John Skutt ca 1741-1794

forse 53 anni

Nascita circa 1741 • London
 └ Figlio di Benjamin Skutt, 34 anni, e Martha Greene.
Matrimonio con ------ ------ circa 1765 • forse 24 anni
Morte nel febbraio 1794 • forse 53 anni • London
Sepoltura il 21 febbraio 1794 • forse 53 anni • Tower Hamlets, Middlesex (London)

Note [Monday 30 June 1777, Northampton Mercury, Northamptonshire. Samuel Gooftree, of White-Chapel, Middlefex, Vintner: To furrender June 28, July 9, and Auguft 5, at Guildhall, London. Attorney, Mr. Skutt, Great Alie-Street, Goodman's-Fields.] [Middlesex Sessions of the Peace: 1778 October Quarter Sessions] [1778 J S living in Whitechapel] [FILE - Thomas Bowyer, officer of Excise, of Saint Mary, Whitechapel, releases William Dodd, tailor, of Upper East Smithfield, after an assault: John Smith, clerk to John Skutt solicitor, of Goodmans Fields, witnesses the release - ref. MJ/SP/1778/10/121 - date:1778 Oct 17-22.] [Thomas Davis, cooper, of Shadwell, releases William Amos, of Saint Botolph, Aldgate, after an assault: John Smith, clerk to John Skutt, solicitor for the defendant, of Goodmans Fields, witnesses the release MJ/SP/1778/10/125. Date:1778.] [William Harrison, accused of assault by Jane Bone: John Smith, clerk to John Skutt, solicitor, of Goodmans Fields, serves notice of the trial on Charles Bone, father of Jane Bone, at his dwelling in Richards Buildlings, Shoe Lane MJ/SP/1778/01/017. Date:1778.] [Thomas Burn, cabinet maker, and Frances Moss Burn his wife, of Wapping Street, Saint George in the East, release James Brewster, of the Temple: George Turner, clerk to John Skutt, of Goodmans Fields, witnesses the release MJ/SP/1778/12/084. Date:1778.] [Friday 22 October 1779, Derby Mercury, Derbyshire. Bankrupts. George Collard, of the Parifh of St. Mary, Whitechapel, Middlefex, Silk-throwfter. To appear Oft. 26, Nov. 13, and 36, at Guildhall, London. Attorney, Mr, Skutt, Great Ayliffe-ftreet, Goodman-fields.] [John Skutt sworn "I live in Great Ayliffe Street, I am an attorney, I lost the things mentioned in the indictment, there was ......, and a mourning ring of my mother's, ......., and in that closet Mrs. Skutt had put the watch ......] [Monday 07 July 1783, Northampton Mercury, Northamptonshire. James Skeet, late of Pimlico, Middlefex, Lime-Merchant: To furrender July 5, 12, and Aug.12, at Guildhall, London. Attorney, Mr. John Skutt, Great Aylie-Street.] [Thursday 02 September 1790, Derby Mercury, Derbyshire. James Clarke, of Crutched-fryars, London, Carpenter. To appear Sept. 17, 24, and Oct. 12, at Guildhall. Attorneys, Meff. Skutt and Greene, Great Ayliff-ftreet, Goodman's-fields, London.] [Norfolk Chronicle, Saturday 29 May 1790. To Farmers. Sprowton Farm, about two miles from Ipfwich. The Trustees, for managing this Eftate, give notice, that they intend to lett this farm on a leafe for 21 years from Michaelmas next, for the moft clear yearly rent that can be had, or that fhall be offered for the fame. The farm confifts of a convenient dwelling-houfe, outhoufes-barns, ftables,-cow-houfes yards, gardens, orchards, and 232 acres of arable and pafture land, (including about coppices) lying and being in the feveral parifhes of Sprowton, Belfted, Wafhbrook, and Stoke, in the county Suffolk. The land is in good condition, having of late years been Very much improved; the fields are contiguous to each other, and (in part) adjoins the London Road, to Ipfwich from Colchefter. The Truftes will meet at the Crown and Magpye Tavern, Aldgate, next White Chapel, on Wednefday the 9th day of June next, at twelve o'clock in the Forenoon precifely, when and where all perfons who intend to offer rent for the afotefaid farm, are defired to fend in their propofals, in writng, fealed up, figned, and place of refidence; in the mean time, a plan, and other particulars of the farm may befeen by applying to Wm. Quarrill, the treafurer, in White Chapel, Mr. Skutt, folicitor, Goodman's Fields, London . ] [J S living at 13 Great Alie Street, Goodman's Fields (1792).] [John Skutt, atto.-at-law, Tower Hamlets. 21 Feb 1794. (E.M. 246; G.M. 279.)] [Will of John Skutt 52yr., gentleman of St.Mary Whitechapel, Middlesex - PROB 11/1244. Vestry Clerk. J S bur:1794 Mar 10 Whitechapel also noted.]


  • Nascita: The Proceedings of the Old Bailey 1674-1913 [1784] / The Times, Saturday Apr 14 1792 pg.3
  • Morte: Musgrave's Obituaries prior to 1800 part 5
  • Sepoltura: Prerogative Court of Canterbury & related Probate Jurisdictions: Will Registers, Holman Quire 186-230 / IGI B00024-0

fino a 10 à 5 generazioni
Antenati      3  4  5 Albero d'ascendenza[horizontal tree]Tabella antenatiDisplay estesoEtà alla morteRami per cognomeMenu utilitari antenati
     ♦ Benjamin Skutt 1675-1742
     – Joanna Board †1711
Benjamin Skutt 1707-ca 1779
Martha Greene †1786

Fratelli Calcolo della parentela 👪 [family time line]Zii e zie
  1. Benjamin 1738-/1746
  2. William 1740-
  3. John ca 1741-1794
  4. Henry 1744-1745
  5. Henry John 1746-1746/
  6. Benjamin 1747-1818
  7. Timothy Featherstone-Haugh ca 1750-
  8. Eleanor Greene 1751-1824
