Ancestors of Santiago Francisco de Paula Felix Ramon Lutgardo Cecilio de la Santisima Trinidad Laborda

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Individual Birth Spouses Spouse Death Age Occupations
Date Place Date Place Date Place
1 about 11/20/1856 Sevilla, SPAIN - Calle Sierpes 12 class="fa fa-venus femaleEleanor McGuinn 1889 Paris, FRANCE 0 10/13/1925 Strood Green, London possibly 68 years old Barrister at Law
class="fa fa-venus femaleHarriet Hodder 07/13/1904 Edmonton Register Office, Middlesex/London 0
class="fa fa-venus femaleEliza Ellen Scutt 09/22/1906 London City - St Lawrence Jewry 3

Total: 1 individuals.

- connections 6, friends 6