen driving erratically in Riverside Drive, Perth, at about 1.15 am on Saturday. Police said that when Scudds stepped from the utility, he had difficulty in standing. Sgt. L. H. Scott prosecuted.] [Electoral Record Preview Name: Jack Crosby Scudds, Electoral Year: 1931 State: Western Australia District: Swan.] [Preview Name: Jack Crosby Scudds Electoral Year: 1936 State: Western Australia District: Swan] [Preview Name: Jack Crosby Scudds Electoral Year: 1937 State: Western Australia District: Swan] [Preview Name: Jack Crosby Scudds Electoral Year: 1943 State: Western Australia District: Swan] [Preview Name: Jack Crosby Scudds Electoral Year: 1949 State: Western Australia District: Swan] [Preview Name: Jack Crosby Scudds Electoral Year: 1954 State: Western Australia District: Swan] [J C S - 61yr., Anglican]

          Heimildir • fæðing : WA # Beverley 76 [1906] / IGI • [marriage event] með Fanny Plumb : WA # [Williams 28] / IGI • látin(n) : WA 1674 [Perth] • útför : Metropolitan Cemeteries Board, Western Australia - KB00134372

          &ca 1927 Fanny Plumb, Fran, Scudds ca 1907-1999
          Fæðing · um 1907
          [marriage event] · um 1927 · Williams district, WA, AUSTRALIA · með Jack Crosby Scudds
          Látin(n) ·   16 ágúst 1999 · kannski 92 ára · Bayswater, Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA
          Fran S - 92yr., memorialised at Pinnaroo Valley Memorial Park.

          Heimildir • fæðing : (Deaths) • [marriage event] með Jack Crosby Scudds : WA # [Williams 28] / IGI • látin(n) : Metropolitan Cemeteries Board, Western Australia - KC00139560

          1. Dorothy May Scudds, Dorothy, Studman 1927
            Fæðing ·   1927 · 97 ára · Narrogin, WA, AUSTRALIA
            [marriage event] ·   1950 · Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA · með Clifford Harold E. Studman
            Scudds-Studman: Mr & Mrs J C Scudds, of 6 Avenall Road, Bayswater, have much pleasure in announcing the engagement of their eldest daughter, Dorothy May, to Clifford Harry, eldest son of Mr & Mrs. J C Studman, of Hector Street, Osborne Park.

            Heimildir • fæðing : WA # Williams 181 • [marriage event] með Clifford Harold E. Studman : WA # 2884 / The West Australian [1949 Aug 13 p24]

            &1950 Clifford Harold E. Studman, Clifford 1928
            Fæðing ·   1928 · 96 ára · Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA
            [marriage event] ·   1950 · Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA · með Dorothy May Scudds
            Scudds-Studman: Mr & Mrs J C Scudds, of 6 Avenall Road, Bayswater, have much pleasure in announcing the engagement of their eldest daughter, Dorothy May, to Clifford Harry, eldest son of Mr & Mrs. J C Studman, of Hector Street, Osborne Park.

            Heimildir • [marriage event] með Dorothy May Scudds : WA # 2884 / The West Australian [1949 Aug 13 p24]

            1. Kevin Graham Studman, Kevin 1951
              Fæðing ·   18 nóvember 1951 · 72 ára · Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA - Mt. Hawthorn Hospital
              [marriage event] ·   1972 · AUSTRALIA · með Christina David
              The West Australian (Perth, WA :1879-1954) Tuesday 20 November 1951 p16 Family Notices - STUDMAN (nee Scudds): On Nov 18, at Mt. Hawthorn to Dorothy and Cliff - a son (Kevin Graham). Both well.

              Heimildir • [marriage event] með Christina David : Jack A. Imms

              &1972 Christina David
              [marriage event] ·   1972 · AUSTRALIA · með Kevin Graham Studman

              Heimildir • [marriage event] með Kevin Graham Studman : Jack A. Imms

            2. Christine Helen Studman, Christine 1954
              Fæðing ·   21 desember 1954 · 69 ára · Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA - Mt. Hawthorn Hospital
              [marriage event] ·   1975 · AUSTRALIA · með Gary Kallenburg
              The West Australian (Perth, WA :1879-1954) Friday 24 December 1954 p28 Family Notices - STUDMAN: On Dec 21 at Mt. Hawthorn Hospital, to Dorothy & Cliff -a daughter (Christine Helena) Both well.

              Heimildir • fæðing : Jack A. Imms • [marriage event] með Gary Kallenburg : Jack A. Imms

              &1975 Gary Kallenburg
              [marriage event] ·   1975 · AUSTRALIA · með Christine Helen Studman

              Heimildir • [marriage event] með Christine Helen Studman : Jack A. Imms

          2. Jack Henry Scudds, Jack 1929-2009
            Fæðing ·   24 júlí 1929 · Williams district, WA, AUSTRALIA
            [marriage event] ·   31 mars 1951 · Swan, WA, AUSTRALIA · með Patricia Mary Dunt
            Látin(n) ·   27 nóvember 2009 · 80 ára · Merriwa, Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA
            [cremation] · Pinnaroo Cemetery
            Engagements, The West Australian (Perth, WA :1879-1954) Saturday 27 August 1949 p24 Article - DUNT-SCUDDS: Mr. & Mrs. J Dunt, of 20 Wilson Street, Bassendean, have much pleasure in announcing the engagement of their eldest daughter Patricia Mary, to Jack Henry, only son of Mr. & Mrs. J C Scudds, of 6 Avernell Road, Bayswater. J H S - 80yr.

            Heimildir • fæðing : WA # Williams 168 • [marriage event] með Patricia Mary Dunt : WA # 60 / The West Australian [1949 Aug 27] • látin(n) : Metropolitan Cemeteries Board, Western Australia - PC00010052

            &1951 Patricia Mary Dunt, Patricia, Scudds
            [marriage event] ·   31 mars 1951 · Swan, WA, AUSTRALIA · með Jack Henry Scudds
            Engagements, The West Australian (Perth, WA :1879-1954) Saturday 27 August 1949 p24 Article - DUNT-SCUDDS: Mr. & Mrs. J. Dunt, of 20 Wilson Street, Bassendean, have much pleasure in announcing the engagement of their eldest daughter Patricia Mary, to Jack Henry, only son of Mr. & Mrs. J. C. Scudds, of 6 Avernell Road, Bayswater.

            Heimildir • [marriage event] með Jack Henry Scudds : WA # 60 / The West Australian [1949 Aug 27]

            1. Peter John Scudds, Peter 1951-2013
              Fæðing ·   20 desember 1951 · Mount Lawley, WA, AUSTRALIA
              [marriage event] ·   13 september 1975 · AUSTRALIA · með Julie Ann Bowyer
              [marriage event] · um 2000 · AUSTRALIA · með Susan Kay Falconer
              Látin(n) ·   5 desember 2013 · 61 ára · Tuart Hill, WA, AUSTRALIA - Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, Nedlands
              Útför ·   12 desember 2013 · Pinnaroo Valley Memorial Park
              [1955 Feb 25? The Bleckly Family in Australia.] [Peter Raymond Scudds also noted.] [Peter J Scudds, TVW Channel 7 1969-1975.] [Peter J Scudds & Julie A Scudds divorced circa 1997 in Australia] [Funeral Date and Time: 10:00 AM Thursday 12th December 2013, Pinnaroo Valley Memorial Park, Whitfords Ave, Padbury, WA.]

              Heimildir • fæðing : • [marriage event] með Julie Ann Bowyer : • [marriage event] með Susan Kay Falconer : • útför : The Last Post

              &1975 Julie Ann Bowyer, Julie 1955
              foreldrar : Gordon Douglas Bowyer 1932 og Marjorie Lavinia Hicks 1935
              Fæðing ·   14 september 1955
              [marriage event] ·   13 september 1975 · AUSTRALIA · með Peter John Scudds
              Peter J Scudds & Julie A Scudds divorced circa 1997 in Australia (did she remarry).

              Heimildir • [marriage event] með Peter John Scudds :

              1. Dale Peter Scudds, Dale 1984
                Fæðing ·   1984 · 40 ára · SA, AUSTRALIA
                Website (cricket) [2001].

                Heimildir • fæðing : Advertiser

              2. Samuel Michael Scudds, Sam 1990
                Fæðing ·   1990 · 34 ára · Modbury?, SA, AUSTRALIA

                Heimildir • fæðing : Advertiser

              &ca 2000 Susan Kay Falconer, Sue/Susan, Scudds 1951-2017
              Fæðing ·   20 desember 1951 · Subiaco, WA, AUSTRALIA
              [marriage event] · um 2000 · AUSTRALIA · með Peter John Scudds
              Látin(n) ·   15 janúar 2017 · 65 ára · Tuart Hill, WA, AUSTRALIA
              Útför · Pinnaroo Valley Memorial Park
              [The TVW7 Anniversary group's contact details are C/O Sue Scudds, Box 317, Tuart Hill 6939, WA.] [SCUDDS Susan Kay 66yr., (nee Falconer): "It is with much sadness that we announce the sudden death of Sue, adoring wife of Peter (dec), loving sister/sister-in-law of Ian and Gill. Devoted aunty to Jamie and Joanna and doting great-aunty to Madeleine. Will be sadly missed. Rest in peace".]

              Heimildir • [marriage event] með Peter John Scudds : • látin(n) : The West Australia 2017 Jan 19

            2. Lynette Scudds ca 1955
              Fæðing · um 1955 · Australia?

              Heimildir • fæðing : Carolyn Southall

            3. Irene Scudds ca 1959
              Fæðing · um 1959 · AUSTRALIA?

              Heimildir • fæðing : Carolyn Southall

            4. Sandra Louise Scudds, Sandra 1963
              Fæðing ·   1963 · 61 ára · Australia?

              Heimildir • fæðing : Carolyn Southall

          3. Beryl June Scudds, Beryl, Studman 1931
            Fæðing ·   1931 · 93 ára · Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA
            [marriage event] ·   1955 · Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA · með John Samuel Studman
            SCUDDS-STUDMAN: The engagement is announced of Beryl June, second eldest daughter of Mr. & Mrs. J. C. Scudds of 19 King Edward Road, Osborne Park, to John Samuel, second eldest son of Mr. & Mrs. J. C. Studman, of 145 Hector Street, Osborne Park.

            Heimildir • fæðing : WA # Williams 81 • [marriage event] með John Samuel Studman : WA # 444

            &1955 John Samuel Studman, John
            [marriage event] ·   1955 · Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA · með Beryl June Scudds

            Heimildir • [marriage event] með Beryl June Scudds : WA # 444

          4. Hazel Mary Scudds, Hazel, Sharman 1933
            Fæðing ·   1933 · 91 ára · Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA
            [marriage event] ·   1956 · Swan, WA, AUSTRALIA · með Ronald James Sharman

            Heimildir • fæðing : Jack A Imms • [marriage event] með Ronald James Sharman : WA # 193 / Jack A Imms

            &1956 Ronald James Sharman, Ronald 1935
            Fæðing ·   1935 · 89 ára · Bassendean, Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA
            [marriage event] ·   1956 · Swan, WA, AUSTRALIA · með Hazel Mary Scudds

            Heimildir • [marriage event] með Hazel Mary Scudds : WA # 193 / Jack A Imms

            1. Allen James Sharman, Allen 1957
              Fæðing ·   1957 · 67 ára · Williamstown, Vict, AUSTRALIA

              Heimildir • fæðing : Jack A. Imms

            2. Michael William Sharman, Michael 1959
              Fæðing ·   1959 · 65 ára · Altona, Vict, AUSTRALIA

              Heimildir • fæðing : Jack A. Imms

            3. Julie Frances Sharman, Julie 1963
              Fæðing ·   1963 · 61 ára · Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA

              Heimildir • fæðing : Jack A. Imms

      4. Anne Scudds 1852-
        Fæðing ·   26 desember 1852 · Eastern Road, Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA
        Látin(n) · AUSTRALIA

        Heimildir • fæðing : South Australian Births 1842-1906 Book:4 Page:108

      5. William Scudds, Scudd 1855-1940
        Fæðing ·   3 ágúst 1855 · Mount Barker Road, SA, AUSTRALIA
        [marriage event] · um 1889 · AUSTRALIA · með ------ ------
        Látin(n) ·   20 janúar 1940 · 84 ára · Pingelly, WA, AUSTRALIA
        Útför · í janúar 1940 · Pingelly Cemetery, Narrogin, WA, AUSTRALIA
        W cudd b:1854 Stirling, SA, also noted. W Scudd - 84yr., Anglican 174.

