Francis Arthur Scutt ca 1863-1950

võib-olla 87 aastat

Sünd umbes oktoobril 1863 • Dorset
 └ William John Scutt ja Elizabeth Nutbeam, 27 aastat Poeg.
Ristimine 31. oktoobril 1863 • võib-olla sünd • Corfe Mullen, Dorset
[marriage event] 21. märtsil 1887 • võib-olla 23 aastat • Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA - St. Paul
Surm 15. oktoobril 1950 • võib-olla 87 aastat • Millswood, Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA
Matus • Pasadena, Mitcham City, SA, AUSTRALIA

Märkused [31-Oct, Francis Arthur Scutt, parents:William & Elizabeth Scutt, Bere Regis - miller.] [F A S bapt:1864 Feb 14 Bere Regis also noted.] [Census 1881 Essex/London - Corfuella, Dorset.] [Index of Inward Passenger Lists for British & Foreign Ports 1852-1889 (unassisted) - emigrated (arrived) 1884 Sep (ship Liguria).] [The Advertiser Saturday 15 July 1916 p15 Article. Exerpt ...... The Commission went through the books of the Commercial Milling Company with the manager Mr G. I. Wright; Others examined were Messrs. Francis A. Scutt, manager of the grocery department of Messrs. Fidler & Webb, Ltd.; John F. Palamountain, storekeeper: Charles M. Walters, manager Osbourne's Coffee Palace and bakery:] [The Argus (Melbourne) Wednesday 15 June 1932 p10 Article. Stawell - In the County Court Stephen O'Connor, painter, employed at the Ararat Asylum was examined as to an unsatisfied debt for £61/13/3 made in favour of J. J. Gollan and Co. and John Mcleod Pty. Ltd., assignees of the estate of Frank Scutt. O'Connor admitted the debt, and said that the reason it was not paid was that he had other debts. He had tried to pay by degrees. Judge Maclndoe ordered O' Connor to pay £1 a fortnight, or be imprisoned for one month.] [The Advertiser Saturday 22 October 1938 p21 Article. Tantanoola Mr. A. Scutt who has been a resident of Tantanoola for the past 19 years, was the guest of honor at a farewell held in the Presbyterian Church. Mr. Scutt is going to Glenelg. The Rev. K. C. Billing spoke in appreciation of the services Mr. Scutt had given as secretary and treasurer of the church. His remarks were supported by Messrs. H. Cameron, Walker, H. Osborn, and W. Haines. A framed address and a silver mounted walking stick were presented to Mr. Scutt.] [The Advertiser (Adelaide) Monday 16 October 1950 p16 Family Notices. Scutt, On October 15, at the residence of his daughter Mrs. A. T. Cooke, 194 Goodwood Road, Millswood Estate - Francis Arthur, loving father of Frank (Melbourne), Louie (Mrs Howland), and Olive (Mrs. A.T. Cooke) and the late Everard. Aged 87 years. The Advertiser (Adelaide) Monday 16 October 1950 p16 Family Notices. Scutt, The Friends of the late Mr. Francis Arthur Scutt are respectfully informed that his funeral will leave the residence of his daughter (Mrs. A. T. Cooke, 194 Goodwood Road, Millswood Estate, on Monday, at 2.45pm for the Centennial Park Cemetery. Alfred James & Sons, A.F.D.A., Funeral Directors.]

[marriage with] Anne Olliver

Francis Arthur Scutt (23) single - father:William Jones Scutt. Ann Oliver (27) single - father:Augustus Oliver


  • Ristimine: Wimbourne 5a 274 / Corfe Mullen Baptisms 1813-1880 / IGI
  • [marriage event] koos Anne Olliver: South Australian Marriages, Registrations 1842-1916 Book/Page:150/1046
  • Surm: The Advertiser (Adelaide) [1950 Oct 16]
  • Matus: Centennial Park Cemetery

kuni 42 à 20 sugupõlved
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     ♦ Richard Roberts Scutt ca 1813-ca 1886
     – Sarah Maria Jones †1886
William John Scutt 1839-1904
Elizabeth Nutbeam ca 1836-1898

Õed ja vennad Suguluse leidmine 👪 [family time line]Onud ja tädidVenna- ja õelapsed
  1. Francis Arthur ca 1863-1950
  2. Amy Florence ca 1865-1958
  3. Ethel Maude ca 1867-1936
  4. Everard William ca 1868-1944
  5. Hugh Dudley ca 1869-1951
  6. Fanny Blanche ca 1870-ca 1956
kuni 13 à 2 sugupõlved
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