Naissance le 8 octobre 1866 • Stirling East, SA, AUSTRALIA
 └ Fils de William Scudds, 39 ans, et Emma Carter, 39 ans.

Notes [IGI also states b:1872.] [The Argus (Melbourne,... Saturday 15 April 1893, page 11). THE SHEPPARTON CRIMINAL SESSIONS, SHEPPARTON, FRIDAY. At to-day's sittings of the Supreme court, Mr. Justice Hodges presiding, Joseph Scudds pleaded guilty to a charge of assaulting a girl under 16 at Mnlca, near Rushworth. The judge, in passing sentence, said that the case was a very bad and a very sad one. The girl seduced was nearly related to the prisoner, her mother was dead, her father was absent, and the prisoner, who should have been her protector, had been her destroyer. The sentence was six months imprisonment, with periods of solitary confinement, and 15 lashes.] [South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA :1839-1900) Sunday 16 April 1893 p5 Article... COLONIAL TELEGRAMS. VICTORIA, Melbourne. April 14. At the sitting of the Supreme Court at Shepparton today Mr. Justice Hodges sentenced Joseph Scudd to six months imprisonment and fifteen lashes for indecently assaulting a girl under the age of sixteen years.]


  • Naissance : SA # 47/433 / IGI / The Argus [1893 Apr 15]

jusqu’à 14 à 7 générations
Ascendants      3  4 Arbre d’ascendanceArborescence ascendanteTableau ascendantsAffichage completÂge au décèsBranches patronymiquesMenu outils ascendants
     ♦ James Scudds 1807-1867
     – Mary ------ ca 1803-ca 1867
William Scudds ca 1827-1906
Emma Carter 1827-1881

Fratrie Calcul de parenté 👪 Chemin le plus court ♆Chronologie de la familleOncles et tantesNeveux et nièces
  1. James William ca 1847-1915
  2. Anne 1849-1850
  3. John Henry 1851-1945
  4. Anne 1852-
  5. William 1855-1940
  6. Samuel 1856-1929
  7. Mary 1858-
  8. Emma Elizabeth 1859-1921
  9. Samson 1860-1960
  10. Rachel 1861-1946
  11. Anne 1863-1950
  12. Benjamin 1865-1911
  13. Joseph 1866-
  14. Eve 1868-1951
  15. Mary Ann 1871-