Ättlingar till Francis Martin Scudds

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Välj generation.  

Francis Martin Scudds, född omkring november 1847, Lewisham, London, döpt den 11 september 1859, Charlton, London - St Luke, död den 16 januari 1935, East Kew, Victoria, AUSTRALIA - 109 Argyle Road, begravd den 17 januari 1935, Burwood Cemetery (livslängd: kanske 87 år). [Notering 1]
omkring 1869, England, med Jane Warne, död i maj 1920, Hendon district, Middlesex (London), begravd den 25 maj 1920, Paines Lane Cemetery, Harrow, Middlesex (London) [Notering 1-1].

Gift den 27 oktober 1873, Sydney, NSW, AUSTRALIA, med Eliza Emma Doyle, född [in (year)] 1846, ENGLAND, död den 6 maj 1916, Mentone, Vict, AUSTRALIA, begravd den 8 maj 1916, Cheltenham Cemetery (livslängd: 70 år) [Notering 1-2].

Gift [in (year)] 1917, Victoria, AUSTRALIA, med Honora Rosanna Leppold, död den 26 november 1944, Elwood, Vict, AUSTRALIA [Notering 1-3].

Totalt: 0 personer (exklusive makar).


1 (Francis Martin Scudds ca 1847-1935)
[The Sydney Morning Herald Tuesday 4 November 1873 p1 Marriages. On the 27th October, by special license, at St. Mary's, Sydney, by the Rev. M. J. Dwyer, Francis Martin Scudds, of Kent, to Eliza Emma, daughter of the late W. Doyle, builder, Woolloomooloo.] [S.S.Ellora of London from Port of Melbourne to Sydney, NSW 1874 Jun (28yr. Kent) & S.S.Ellora of London from Port of Melbourne to Sydney, NSW 1878 Apr 01 - chief steward F Scudds (30yr. Kent)] [LATE POISONING at JOSSELIN'S CAFE. Queanbeyan Age (NSW: 1867-1904) Saturday 2 October 1875 p2 Article. An inquest was held at the Observer Tavern, on the body of a young man named A. J. Lowden, lately arrived from Bombay. The following witnesses were examined:- Francis Scudds, deposed - He is steward in charge on board the Ellora, steamer. The dead body just viewed by him he recognised as that of a man named A J Lowden. Deceased sailed from Bombay to Melbourne on the 21st August last by the P. & O. steamship Nubia, "as a first-class passenger. Deceased came on board the Ellora at Melbourne on the 13th instant, and came in that steamer to Sydney, where he arrived on Tuesday, the 21st instant, about 5pm. Deceased kept his cabin during most of the time from Melbourne to Sydney, he met the deceased the day after his arrival, when he (deceased) said. He was stopping at Petty's. Deceased told him that this was his first visit to Australia. Deceased appeared to have plenty of money. Then deceased joined the Ellora at Melbourne he (deceased) was intoxicated.] [Williamstown Chronicle Saturday 23 November 1878 p2 Advertising. Notice of Application for a Publican's License. To The Licensing Magistate at Williamstown, I, Francis Scudds, of Giffard Street, Williamstown, in the Colony of Victoria, the holder of a Transferred Publican's License for the Morning Star Hotel, do here by give notice that I desire to obtain and will at the next Licensing Meeting to be holden at Williamstown on the 13th day of December, next, apply for a Certificate authorizing the issue of a Publican's License for a house situated at Giffard Street aforesaid and known as the Morning Star Hotel, containing seven rooms exclusive of those required for the use of my family. Dated the 21st November, 1878. FRANCIS SCUDDS. A. C. Lindsey, solicitor for Applicant.] [The Mercury - Hobart, Tas. Saturday 25 December 1886 p3 The GERMAN MAIL STEAMER. QUARANTINING of the PASSENGERS, NEPEAN, December 22. Arrangements have been made here today for the reception of the Melbourne passengers of the North German Lloyd's steamer Preussen, who are to be quarantined owing to the death on board of a passenger from smallpox a few days ago. The steamer Pharos arrived about 5 o'clock this afternoon, bringing the providore, Mr. F. M. Scudds, of Williamstown, and a quantity of provisions, Mr. Scudds, who has undertaken to cater for the passengers during the time they will have to remain in quarantine, was accompanied by a staff of assistants, and things were quickly got ready for the landing of the passengers.] [Williamstown Chronicle Saturday 2 February 1889 - Our Candidates, to the Editor of the Chronicle. The last man on the political panorama is Mr F. M. Scudds, a gentleman of telling physique and who if, elected should carry weight into the House. Now some people are prejudiced against anyone whose business may be alien to blues ribbon tendencies. Such men should travel. Others cling to a theory that corpulency is detrimental to brain power. Shakespeare says "I like not