        Heimildir • fæðing : South Australian Births 1842-1906 Book:5 Page:203 / IGI • [marriage event] með ------ ------ : website • látin(n) : WA # [Beverley 9] • útför : Pingelly Cemetery, Narrogin

        &ca 1889 ------ ------
        [marriage event] · um 1889 · AUSTRALIA · með William Scudds
        Látin(n) · AUSTRALIA

        Heimildir • [marriage event] með William Scudds : website

      6. Samuel Scudds 1856-1929
        Fæðing ·   23 ágúst 1856 · Stirling, SA, AUSTRALIA
        [marriage event] ·   5 janúar 1881 · Mitcham, Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA - Baptist Manse Mitcham · með Charlotte Bailey
        [marriage event] ·   25 mars 1899 · North Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA · með Martha Priest
        Látin(n) ·   12 desember 1929 · 73 ára · Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA
        [POLICE COURTS. ADELAIDE: THURSDAY, JUNE 1. Before Mr. S. Beddome. P.M. South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA :1839-1900) Friday 2 June 1871 p3 Article - Samuel Scudd, aged 15, was charged, by Henry Udey, of Stirling East, carpenter, with attempting to set fire to a dwelling house, the property of Richard James Bennett, on May 22. Mr. Whitington for the prisoner. Henry Udey said that on May 24, between 6 and 7 o'clock pm, while he was in the shop, he smelt something like a fuse burning, and on looking found one under the door. The short piece produced was the one. There were boys outside, and they ran away. The front of the shop was of stone, and the rest of slabs. It contained, doors, windows, carpenters tools, &c, and there were shavings just inside. There was a stone house within six inches. By Mr. Whitington The building was used as a dwelling-house as well as a shop. The fuse was not cold when he picked it up, and he could not smell it if it had been burning outside. Adelaide Milford deposed to seeing prisoner and another boy (Alex. Ross) about 10 minutes walk from informant's house, at about 5.30 or 5.45 pm, with something burning in his hand. George Jackson, of Mount Barker, stated that he saw the prisoner put a lighted fuse in Mr. Udey's shop through the keyhole. By Mr. Whitington Was about 20 chains from prisoner, and a boy named Alex. Ross was about five chains from him. Alexander Ross, aged 13, son of Catherine Ross, stated that he was with prisoner on May 22, after 6 o'clock in the evening. Saw him apply a lucifer match to a fuse, and after swinging the latter about in his hand put it in the keyhole of Mr. Udey's door. When he lit it witness asked him what he was going to do with it, and he said 'nothing.' He then ran away. By Mr. Whitington - Could not say whether the fuse was alight when he put it in the keyhole. Police-trooper William Campbell arrested prisoner, who made no statement. Committed for trial Bail refused.] [LAW COURTS. SUPREME COURT-CIVIL SITTINGS. FRIDAY, August 13. The South Australian Advertiser Saturday 14 August 1880 p8 Article. Mr. Pater for the petitioner; the respondent and co-respondent were not represented. This was a petition by William Schocroft, of Peyneham, gardener, for the dissolution of his marriage with his wife Charlotte Schocroft, on account of her adultery with the co-respondent, Samuel Scudds, of Narridy, laborer. The parties were married at Crystal Brook by the Rev. Mr. Dale, on February 4, 1869, and lived together at various places up to May, 1879. The respondent's maiden name was Charlotte Bailey. While resident at Stirling East the respondent left her home without her husband's consent, but subsequently returned to cohabitation. Three weeks later she again left her home and did not return. On December 15, 1879, the petitioner received a letter from the respondent, who was then leaving at Redhill, stating that she had committed adultery and intended living with another man. She also advised him to get a divorce, which would leave them both free. Subsequently the respondent admitted that she had committed adultery, and was living with the co-respondent, who had previously been in the service of the petitioner, and had caused a great deal of domestic misery on account of the evidently familiar relations existing between him and the petitioner's wife. The respondent and co-respondent in the earlier part of this year lived together in the Metropolitan Hotel, Grate Street, as a married couple." There had been no issue to the marriage. His Honor said he would report the allegations proved to the Full Court, and find �100 damages against the co-respondent. Before His Honor and a special jury ....] [The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA :1889-1931) Friday 13 December 1929 - SCUDDS, On the 12th December at Stirling East, Samuel, beloved husband of Martha Scudds and brother of Jack and William, of Western Australia, and M. Lambert, A. Heffron, R. Logg, and E. Zachariah, aged 73 years.]

        Heimildir • fæðing : South Australian Births 1842-1906 Book:7 Page:363 / IGI / South Australian Register [1871 Jun 02] • [marriage event] með Charlotte Bailey : South Australian Marriages, Registrations 1842-1916 Book/Page:126/26 • [marriage event] með Martha Priest : SA # 198/1069 / IGI • látin(n) : SA # 517/197 / IGI / The Advertiser [1929 Dec 13]

        Groom :24yr., single. Groom's Father:William Scudds. Bride :25yr., single. Bride's Father:John Bailey.
        Charlotte Bailey 1854-1896
        Fæðing ·   1854 · Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA
        [marriage event] ·   4 febrúar 1869 · Crystal Brook, SA, AUSTRALIA · með William Schocroft
        [divorce event] ·   1880 · með William Schocroft
        [marriage event] ·   5 janúar 1881 · Mitcham, Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA - Baptist Manse Mitcham · með Samuel Scudds
        Látin(n) ·   3 júlí 1896 · 42 ára · Mount Lofty, SA, AUSTRALIA
        [LAW COURTS. SUPREME COURT-CIVIL SITTINGS. Friday, August 13. The South Australian Advertiser Saturday 14 August 1880 p8 Article. Mr. Pater for the petitioner; the respondent and co-respondent were not represented. This was a petition by William Schocroft, of Peyneham, gardener, for the dissolution of his marriage with his wife Charlotte Schocroft, on account of her adultery with the co-respondent, Samuel Scudds, of Narridy, laborer. The parties were married at Crystal Brook by the Rev. Mr. Dale, on February 4, 1869, and lived together at various places up to May, 1879. The respondent's maiden name was Charlotte Bailey. While resident at Stirling East the respondent left her home without her husband's consent, but subsequently returned to cohabitation. Three weeks later she again left her home and did not return. On December 15, 1879, the petitioner received a letter from the respondent, who was then leaving at Redhill, stating that she had committed adultery and intended living with another man. She also advised him to get a divorce, which would leave them both free. Subsequently the respondent admitted that she had committed adultery, and was living with the co-respondent, who had previously been in the service of the petitioner, and had caused a great deal of domestic misery on account of the evidently familiar relations existing between him and the petitioner's wife. The respondent and co-respondent in the earlier part of this year lived together in the Metropolitan Hotel, Grate Street, as a married couple." There had been no issue to the marriage. His Honor said he would report the allegations proved to the Full Court, and find �100 damages against the co-respondent. Before His Honor and a special jury ....] [Family Notices The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA :1889-1931) Saturday 4 July 1896 p4 SCUDDS - On the 3rd July at Mount Lofty, Charlotte, the beloved wife of Samuel Scudds, in her 42nd year.] [C S - 41yr.]

        Heimildir • [marriage event] með William Schocroft : The South Australian Advertiser [1880 Aug 14] • [marriage event] með Samuel Scudds : South Australian Marriages, Registrations 1842-1916 Book/Page:126/26 • látin(n) : SA # 236/129 [Mount Barker]

        Samuel Scudds 42yr., widow. Father:William Scudds. Martha Priest 20yr., single. Father:Benjamin Wadsworth Priest. Place:res. of Rev J J Darwin [North Adelaide]
        Martha Priest 1881-1957
        Fæðing ·   1881 · Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA
        [marriage event] ·   25 mars 1899 · North Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA · með Samuel Scudds
        Látin(n) ·   1957 · 76 ára · Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA

        Heimildir • [marriage event] með Samuel Scudds : SA # 198/1069 / IGI • látin(n) : SA # 859/3321

        1. Samuel Scudds, electrician 1899-1973
          Fæðing ·   18 ágúst 1899 · Crafers Park, Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA
          [marriage event] ·   4 nóvember 1922 · Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA - Church of Christ · með Lillian McCourt Davies
          Látin(n) ·   9 febrúar 1973 · 73 ára · Woodville, SA, AUSTRALIA
          Útför · Cheltenham Cemetery / Centennial Park SA - Rose Garden, Woodstock Street
          [Scudds, Samuel :Service Number - 7549. Place of Birth: Mount Lofty Park, SA. Place of Enlistment:Stirling West, SA. Next of Kin: (mother) Scudds, Martha. Contents date range 1914-1920. 10th.Battalion.] [Tuesday 4 November 1947 Scudds-Davies, Mr. & Mrs S. Scudds, of Old Port Road, Queenstown, wish to announce the 25th anniversary of their marriage, solemnized at Grote Street Church of Christ on November 4 1922. Pastor A C Garnett officiating.] [The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA :1931-1954) Tuesday 4 November 1952 p16 Family Notices Scudds-Davies. The family of Mr. & Mrs. S Scudds, of Queenstown, wish to announce the 30th anniversary of their parent's wedding, solemnized at the Grote Street Church of Christ on November 4, 1922.] [S S 73yr.] [Lillian Scudds is buried with her husband Samuel at Cheltenham Cemetery, Port Adelaide, Enfield City, Rose Garden no.1, Tablet 21.]

          Heimildir • fæðing : SA # 646/496 [Mount Barker] / • [marriage event] með Lillian McCourt Davies : SA # 293/396 / Bruce Maxwell • látin(n) :

          &1922 Lillian McCourt Davies, Lillian, McCort/Scudds 1899-1991
          Fæðing ·   12 júní 1899 · Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA
          [marriage event] ·   4 nóvember 1922 · Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA - Church of Christ · með Samuel Scudds
          Látin(n) ·   20 mars 1991 · 91 ára · Westminster Village, Grange, SA, AUSTRALIA
          Útför ·   22 mars 1991 · Cheltenham Cemetery, Cheltenham, SA, AUSTRALIA
          [The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA :1889-1931) Saturday 15 September 1928 p12 Family Notices, DAVIES On the 18h August, at Blackwood, Mary Ann, beloved wife of William George, mother of Em., Adelaide: Maudee, Blackwood; Cyril; Cambrai; Lily (Mrs Scudds), Albert Park.] [Tuesday 4 November 1947 SCUDDS-DAVIES, Mr. & Mrs S Scudds, of Old Port Road, Queenstown, wish to announce the 25th anniversary of their marriage, solemnized at Grote Street Church of Christ on November 4 1922. Pastor A C Garnett officiating.] [The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA :1931-1954) Tuesday 4 November 1952 p16 Family Notices SCUDDS-DAVIES. The family of Mr. & Mrs. S Scudds, of Queenstown, wish to announce the 30th anniversary of their parent's wedding, solemnized at the Grote Street Church of Christ on November 4, 1922.] [Lillian is buried with her husband Samuel at Cheltenham Cemetery, Rose Garden No.1, Tablet 21.] [L M S 91yr.] [Lillian Scudds is buried with her husband Samuel at Cheltenham Cemetery, Port Adelaide, Enfield City, Rose Garden no.1, Tablet 21.]

          Heimildir • fæðing : SA # 293/396 / Bruce Maxwell • [marriage event] með Samuel Scudds : SA # 293/396 / Bruce Maxwell • látin(n) : Australian Cemeteries Index • útför : Cheltenham Cemetery

