Elvie Doreen Scudds 1927

97 лет

Рождение в 1927 • Pingelly, WA, AUSTRALIA
 └ Дочь Walter Oscar Scudds, 34 лет, и Dayl Emily Jane Jenkins, 34 лет.
[marriage event] с Norman Page Crawford в 1949 • 22 лет • Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA
[divorce event] в 1963 • 36 лет

Заметки [COUNTRY NEWS. The West Australian (Perth, WA :1879-1954) Friday 19 July 1935 p8 Article - A community concert, held in the Pingelly Town Hall on Wednesday July 3, attracted an audience of between 200 and 300. A most popular item competition for children resulted in the first prize being awarded for a piano forte duet by Vera and Elvey Scudds whilst Audrey Barrow, who contributed a pianoforte; solo, received the second prize. In response to numerous requests, the Musical Society will hold another community concert in the near future.] [The engagement is announced of Elvie Doreen, daughter of W.O. Scudds of Pingelly to Norman Page, younger son of the late Mr & Mrs. J.C. Crawford of Johannesburg, South Africa. National Archives of South Africa - Ref:3566/1963 Part1 Description : Illiquity Case, Divorce. Norman Page Crawford versus Elvie Doreen Crawford (nee Scudds).]

Брак с Norman Page Crawford

National Archives of South Africa - All Archives Repositories & National Registers of non-public records


  • Рождение: WA # [Beverley 104] / The West Australian [1935 Jul 19]
  • [marriage event] с Norman Page Crawford: WA # 619 / The West Australian [1949 Jan 12 p21] / Jack A. Imms

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Предки      3  4 Фамильное дерево[horizontal tree]Таблица предкиПодробноВ возрастеВетвь фамилииMenu инструменты предки
     ♦ John Henry Scudds 1851-1945
     ◊ Lavinia How 1865-1920
Walter Oscar Scudds 1893-1953
Dayl Emily Jane Jenkins 1893-1940

Братья или сесты Кому приходится 👪 [family time line]Дяди и тетиПлемянники и племянницы
  1. Phyllis May 1916-1982
  2. Daisy E. 1917
  3. Iris Maud 1919
  4. Vera J. 1926
  5. Elvie Doreen 1927
  6. Norma Clara 1933
  7. Graham 1938
  1. Со стороны Walter Oscar Scudds
    с Faith Sadie Milne ca 1912-2002:
  2. Raymond Oscar Malcolm 1942
  3. Leonard William Ross 1947-2011

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