lean men, they think too much" but on the other hand he never said that men with "good capon lined" and highly cultivated mental ability were at variance. Mr Scudds has surprised many at the council table,and also many ratepayers with his sound sense and keen conception of equity. Let thin and all candidates have a fair hearing and the voter on going to the shelter of his own vine and fig-tree can talk the matter over with Mr Caudle. Mr Scudds is practically well situated to be a student of human character. He has long sojourned in our midst. He has a clean public sheet and has done nothing to militate, with a noble aspiration to represent us.] [Williamstown Chronicle Saturday 9 February 1889. MR. F. M. SCUDDS AT THE MECHANICS INSTITUTE. MR F. M. Scudds addressed a fall meeting on Thursday evening, when despite the inclemency of the weather fully 700 attended to hear the candidate's political views.] [Colonial Telegrams - Victoria. Melbourne, October 30. South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA :1839-1900) Thursday 31 October 1889 p5 Article. Colonial Telegrams - Victoria, Melbourne October 30. The Willamstown election in March last was declared void, and Mr. F. M. Scudds, one of the candidates, forfeited his deposit of £50. Mr. Scudds has brought an action against the Returning Officer to recover the deposit on the ground that the election being null and void there was no successful candidate. Judge Worthington, who heard the case today, gave a reserved verdict for the defendant, holding that the words 'successful candidate' meant the successful candidate at each particular election, irrespective of the ultimate fate of that candidate if and when his election was declared void.] [SUNBURY LICENSING COURT. Wednesday, March 8th, 1893. Before Mr J. J. O'Meara, P.M. A TEMPORARY LICENSE. Sunbury News and Bulla and Melton Advertiser (Vic.: 1892-1900) Saturday 11 March 1893 p3 Article. Francis Scudds made an application for a temporary victualler's license for the West Bourke Agricultural Show Grounds is at Lancefield Junction on the 16th inst. Constable Wilson said there were no objections to the license being granted. The application was granted. The court rose.] [News & Notes, Sunbury News and Bulla and Melton Advertiser (Vic.: 1892-1900) Saturday 11 March 1893 p2 Article - At a meeting of the committee to the West Bourke Agricultural Society for the right to sell wine and spirits and supply the luncheon at the show the following offers were received: T Goodall Melbourne £30, F M Scudds Melbourne £30, C D Straker Melbourne £25, Hugh McPherson Lancefield Junction £23, Mrs Lauder, Romsey £25. The secretary read the creditations, which fixed the charges as is for the Governor and distinguished visitors, 2s.6d for the general public, and 2s for the band and employees. A guarantee of 200 was given. Mr Mullane moved that the tender of F M Scudds be accepted, he having had the booth last year, and gave general satisfaction. Mr.Skehan seconded the motion, which was carried. Messrs Berry, Anderson, and Co, were the successful tenderers for the printing of catalogues, cards, etc. The total number of entries for the West Bourke Show, to be held on Thursday, is 885 as against 851 last year, and are as follow: Horses all classes ....... At the Sunbury licensing Court on Wednesday, Mr J J O'Meara granted a temporary license to Mr F M Scudds, for the show booth at Lancefield Junction on Thursday.] [South Bourke and Mornington Journal (Richmond, Vic.: 1872-1920) Wednesday 12 February 1908 Edition: Mr. Frank Scudds met with a painful accident Friday. He was opening a bottle of soda water when it burst and inflicted a nasty gash in his wrist. One of the main arteries was cut, and a tendon was severed. Mr. Scudds was taken to Dr. Scantlebury's surgery in a state of collapse, owing to loss of blood and had the injury attended to.] [Other early owners of Nathania Springs included Francis Scudds, a landed Gentleman (1923-1931).] [On the 16th January 1935 at his home 109 Argyle Road, East Kew, Francis Martin Scudds dear husband of Nora, father of Frank (dec) and Fred - R.I.P. Funeral 17 Jan 1935.] [F M S - 85yr.] [Wills & Estates, The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. :1848-1956) Wednesday 13 March 1935 p6 Article - Francis Martin Scudds of Argyle Road, Kew who died on January 16, left ** dated November 14 1933 real estate value of $1375 and personal property** gross value of $1,987 to his wife ****** gifts to a son-in-law and daughter-in-law.]

