Potomci od Helen May Brenton

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Helen May Brenton, umrla. [Zapisek 1]
približno 14. septembra 1927, Weston, York, Toronto, Ontario, CANADA, se je poročila z Harold Frances Scudds, rojen [on (day month year)] 24. avgusta 1906, St Davids, York, Toronto, Ontario, CANADA, umrl [on (day month year)] 6. aprila 1994, Bellefontaine, Logan, Ohio, UNITED STATES of AMERICA, pokopan, Lake Twp, Bellefontaine Cemetery (živel(a) 87 let) [Zapisek 1-1] ([witnesses]: E. L. Cape , Jean Gallan ).

Skupaj: 0 oseb (brez mož/žena).


1 (Helen May Brenton )
- poroke: 25316-27

1-1 (Harold Frances Scudds 1906-1994)
H F S - 87yr., (on monument with Phyllis N. Scudds).

- rojstva, poroke 2: Lake Twp, Bellefontaine Cemetery
- poroke 1: 25316-27
- smrti: Ohio Deaths 1958-2000 / Lake Twp, Bellefontaine Cemetery

- povprečna starost ob smrti 3, prijatelj 3