George Robert Scutt 1841-ca 1909

possiblament 68 ans

(1871-1911) gamekeeper
Naissença en 1841 • Wool, Dorset
 └ Filh de Edward Scutt, 24 ans, e Sarah Runyard, 23 ans.
Baptisme lo 21 de novembre de 1841 • naissença • Wool, Dorset
[marriage event] amb Isabella Pride lo 27 de mai de 1868 • 27 ans • East Lulworth, Dorset
Decès circa mai de 1909 • possiblament 68 ans • Long Ashton, Gloucestershire

Nòtas [Father E S - Wool, labourer.] [Bristol Mercury - Sat 25 Jan 1873. TORTWORTH - Poaching Assault. At the Petty Sessional Court, Wotton-under-Edge, on Monday, Henry Jones and James Hicks, labourers, of Crossways, near Toornbury, were brought up in custody before J. Long, Esq., and Mr. Serjeant Pullin, charged with poaching in the preserves of the Earl of Ducie, at Tortworth, and with violently assaulting George Bashrod, his lordship's head gamekeeper and his assistant, George Scutt. Prisoners were committed to take their trial at the next quarter session at Gloucester.] [Diary of a shoemaker of East Lulworth by Henry Rolls 1825 to 1873".] [G R S - 67yr.]

Maridatge amb Isabella Pride

G R S (26) - father: Edward Scutt. I P (24) - father:Robert Pride


  • Naissença: Wareham & C 8 120 / Census 1861-91 Dorset & 1881-1901 Devon
  • Baptisme: Wool Baptisms 1733-1841
  • [marriage event] amb Isabella Pride: Wareham 5a 527 / East Lulworth Marriages 1858-1920
  • Decès: Long Ashton 5c 368

entrò 44 à 19 generacions
Ascendents      3  4 Arbre d’ascendéncia[horizontal tree]Taula ascendentsAfichatge longAtge al decèsBrancas patronimicasMenu aisinas ascendents
     ♦ John Scutt 1777-1860
     ◊ Sarah Cosh 1783-1863
Edward Scutt 1817-ca 1863
Sarah Runyard 1818-1904
     – John Runyard
     – Sarah ------

Fraires e sòrres Calcul de parentat 👪 [family time line]Oncles e tantasNebots e nebodas
  1. Sarah 1839-1839
  2. George Robert 1841-ca 1909
  3. Joseph ca 1844-1908
  4. John Oliver ca 1846-1938
  5. Martha ca 1848-
  6. Leonard ca 1851-ca 1926
  7. Ellen ca 1853-ca 1934
  8. Sarah ca 1856-ca 1859
  9. Henry ca 1859-ca 1920
entrò 19 à 3 generacions
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