- födelse: Lewisham 5 297 / United Grand Lodge of England Freemason Membership Registers 1751-1921 / mariners.records.nsw.gov.au
- äktenskap 1: Census 1881-91-1901 London
- äktenskap 2: NSW BDM 10055 / The Sydney Morning Herald 1873 Dec 01
- äktenskap 3: Great War Index Victoria 1914-1920 [Digger] Reg. Number:628
- död: Death Index Victoria 1921-1985 [Digger] Reg Number:518 / The Argus 1935 Jan 17

1-1 (Jane Warne †1920)
J S - 83yr.

- äktenskap: Census 1881-91-1901 London
- död: Hendon 3a 296

1-2 (Eliza Emma Doyle 1846-1916)
[The Sydney Morning Herald Tuesday 4 November 1873 p1 Marriages. On the 27th October, by special license, at St. Mary's, Sydney, by the Rev. M. J. Dwyer, Francis Martin Scudds, of Kent, to Eliza Emma, daughter of the late W. Doyle, builder, Woolloomooloo.] [Doyle - February 29, at the residence of his sister, Mrs. Frank Scudds, the Volunteer Arms, South Melbourne, after a short illness, John Joseph Doyle, only son of tho late John William Doyle, builder, of Woolloomooloo, and brother-in-law of Frederick Penny, of Darlinghurst Road.] [Shipping Arrivals, April 5. The Sydney Morning Herald Friday 6 April 1877 p4 Article. City of Adelaide 824 tops, Captain Walker, from Melbourne 3rd instant. Passengers - Mrs. K. C. Bagot, infant, ...., Mrs. Scudds, infant, and child, Mrs: Bigg ....] [Ancestry Electoral Records. Eliza Scudds. Electoral Year:1909. State:Victoria, District:Balaclava] [At rest. Scudds - on the 6th May, at her residence, Mentone Hotel, Mentone, Eliza Emma, dearly beloved wife of Francis Martin Scudds, and beloved mother of F. H. & F. C. Scudds, aged 70 years. R.I.P.] [Argus (Melbourne, Vict.) Monday 8 May 1916, p1. SCUDDS, The Friends of Mr. F M SCUDDS are respectfully invited to follow the remains of his dear beloved wife, Eliza Emma, to the place of Interment, the Cheltenham Cemetery. The funeral will leave St Patrick's Church Mentone, This Day (Monday), 8th May), at 3 o'clock.] [The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. :1848-1954) Thursday 11 May 1916 p1 Family Notices BEREAVEMENT CARDS. SCUDDS, Mr. F. M. SCUDDS & Family desire to express their sincere THANKS to the many friends for their kind expressions of sympathy letters, telegrams, and cards, also floral tributes during their recent trouble and sad bereavement.]

- äktenskap: NSW BDM 10055 / The Sydney Morning Herald 1873 Dec 01
- död: WA # 5229 / Argus, Melbourne [1916 May 08] / Old Cheltenham Cemetery

1-3 (Honora Rosanna Leppold †1944)
[The Argus Tuesday 22 January 1935 p1 Advertising. After the expiration of fourteen days from the publication hereof application will be made to the Supreme Court of Victoria in its Probate Jurisdiction, that Probate or the Will, dated the fourteenth day of November 1933 of Francis Martin Scudds, of 109 Argyle Road, East Kew in the State of Victoria, Gentleman deceased may be granted to Honora Rosanna Scudds of the same address, widow, the sole executrix named in and appointed by the said will, Dated this twenty-first day of January, 1935. William Harrison, "Whitehall," Bank Place, Melbourne proctor for the applicant.] [Scudds - On November 26 at the residence of her niece, Mrs. A. Nicol, 20 Byron Street, Elwood, Honora Rosanna, dearly beloved wife of the late F. H. Scudds, of Kew, aged 81 years - Rest in peace.]

- äktenskap 2: Great War Index Victoria 1914-1920 [Digger] Reg. Number:628
- död: Death Index Victoria 1921-1985 [Digger] Reg Number:12345 / The Argus 1935 Jan 22 & 28 November 1944

- kopplingar 2, vän 2