Forfedre til Marcia Ellen Scutt 1958

Forfedre til Marcia Ellen Scutt
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class="fa fa-venus femaleMarcia Ellen Scutt
21/09/1958 UNITED STATES of AMERICA class="fa fa-mars maleJames Heuer ca 1974 UNITED STATES of AMERICA 2 65 år  
class="fa fa-mars maleRandy Bills ca 1979 UNITED STATES of AMERICA 0
class="fa fa-mars maleDuane DuCharme 1985 UNITED STATES of AMERICA 0
class="fa fa-mars maleMichael Riecke Whitley, Indiana, UNITED STATES of AMERICA 0
class="fa fa-mars male------ Cortes etter 2000 UNITED STATES of AMERICA 0

Totalt: 1 personer.