John Homer Scutt ca 1855-1925

ehkä 69 vuotta vanha

Syntymä noin kesäkuussa 1855 • Iwerne-Minster, Dorset
 └ John Thomas Homer Scutt, 27 vuotta vanha, ja Louisa Adelaide Fry, 22 vuotta vanha Poika.
Kaste 25. joulukuuta 1855 • ehkä 6 kuukautta vanha • Iwerne-Minster, Dorset
Avioliitto sekä Mary Amelia Fowler 5. elokuuta 1885 • ehkä 30 vuotta vanha • Winterbourne Whitechurch, Dorset
Avioliitto sekä Mabel Eliza Babington noin 19. lokakuuta 1904 • ehkä 49 vuotta vanha • Northam & Appledore, Devon
Kuolema 5. toukokuuta 1925 • ehkä 69 vuotta vanha • Poole, Dorset
Hautaus 8. toukokuuta 1925 • ehkä 69 vuotta vanha • Longfleet, Dorset

Lisätietoja [Western Gazette, Somerset Fri 07 Aug 1885. Aug the 5th at Winterbourne Whitechurch by the Rev. G H Wynn, rector assisted by Rev. Langford, vicar of Bere Regis, Mr. John Homer Scutt to Miss Mary Fowler, eldest daughter of Mr. R Fowler of Whitechurch.] [North Devon Journal Thu 27 Oct 1904. Scutt- Babington. October 19 at the Parish Church, Northam, the Rev. Preb. M D Dimond - Churchward, John Homer Scutt, of Seldown Tower, Poole, to Mabel E Babington, of Urney, Northam.] [Western Gazette - Friday 22 September 1916. Dorset Farmers Effort for the Red Cross. The second annual jumble sale on behalf of the Dorsetshire Branch of the British Farmers Red Cross Fund, of which Mr. J. Homer Scutt, of Poole, is the county honorary secretary, was held at the Dorchester Cattle Market Wednesday. Lord Digby of Minterne, was president, and Mr William of chairman of the Organising and Working Committee, and the arrangements were again ably made by the two Joint Honorary Secretaries, whose spirited efforts a year ago ensured so great a success the first sale, namely, Mr. J J Wyatt, of Middle Farm, and Mr. A J Scutt, of Castle Farm. All three firms of Dorchester auctioneers, Messrs. T Ensor & Son, Messrs, Henry Duke & Son, and Messrs. & Sampson kindly gave their services and those of their staff free of all charge. The Countess of Shaftesbury, who, as wife of H.M. Lieutenant for Dorset (Brigadier-General the Earl of Shaftesbury, X.C.V.0.), is president of the Red Cross Dorset, had been announced to declare the sale open and to sell the first bullock had proved a decided draw.] [Western Gazette, Somerset, Friday 16 October 1925. Sales Order of the Exors. of the Late J. Homer Scutt, Esq. Seldown Towers, Seldown, Poole, Dorset, a beautiful position, adjoining and overlooking Poole Park, commanding fine views over Poole Harbour and the Purbeck Hills. The Attractive and Commodius Leasehold Residence, known as Seldown Towers, containing Three Reception-rooms, Eight Bedrooms, Bath-room, Kitchen, and Usual Offices, standing in well laid-out Pleasure Grounds of about Half-an-Acre. Messrs. F G Wheatley & Son Will Offer the above for Sale Auction (unless Sold previously by Private Treaty), At 102 High Street, Poole, On Thursday, 22nd October 1925, at Three p.m. Particulars and Conditions of Sale may be obtained from Messrs. Bowen & Symes, Solicitors, 9 and 10, East Street, Weymouth; or the Auctioneers, 102 High Street, Poole. Tuesday, October 20th, 1925.] [J H S - 70yr., lived in Seldon Towes, Poole. To (George) Percival (Symes) Scutt (bank manager) & Gustavus Phelps Symes.]

Aviopuoliso(t) Mary Amelia Fowler

Banns:1885 Jul 19.


  • Syntymä: Wareham 5a 311 / Census 1881 Dorset-1891 Yorkshire
  • Kaste: IGI C02431-0
  • Avioliitto sekä Mary Amelia Fowler: Blandford 5a 441 / Western Gazette [1885 Aug 07]
  • Avioliitto sekä Mabel Eliza Babington: Bideford 5b 1087 / North Devon Journal [1904 Oct 27]
  • Kuolema: Poole 5a 253 / Wills 1925

saakka 44 à 19 sukupolvet
Esivanhemmat      3  4 Esipolvitaulu[horizontal tree]Taulukko esivanhemmatLaaja esitysElinikäSukuhaaratMenu työkalut esivanhemmat
         ♦ John B. Scutt 1758-1837
         ♦ Anne Compton 1774-1805
     ♦ William Scutt 1795-1873
     – Mary Ann Homer ca 1801-ca 1883
John Thomas Homer Scutt 1828-1886
Louisa Adelaide Fry ca 1833-1913
     – John Fry ca 1791-
     – Susan ------

Sisarukset Sukulaisuuslaskelma 👪 [family time line]Sedät, enot ja täditSisarusten lapset
  1. Tom Homer ca 1853-ca 1940
  2. John Homer ca 1855-1925
  3. Douglas William ca 1856-1884
  4. Walter Henry ca 1859-1947
  5. Jane ca 1859-1905
  6. Alfred Homer ca 1861-ca 1947
  7. Harold ca 1863-1864
  8. Reginald S. ca 1864-ca 1948
  9. Arthur Octavius 1865-1957
  10. Annie Louise ca 1867-
  11. Percival S. ca 1869-ca 1954
  12. George Decimus Homer ca 1870-ca 1956
  13. Ernest Wellington ca 1871-1904
  14. Charles Lionel ca 1872-1876
  15. Mary Gwendoline ca 1874-
saakka 30 à 4 sukupolvet
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