          1. Raymond Davies Scudds, Raymond/Ray, manager 1923-1990
            Fæðing ·   8 september 1923 · Blackwood, SA, AUSTRALIA
            [marriage event] ·   18 júlí 1945 · Queenstown, SA, AUSTRALIA - Church of Christ · með Mary Hilda Wiseman
            Látin(n) ·   18 desember 1990 · 67 ára · Daw Park, SA, AUSTRALIA - Repatriation Hospital (Daw House Hospice)
            [cremation] ·   21 desember 1990 · Cheltenham Cemetery, Cheltenham, SA
            [Woodville High School.] [The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA: 1931-1954) Monday 18 October 1937 p12 Article - Small Shark Caught. Fishing from the end of the Semaphore jetty late on Saturday afternoon, Ray Scudds 13 of Old Port Road, Queenstown and Arthur Watkins 13 of Spring Street, Queenstown, were surprised when they hauled in a dog shark, measuring 2ft 6in., and weighing 10lb.] [The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA :1931-1954) Tuesday 17 July 1945 p10 Family Notices - WISEMAN-SCUDDS, The marriage of Mollie, only child of Mr. & Mrs. E. Wiseman, of Alberton, to Raymond Davies (A.IJ*, discharged), eldest son of Mr. & Mrs. S. Scudds of Queenstown will be solemnised at Church of Christ, Queenstown, on Wednesday, July 18, at 9.30 p.m.] [Raymond Davies Scudds: Service Number SX29191. R D S b:1923 Sep 08. Place of birth:Blackwood, SA. Place of enlistment:Warradale, SA. Next of Kin:Scudds, Samuel. Cause of Death: Stomach Carcinoma.] [Barrier Miner (Broken Hill, NSW :1888-1954) Thursday 30 September 1954 Article - MAN'S POSE TO COUPLE. Adelaide: Posing as a parks and gardens inspector an accountant approached a young couple seated in a motor car near Botanic Park on Tuesday afternoon and accused them of indecent behavior, it was stated in the Adelaide Police Court today. Raymond Davies Scudds (31), of Prince Street, Alberton, who was arrested last night was charged with having at Adelaide forged an authority in the name of Thomas Robert Norman Lothian, director of the Botanic Gardens. Scudds was remanded on bail until next Thursday week. The police prosecutor (Inspector O'Sullivan) said that after Scudds had accused the young couple of indecency he took their names and addresses. Later the same afternoon he called at the girl's place of employment and told her he wanted further particulars from her. "He instructed her to meet him unattended in Rundle Street, city at 7.30 p.m. yesterday," said the prosecutor. "After she had informed the police the girl kept the appointment and when she got into Scudd's car police intervened." "In the possession of Scudds police found two documents. One was a report signed by himself and stating that he was an inspector of the parks and gardens department. "In the report details were set out alleging acts of indecent behavior against the couple. "The other document formerly charged the young man concerned with acts of gross indecency and at the bottom of the document was forged the signature of T. R. N. Lothian. "In the document it was intimated that the director would be satisfied if certain monies were paid, by the young man. "It was further recommended that as the youth was going on his holidays the money be accepted and the case heard £x parte." Inspector O'Sullivan said that Scudds admitted to police that the couple had not committed any acts of indecency.] [Adelaide Police Friday 22 October 1954 - Evidence for the prosecution had just finished when the cases in which Raymond Davies Scudds, 31, accountant, of Prince Street, Alberton, is charged were adjourned until today. It was alleged against Scudds that about September 28, at Adelaide, he attempted to procure a 16 year-old girl to have illicit carnal connection with himself by fraudulent means; and on September 29 with intent to defraud, forged an authority in the name of T. R. N. Lothian. Mr. R. F Newman for SCUDDS.] [The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA: 1931-1954) Wednesday 17 November 1954 "Fortunately the people concerned were wise enough to go to the police," his Honor said in reference to a man who according to counsel, had sought to 'teach a lesson' to a young couple. Raymond Davies Scudds, 31, married, accountant, of Prince Street, Alberton, was charged with having, at Adelaide on September 28-29, attempted to procure a 16-year-old girl to have carnal knowledge with him by falsely pretending that he was a Botanic Garden inspector and that he had witnessed indecent conduct between her and a young man, and by offering to refrain from reporting the matter to the Botanic Garden director; and with having on September 29 forged a document in the name of Thomas Robert Noel Lothian. He pleaded not guilty to the first count, and guilty to the second, and was remanded for sentence. The Crown Prosecutor (Mr. J. R. Kearnan) entered a nolle prosequi to the first count. Mr. R F Newman submitted a number of - references of Scudds work in accountancy, church and kindred activities. Leslie Graham Howell, electroplater, of Main North Road, Thorngate, Scudds present employer, gave evidence of character. He would act as a surety if Scudds were granted a bond. At Mr. Kearnan's request, Howell read the police court depositions. After doing so, he said his attitude was the same. Harry William Bray, company director, of Company Square, Alberton, also gave evidence of character. He would be a surety. Mr. Newman submitted that this was Scudds's first offence. He was actuated by stupid motives. Something had happened in his family circle (nothing to do with his wife and family), and when he saw what he said he saw, he felt that these two young people should be taught a lesson. His Honor, "Taught a lesson? He was attempting to blackmail the young man". Scudds never intended to ask the young man for a large sum, Mr. Newman said. His Honor, "He seems to have formed a very definite scheme to get money out of the young man". Mr. Newman, "His idea was that they should be taught a lesson". His Honor, "Who was he to teach them a lesson, and get money out of it?". Scudds had decided that if he got any money out of it, he would give it to the girl, Mr. Newman said. It was a stupid mental aberration, and no ill affects had ensued to anyone, Mr. Newman said, it on being looked up to by his associates, Scudds was now the only one who was suffering. It seems to me an extraordinarily mean offence, his Honor said.] [Raymond & Mollie were the owners of "Raymol Airconditioning", Port Roa.] [R D S from West Lakes Shore, d:Repatriation Hospital (Daw House Hospice)].

            Heimildir • fæðing : SA # 122A/449 / National Archives of Australia / Adelaide Police [1954 Oct 22] • [marriage event] með Mary Hilda Wiseman : The Advertiser [1945 Jul 17] / Bruce Maxwell • látin(n) : The Advertiser [1945 Jul 17] / Centennial Park SA

            &1945 Mary Hilda Wiseman, Mary/Mollie, Scudds 1924-1997
            foreldrar : William Ernest Wiseman og Hilda Honey Queenie Catherine Reynolds
            Fæðing ·   5 mars 1924 · Semaphore, SA, AUSTRALIA
            [marriage event] ·   18 júlí 1945 · Queenstown, SA, AUSTRALIA - Church of Christ · með Raymond Davies Scudds
            Látin(n) ·   14 júlí 1997 · 73 ára · Woodfield, SA, AUSTRALIA - Queen Elizabeth Hospital
            Útför ·   18 júlí 1997 · Centennial Park Cemetery, Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA
            [The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA :1931-1954) Tuesday 17 July 1945 p10 Family Notices - Wiseman-Scudds, The marriage of Mollie, only child of Mr. & Mrs. E. Wiseman of Alberton, to Raymond Davies (A.IJ*, discharged), eldest son of Mr. & Mrs. S. Scudds of Queenstown will be solemnised at Church of Christ, Queenstown, on Wednesday, July 18, at 9,30 p.m.] [M H S 73yr., from West Lakes.]

            Heimildir • [marriage event] með Raymond Davies Scudds : The Advertiser [1945 Jul 17] / Bruce Maxwell • látin(n) : Australian Cemeteries Index

            1. Caroline Mary Scudds, Caroline 1947
              Fæðing ·   18 mai 1947 · 77 ára · Sirius, SA, AUSTRALIA
              [marriage event] · um 1970 · SA, AUSTRALIA · með ------ Carr
              The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA :1931-1954) Tuesday 20 May 1947 p16 Family Notices - SCUDDS nee Wiseman - On May 18, at Sirius, to Mollie and Ray, a daughter (Carolyn Mary). Thanking Dr. Jolly, Sister Shinn and Nurse Russell. No visitors for five days.

              Heimildir • fæðing : The Advertiser [1947 May 20] • [marriage event] með ------ Carr : James F. Scutt

              &ca 1970 ------ Carr
              [marriage event] · um 1970 · SA, AUSTRALIA · með Caroline Mary Scudds

              Heimildir • [marriage event] með Caroline Mary Scudds : James F. Scutt

              1. Shane Anthony Carr, Shane 1972-1972
                Fæðing ·   1972 · Adelaide, SA, Australia
                Látin(n) ·   1972 · Adelaide, SA, Australia
              2. ------ Carr ca 1975
                Fæðing · um 1975 · SA, Australia
                [marriage event] · um 2000 · Australia · með ------ Connell
                &ca 2000 ------ Connell
                [marriage event] · um 2000 · Australia · með ------ Carr
              3. ------ Carr ca 1978
                Fæðing · um 1978 · SA, Australia
                [marriage event] · um 2002 · Australia · með ------ Bronson

                Heimildir • fæðing : James F. Scutt

                &ca 2002 ------ Bronson
                [marriage event] · um 2002 · Australia · með ------ Carr
            2. Christine Kaye Scudds, Christine 1952
              Fæðing ·   3 mai 1952 · 72 ára · Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA
              [marriage event] · um 1973 · SA, Australia · með ------ Palmer
              SCUDDS (nee Wiseman) - On May 3 at Lefevre Community Hospital, to Mollie and Ray - a daughter (Christine Kay). Thanking all in attendance.

              Heimildir • fæðing : The Advertiser [6 May 1952] • [marriage event] með ------ Palmer : James F. Scutt

              &ca 1973 ------ Palmer
              [marriage event] · um 1973 · SA, Australia · með Christine Kaye Scudds

              Heimildir • [marriage event] með Christine Kaye Scudds : James F. Scutt

              1. ------ Palmer
              2. ------ Palmer
          2. Joyce Mary Scudds, Joyce 1925
            Fæðing ·   19 oktober 1925 · 98 ára · Blackwood, SA, AUSTRALIA
            [marriage event] ·   19 oktober 1946 · Queenstown, SA, AUSTRALIA - Church of Christ · með Roy Allan Thomas Huxley
            [The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA: 1931-1954) Saturday 14 July 1945 p14 Family Notices. Engagements, SCUDDS-HUXLEY. The engagement is announced of Joyce, elder daughter of Mr. & Mrs. S. Scudds, of Queenstown to Able Seaman Roy, younger son of Mrs. B. & the late Mr. T. Huxley, of Exeter.] [The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA :1931-1954) Saturday 12 October 1946 p20 Family Notices, SCUDDS-HUXLEY. The marriage of Joyce M, elder daughter of Mr. & Mrs S. Scudds of Queenstown to Roy A., younger son of Mrs. B. & the late Mr. T. W. Huxley, of Exeter, will be solemnized at Queenstown Church of Christ, on October 19 at 6.45pm Western Mail.]

            Heimildir • fæðing : SA # 162A/454 • [marriage event] með Roy Allan Thomas Huxley : The Advertiser [1946 Oct 12] / Bruce Maxwell

            &1946 Roy Allan Thomas Huxley, Roy 1914-1982
            Fæðing ·   24 júlí 1914 · Glen Osmond, SA, AUSTRALIA
            [marriage event] ·   19 oktober 1946 · Queenstown, SA, AUSTRALIA - Church of Christ · með Joyce Mary Scudds
            Látin(n) ·   6 mai 1982 · 67 ára · Semaphore, SA, AUSTRALIA - St. Margaret's Hospital
            Útför ·   8 mai 1982 · Centennial Park Cemetery, Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA
            [The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA: 1931-1954) Saturday 14 July 1945 p14 Family Notices. Engagements, SCUDDS-HUXLEY. The engagement is announced of Joyce, elder daughter of Mr. & Mrs. S. Scudds, of Queenstown to Able Seaman Roy, younger son of Mrs. B. & the late Mr. T. Huxley, of Exeter.] [The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA :1931-1954) Saturday 12 October 1946 p20 Family Notices, SCUDDS-HUXLEY. The marriage of Joyce M, elder daughter of Mr. & Mrs S. Scudds of Queenstown to Roy A., younger son of Mrs. B. & the late Mr. T. W. Huxley, of Exeter, will be solemnized at Queenstown Church of Christ, on October 19 at 6.45pm Western Mail.]

            Heimildir • fæðing : Bruce Maxwell • [marriage event] með Joyce Mary Scudds : The Advertiser [1946 Oct 12] / Bruce Maxwell • látin(n) : James F. Scutt • útför : James F. Scutt

            1. Lynette Joy Huxley, Lynette 1948-2004
              Fæðing ·   5 mai 1948 · Alberton, SA, Australia
              [marriage event] · um 1972 · Australia · með ------ Manhire
              Látin(n) ·   9 apríl 2004 · 55 ára · Adelaide, SA, Australia - Queen Elizabeth Hospital
              &ca 1972 ------ Manhire
              [marriage event] · um 1972 · Australia · með Lynette Joy Huxley
            2. ------ Huxley
              [marriage event] · um 1975 · Australia · með ------ Sims
              &ca 1975 ------ Sims
              [marriage event] · um 1975 · Australia · með ------ Huxley
            3. ------ Huxley
          3. Fay Lillian Scudds, Fay, Konecky 1933
            Fæðing ·   1933 · 91 ára · Alberton, SA, AUSTRALIA
            [no marriage event] · um 1956 · með ------ ------
            [marriage event] · um 1958 · AUSTRALIA · með Karel Konecny
            The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA :1931-1954) Saturday 23 January 1954 p26 Family Notices. SCUDDS HAREN Mr & Mrs S Scudds of Queenstown have pleasure in announcing the engagement of their younger daughter Fay to Leo elder son of Mr & Mrs J Haren of Kilkenny.

            Heimildir • fæðing : • [marriage event] með Karel Konecny : James F. Scutt

            &ca 1956
            This may in fact be Karel Konecny
            ------ ------
            [no marriage event] · um 1956 · með Fay Lillian Scudds
            1. Marianne Scudds, Kerrie Ann Frost/Kerrie Carter 1957
              Fæðing ·   21 ágúst 1957 · 66 ára · Darlinghurst, NSW, AUSTRALIA
              [marriage event] ·   1990 · með Adam John Carter
              M S was adopted by Ronald Leonard Frost & Betty Veronica Frost and become known as Kerrie Ann Frost.

