William John Scutts ca 1866-ca 1936

possiblament 69 ans

Naissença circa mai de 1866 • Chelsea, London
 └ Filh de William Scutts, 30 ans, e Harriet Collins.
Baptisme lo 24 de junh de 1866 • possiblament un mes • Chelsea, London - St Luke
[marriage event] lo 3 d'agost de 1890 • possiblament 24 ans • Dartford, Kent - Holy Trinity
[witnesses]: William Whitehead Rose Tyrrell
[marriage event] lo 6 de febrièr de 1909 • possiblament 42 ans • Dartford, Kent - Holy Trinity
[witnesses]: James Keep Eliza Janne Fisher
Decès circa febrièr de 1936 • possiblament 69 ans • Dartford district, Kent

Nòtas [W J S (24) bachelor, carman, living at Hadlow Place - father:William Scutts, butler. F T (22) spinster, living at Lowfield Street - father Levi, fishmonger. Bride signs X.] [W J S was witness to the marriage between James Turrell & Martha Wilson 1897 Dec 25 Dartford, also between Alfred Croad & Minnie Turrell at 1901 Jan 26 Dartford.] [Holy Trinity. W J S (43) widower, carman, living at Trevithick Road - father:William Scutts, butler. E J H (44) spinster, living at Lowfield Street - father:Edmund Heron, postman. Witnesses:James Keep & Eliza Janne Fisher. Eliza Jane Fisher signs x. William Scutts & Edmund Heron both deceased.] [W J S - 69yr.]

Maridatge amb Ellen Jane Heron

E J H spinster


  • Naissença: Chelsea 1a 214 / Census 1871 Huntingdonshire-81 London (Middlesex)-91-1901 Kent
  • [marriage event] amb Fanny Tyrrell: Dartford 2a 796 / FreeReg 56
  • [marriage event] amb Ellen Jane Heron: Dartford 2a 746 / FreeReg 91
  • Decès: Dartford 2a 1109

entrò 6 à 4 generacions
Ascendents      3  4 Arbre d’ascendéncia[horizontal tree]Taula ascendentsAfichatge longAtge al decèsBrancas patronimicasMenu aisinas ascendents
     – John Scutts 1789-1845
     ♦ Jane Wright ca 1807-1881
         – Joseph Wright ca 1782-
         – Sarah ------ ca 1782-
William Scutts ca 1836-1879
Harriet Collins

Fraires e sòrres Calcul de parentat 👪 [family time line]Oncles e tantasNebots e nebodas
  1. William John ca 1866-ca 1936
  2. Harry ca 1869-1940
