James Herring Peddie 1870-ca 1947

muligens 77 år

Fødsel den 6. april 1870 • England
Ekteskap med Ada Bryant den 24. november 1897 • 27 år • Leichhardt, NSW, Australia - All Souls C of E
Død ca 1947 • muligens 77 år • Australia

Notater A pretty wedding was celebrated at All Saints Church, Leichhardt, on Wednesday, November 24, when Mr. James Peddey, youngest son of Mr. R. Peddey, of Leichhardt, was married to Miss Ada Bryant, second daughter of Mr. W Bryant, of Lillian, Marion Street. The service was conducted by the Rev. T. Holmes. The bride, who was given away by her father, was dressed in a cream satin figured cloth, trimmed with cream satin lace and ribbon, together with wreath and veil, and carried a beautiful shower bouquet, gift of the bridegroom. She was attended by Miss Mary Bryant as bridesmaid,, who wore cream and buttercup silk, with hat to match. Mr. Charles Price acted as best man. After the ceremony the guests, numbering 60, assembled at Lillian, where a breakfast was partaken of and the usual toasts honoured. Among the invited guests were Mr & Mrs Bryant and Mr & Mrs Peddey, parents of the bride and bridegroom, Mr and Mrs A Bryant, Mr & Mrs W Bryant, Mr & Mrs K. Peddey, Mrs & Miss Rook, Mr & Mrs Scutts, Misses Hart, Parker, Scutts, Weat, Medlin, Mesdames HCMSC, Medlin, Canipoy, Ditchfield, Parker, Caldwell, Morris, Messrs F. Bryant, Meek, Barker, Coyle, McKew, Wilkins, and others. The presents were numerous and costly.


  • Fødsel: Steven Sinden
  • Ekteskap med Ada Bryant: Steven Sinden
  • Død: Steven Sinden


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