              Heimildir • fæðing : Emily Milton Smith

              &1990 Adam John Carter, Adam
              [marriage event] ·   1990 · með Marianne Scudds
              1. Adam John Frost, Adam 1990
                Fæðing ·   28 nóvember 1990 · 33 ára

                Heimildir • fæðing : Emily Milton Smith

            &ca 1958 Karel Konecny 1929
            Fæðing ·   27 júlí 1929 · 94 ára · Czechoslavakia
            [marriage event] · um 1958 · AUSTRALIA · með Fay Lillian Scudds

            Heimildir • [marriage event] með Fay Lillian Scudds : James F. Scutt

            1. ------ Konecny 1959
              Fæðing ·   1959 · 65 ára · Australia
              [marriage event] · Australia · með ------ Lowe
              & ------ Lowe
              [marriage event] · Australia · með ------ Konecny
            2. ------ Konecny
              Fæðing · Australia
            3. ------ Konecny
              Fæðing · Australia
              [marriage event] · Australia · með ------ Friend
              & ------ Friend
              [marriage event] · Australia · með ------ Konecny
            4. ------ Konecny
              Fæðing · Australia
              [marriage event] · með ------ Osborne
              & ------ Osborne
              [marriage event] · með ------ Konecny
            5. ------ Konecny
              Fæðing · Australia
              [marriage event] · Australia · með ------ Sussich
              & ------ Sussich
              [marriage event] · Australia · með ------ Konecny
            6. ------ Konecny
              Fæðing · Australia
              [marriage event] · Australia · með ------ Bartlett
              & ------ Bartlett
              [marriage event] · Australia · með ------ Konecny
            7. ------ Konecny
              Fæðing · Australia
              [marriage event] · Australia · með ------ Catic
              & ------ Catic
              [marriage event] · Australia · með ------ Konecny
            8. ------ Konecny
              Fæðing · Australia
              [marriage event] · Australia · með ------ Basheer
              & ------ Basheer
              [marriage event] · Australia · með ------ Konecny
            9. ------ Konecny
              Fæðing · Australia
          4. Mervyn Samuel Scudds, Mervyn/Merv ca 1936
            Fæðing · um 16 júlí 1936 · 87 ára · Sirius, Alberton, SA, AUSTRALIA
            [marriage event] · um 1960 · AUSTRALIA · með ------ McLaren
            [Mervyn Samuel - SCUDDS (nee Davles) - On the 16th July at Sirius, Alberton, to Mr. & Mrs. Scudds of Queenstown - a son. Thanking Dr Poole, Sister Shinn and staff.] [Rotary Club of West Lakes (1977) -]

            Heimildir • fæðing : The Advertiser [1936 Jul 23] • [marriage event] með ------ McLaren : Australia

            &ca 1960 ------ McLaren
            [marriage event] · um 1960 · AUSTRALIA · með Mervyn Samuel Scudds

            Heimildir • [marriage event] með Mervyn Samuel Scudds : Australia

            1. ------ Scudds ca 1963
              Fæðing · um 1963 · Australia

              Heimildir • fæðing : James F. Scutt

            2. ------ Scudds ca 1966
              Fæðing · um 1966 · Australia
              [marriage event] · um 1992 · Australia · með ------ Perry

              Heimildir • fæðing : James F. Scutt • [marriage event] með ------ Perry : James F. Scutt

              &ca 1992 ------ Perry
              [marriage event] · um 1992 · Australia · með ------ Scudds

              Heimildir • [marriage event] með ------ Scudds : James F. Scutt

        2. Annie Emma Scudds, Annie/Dolly, Greenwood 1906-1968
          Fæðing ·   19 apríl 1906 · Rose Park, Norwood, SA, AUSTRALIA
          [marriage event] ·   1926 · Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA · með Jack Sydney Greenwood
          Látin(n) ·   17 júlí 1968 · 62 ára · AUSTRALIA
          The Register (Adelaide, SA :1901-1929) Tuesday 27 April 1926 p8 Family Notices: SCUDDS-GREENWOOD. The engagement is announced of Annie Emma (Dolly), eldest daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Scudds, of Stirling, to Jack Sydney, only son of Mr. & Mrs. Greenwood, Aldgate.

          Heimildir • fæðing : SA # 763/271 [Norwood] • [marriage event] með Jack Sydney Greenwood : SA # 308/80 / The Register (Adelaide 1901-1929) [1926 Apr 27] • látin(n) : James F. Scutt

          &1926 Jack Sydney Greenwood, Jack 1903-1968
          Fæðing ·   15 nóvember 1903 · Knightsbridge, SA, AUSTRALIA
          [marriage event] ·   1926 · Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA · með Annie Emma Scudds
          Látin(n) ·   17 júlí 1968 · 64 ára · AUSTRALIA
          The Register (Adelaide, SA :1901-1929) Tuesday 27 April 1926 p8 Family Notices: SCUDDS GREENWOOD The engagement is announced of Annie Emma (Dolly), eldest daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Scudds, of Stirling, to Jack Sydney, only son of Mr. & Mrs. Greenwood, Aldgate.

          Heimildir • fæðing : • [marriage event] með Annie Emma Scudds : SA # 308/80 / The Register (Adelaide 1901-1929) [1926 Apr 27]

          1. William Harold Greenwood, William 1927
            Fæðing ·   25 febrúar 1927 · Mount Lofty, SA, AUSTRALIA
          2. Joy Greenwood 1928
            Fæðing ·   27 september 1928 · Stirling, Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA
        3. Mary Wadsworth Scudds, Mary 1911-
          Fæðing ·   18 ágúst 1911 · Stirling East, Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA
          [marriage event] ·   22 nóvember 1934 · Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA - Grote Street, Church of Christ · með Trafford Scoville Wedge Paternoster
          [The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA :1931-1954) Wednesday 21 September 1932 p10 Article - The engagement is announced of Mary, second daughter of Mrs. and the late Mr. S. Scudds, of Stirling, to Trafford S. Paternoster, only son of Mr. & Mrs. E. J. Paternoster, Uroonda, Nairne.] [The Advertiser - Tuesday 4 December 1934. An afternoon party was given to Miss Mary Scudds who is to be married, at the home of Mrs. Loftus, Wodonga Street, Beverley. Those taking part in the afternoon's programme were Mrs. Stevens. Mrs. S. Ottaway, Misses Alma Furniss and Jean Hall.] [The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA :1931-1954) Friday 30 November 1934 p16 Article - Paternoster Scudds, On Saturday evening, November 24, the marriage of Trafford S. W., only son of Pastor & Mrs. E. J. Paternoster of Nairne, to Mary W., second daughter of Mrs. & the late Mr. S. Scudds, of Stirling East, was celebrated at the Grote Street Church of Christ. The bridegroom's father performed the ceremony, assisted by Pastor C. Schwab. Mr. Will T. Hall was at the organ. The bride who entered the church with her brother Mr. S. Scudds wore a fine lace frock, mounted on satin. The frocks was cut on slim lines, the light bodice having long sleeves finished with a long cuff extending over the hands. The back panel of the skirt formed a long train. The veil was of filmy tulle with a tucked shoulder veil. It was fixed well back on the bride's head with orange buds. The bridesmaids were Misses Audrey Murrison and Jean Cornish, the latter acting in place of the bride's sister, Rachael who was indisposed. They wore frocks of blue georgette patterned in autumn tonings. Their long frocks had boat-shaped necks with cowl backs. Frills from the necks fell in cascades at the back, and finished at the ends of their trains. They wore blue picture hats trimmed with autumn flowers. Mr. Jim Ayers (Narrungi) was best men and Mr. Merrick Judd (cousin of the bridegroom) groomsman. Mrs. Sylvia Ottaway of Virginia (sister of the bridegroom) rendered a solo. The bride's mother chose a black frock patterned in autumn, with a smart black coat. The bridegroom's mother chose a bright navy frock patterned in autumn with a swagger coat trmimed with kilting, and straw hat to match. A reception was held at the home of Mr. & Mrs. S. Scudds, relatives and a few family friends being present. The bride's travelling frock was of navy, patterned in White and trimmed with white kilting, a swagger coat. A navy hat trimmed with white flowers, with matching; accessories completed the toilet. Mr. & Mrs. Trafford Paternoster will reside at Nairne.]

          Heimildir • fæðing : SA # 871/121 • [marriage event] með Trafford Scoville Wedge Paternoster : SA # 352/3726 / The Advertiser [1934 Nov 30]

          Mr. & Mrs. Trafford Paternoster will reside at Nairne
          Trafford Scoville Wedge Paternoster, Trafford 1912-
          foreldrar : Edmund John Paternoster 1876-1943 og Loveday Jane Jago 1877-1957
          Fæðing ·   14 janúar 1912 · Salisbury, SA, AUSTRALIA
          [marriage event] ·   22 nóvember 1934 · Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA - Grote Street, Church of Christ · með Mary Wadsworth Scudds
          [The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA :1931-1954) Wednesday 21 September 1932 p10 Article - The engagement is announced of Mary, second daughter of Mrs. and the late Mr. S. Scudds, of Stirling, to Trafford S. Paternoster, only son of Mr. & Mrs. E. J. Paternoster, Uroonda, Nairne.] [The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA :1931-1954) Friday 30 November 1934 p16 Article - Paternoster Scudds, On Saturday evening, November 24, the marriage of Trafford S. W., only son of Pastor & Mrs. E. J. Paternoster of Nairne, to Mary W., second daughter of Mrs. & the late Mr. S. Scudds, of Stirling East, was celebrated at the Grote Street Church of Christ. The bridegroom's father performed the ceremony, assisted by Pastor C. Schwab. Mr. Will T. Hall was at the organ. The bride who entered the church with her brother Mr. S. Scudds wore a fine lace frock, mounted on satin. The frocks was cut on slim lines, the light bodice having long sleeves finished with a long cuff extending over the hands. The back panel of the skirt formed a long train. The veil was of filmy tulle with a tucked shoulder veil. It was fixed well back on the bride's head with orange buds. The bridesmaids were Misses Audrey Murrison and Jean Cornish, the latter acting in place of the bride's sister, Rachael who was indisposed. They wore frocks of blue georgette patterned in autumn tonings. Their long frocks had boat-shaped necks with cowl backs. Frills from the necks fell in cascades at the back, and finished at the ends of their trains. They wore blue picture hats trimmed with autumn flowers. Mr. Jim Ayers (Narrungi) was best men and Mr. Merrick Judd (cousin of the bridegroom) groomsman. Mrs. Sylvia Ottaway of Virginia (sister of the bridegroom) rendered a solo. The bride's mother chose a black frock patterned in autumn, with a smart black coat. The bridegroom's mother chose a bright navy frock patterned in autumn with a swagger coat trmimed with kilting, and straw hat to match. A reception was held at the home of Mr. & Mrs. S. Scudds, relatives and a few family friends being present. The bride's travelling frock was of navy, patterned in White and trimmed with white kilting, a swagger coat. A navy hat trimmed with white flowers, with matching; accessories completed the toilet. Mr. & Mrs. Trafford Paternoster will reside at Nairne.]

          Heimildir • [marriage event] með Mary Wadsworth Scudds : SA # 352/3726 / The Advertiser [1934 Nov 30]

          1. Marylyn Onester Paternoster, Marylyn 1936
            Fæðing ·   27 apríl 1936 · 88 ára · Mount Barker, SA, AUSTRALIA
            [marriage event] ·   11 mars 1955 · AUSTRALIA · með Desmond Robertson Stevens
            5 children born here
            Desmond Robertson Stevens, Desmond/Des
            [marriage event] ·   11 mars 1955 · AUSTRALIA · með Marylyn Onester Paternoster
          2. Jennifer Loveday Paternoster, Jennifer 1938
            Fæðing ·   26 nóvember 1938 · 85 ára · Millicent, SA, AUSTRALIA - Thyne Memorial Hospital
            [marriage event] ·   20 mars 1965 · Mt Gambier, SA, AUSTRALIA - St Andrew's Presbyterian Church · með Anthony Roger Hunt
            PATERNOSTER (nee Mary Scudds), On the 26th of November at Thyne Memorial Hospital, Mlllicent to Mr. & Mrs. Trafford Paternoster, of Rendelsham a daughter (Jennifer Loveday).

            Heimildir • [marriage event] með Anthony Roger Hunt : Brenda Presswell

            &1965 Anthony Roger Hunt, Anthony 1938
            Fæðing ·   26 oktober 1938 · 85 ára · Mount Gambier, SA, AUSTRALIA
            [marriage event] ·   20 mars 1965 · Mt Gambier, SA, AUSTRALIA - St Andrew's Presbyterian Church · með Jennifer Loveday Paternoster

            Heimildir • fæðing : Brenda Presswell • [marriage event] með Jennifer Loveday Paternoster : Brenda Presswell

        4. Rachel Elizabeth Scudds, Rachel 1913-2006
          Fæðing ·   8 oktober 1913 · Stirling East, Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA
          [marriage event] ·   1935 · Stirling, Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA · með Mervin Wilbur Choat
          Látin(n) ·   27 desember 2006 · 93 ára · Stirling, Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA
          [SCUDDS-CHOAT - The engagement is announced of Rachel Elizabeth, youngest daughter of Mrs. and the late Mr. S. Scudds, of Stirling East, to Merven Wilbur, sixth son of the late Mr J. Choat of Clarence Park.] [Choat, Rachel Elisabeth - Death notice 27 Dec 2006 93yrs., Yorketown Hospital, formerly of Stirling.]

          Heimildir • fæðing : SA # 922/470 • [marriage event] með Mervin Wilbur Choat : SA # 356/1043 / The Advertiser [1934 May 31] • látin(n) : Adelaide Advertiser [2007 Jan 01]

          &1935 Mervin Wilbur Choat, Mervin
          [marriage event] ·   1935 · Stirling, Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA · með Rachel Elizabeth Scudds
          SCUDDS-CHOAT - The engagement is announced of Rachel Elizabeth, youngest daughter of Mrs. and the late Mr. S. Scudds, of Stirling East, to Merven Wilbur, sixth son of the late Mr J. Choat of Clarence Park.

