Discendenti di Christopher Thomas Webber

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Christopher Thomas Webber. [Nota 1]
Sposato nel 1999, Eastwood and Mearns, SCOTLAND, con Claire Joan Scudds, nata nel 1973, Glasgow Martha Street, SCOTLAND [Nota 1-1].

Totale: 0 persone (coniugi esclusi).


1 (Christopher Thomas Webber )
- matrimonio: Eastwood & Mearns 650 226 / The Herald [2010 Dec 21]

1-1 (Claire Joan Scudds 1973)
- nascita: Glasgow Martha Street 601/8 / The Herald [2010 Dec 21]
- matrimonio: Eastwood & Mearns 650 226 / The Herald [2010 Dec 21]

- connessioni 9, amico 9