Sarah Galpin ca 1808-ca 1866

possiblament 57 ans

Naissença circa abril de 1808 • Dorchester, Dorset
 └ Filha de William Galpin, 34 ans, e Charlotte Clare, 36 ans.
Baptisme lo 24 de mai de 1808 • possiblament un mes • Dorchester, Dorset
[marriage event] amb Thomas Scutt lo 26 de mai de 1830 • possiblament 22 ans • Dorchester, Dorset - All Saints
[witnesses]: George Galpin Martha Galpin
Decès circa febrièr de 1866 • possiblament 57 ans • Bridgwater, Somerset

Nòtas [S S 57yr.] [This is the Last Will and Testament of me William Galpin of Dorchester in the County of Dorset, Cooper made and published this fifth day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty six in manner following that is to say: First: I give and devise and bequeath All that my messuage dwelling house or Inn called the Phoenix Inn together with the stables cellars and other buildings gardens rights members and appurtenances belonging thereto now in the possession of my son George Galpin as my tenant And also all that my messuage or dwelling house adjoining The Phoenix on the East side thereof with the rights members and appurtenances belonging thereto now in the occupation of Mr Clenister as my tenant. And also all that my new built Malthouse with its rights members and appurtenances in lying behind The Phoenix and now in the occupation of myself and my son William And also all that my messuage or dwelling house with the rights members and appurtenances thereto belonging now in the occupation of William Somer? and others as my tenants And which said messuages and hereditaments are situate in the parish of All Saints in Dorchester aforesaid and all other my freehold hereditaments and premises (if any) in that parish unto and to the use of my said son George GALPIN his heirs and assigns for ever Upon this condition nevertheless that he or they do and shall within the space of two years next after my death pay unto each of my daughters Charlotte, Eliza the wife of George Lock of Blandford Forum in the County of Dorset Innkeeper and Sarah the wife of Thomas Scutt of Preston in the County of Dorset Yeoman, or to their satisfaction respectively effectually secure to each of them the sum of one thousand pounds sterling together with interest for the same in the mean time at the rate of four pounds per cent per annum in equal half yearly payments And in case of default in the performance of this my condition by my said son. Then and in such case I give devise and bequeath all and singular the said Messuages or dwelling houses Inn Malthouse and other hereditaments above described with their respective rights members and appurtenances unto and to the use of and equally between my said Son and daughters Charlotte, Eliza and Sarah and their respective heirs and assigns for ever as tenants in common,And I give and bequeath unto my said son George the goodwill and right of carrying on my business of a cooper. And I give and bequeath all those my new built and other leasehold business situate on the east side of Gaol Lane in the parish of All Saints aforesaid which in their unimproved state I lately bought of Mrs MASTERS together with their respective rights members and appurtenances unto my son William Galpin his executors administrators and assigns for and during all my estate term and interest therein And also I give him my said son William the sum of two hundred pounds sterling Also I give and bequeath all that my leasehold messuage or dwelling house with the garden rights members and appurtenances thereto belonging situate on the Cornhill in the parish of Saint Peters in Dorchester aforesaid and now in the occupation of George CLARK Stationer as my tenant unto my son John his executors administrators and assigns for and during all my estate term and interest therein Also I give and bequeath All that my other leasehold messuage or dwelling house with the garden rights members and appurtenances thereto belonging situate on the Cornhill in the parish of Saint Peter aforesaid on the South side of the said last mentioned messuage or dwelling house and now in the occupation of Thomas Pouncy, Saddler as my tenant unto my daughter Martha her executors administrators and assigns for and during all my estate term and interest therein. All the Rest and Residue and Remainder of my estate and effects both real and personal and of every sort and kind and wherever situate after and subject to the payment of my just debts funeral and testamentary expenses and the charges of proving this my will; i give devise and bequeath the same and every part thereof unto and to the use and for the absolute benefit of and equally between all my said sons and daughters and their respective heirs executors administrators and assigns as tenants in common and I hereby nominate and appoint my said three sons George William and John joint executors of this my Will and here revoking all other wills by me at any time heretofore made I declare this only to be my last. In Witness whereof I the said Testator William Galpin have to this my last Will contained in two sheets of paper to the first thereof set my hand and to this seventh? and last my hand and seal the day and year first above written. Wm Galpin. Signed sealed published and declared by the said testator William Galpin as and for his last Will in the presence of us at his request in his presence and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as witnesses J Stone; G Symonds; J Bishop. Proved at London 10th February 1837 before the Judge by the oaths of George Galpin; William Galpin and John Galpin the sons the sole executors to whom administration was granted having been first sworn duly to administer.]

Maridatge amb Thomas Scutt

Thomas Scutt of the parish of Preston, a bachelor & Sarah Galpin, of this parish spinster were married (by licence) 26 May 1830


  • Naissença: Census 1841 Dorset & 1861 Somerset
  • [marriage event] amb Thomas Scutt: All Saints Dorchester Marriages 1800-1880 / IGI M00407-1
  • Decès: Bridgwater 5c 326

entrò 2 à 2 generacions
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William Galpin 1774-1837
Charlotte Clare 1772-1822

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