          Heimildir • [marriage event] með Rachel Elizabeth Scudds : SA # 356/1043 / The Advertiser [1934 May 31]

        5. Benjamin William Scudds, Benjamin/Ben 1915-2013
          Fæðing ·   29 mai 1915 · Mount Lofty, Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA
          [marriage event] ·   26 ágúst 1939 · Stirling, Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA · með Olive Lillian Waters
          Látin(n) ·   20 ágúst 2013 · 98 ára · SA, AUSTRALIA
          Útför ·   10 september 2013 · Centennial Park SA
          [The Advertiser Friday 1 November 1935 p16 Article. Cause self to be drawn behind motor lorry. Benjamin Scudds, of Stirling West, fined 5/. with £1 costs.] [Engagement The Advertiser Adelaide, SA Saturday 7 August 1937 p14 Family Notices - Waters-Scudds. The engagement is announced of Olive, second daughter of Mr. & Mrs. H. J. Waters, to Ben, second son of Mrs. & the late Mr. S. Scudds, both of Stirling.] [The Advertiser Saturday 19 August 1939 > Waters-Scudds - The marriage of Olive, second daughter of Mr. & Mrs. H. J. Waters, of Stirling, to Ben, second son of Mrs. & the late Mr. S. Scudds, of Stirling, will be solemnised at the Ashton Memorial Church, Stirling on the 26th of August at 6.45 pm. Reception in Church Hall.] [B W S 98yr.] [Funeral:10:30 AM Tuesday 10th September 2013, Carr & Kleemann Funeral Chapel, 1 Morphett St, Mt Barker, SA.]

          Heimildir • fæðing : SA # 962/225 [Mount Barker] • [marriage event] með Olive Lillian Waters : The Advertiser [1937 Aug 07] & [1939 Aug 19] • látin(n) : Australian Cemeteries Index • útför : Australian Cemeteries Index

          &1939 Olive Lillian Waters, Olive, Scudds ca 1918-2006
          Fæðing · um 1918
          [marriage event] ·   26 ágúst 1939 · Stirling, Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA · með Benjamin William Scudds
          Látin(n) ·   24 mai 2006 · kannski 88 ára · Kew, Vict, AUSTRALIA - Caritas Christi Hospice
          Útför · Aldgate, SA, AUSTRALIA
          [Engagement, The Advertiser Adelaide, SA Saturday 7 August 1937 p14 Family Notices - WATERS-SCUDDS. The engagement is announced of Olive, second daughter of Mr. & Mrs. H J Waters, to Ben, second son of Mrs. & the late Mr. S Scudds, both of Stirling] [The Advertiser Saturday 19 August 1939 > WATERS-SCUDDS - The marriage of Olive, second daughter of Mr. & Mrs. H J Waters, of Stirling, to Ben, second son of Mrs. & the late Mr. S Scudds, of Stirling, will be solemnised at the Ashton Memorial Church, Stirling on the 26th of August at 6.45 pm. Reception in Church Hall.] [O L S 88yr., Caritas Christi Hospice, Kew, Victoria, late of Stirling.]

          Heimildir • fæðing : Newspaper Obituaries • [marriage event] með Benjamin William Scudds : The Advertiser [1937 Aug 07] & [1939 Aug 19] • látin(n) : Adelaide Advertiser / The Age (Melbourne)

          1. Brian William Scudds, Brian 1942
            Fæðing ·   2 febrúar 1942 · 82 ára · Stirling, Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA
            [marriage event] ·   1968 · AUSTRALIA · með Joan Grieg
            The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA :1931-1954) Saturday 7 February 1942 p12 Family Notices SCUDDS (nee Olive Waters) - On February 2, at Stirling District Hospital, to Mr. & Mrs. B. Scudds - a son (Brian Willlam). Special thanks to Dr. Reid and hospital staff.

            Heimildir • fæðing : The Advertiser [1942 Feb 07] • [marriage event] með Joan Grieg :

            &1968 Joan Grieg
            [marriage event] ·   1968 · AUSTRALIA · með Brian William Scudds

            Heimildir • [marriage event] með Brian William Scudds :

            1. Sonya Scudds, Sonja 1974
              Fæðing ·   1974 · 50 ára · Box Hill, Vict, AUSTRALIA

              Heimildir • fæðing : Sonja Scudds

          2. Graeme Robert Scudds, Graeme 1943-1955
            Fæðing ·   7 oktober 1943 · Mount Barker, SA, AUSTRALIA
            Látin(n) ·   24 ágúst 1955 · 11 ára · Norwood, SA, AUSTRALIA
            Útför · Aldgate, SA, AUSTRALIA
            [The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA :1931-1954) Wednesday 27 October 1943 p7 Article Illustrated - SCUDDS (nee Waters) - On October 7 at Mt. Barker Soldiers Memorial Hospital, to Olive, wife of B. W. Scudds a son (Graeme Robert). Thanking Dr Aundu and hospital staff.] [IGI states G R S d:1955 Oct 21, bur:Aldgate, SA.]

            Heimildir • fæðing : The Advertiser [1943 Oct 27] • látin(n) : SA # 833/6390 [Norwood]

        6. James Accornley Scudds, James Arcarnlley/James 1922-1989
          Fæðing ·   28 mars 1922 · Stirling West, SA, AUSTRALIA
          [marriage event] ·   16 desember 1942 · SA, AUSTRALIA · með Quita Craig
          Látin(n) ·   12 desember 1989 · 67 ára · Millicent, SA, AUSTRALIA
          [Apprentice Trade Schools Examination Results Education Department - SA. Moulding: - Second class:James A Scudds.] [The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA :1931-1954) Thursday 30 March 1944 p8 Family Notices - CRAIG-SCUDDS - The engagement is announced of Quita only daughter Staff Sg & Mrs. R. Craig Belair Road, Blackwood, to James, youngest son of Mrs. & the late Mr. B. Scudds, Stirling.] [J A S - 67yr.]

          Heimildir • fæðing : SA # 93A/373 / The Advertiser [1939 Dec 07] • [marriage event] með Quita Craig : Carolyn Southall • látin(n) : Millicent Cemetery

          &1942 Quita Craig, Esther 1923-1958
          Fæðing ·   1 september 1923
          [marriage event] ·   16 desember 1942 · SA, AUSTRALIA · með James Accornley Scudds
          Látin(n) ·   6 febrúar 1958 · 34 ára · Furner, SA, AUSTRALIA
          Útför · Millicent Cemetery, SA, AUSTRALIA
          [The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA :1931-1954) Thursday 30 March 1944 p8 Family Notices - CRAIG-SCUDDS - The engagement is announced of Quita only daughter Staff Sg & Mrs. R. Craig Belair Road, Blackwood, to James, youngest son of Mrs. & the late Mr. B. Scudds, Stirling.] [Q S - 34yr., wife of James Accornley Scudds.]

          Heimildir • [marriage event] með James Accornley Scudds : Carolyn Southall • látin(n) : SA # 883/7329 [Grey] • útför : Millicent Cemetery

          1. Robert James Scudds, Robert 1947-2008
            Fæðing ·   12 mars 1947 · SA, AUSTRALIA
            [marriage event] ·   5 oktober 1968 · SA, AUSTRALIA · með Patricia Mary Mason
            Látin(n) ·   11 ágúst 2008 · 61 ára · SA, AUSTRALIA
            R J S - 61yr.

            Heimildir • fæðing : Adelaide Advertiser • [marriage event] með Patricia Mary Mason : Carolyn Southall • látin(n) : Adelaide Advertiser [2008 Aug 13]

            &1968 Patricia Mary Mason, Patricia, Scudds 1949
            Fæðing ·   15 nóvember 1949 · 74 ára
            [marriage event] ·   5 oktober 1968 · SA, AUSTRALIA · með Robert James Scudds

            Heimildir • [marriage event] með Robert James Scudds : Carolyn Southall

            1. Paul James Scudds, Paul 1968
              Fæðing ·   20 desember 1968 · 55 ára · Millicent, SA, AUSTRALIA

              Heimildir • fæðing :

            2. Anthony William Scudds, Anthony 1970-2011
              Fæðing ·   23 nóvember 1970 · Millicent, SA, AUSTRALIA
              Látin(n) ·   24 júní 2011 · 40 ára · Townsville, SA, AUSTRALIA
              [cremation] ·   30 júní 2011
              A W S 40yr., late of Wulguru.

              Heimildir • fæðing : • látin(n) : South Eastern Times [2011 Jun 28]

          2. John Samuel Royal Scudds, John 1949
            Fæðing ·   6 apríl 1949 · 75 ára · SA, AUSTRALIA
            [marriage event] ·   16 janúar 1970 · SA, AUSTRALIA · með Lynette Joy Bruce-Mullins

            Heimildir • fæðing : Carolyn Southall • [marriage event] með Lynette Joy Bruce-Mullins : Carolyn Southall

            &1970 Lynette Joy Bruce-Mullins, Lynette, Mullins
            [marriage event] ·   16 janúar 1970 · SA, AUSTRALIA · með John Samuel Royal Scudds

            Heimildir • [marriage event] með John Samuel Royal Scudds : Carolyn Southall

            1. Grant Peter Scudds, Grant 1972
              Fæðing ·   21 mars 1972 · 52 ára · SA, AUSTRALIA

              Heimildir • fæðing :

            2. Leanne Scudds 1974
              Fæðing ·   20 mars 1974 · 50 ára · SA, AUSTRALIA

              Heimildir • fæðing : Carolyn Southall

            3. Jacqueline Scudds 1975
              Fæðing ·   2 september 1975 · 48 ára · SA, AUSTRALIA

              Heimildir • fæðing : Advertiser

          3. Peter Mark Scudds, Peter 1952-1972
            Fæðing ·   1 desember 1952 · SA, AUSTRALIA
            Látin(n) ·   9 janúar 1972 · 19 ára · Furner, SA, AUSTRALIA
            Útför · Millicent Cemetery
            P M S - 19yr.

            Heimildir • fæðing : Millicent Cemetery • látin(n) : SA # 153A/695 [Grey] • útför : Millicent Cemetery

          4. Barry James Scudds, Barry 1954
            Fæðing ·   1 janúar 1954 · 70 ára · SA, AUSTRALIA

            Heimildir • fæðing : Carolyn Southall

          5. Natalie Jane Scudds, Natalie 1956
            Fæðing ·   14 desember 1956 · 67 ára · SA, AUSTRALIA
            [marriage event] ·   3 mai 1975 · SA, AUSTRALIA · með Peter Ed John Allan

            Heimildir • fæðing : Carolyn Southall • [marriage event] með Peter Ed John Allan : Carolyn Southall

            &1975 Peter Ed John Allan, Peter
            [marriage event] ·   3 mai 1975 · SA, AUSTRALIA · með Natalie Jane Scudds

            Heimildir • [marriage event] með Natalie Jane Scudds : Carolyn Southall

          6. David Scudds ca 1957
            Fæðing · um 1957 · SA., AUSTRALIA

            Heimildir • fæðing : (father's grave inscription)

          7. Craig Murray Scudds, Craig ca 1958
            Fæðing · um 6 febrúar 1958 · 66 ára · SA, AUSTRALIA
            The exact year of birth is unknown. (original date supplied was 1965 Apr 06).

            Heimildir • fæðing : Carolyn Southall

      7. Mary Scudds, Smith/Scudds/Lambert 1858-
        Fæðing ·   4 júlí 1858 · Stirling Town, SA, AUSTRALIA
        [marriage event] ·   24 mars 1882 · Stirling East - B.C. Chapel, Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA · með Peter Smith
        [marriage event] · um 1907 · AUSTRALIA · með Albert Lambert
        M S b:Adelaide also noted.

        Heimildir • fæðing : South Australian Births 1842-1906 Book:11 Page:414 / IGI • [marriage event] með Peter Smith : South Australian Marriages, Registrations 1842-1916 [Digger] Book/Page:130/1256 • [marriage event] með Albert Lambert :

        P S (23) single & M S (23) single
        Peter Smith ca 1858-
        foreldrar : Andrew Smith og ------ ------
        Fæðing · um 1858
        [marriage event] ·   24 mars 1882 · Stirling East - B.C. Chapel, Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA · með Mary Scudds

        Heimildir • fæðing : Marriage Registrations • [marriage event] með Mary Scudds : South Australian Marriages, Registrations 1842-1916 [Digger] Book/Page:130/1256

        &ca 1907 Albert Lambert
        [marriage event] · um 1907 · AUSTRALIA · með Mary Scudds
        Látin(n) · AUSTRALIA

        Heimildir • [marriage event] með Mary Scudds :

      8. Emma Elizabeth Scudds, Emma, Skudd 1859-1921
        Fæðing ·   8 ágúst 1859 · Stirling, SA, AUSTRALIA
        [no marriage event] · með ------ ------
        [marriage event] ·   17 oktober 1887 · Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA - Baptist Church, Flinders Street · með John William Myers
        Látin(n) ·   12 ágúst 1921 · 62 ára · Stirling, SA., AUSTRALIA
        [E S b:1865 Adelaide also noted.] [The West Australian (Perth, WA :1879-1954) Saturday 6 February 1915 p1 Family Notices - SCUDDS - On January 19, at Port Lincoln, Adelaide, late of Nedlands, Perth, Westeren Australia, James, eldest brother of Mrs. J Myers, Fremantle, Mrs. A. E. Hood, Perth, H. & J. Scudds, Pingelly; and uncle of J. W. & W. H. Myers, Mrs. A.Hewitt, Mrs. M. Dawkins, and Mrs. F. J Clegg. At rest.] [E E M 62yr.]

