Senči -> Anthony Charles Raby Scutt

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SOSA;vārds;uzvārds;occ;tituls;dzimšana_diena;dzimšana_mēnesis;dzimšana_gads;dzimšana_vieta;nāve_diena;nāve_mēnesis;nāve_gads;nāve_vieta;nodarbošanās;vārds_[spouse];uzvārds_[spouse];occ_[spouse];ģimene_diena;ģimene_mēnesis;ģimene_gads;ģimene_vieta;[nb children];family_count;family_index
Paaudzi 1
1;Anthony Charles Raby;Scutt;5261;;;5;1940;New Forest district, Hampshire;;;;;Anthony Charles Raby Scutt, is a member of the Institute of Internal Auditors and is a Certified Internal Auditor in the United States.;Thithaip;Nguyen;0;29;4;1970;San Mateo, California, UNITED STATES of AMERICA;1;1;469
1;Anthony Charles Raby;Scutt;5261;;;5;1940;New Forest district, Hampshire;;;;;Anthony Charles Raby Scutt, is a member of the Institute of Internal Auditors and is a Certified Internal Auditor in the United States.;Phung;------;5658;;;;;0;2;470
- radniecība 19, friends 19