Potomci od Thomas E. Skelhorne

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Thomas E. Skelhorne, rojen v letu 1865, England, umrl v letu 1930, Massachusetts, UNITED STATES of AMERICA (živel(a) 65 let). [Zapisek 1]
[on (day month year)] 23. decembra 1897, Worcester, Massachusetts, UNITED STATES of AMERICA, se je poročil z Ellen Elizabeth Scudds, rojena v februarja 1867, Lewisham, London, umrla v letu 1957, Worcester, Massachusetts, UNITED STATES of AMERICA, pokopana, Worcester, Massachusetts, UNITED STATES of AMERICA (živel(a) 90 let) [Zapisek 1-1].

Skupaj: 0 oseb (brez mož/žena).


1 (Thomas E. Skelhorne 1865-1930)
T S worked as mason and bricklayer. 1900 Census states that they lived on Bancroft Street, Worcester, Mass. They adopted Edna & Irene V. Moore, the children of Jessie's older sister, Mary Jane Moore.

- poroke: IGI

1-1 (Ellen Elizabeth Scudds 1867-1957)
T S worked as mason and bricklayer. 1900 Census states that they lived on Bancroft Street, Worcester, Mass. They adopted Edna & Irene V. Moore, the children of Jessie's older sister, Mary Jane Moore.

- rojstva: Lewisham 1d 890 / Census 1871 London-81 CANADA
- poroke: IGI
- smrti: Marj Aler

- povprečna starost ob smrti 2, prijatelj 2