        Heimildir • fæðing : South Australian Births 1842-1906 Book:15 Page:190 / IGI • [marriage event] með John William Myers : SA # 153/331 / IGI • látin(n) : IGI

        & ------ ------
        [no marriage event] · með Emma Elizabeth Scudds
        1. Richard Henry Scudds 1878-1882
          Fæðing ·   20 júlí 1878 · Stirling East, Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA
          Látin(n) ·   27 janúar 1882 · 3 ára · nr Crafers, Stirling East, SA, AUSTRALIA
          [Father:(not recorded).] [R H S - 3yr.6m.] [SCUDDS - On the 27th January, at Stirling East, through accidental drowning, Richard Henry, the dearly beloved son of Emma Scudds and grandson of the late Mrs. W. Scudds, aged three and a half years. He sleeps in Jesus.] [The Advertiser TUESDAY, JANUARY 31, 1882. The South Australian Advertiser Tuesday 31 January 1882 p4 Article. Our Hills correspondent informs us that a little boy named Scudds, about four years of age, fell into a well on Friday morning, January 27, and was drowned. An inquest was deemed unnecessary, and the body was interred on Sunday afternoon.]

          Heimildir • fæðing : South Australian Births 1842-1906 Book:205 Page:107 • látin(n) : South Australian Deaths Registrations [Digger] 1842-1915 Book:116 p219 / South Australian Register [1882 Feb 03]

        J M (21) single & E S (27) single
        John William Myers, Jack/John †1906
        foreldrar : John Myers og ------ ------
        Fæðing · Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA
        [marriage event] ·   17 oktober 1887 · Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA - Baptist Church, Flinders Street · með Emma Elizabeth Scudds
        Látin(n) ·   1906 · Perth,WA, AUSTRALIA
        The West Australian (Perth, WA :1879-1954) Saturday 6 February 1915 p1 Family Notices - SCUDDS - On January 19, at Port Lincoln, Adelaide, late of Nedlands, Perth, Westeren Australia, James, eldest brother of Mrs. J Myers, Fremantle, Mrs. A. E. Hood, Perth, H. & J. Scudds, Pingelly; and uncle of J. W. & W. H. Myers, Mrs. A.Hewitt, Mrs. M. Dawkins, and Mrs. F. J Clegg. At rest.

        Heimildir • [marriage event] með Emma Elizabeth Scudds : SA # 153/331 / IGI • látin(n) : Kevan Nelson

        1. John William Myers, John 1886-
          Fæðing ·   29 oktober 1886 · Adelaide, SA, Australia

          Heimildir • fæðing : South Australian Births 1842-1906 [Digger] Book:383 Page:487

        2. Rose Joan Emma Myers, Rose 1888-
          Fæðing ·   18 júní 1888 · Adelaide, SA, Australia
          Látin(n) · AUSTRALIA

          Heimildir • fæðing : South Australian Births 1842-1906 [Digger] Book:418 Page:262

        3. Gertie Olive Myers, Gertie 1890-
          Fæðing ·   16 mars 1890 · North Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA
          Látin(n) · AUSTRALIA
          Father:John Myers & Mother:Emma Skudd.

          Heimildir • fæðing : South Australian Births 1842-1906 [Digger] Book:455 Page:345

        4. Olive Ethel Myers, Olive 1892-1977
          Fæðing ·   1 mars 1892 · Adelaide, SA, Australia
          [marriage event] · Australia · með Francis Josiah Cleggs
          Látin(n) ·   5 júlí 1977 · 85 ára · Fremantle, WA, AUSTRALIA

          Heimildir • fæðing : South Australian Births 1842-1906 [Digger] Book:497 Page:58 • [marriage event] með Francis Josiah Cleggs : website • látin(n) : website

          children born here
          Francis Josiah Cleggs, Francis 1886-1979
          Fæðing ·   27 oktober 1886 · Wandin, Vict, Australia
          [marriage event] · Australia · með Olive Ethel Myers
          Látin(n) ·   29 mai 1979 · 92 ára · Fremantle, WA, Australia

          Heimildir • [marriage event] með Olive Ethel Myers : website

          1. Winnie Olive Cleggs 1928-2000
            Fæðing ·   26 oktober 1928 · Fremantle, WA, Australia
            Látin(n) ·   5 mai 2000 · 71 ára · Fremantle Hospital, WA, Australia

            Heimildir • fæðing : Gail Morrison • látin(n) : Gail Morrison

      9. Samson Scudds, SAmpson 1860-1960
        Fæðing ·   19 september 1860 · Crafers, SA, AUSTRALIA
        Látin(n) ·   20 oktober 1960 · 100 ára · Crafers, SA, AUSTRALIA
        Sampson Scudds and b:Adelaide also noted. S S - 1m.

        Heimildir • fæðing : South Australian Births 1842-1906 Book:15 Page:448 / IGI • látin(n) : South Australian Deaths Registrations 1842-1915 Book:9 Page:181 / IGI

      10. Rachel Scudds, Rachael 1861-1946
        Fæðing ·   11 desember 1861 · Stirling (nr.Crafers), SA, AUSTRALIA
        [marriage event] · um 23 oktober 1882 · Mitcham - Baptist Manse, Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA · með William Logg
        Látin(n) ·   12 ágúst 1946 · 84 ára · AUSTRALIA
        R S b:1862 Dec 11 Adelaide and b:1874 Stirling, SA also stated.

        Heimildir • fæðing : South Australian Births 1842-1906 Book:22 Page:259 / IGI • [marriage event] með William Logg : South Australian Marriages, Registrations 1842-1916 [Digger] Book/Page:133/444 / IGI • látin(n) : IGI

        &ca 1882
        W L (21) single & R S (20) single
        William Logg, Willie 1865-
        foreldrar : John Logg og ------ ------
        Fæðing ·   12 oktober 1865 · Aldgate, SA, AUSTRALIA
        [marriage event] · um 23 oktober 1882 · Mitcham - Baptist Manse, Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA · með Rachel Scudds
        Látin(n) · AUSTRALIA

        Heimildir • [marriage event] með Rachel Scudds : South Australian Marriages, Registrations 1842-1916 [Digger] Book/Page:133/444 / IGI

        1. Annie Matilda Logg, Annie/Ann 1884-
          Fæðing ·   29 september 1884 · Stirling East, Adelaide, SA, Australia

          Heimildir • fæðing : South Australian Births 1842-1906 [Digger] Book:337 Page:7

        2. William John Logg, William/Willie 1885-1975
          Fæðing ·   12 oktober 1885 · Aldgate, SA, Australia
          [marriage event] ·   1907 · Australia · með Elsie Elizabeth Jane Davidson
          Látin(n) ·   1975 · 90 ára · AUSTRALIA

          Heimildir • fæðing : South Australian Births 1842-1906 [Digger] Book:361 Page:386

          &1907 Elsie Elizabeth Jane Davidson, Elsie 1884-
          Fæðing ·   1884 · Islington, SA, Australia
          [marriage event] ·   1907 · Australia · með William John Logg
          Látin(n) · Australia
        3. Beatrice Hardacre Logg, Beatrice 1888-
          Fæðing ·   8 apríl 1888 · Tailem Bend, SA, Australia
          [marriage event] · með James W. P. Allen
          Látin(n) · AUSTRALIA

          Heimildir • fæðing : South Australian Births 1842-1906 [Digger] Book:416 Page:35

          & James W. P. Allen, James 1887-
          Fæðing ·   1887 · Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA
          [marriage event] · með Beatrice Hardacre Logg
          Látin(n) · AUSTRALIA
        4. Gladys Ivy May Logg, Gladys/Gladys Annie 1891-
          Fæðing ·   1891 · Stirling, SA, Australia
          [marriage event] · með Alfred Kemspey
          Látin(n) · Carl C., Vict, Australia
          G A K - 25yr.

          Heimildir • látin(n) : Death Index. Victoria 1921-1985 [Digger] Reg Number:12404

          & Alfred Kemspey 1890-
          Fæðing ·   1890 · Adelaide, SA, Australia
          [marriage event] · með Gladys Ivy May Logg
          Látin(n) · Australia
        5. Myrtle Ivy Logg, Myrtle 1895-
          Fæðing ·   11 ágúst 1895 · Adelaide, SA, Australia
          Látin(n) · AUSTRALIA

          Heimildir • fæðing : South Australian Births 1842-1906 [Digger] Book:569 Page:377

        6. Baden Roberts MacDonald Logg, Baden 1900-
          Fæðing ·   6 mai 1900 · Parkside, Adelaide, SA, Australia
          Látin(n) · AUSTRALIA

          Heimildir • fæðing : South Australian Births 1842-1906 [Digger] Book:659 Page:31

        7. Rachel Doris Logg, Rachel 1910-
          Fæðing ·   1910 · Algate, SA, Australia
          [marriage event] ·   1932 · Australia · með Samuel George Pretty
          Látin(n) · Australia
          &1932 Samuel George Pretty, Samuel
          [marriage event] ·   1932 · Australia · með Rachel Doris Logg
      11. Anne Scudds, Ann/Annie 1863-1950
        Fæðing ·   11 júní 1863 · Stirling, SA, AUSTRALIA
        [marriage event] ·   6 febrúar 1886 · Adelaide - Registry Office, SA, AUSTRALIA · með Edward Heffron
        Látin(n) ·   15 mai 1950 · 86 ára · Glen Osmond District, SA, AUSTRALIA
        Útför · Magill Cemetery
        A H - 86yrs, of Glen Osmond. HEFFRON On May 15 at Glen Osmond, Annie, beloved wife of the late Edward Heffron and loving mother of Claude, Albert, Stanley, and Olive deceased. In her 87th year. HEFRON, THE FRIENDS of the late Mrs ANNIE HEFFRON are respectfully informed that her Funeral will leave our Chapel 124 Wellington Road, Payneham on TUESDAY, at 2.30p.m. for the Magill Cemetery. W WILLIAMSON & SON Funeral Directors 124 Wellington Road, Payneham.

        Heimildir • fæðing : South Australian Births 1842-1906 Book:27 Page:314 / IGI • [marriage event] með Edward Heffron : SA # 146/439 / IGI • látin(n) : Adelaide reference book753 page2133 symbol 'H' • útför : The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA: 1931-1954) Tuesday 16 May 1950 p16 Family Notices

        E H (25) single & A S (22) single
        Edward Heffron 1860-1935
        foreldrar : Patrick Heffron og Eliza Condon
        Fæðing ·   1860 · Kapunda, SA, Australia
        [marriage event] ·   6 febrúar 1886 · Adelaide - Registry Office, SA, AUSTRALIA · með Anne Scudds
        Látin(n) ·   6 oktober 1935 · 75 ára · Adelaide, SA, Australia
        E H - 75yrs., of Payneham South.

        Heimildir • [marriage event] með Anne Scudds : SA # 146/439 / IGI • látin(n) : Adelaide reference book574 page4029 symbol 'H'

        1. Claude Roy Heffron, Claude 1888-1951
          Fæðing ·   12 febrúar 1888 · North Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA
          Látin(n) ·   1 janúar 1951 · 62 ára · Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA
          C R H - 62yrs, of Osborne. Symbol 'H' denoting Claude died in a hospital.

          Heimildir • fæðing : District Adelaide reference book412 page192 / IGI • látin(n) : District Adelaide reference book763 page459 symbol 'H'

        2. Harold Edward Frank Heffron, Harold 1889-1890
          Fæðing ·   2 júní 1889 · Coonalpyn, SA, Australia
          Látin(n) ·   4 apríl 1890 · 10 mánaðar gamall · Adelaide, SA, Australia
          Harrold Edward Frank Heffron also noted. H E F H - 10 months, of Adelaide.

          Heimildir • fæðing : reference book440 page54 / IGI • látin(n) : Adelaide reference book184 page438

        3. Olive Frances Annie Heffron, Olive 1890-1948
          Fæðing ·   1 ágúst 1890 · Adelaide, SA, Australia
          Látin(n) ·   20 febrúar 1948 · 57 ára · Adelaide, SA, Australia
          O F A H - 57yrs., of Keswick.

          Heimildir • fæðing : District Adelaide reference book464 page19 / IGI • látin(n) : Adelaide reference book574 page4029 symbol 'H'

        4. Albert Edward William Heffron, Albert 1891-1954
          Fæðing ·   20 oktober 1891 · Adelaide, SA, Australia
          Látin(n) ·   21 oktober 1954 · 63 ára · Springbank District, SA, Australia
          A E W H - 63yrs, of Eastwood.

