Cledah Mae O'Brien 1934-2010

76 anys, 27 dies

Naixement el 23 de novembre de 1934
 └ Filla de George Elmer O'Brien i Jacque D. Ellis.
[marriage event] amb Morris Vernon Scutt el 6 de desembre de 1952 • 18 anys • Owen, Indiana, UNITED STATES of AMERICA
Defunció el 20 de desembre de 2010 • 76 anys • 47403 Monroe, Indiana, UNITED STATES of AMERICA

Notes [Cleda Bryant also noted.] [M V S & C S (2005-10) living in BloomingtonCledah M. Scutt of Bloomington, Indiana, b:1934 Nov 23, passed away December 20. She was the wife of M. V. "Bud" Scutt, a retired evangelist, pastor (Michigan, Arkansas, Indiana), and district superintendent (New York, Northwestern Ohio, Southwest Indiana) in the Church of the Nazarene.]

[marriage with] Morris Vernon Scutt

M V S (18) - parents:Morris Edward Scutt & Bulah Irene Jewell. C M O'B (18) b:Alexandria, Madison, Indiana - parents:Geo Elmer O'Bryant & Jacque D Ellis


  • [marriage event] amb Morris Vernon Scutt: Indiana Marriages 1811-1959
  • Defunció: Global Ministry Center [2010 Dec 22]

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George Elmer O'Brien
Jacque D. Ellis

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