Descendants de Betty Katherine Mason

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Personne Naissance Mariage Décès Âge Professions
Date Lieu Date Lieu Date Lieu
class="fa fa-venus femaleBetty Katherine Mason
22/12/1922 Corydon, Harrison, Indiana, UNITED STATES of AMERICA 5 18/08/2009 46725 Whitley, Indiana, UNITED STATES of AMERICA 86 ans
class="fa fa-mars male------ Eaton
° 0
class="fa fa-mars maleMorris Edward Scutt
20/06/1912 Evansville, Vanderburgh, Indiana, UNITED STATES of AMERICA 07/08/1946 Corydon, Indiana, UNITED STATES of AMERICA 5/6 10/05/2005 46725 Columbia City, Whitley, Indiana, UNITED STATES of AMERICA 92 ans Reverend