          Heimildir • fæðing : District Adelaide reference book487 page363 / IGI • látin(n) : Springbank District Adelaide reference book818 page6205 symbol "H'

        5. Beatrice Maud Lily Heffron, Beatrice 1892-1893
          Fæðing ·   1 oktober 1892 · Adelaide, SA, Australia
          Látin(n) ·   14 oktober 1893 · 12 mánaðar gamall · Adelaide, SA, Australia
          B M L H - 1yr., of Adelaide. Beatrice Maud Lilly Scudds also noted.

          Heimildir • fæðing : District Adelaide reference book508 page409 / IGI • látin(n) : District Adelaide reference book213 page295

        6. Gladys May Heffron, Gladys 1895-
          Fæðing ·   1 oktober 1895 · Adelaide, SA, Australia

          Heimildir • fæðing : Adelaide reference book571 page257

        7. Stanley Gordon Heffron, Stanley 1898-
          Fæðing ·   7 júlí 1898 · Parkside, Adelaide, SA, Australia
          [marriage event] ·   25 júlí 1925 · Norwood, SA, Australia · með Lorna Kathleen Tuckey

          Heimildir • fæðing : Adelaide reference book625 page116 • [marriage event] með Lorna Kathleen Tuckey : District Norwood

          &1925 Lorna Kathleen Tuckey, Lorna
          [marriage event] ·   25 júlí 1925 · Norwood, SA, Australia · með Stanley Gordon Heffron

          Heimildir • [marriage event] með Stanley Gordon Heffron : District Norwood

      12. Benjamin Scudds 1865-1911
        Fæðing ·   28 apríl 1865 · Stirling East, SA, AUSTRALIA
        [marriage event] ·   16 apríl 1889 · Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA - St. Paul · með Joan Robertson Wilson
        Látin(n) ·   11 janúar 1911 · 45 ára · Stirling East, SA, AUSTRALIA
        Útför ·   13 janúar 1911
        [B S b:1866 Jun 27 also noted.] [The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA :1889-1931) Tuesday 19 November 1889 p4 Family Notices - SCUDDS WILSON - On the 16th April, at St. Paul's Church, Adelaide, by the Rev.J.W. Owen. B.A., Benjamin, fifth son of W. Scudds of Oxfordshire, England, to Joan Robertson, only daughter of the late T. Wilson of Blantyre, Scotland.] [Wednesday 25 January 1911 STIRLING WEST, January 23 - A COT* cert was held in the Stirling West Institute on Saturday evening, in aid of the family of Mr. Benjamin Scudds, who died recently after a lingering illness. He was for some time roadman for the Crafers District Council. The contributors of the vocal and instrumental items were:-Misses B. Moulds, and V. Laing, Messrs. E. T. Brown, K. Treloar, R, Youlton, Alf Gruneklee, and E. Laing. There was large attendance.] [Family Notices The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA: 1889-1931) Thursday 12 January 1911 p6 SCUDDS - On the 11th January, at Stirling East, Benj., the beloved husband of Joan Scudds, aged 45. No flowers.] [The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1889-1931) Tuesday 12 January 1915 p6 Family Notices, SCUDDS - In loving memory of our dear brother and uncle, Ben, who died at Stirling East, January 11, 1911. No pen can write, no tongue can tell, What he went through when he was ill, To God alone his pains were known, He loved him best and took turn home - Inserted by his loving sister and brother in law, and nieces R. & W. Logg,, and nieces, Beatrice, Gladys, and Doris.] [The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1889-1931) Thursday 12 January 1911 p6 - SCUDDS - On the 11th January, at Stirling East, Benjamin (Ben), beloved second youngest son of the late William & Emma Scudds, of Stirling, aged 45 year. Deeply mourned.] [B S - 45yr.]

        Heimildir • fæðing : South Australian Births 1842-1906 Book:33 Page:280 / IGI • [marriage event] með Joan Robertson Wilson : South Australian Marriages, Registrations 1842-1916 [Digger] Book/Page:159/146 / IGI • látin(n) : South Australian Deaths Registrations 1842-1915 [Digger] Book:354 Page:212 • útför : IGI PRF

        B S 24yr., single. J R W 18yr., single
        Joan Robertson Wilson, Joan, Scudds 1870-1959
        foreldrar : Thomas Wilson og Isabella Warlkar Smith
        Fæðing ·   16 apríl 1870 · West Calder, Lanockshire, Scotland
        [marriage event] ·   16 apríl 1889 · Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA - St. Paul · með Benjamin Scudds
        Látin(n) ·   8 júní 1959 · 89 ára · Stirling East, Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA
        Útför · Enfield Memorial Park
        [The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA :1889-1931) Tuesday 19 November 1889 p4 Family Notices - SCUDDS-WILSON - On the 16th April, at St. Paul's Church, Adelaide, by the Rev. J W Owen, B.A., Benjamin, fifth son of W. Scudds of Oxfordshire, England, to Joan Robertson, only daughter of the late T. Wilson of Blantyre, Scotland.] [J R S - 88yr., Enfield Memorial Park.]

        Heimildir • fæðing : IGI • [marriage event] með Benjamin Scudds : South Australian Marriages, Registrations 1842-1916 [Digger] Book/Page:159/146 / IGI • látin(n) : SA # 892/3536

        1. Howard Wilson Scudds, Howard/Howard William 1895-1984
          Fæðing ·   12 ágúst 1895 · Stirling West, Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA
          [marriage event] ·   1922 · Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA · með Lynda Jessie Octavia Collins
          Látin(n) ·   1984 · 89 ára · Qld, AUSTRALIA
          [Major Howard Wilson Scudds - Service Number:SX12516 : Date of birth:12 Aug 1895. Place of birth: Stirling, SA. Place of enlistment: Wayville, SA. Next of Kin: Scudds, Lynda.] [AUSTRALIANS in ActionCTION. 118th Casualty List. RELEASED for PUBLICATION LAST NIGHT. 779 NAMES. Barrier Miner (Broken Hill, NSW :1888-1954) Thursday 2 December 1915 p1 Article Private H. W. Scudds, Adelaide, in Malta Hospital; previously reported ill.] [PERSONAL NOTES. The Register (Adelaide, SA :1901-1929) Tuesday 4 September 1917 p5 Article Mrs. Scudds, of North Adelaide, has been notified that her only son, Sgt Howard Scudds has received his commission as a lieutenant, and is back again in France. He left Australia with the forces in 1914.] [Lt. Howard Wilson Scudds, M.C., Infy. For conspicuous gallantry and determination in leading his platoon forward to the attack. By good leadership and skillful handling he quickly reached his objective and inflicted heavy casualties on the enemy. Later, with one of his platoon, he moved forward again and captured a machine gun and five prisoners. (M.C. gazetted 19th November, 1917). Lieutenant Australian Army, 10th.Battalion - 1918 MC Cross.] [The Register (Adelaide, SA :1901-1929) Friday 22 February 1918 p8 Article LIEUT. H. SCUDDS, M.C. Mrs. Scudds of North Adelaide, has received from her only son Lieut. Howard Scudds, M.G. a copy of a letter sent to him by Gen. Birdwood. The letter stated: I write to congratulate you very heartily upon the award of the Military Cross, in recognition of your good work, in the operations near Ypres between September 19 and September 22. I know what great courage and initiative you displayed in leading your platoon against the enemy's strong point, your capture of which enabled the advance to continue. Your good work, too in the capture - and consolidation of the final objective, was of a very high order, and I thank you so much for it.] [The Advertiser Saturday 19 October 1918. Among the Australian officers who received bars to their Military Crosses this week was Lieutenant H. W. Scudds, of the 10th (S.A.) Battalion. Lieutenant Scudds was born in 1895. He gained his commission with that unit on June 28, 1917. He was awarded the Military Cross on November 18, 1917, for conspicuous gallantry in France, and was decorated by the King at Buckingham Palace on May 4, 1918.] [SUPPLEMENT to the EDINBURGH GAZETTE, MARCH 25, 1918. 2nd Lt. Howard Wilson Scudds, Inf. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty in leading his platoon against a strong point which was holding up the advance. His prompt and skillful action enabled the advance to continue, and he then led his platoon to the capture of the final objective. He showed great ability and fearlessness during the consolidation.] [The Register (Adelaide, SA :1901-1929) Thursday 24 June 1926. Tramway Man's Pay. A case to test whether, under, a wages award between the Municipal Tramways Trust and the Amalgamated Engineering Union, an employee of the latter who was absent for a period owing to illness, and who had been paid in accordance with the award for six days absence, was entitled to payment for a holiday which occurred in the period subsequent to the six days while he was still away sick, was heard by Mr. E. M. Sabine, P.M., at the Adelaide Police Court on Wednesday. The information was laid by Percival Alfred Elliott, of the Engineering Union (for whom Mr. H. B. Piper appeared), and it was alleged that the trust had unlawfully deducted £1 from the wages of Howard William Scudds, a fitter, in respect of the payment for last Christmas Day holiday. Mr. T. S. 0'Halloran, K.C, for the Trust, said he admitted the facts in the case, but would contest the charge on the law. After argument, the Magistrate decided that the employee was not entitled to the payment, and dismissed the charge.] [LINER STRATHMORE. Italian Prisoners for Naples. The West Australian (Perth, WA :1879-1954) Wednesday 13 November 1946 p5 Article Carrying 1,500 Italian prisoners of war to be disembarked at Naples, the liner Strathmore arrived at Fremantle yesterday. She is expected to leave at 7 o'clock this morning. The Italians were all embarked at Adelaide and are under the command of Major H. W. Scudds, of Adelaide. Included in the draft are 31 Italian officers among whom the highest rank is Lieut-Colonel. There are now about 900 Italian prisoners left in South Australia. The Strathmore is still operating as a transport under the command of the British Ministry of War Transport. Apart from civilian passengers she is carrying members of the Royal Navy, Royal Netherlands Navy, Royal Marines, Royal Air Force, Indian Army and W.R.N.S. Passengers on the ship, including the prisoners of war, total 2,100.] [Out of the Mail Bag Fan Mail The Mail (Adelaide, SA :1912-1954) Saturday 22 March 1947 p4 Article Illustrated - Filled at Last. When Major Howard Scudds, M.C. and bar, of Prospect, returned from England this week, he had every page filled of an autograph book which he began in 1914. The last entry was most imposing. It was the signature of Sir Jung Bahadur Rane Shunshere Singha, Minister for Nepal in London. This signature enriched the variety of nationalities represented by the autographs. Most are English, but there is a goodly sprinkling of French, Italian, and Belgian names. Under the names of several members of the First A.I.F., who signed the book between 1914 and 1919 are the signatures of their sons, who travelled abroad with Major Scudds, or served under him in the Second World War.] [mother stated as June Scudds.]

          Heimildir • fæðing : South Australian Births 1842-1906 Book:569 Page:26 / The London Gazette [1918] / - Great War / IGI • [marriage event] með Lynda Jessie Octavia Collins : SA # 291/1065 / Denise McMinn • látin(n) : Qld # 56362 / The Register (Adelaide, SA :1901-1929) [1917 Sep 04]

          &1922 Lynda Jessie Octavia Collins, Linda/Lynda, Wood/Scudds †1961
          [marriage event] ·   6 júlí 1893 · SA, AUSTRALIA · með Stanley Cyril Spicer Collins
          [marriage event] ·   1922 · Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA · með Howard Wilson Scudds
          Látin(n) ·   31 mai 1961 · Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA
          Útför · Enfield Memorial Park
          L J O S - 60yr., Enfield Memorial Park.

          Heimildir • [marriage event] með Stanley Cyril Spicer Collins : Denise McMinn • [marriage event] með Howard Wilson Scudds : SA # 291/1065 / Denise McMinn • látin(n) : SA # 923/3306

          1. Kelvin Howard Scudds, Kelvin/Howard Kelvin/Howard 1923-2001
            Fæðing ·   9 desember 1923 · Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA
            [marriage event] ·   17 desember 1949 · North Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA · með Thelma Bertha Carter
            Látin(n) ·   23 mars 2001 · 77 ára · SA, AUSTRALIA
            Útför · Enfield Memorial Park, Roberts Memorial Rose Garden
            [The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA :1931-1954) Tuesday 8 June 1948 p5 Article. Remanded - Bail was allowed Kelvin Howard Scudds 24, apprentice electrlcal fitter, of Asquith Street, Nailsworth, when he was remanded until Friday on a charge of having, on May 26 received two wheels, valued at $5, the property of the RAAAP.] [The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA :1931-1954) Tuesday 29 March 1949 p12 Family Notices ENGAGEMENTS: CARTER-SCUDDS, The engagement is announced of Beth, second daughter or Mr. & Mrs. P. W. Carter. Roseworthy, to Kelvin, only son of Mr & Mrs Howard Scudds, Nailsworth.] [The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA :1931-1954) Friday 16 December 1949 p24 Family Notices - CARTER-SCUDDS: The marriage of Beth second daughter of Mr. & Mrs. P W Carter of Roseworthy to Kelvin Howard, only son of Major & Mrs. H Wilson Scudds, Prospect Gardens, will be solemnised at Archer Street Methodist, North Adelaide, at 6pm on Dec 17th.] [Scudds, Kelvin Howard: Service Number 48614 : Date of birth:09 Dec 1923 : Place of birth:Adelaide, SA : Place of enlistment:Adelaide: Next of Kin: Scudds, Lynda. (Leading Aircraftman) Unit - No 58 Operational Base Unit Drysdale, Royal Australian Air Force: Date of Court Martial - 5 February 1944]. Contents date range 1939-1948.] [Kelvin was a Sergeant Telegraphist, and his service was known to include a posting to Drysdale, when the airstrip there was part of the early frontline against the Japanese. His service also included the Gawler W.T. From there he was posted as I.C. to 7RS on Wedge Island which was then on a care and maintenance basis. Kelvin was also a TPI man [Morrie Fenton, SA].]

            Heimildir • fæðing : National Archives of Australia • [marriage event] með Thelma Bertha Carter : The Advertiser [1949 Mar 29 & Dec 16] / Murray Tonkin • látin(n) : The Advertiser [1948 Jun 08] / Morrie Fenton, SA [website]

            &1949 Thelma Bertha Carter, Beth/Bertha/Thelma, Scudds 1923-1998
            foreldrar : Percival Carter 1893-1952 og Ada Jane Summerton
            Fæðing ·   1923
            [marriage event] ·   17 desember 1949 · North Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA · með Kelvin Howard Scudds
            Látin(n) ·   23 september 1998 · 75 ára · SA, AUSTRALIA
            Útför · í september 1998 · Enfield Memorial Park, Roberts Memorial Rose Garden
            [The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA :1931-1954) Tuesday 29 March 1949 p12 Family Notices Engagements: Carter-Scudds, The engagement is announced of Beth, second daughter or Mr. & Mrs. P. W. Carter. Roseworthy, to Kelvin, only son of Mr. & Mrs. Howard Scudds, Nailsworth.] [The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA :1931-1954) Friday 16 December 1949 p24 Family Notices - Carter-Scudds: The marriage of Beth second daughter of Mr. & Mrs. P.W. Carter of Roseworthy to Kelvin Howard, only son of Major & Mrs. H. Wilson Scudds, Prospect Gardens, will be solemnised at Archer Street Methodist, North Adelaide, at 6pm on Dec 17th.] [T S 75yr., Known as Beth.] [1998 Sep 25 also noted.]

            Heimildir • [marriage event] með Kelvin Howard Scudds : The Advertiser [1949 Mar 29 & Dec 16] / Murray Tonkin • látin(n) : South Australian Genealogy & Heraldry Society Inc.

            1. Benjamin Scudds ca 1951
              Fæðing · um 1951 · Adelaide, SA., AUSTRALIA

              Heimildir • fæðing : (Father's grave inscription)

            2. Robyn Anne Scudds, Robyn 1953
              Fæðing ·   3 oktober 1953 · 70 ára · Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA
              [marriage event] · um 1975 · AUSTRALIA · með ------ Thomas
              The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA :1931-1954) Wednesday 7 October 1953 SCUDDS - On October 3 at Northern Community Hospital, to Beth and Kelvin - a daughter Robyn Anne. Thanking Dr. F. R. Wickes and staff.

              Heimildir • fæðing : The Advertiser [1953 Oct 07] • [marriage event] með ------ Thomas : MyHeritage Family Trees

              &ca 1975 ------ Thomas
              [marriage event] · um 1975 · AUSTRALIA · með Robyn Anne Scudds

              Heimildir • [marriage event] með Robyn Anne Scudds : MyHeritage Family Trees

            3. Peter Scudds, David Peter/David 1955
              Fæðing ·   1955 · 69 ára · AUSTRALIA
              [marriage event] · um 1980 · SA, AUSTRALIA · með Marina Medoro
              [marriage event] · um 2003 · NSW?, AUSTRALIA · með Beverley Roberts
              [D P S awarded Public Service Medal for outstanding public service in assisting homeless men overcome the barriers to participation in training and employment [ 12 June 2006]. [David and Marina moved to the management of the Crafers Tavern in the Adelaide Hills.] [Mr David SCUDDS, 47 Cox Crescent, Dundas Valley NSW. For outstanding public service in assisting homeless men to overcome the barriers to participation in training and employment. Mr Scudds has been the Centrelink Community Officer at Parramatta since November 2003 and, during this time, he has worked in partnership with a range of community sector agencies to develop the ‘Beyond the Link’ project which assists homeless men address the barriers to participation and enhances their ability to take up training and employment opportunities. His work has led to the development of increased confidence in Centrelink service delivery and an understanding of the government’s welfare reform agenda by non-government agencies. The customer group to whom Mr Scudds provides a service is among the most disadvantaged in the Australian community, and he has demonstrated enormous commitment, compassion and innovation in working with them to help them become self sufficient and participate in the broader community. Outcomes have ranged from securing permanent accommodation, to volunteering and enrolling in TAFE courses to employment. Feedback from participants indicates that the program assists with building self esteem, managing feelings of anger, learning about what options are available, and seeing a way forward from their current situation. Mr Scudds personal contribution has ensured the success of the program which is now being delivered for a third time.]

              Heimildir • fæðing : Kerri Werlick • [marriage event] með Marina Medoro : Kerri Werlick / • [marriage event] með Beverley Roberts : MyHeritage Family Trees

              &ca 1980 Marina Medoro
              [marriage event] · um 1980 · SA, AUSTRALIA · með Peter Scudds

              Heimildir • [marriage event] með Peter Scudds : Kerri Werlick /

              1. Sharna Marie Scudds, Sharna 1985
                Fæðing ·   1985 · 39 ára · SA, AUSTRALIA

                Heimildir • fæðing : Advertiser / [2005]

              2. Benjamin James Scudds, Benjamin 1986
                Fæðing ·   1986 · 38 ára · SA, AUSTRALIA
                website (cricket 2003).

                Heimildir • fæðing : Advertiser / Kerri Werlick

              &ca 2003 Beverley Roberts
              foreldrar : Richard Roberts 1930-2001 og ------ Newcombe
              [marriage event] · um 2003 · NSW?, AUSTRALIA · með Peter Scudds

              Heimildir • [marriage event] með Peter Scudds : MyHeritage Family Trees

            4. Craig Scudds
              Fæðing · SA, AUSTRALIA
              [marriage event] · um 1987 · AUSTRALIA · með Kerryn Laube
              2012 Jan 30 they will take over the licence of the Milang Hotel on the shores of Lake Alexandrina. They will run this pub in addition to their existing business, the Mt Compass Tavern, which is 35 km away. (Millicentnow)

              Heimildir • fæðing : Millicentnow • [marriage event] með Kerryn Laube : Millicentnow

              &ca 1987 Kerryn Laube ca 1972
              Fæðing · um 1972
              [marriage event] · um 1987 · AUSTRALIA · með Craig Scudds
              2012 Jan 30 they will take over the licence of the Milang Hotel on the shores of Lake Alexandrina. They will run this pub in addition to their existing business, the Mt Compass Tavern, which is 35 km away. (Millicentnow)

              Heimildir • [marriage event] með Craig Scudds : Millicentnow

              1. James Aaron Scudds, James 1990
                Fæðing ·   1990 · 34 ára · SA, AUSTRALIA

                Heimildir • fæðing : Advertiser

        2. Marjorie Joan Scudds, Marjorie 1898-1969
          Fæðing ·   2 mars 1898 · Stirling West, SA, AUSTRALIA
          [marriage event] ·   30 apríl 1919 · Hindmarsh, SA, AUSTRALIA · með John Gunnar Shoblom
          Látin(n) ·   21 ágúst 1969 · 71 ára · AUSTRALIA

          Heimildir • fæðing : South Australian Births 1842-1906 Book:619 Page:49 • [marriage event] með John Gunnar Shoblom : SA # 279/376 / James Bailey • látin(n) : James Bailey

          &1919 John Gunnar Shoblom, John/Shoblum †1980
          [marriage event] ·   30 apríl 1919 · Hindmarsh, SA, AUSTRALIA · með Marjorie Joan Scudds
          Látin(n) ·   4 oktober 1980 · AUSTRALIA

          Heimildir • [marriage event] með Marjorie Joan Scudds : SA # 279/376 / James Bailey

          1. Marjorie Sybil Shoblum, Marjorie 1930-1930
            Fæðing ·   7 ágúst 1930 · Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA - Tatiara Memorial Hospital
            Látin(n) ·   7 ágúst 1930 · Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA - Tatiara Memorial Hospital
            Family Notices The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA :1889-1931) Saturday 16 August 1930 p14 SHOBLOM (Marjorie Scudds) - On the 7th August, at "Tatiara" Memorial Hospital, to Mr. & Mrs. J. G. Shoblom, of Bordertown a daughter (stillborn). Sincere thanks to Dr. E. E. Broadbent and nursing staff.

            Heimildir • fæðing : The Advertiser [1930 Aug 16] • látin(n) : The Advertiser [1930 Aug 16]

        3. Donald William Scudds, Donald 1906-1906
          Fæðing ·   12 júlí 1906 · Stirling East, SA, Australia
          Látin(n) ·   14 júlí 1906 · 2 daga gamall · Stirling East, SA, Australia
          D W S - 2dy.

          Heimildir • fæðing : South Australian Births 1842-1906 Book:767 Page:69 / IGI • látin(n) : South Australian Deaths Registrations 1842-1915 [Digger] Book:318 Page:498 / IGI

        4. Joan Isabella Scudds, Joan 1910-1910
          Fæðing ·   5 júlí 1910 · Piccadilly, SA, AUSTRALIA
          Látin(n) ·   8 júlí 1910 · 3 daga gamall · Piccadilly, SA, AUSTRALIA
          J I S - 3dy.

          Heimildir • fæðing : SA # 844/317 / IGI • látin(n) : SA # 350/117 / IGI

        5. James Scudds 1911-
          Fæðing ·   1911 · SA, AUSTRALIA

          Heimildir • fæðing : The Advertiser [1944 Mar 30]

      13. Joseph Scudds 1866-
        Fæðing ·   8 oktober 1866 · Stirling East, SA, AUSTRALIA
        [IGI also states b:1872.] [The Argus (Melbourne,... Saturday 15 April 1893, page 11). THE SHEPPARTON CRIMINAL SESSIONS, SHEPPARTON, FRIDAY. At to-day's sittings of the Supreme court, Mr. Justice Hodges presiding, Joseph Scudds pleaded guilty to a charge of assaulting a girl under 16 at Mnlca, near Rushworth. The judge, in passing sentence, said that the case was a very bad and a very sad one. The girl seduced was nearly related to the prisoner, her mother was dead, her father was absent, and the prisoner, who should have been her protector, had been her destroyer. The sentence was six months imprisonment, with periods of solitary confinement, and 15 lashes.] [South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA :1839-1900) Sunday 16 April 1893 p5 Article... COLONIAL TELEGRAMS. VICTORIA, Melbourne. April 14. At the sitting of the Supreme Court at Shepparton today Mr. Justice Hodges sentenced Joseph Scudd to six months imprisonment and fifteen lashes for indecently assaulting a girl under the age of sixteen years.]

        Heimildir • fæðing : SA # 47/433 / IGI / The Argus [1893 Apr 15]

      14. Eve Scudds 1868-1951
        Fæðing ·   8 desember 1868 · Stirling East, SA, AUSTRALIA
        [marriage event] ·   18 júní 1890 · Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA - Baptist Church, Flinders Street · með David Zachariah
        Látin(n) ·   22 mai 1951 · 82 ára · Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA
        [E S b:1858 Oxfordshire also stated.] [E Z - 83yr.] [The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA: 1931-1954) Friday 23 May 1952 p20 Family Notices. ZACHARIAH. In loving memory of my dear grandma, passed away (suddenly) May 22 1951. Forever in my thoughts. Ever remembered by her granddaughter Frances, Joe, Judith, & Margaret.]

        Heimildir • fæðing : SA # 69/371 / IGI • [marriage event] með David Zachariah : South Australian Marriages, Registrations 1842-1916 [Digger] Book/Page:163/1085 / IGI • látin(n) : IGI

        D Z (25) single & E S (22) single
        David Zachariah, Dave 1865-1952
        foreldrar : Henry Zachariah og ------ ------
        Fæðing ·   13 mars 1865 · Hindmarsh, SA, Australia
        [marriage event] ·   18 júní 1890 · Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA - Baptist Church, Flinders Street · með Eve Scudds
        Látin(n) ·   26 júní 1952 · 87 ára · Adelaide, SA, Australia
        [The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA: 1931-1954) Wednesday 22 July 1942 p10 Family Notices ZACHARIAH On June 25 at Adelaide David, beloved husband of Eve Zachariah, of Stirling West, eldest son of the late Henry and Catharine Zachariah, of Wales, leaving one son, one daughter. Aged 79 years.] [MRS E Zachariah, son, daughter and granddaughter France, of Stirling West, sincerely thank all kind friends and relatives for letters, cards and personal expressions of sympathy in their recent sad bereavement.]

        Heimildir • einstaklingur :